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Old 04-20-2009, 08:05 PM   #4
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Default Re: World Trade Centre..... yeah i know...not again READ THIS !

Dear Dave,
I have never met you, nor do i know what you look like, but dammit, you are the funniest human being I have ever come across in my entire span of years.

Boeing cigarette lighter. That killed me and I had to stop reading for a small while to dry my eyes.

Let me entertain your hypothesis then. Nano thermite application. Considering that the building underwent considerable re-wiring in the days leading up to 9-11, it could be feasible that thermite cutting charges were laid across strategic junctions in the steel structure.

Engineers who deal with explosives will know that an explosive could readily be hidden inside a normal yellow 1/4 inch 'power cable' and no civilian would ever be the wiser.

So, yes thermite charges could of been laid. Now onto the basement explosion.

Ever thought about why this was such a glossed over / covered up subject? Bear with me - I propose its all about the conductivity of the metallic structure of the building.

Now, you need some thing extremely hot - 3000 degrees plus to degrade steel structures, you also need it cut to collapse it because as you will be aware of the tolerance steel has to undergo to be used in buildings. It would of sagged, not snapped / split straight away - the tolerance would decrease as heated, not failed all at once. Or there is another choice of application. Electricity.

Ever thought of that Dave? a weapon that explodes and produces huge amounts of electrical current that would of spread from top to bottom and super heated the steel in a split second. The Bosnian war saw such weapons dropped from B-2 stealth bombers. So why not a super massive version in the basement?


massive heat application from the bottom up, the 'airplane' slapping into the side was supposed to be at exactley the same time, but was a minute or so out and hence we have sesmic proof of the first huge explosion.

The aircraft designed as a visual aid if you like, destined to play a major part in the illusion. Now, as the plane hit, it was all supposed to be hidden by the massive fireball, and in my opinion it was all supposed to go off in one fell swoop - what we actually witnessed was a botched operation done in a hurry and miss timed. I honest to God feel it was supposed to go 'whack, down' with no time lag.

Do you want to know what I think Dave? I think they messed it up and also forgot to calculate in the effectiveness of a vacuums ability to stop the thermal spread of what ever they planned to bring down the buildings with.

In short, it was the sealed lift chambers that saved the building as it prevented that sudden catastrophic failure by acting as a barrier, and hence the buildings stood for longer than they should of. Neither heat or anything else can cross a vacuum as effectively as it can through air.

All in all, I see it as a planned demolition using advanced weapon grades materials only available to the United States from their very own laboratories.

In a nutshell - current applied, charges explode and at the very same time plane hits and building collapses.

Oh and a vast electric current would explain the water vapour in the concrete getting broiled and it turning to dust - no water, no concrete.
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