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Old 06-04-2009, 05:53 PM   #2072
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Originally Posted by Malletzky View Post
Dear friends, strange things are happening these days...indeed strange.

Once again I got the confirmation that there are no coincidences in this plane of existence. All input and download that I received in the last few months is just unbelievable...but few years ago, it should have been just beyond any imagination that I could ever understand what's going on and what does all this mean.

I for example have already heard of Drunvalo for some time...but never really had the "urge" to read his books or watch his presentations...until recently...and my mind is expanding extraordinary since then. And this is just one example of many.

So my conclusion is that YES, right now, and it is meant to be like that, I'm reading the "right" books, see the "right" videos, meet the "right" likeminded souls and so on...

It all happens with a purpose...each situation triggers something new in me...I became more sensitive of the present vibrations...and I sense that a lot of changings are going on right heart is full of joy as I sense these comming changes, which just confirms my "knowing", the knowing which is deep in my heart, that the possible outcome is taking a positive path.

I can sense the joy of all of you out there, the joy of comming together, of respecting each other, of loving each other...I can sense the joy of our present, but much more the joy of our "future" life...

I wouldn't say that I sense that we don't have much time left...but we're close to something big, really big...which will change our present existence...for good.

Stay as you are dear friends, find even more love in your hearts and share...share until it hurts...share your love with joy and passion...LOVE!

what a truly loverly person you are Malletzky !
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