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Old 06-06-2009, 09:15 PM   #1224
777 The Great Work
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Default Re: X men - 5 Dollar Ft. long Subs-cryptionite

Flight 447 disappeared with 12 crew members and 216 passengers from 32 nations on board, including 61 people from France. The Sunday night flight was bound for Paris from Rio de Janeiro when all contact was lost after it hit fierce storms over the Atlantic.

447= star gate
12 members = solar Plexus
32 nations = 32 vertabrae
61 people =Revelations 6:1 the openning of the 7 seals Ie Chakras

Atlas supports the illusion of duality in Gemini.He holds up the two pillars.This is why they speak of the Atlantic Ocean.

Atlant-ic= Ice rising and floating at 32 degrees

When Atlas Shruggs ,the illusion will fall, and Atlantis will Rise out of the ocean Ie Kundalini. The Concentric rings of Zero point will sweep the cosmos.

Plato,who is probly fictional, tells about the unique architecture of Atlantis.He mentions 3 types of stone that was incorporated into the construction. One kind of stone was white, another red and a third black, and that the hillsides displayed veins of red, white, and black marble alongside deposits of every kind of precious metal.

We are told that Atlantean architects used this red, white and black marble to design their buildings with these same three colours tastefully combined and contrasted.

The theme of the RED, WHITE and BLACK are related to different states of consciousness based on the Trinity.

The Red and White are interchangeable but relate to the male-female, positive-negative polarities. The Black is the neutral, as found in the midpoint between the opposites and also at the apex – the neutral point of convergence.

This also can be associated with red blood cells, white blood cells and dark matter.

These three colours also relate to the Kundalini Chakra system and the two nerve channels symbolised by the serpents of the Caduceus , the male Pingala (red), the female Ida (white) and the central Sushumna (black).

I won't rule out the possibility that these colors were actually associated with a city called Atlantis,but the more i investigate,I find that many of the stories that we have been told are myth, based on physicological truths.Even the Dinosaurs are myth. I'll Xplain latter.

We find in Hindu cosmology, the god Shiva is red, Vishnu-Krishna is blue-black and Brahma is white.This reveals that we are again dealing with an Esoteric code, which has been spread worldwide and obviously from the same source.

Also in another Hindu myth of Manidvipa is there's a story of destruction in which 3 races – red, white and black races – and in a special kind of Ark. The Hindu trinity, Shiva, Shava and Shakti, are often depicted fleeing their destroyed world the ‘Island of the Jewels.

The three aspects of the Hindu god also correspond to the three sons of Noah, who each symbolize the three different colored races of mankind. Again, we can see the symbolic Tripple code being used, both on an individual level, as regards the three aspects of Self – one’s consciousness – and also on a collective level as the three aspects or ‘races’ of man.

Then there is Upper Egypt in the south, which was signified by White, Lower Egypt in the north, which was signified by Red and The Nile itself and the soil around the Nile, was Black – as the ancient name of Egypt, Khem, which means ‘black’ verifies the code. It’s here ,where the name Al-Chem-y derived, and as we know the art of alchemy is all about the fusion of opposites.

Ameri KA is the Physical representation of the rising Kindalini-A new Atlantis.

In Plato’s dialogue, Critias, we are told that Poseidon, Greek god of the sea and also of earthquakes, was given Atlantis, and there he fell in love with a mortal maiden called Cleito. Cleito lived on a hill in Atlantis, and to prevent anyone reaching her home, Poseidon encircled the hill with alternate rings of land and water, “two of land and three of water, which he turned as with a lathe”. He also laid on abundant supplies of food and water to the hill, “bringing up two springs of water from beneath the earth, one of warm water and the other of cold, and making every variety of food to spring up abundantly from the soil”.

We can also interpret this detail of the concentric ringed hill as symbolism or allegory, as it surely points to the shamanic concept of the seven-levelled, concentric sphere we saw earlier associated with the sphere of consciousness.
This is the samme sphere in the vatican cout yard

For instance, in Hindu and Buddhist cosmography there exists a central mountain called Mt Meru. Around this central mountain, which acts like the hub of a wheel, there are again seven concentric circles of water, each separated by seven circles of land including a range of golden mountains.

Returning to the Atlantis myth, the hill on which Cleito lives encircled by alternate rings of earth and water, is obviously based on the shamanic world mountain or ‘primordial mound’ of creation as we have seen in the stepped pyramid, the Mesopotamian Ziggurats and even Silbury Hill. The earth and water correspond with the male and female opposites, and the two springs – one warm and one cold, correspond with the two opposite nerve channels – the Pingala, which channels the hot, active “fiery” energy related to the male, and the Ida, which channels the cooling energy related to the female.

Notice the Ra in the center at Zero point Flat lined.Atlantis is Rising

Last edited by 777 The Great Work; 06-07-2009 at 12:11 AM.
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