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Old 12-23-2009, 04:14 PM   #8
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Psy Attack from the 'exopoliticians'?

Thank you for the welcome, Barry -- i'll be posting a question for you on your thread soon

i agree, Eleni, that the exopolitical movement has been infiltrated by off-planet beings who do not have the best interests of humans at heart -- or it may have been planned that way from the start -- what was saddening & alarming to me while on the prepare4contact forum was the number of posters who were all too willing to give their power away to any & all ETs [tho some of these posters were likely working to shape herd opinion]

Orthodoxymoron -- i also think that since the big post-Operation Paperclip push, most contacts have been w/the bad guys -- tho i am thinking that w/the increasing energies of Light, that it is becoming easier to contact the Good Guys -- it definitely is a spiritual war going on -- i went after the exopoliticians for a while, but no longer

Peace & Freedom, wynderer
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