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Old 12-31-2008, 07:42 PM   #205
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: What is 2012? (or "The Great Harvest")

Originally Posted by orthodoxymoron View Post
What if we simply keep getting recycled back into earth civilization...whether we are good or bad? What if this earth really is our home? I kind of think we need to create heaven on earth for all of us...not just for those who finally get it right. I believe in a high standard of ethical behavior...but I don't believe in excluding people from the party. These are just my thoughts. They are not channelled from Ramtha or recieved on a Pleiadian craft. What I worry about is what I perceive to be an evil spirit and evil alien infestation of planet earth. I would rather have good spirits and good aliens living with us...or at least visiting us from time to time...without being tormented for thousands of years by the 'bad-guys'. Perhaps December 21, 2012 is Judgment Day in a Cosmic Custody Case with all of us being the children. I tend to think that we currently have very abusive parents. I would like to see the current tenants of the DUMB's evicted in 2012.
Not so much abusive parents as opportunistic nannies.

Yes, their time is about to expire. We will gain our freedom, we have been told (I would not have been so sure if I had not been told). How it will come about is not so easy to see right now, - but it will happen.

I think we are 'healing the world and making it a better place, for you and for me and the en'tire human race' to say it with Michael Jackson. And we have all been invited to the healing party. Those that leave at various points, go to places agreed upon in advance, pre-incarnation.

'The harvest' is an illuminati misconception, something that they have made many mysteries around. As long as they perceive themselves as being on the checkerboard, they are as low as the 'sheeple' they despise or take pity upon.

It is only when we withdraw from the gameboard they can achieve a necessary shift in perception, and when that happens, they are on the midway path. They will cease to see themselves as teachers, they will be walking side-by-side, realizing that the learning goes both ways.

I read the Ra material 20 years ago, and I had to put the relevancy to what %? Truth is, I put it away. % of STS and STO is nonsensical, in my view, especially when it is said: If you only muster 51% you are on the safe side.

Neither is karma about reward and punishment, it is about balancing the experiences of several parallell lifetimes.

What matters is a shift in perception. We see a higher reality and in that reality the checkerboard game of black and white as played out in a dualistic 3D is seen for the illusion it is. THEN we REMEMBER our true identity as soverign and integrated in the I AM, as we always have been and always will be. We will then forgive ourselves and each other for having made the game so realistic that we became lost in it.

'The midway path' is where dualities merge. We do not become identical, we retain our uniqueness, but we see each other as an equal part of the whole.

For many of us it will be on this planet in a higher octave.

I wish all of us the strength we need to get thru 2009. It could be a bumpy road ahead, some will need more help than others. The healing party is also about helping each other thru the rough spots.

Last edited by Josefine; 12-31-2008 at 10:31 PM.
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