Thread: Energy vampires
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Old 11-28-2009, 04:25 AM   #30
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Energy vampires

Rituals for Energy Replenishment

Just as strengthening your immune system keeps you healthy despite constant exposure to germs, cultivating positive energy lessens your vulnerability to vampire attacks. Start by looking at what's around you--you can draw positive energy from the foods you eat, the music you listen to, even the colors you wear.

"Physical energy has a great impact on emotional energy, and vice versa". To keep both plentiful, get ample sleep, eat vitamin-rich foods, exercise each day, and monitor your stress levels. "When you're tired, burnt out, or sick, you're more susceptible to vampire assaults".

Spiritual replenishment--via meditation, prayer, or other practices--also enhances your vitality. Try these daily rituals to bring more good vibes into your life:

Say "thank you." Gratitude wards off negativity. Taking a daily 10-minute "thank-you walk" to zero in on pressing matters. If you're at work and dreading a meeting that's coming up, then take a walk around your office and say to yourself, "I know I'm stressed about this meeting, but I'm grateful for the opportunity to have it."

Start a success journal. Devote a few minutes to recording each day's accomplishments, big and small. The more you focus on success, the more success you create.

Do a 3-minute meditation. You don't need to overhaul your routine to fit in a rejuvenating meditation practice. For three minutes each day, go to a quiet space, sit down, turn off your cellphone, and concentrate on taking deep, slow breaths. Focus on a positive image, like a child's face or a red apple.

Check your emotional health. If there's a problem you're struggling with a breakup you can't get over, dissatisfaction with your career, you've made yourself a target. The vampires that get to us reflect what we haven't worked out in ourselves. But if we begin to heal, there isn't the same pull.

Be accountable. Observe how and with whom you choose to spend your time. Take inventory of the people in your life, list the ones who energize you and the ones who drain you. While it may be impossible to rid your life of energy vampires altogether, you can choose to spend more time with the friends and family members who help your spirit shine. You'll likely end up finding your way to people who bring more radiance into your life. If we work on our energy needs, we begin to attract people with more positive energy.;col1
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