Thread: Amateur radio
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Old 09-10-2008, 06:24 PM   #22
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Default Re: Amateur radio

We have drake 3 transceivers and hallicrafter model S382 transceiver, we are still looking for dc power supplies for the drake (we have a DC 3 and TR 3). Most of our stuff is tube because it is impervious to the electromatic pulse of nuclear bombs. My husband was in the coast guard for 14 years active duty and 3 years reserve, the field he worked in was electronics/communications.
We also have a Ham Radio and Morse Code software course and exams which we have not completed yet. We also have schematics for almost all the tube radios out there on CD's. We also have antennas.
Does anyone know of a source for dc power supplies?
We have a lot of other miscellaneous radio equipment, always had the intention of getting Ham radio operator license. So now may be the time to get going on this project. I spent some time in Ecuador with some Christinan Missionaries and he was a Ham Operator, this is of course how he communicated with friends and families in the states. This is what sparked my interest in this area and because of my husband 's background in the coast guard in electronics/communications, he will be working on the technical part of repairing the old equipment.
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