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Old 04-22-2009, 06:29 AM   #17
Edward Alexander
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 158
Default Re: a little about me just thought i should share

Nice story!

I happen to have my share of experience with Out of Body Experiences, or Astral Projection as its also called, and I think this quote from my website might be of your interest:

This and following posts on the same topic will, hopefully, aid you in your progress towards achieving an astral projection, and also many more after the initial first one. Perhaps you’ve already had one, or many for that sake, in any case I hope that you will at least get some new ideas and things to work with from this and coming posts.

Even though it is targeted towards beginners and those not experienced with astral projection and out of body experiences, even those whom may be advanced astral projectors may find something of interest here. But in general, it is basically going through the fundamental topics regarding astral projection and how to achieve it.

Did you know that the governments have practiced and still practices similar abilities? Most famous is the CIA Remote Viewing Program, also often referred to as CIA’s Psychic Spies – which official name was “Project Stargate”.

So, I hope you will find this guide about astral projection useful, informative and practical – and that you’ll be able to experience some of those great realms out there and beyond time and space!

CHAPTER 1: Explanation of Astral Projection
So what exactly is Astral Projection? Perhaps you are familiar with it or have some idea about it already, but here I will give a general description of what it is.
Astral Projection, is per my definition, the ability to send your mind out of your physical body and into your astral counterpart body. Or you may say, to shift your awareness from your physical body to your astral body, and thus be in control of your astral body instead of your physical body.

The Astral Body is not your soul (although it may seem so), rather it is one of your other finer spiritual bodies. We are multidimensional beings, and thus have multiple bodies spanning through different astral planes and other dimensions.

The key is to learn to shift your awareness to, or send your mind into, these other bodies, so you become fully aware and conscious apart from your physical body within the different realms of the different astral bodies.

For now, I will use the term “astral body” for all such other bodies we have that are of a non-physical nature.

We also have a different type of astral body, often called “Etheric body”, which do not in any circumstance leave your physical body. This astral, or etheric body if you like, is fixed permanently to our physical body until the moment of death, when it will finally be released. This etheric body may be considered as the “life force” or “spirit” of our physical body.

To keep things more or less simple, I will only take into consideration these three bodies in this book: The Physical Body, The Etheric Body, and the Astral Body. In addition I will talk about The Mind, which is your being, your thoughts, your sense of self, which you can transfer through these different bodies with proper training.

The Physical Body is your normal everyday physical self in this physical world. This is the one most people are most familiar with, and most often the only one they are familiar with, as we spend a lot of time here in the physical world, unaware of our other spiritual bodies. Usually our Etheric Body, Astral Body and our Mind is contained within our Physical Body.

The Etheric Body is your “soul” or “life force”, your “energy”, or whatever term you would like to use. It is permanently fixed within your physical body and can not be projected out of your physical body until the moment of physical body’s death. If you transfer your Mind into this body, you may experience astral sight and sensations, but not be able to move or do anything else than just staying there in bed. It can feel like being in your astral body, and many people mistake the Etheric Body for their Astral Body, and try to go out of the body, which of course will not be successful. It remains in your body when you astral project, so your body is never left “empty”, you are always connected to it through the Etheric Body which is linked to your Astral Body.

Now this is the body we should take our interest in here, as this Astral Body is the one you can travel within, and out of your physical body, and experience yourself out of body here in the physical world, in the universe, or even travel to higher spiritual realms (or Astral Planes as they are often called).
This body is the one you will, hopefully, learn to project your mind to from this book, and thus be able to project this Astral Body out of your Physical Body. Consider all these bodies different vessels, for your mind to be able to travel around and interact in these different worlds, dimensions and planes.

The Mind is of course “you”, your awareness and conscious self. Your Mind is mostly fixed to your physical body, within your physical brain, and thus most people experience themselves as located in their heads. The Mind is what controls your body, makes you able to interact and move around, both when you are in the Physical Body or the Astral Body.

Occasionally, we may find ourselves within one of the other bodies without knowing what is really happening – this is the case of for example sleep paralysis. This is a state where your mind is focused and active within either your etheric body or astral body, and thus you are unable to move as you lay there in bed, as you are not aware of this fact and try move your physical body. In other words, you may feel like you are awake and in your physical body, but actually you are within your etheric body, which you can not move and this makes you feel like your physical body is paralyzed and cant move.

To get to the basics first: Don't try to astral project at night or when you are very tired, as this most certainly will lead you to black out / fall asleep instead of having a successful projection. Are you doing it in the night? If so this is probably the reason why you fail. The best time of day to astral project is in the morning just when you've waked up, or in the middle of day or afternoon / evening. The night is usually the worst time to try as your body and mind is too tired then. Morning is usually the best of them all, as your mind and body is rested, and already in a close state to astral projection from just having slept, so if you just lay still and try to project then this can be successful.

Here is a couple methods you may want to try out:

1. -Wake up, Get up, and go back to bed:

This means, you should put your alarm clock to wake you a bit earlier than normal, lets say 6 hours of sleep and then make your alarm clock wake you up. Then, get up from bed, and do something for 30 min to 1 hour to get yourself awake - it is STRONGLY helpful if you spend this time with reading some books or other material about astral projection as this will affect your subconscious mind to make it easier for you to astral project.

In any case, after 30min to 1 hour, go back to bed, and do any astral projection method and you may find that it is much easier to get into the state of mind needed and then project from there.

2. The "Stay awake" method:

Here you simply go to bed when you are tired and have your eyes open. You may blink of course now and then so your eyes doesnt dry up. The point is to just lie in your bed with your eyes open just like if you are awake and just look around in the room and notice everything in the room, take care of looking at all details and making it imprinted into your mind, just lie there in bed with your eyes open until you pass out / fall asleep from being too tired. At this point you may find yourself in your astral body, or in the astral state ready to project, because your body is asleep but your mind/astral body should still be awake as you forced yourself to stay awake - it was your body falling asleep. To enhance this method you can repeat over and over some times like a mantra or self-suggestion in your mind "When my body falls asleep, I will be awake in my astral body and project" - this can increase the effect and program your mind to automatically become aware inside your astral body when you fall asleep.

3. Self suggestions:

This is basically like last part of the above mentioned method, but instead you do any astral projection method of your choice, and you simply say to yourself over and over "When my body falls asleep, I will be awake in my astral body and project" or something similar, for example "I will now enter my astral body and project out of my physical" etc. You get the Idea. Keep repeating this self suggestion until you fall into sleep.

4. Imagine yourself where you want to go:

In this method, you simply go to bed, and you think of the place you want to project- it can be as simple as your own bedroom. The point is to try visualize the place, lets use your bedroom in this example, as good as possible and feel yourself being there. Now, in this example since you are imagining that you are in your bedroom, you should focus your attention and awareness on a specific place in the bedroom away from your physical body. This can be for example the ceiling - imagine yourself floating right under your ceiling, try to really FEEL yourself being up there and how it would feel to float there right under the ceiling. At one point you may feel yourself starting to vibrate or float, then try to increase this feeling and make it stronger, until you separate and find yourself floating under the ceiling. This method is specially useful if you already are able to get into the astral projection state without trouble, when in this state just do as I described. It also helps using self suggestions here too like in the examples mentioned above.
You can of course also use any other "target" of your choice but its best to use a place you know very well, such as the place of family or friends, and visualize and try feel yourself there, as in the example above with the ceiling.

5. Lucid dreams:

If you are able to have lucid dreams (dreams where you know you are dreaming and you are very aware) you can project astrally from these dreams very easy- Just focus your attentions and "will" yourself out of body, just imagine yourself flying out of the dream and out of your physical body and you are free and out flying. If you dont know about lucid dreams or how to achieve them, do a search on google, its tons of info on it out there and for some people this method is more effective than any of the others.

6. Body awareness
In this methods, you try send your awareness out of your body and move it around in different ways etc.. For example, you lie in your bed, and imagine and feel yourself floating out to the right all the way to the wall, then bounce back into your body, through your body, and out on the left side and to the wall on left of you. Then send awareness back again through your body to the right wall etc, just continue doing this for a while, sending your awareness back and forth from right to left, trying to really feel yourself being at those places and feeling yourself floating through your body and out on the other side. After having done this for several minutes, move on to trying to imagine and feel yourself bouncing up and down instead, like sending your awareness up from your body and up to the ceiling, then back down through your body and down to the ground. Repeat this too for a while, and move on to another part: Back and Forth, this means try to feel yourself floating out of your feet and feel your awareness outside your body moving down to the wall by the end of your feet, then move back up through your body and out of your head to the wall at end of your head (if your head, or any other side of your body, is placed directly towards a wall, just imagine yoursel floating through that wall some meters)

Then try to imagine yourself on gentle ocean waves, floating up and down, rocking your body softly up and down, from side to side, back and forth etc. Try to really feel how it would be to lie floating on ocean waves being moved around. You should start feeling your body moving up and down etc just like you actually were on waves. At any point you feel like it you may try to project out of your body.

This method alone can be enough to get you out, but it is also a "loosening" method that makes you aware of your astral body, and makes it more loose and disconnected from your physical body, so actually this method can be something you start with to loosen yourself up from your physical, and then you can do any other astral projection method after it to increase the effects and be more sure to have an astral projection.

7. Ask for help
Yes, you can ask your guides (spirit guides, and guardian angels) to help you out. This has shown to be a very useful method for me. As you are in the state of astral projection, trying to project, simply say out loud in your mind "I ask for help to get out!" or "Please help me get out of my body my dear spirit guides!" or "I would be really greatful for any help I can get to fly out of my body!" and so on. And, you may then suddenly feel like somebody is grabbing your hands and pulling you out, or even like someone is lifting your body up in the air etc. Your spirit guides are always there ready to assist and help you - even when you are out of your body you may ask them to come to help you with different things or to teach you things (an spirit guide actually taught me a method of astral projection more than 15 years ago).

You may of course try to alter these methods and mix them in a way you prefer and that feels more comfortable or easier for you, as every person is different and some things that work for some might not work for others - but at least now you got several different methods to try out here.

Once you actually DO get out, you may find it useful to say out loud "AWARENESS NOW!" if you find yourself a bit sluggish and not so aware, and also "CONTROL NOW!" if you find difficulties in moving around properly as you want, and even "CLARITY NOW!" if you find you dont see well etc.

The trick is to get your memory back with you. It's kind of the same problem as with dreams, sometimes we just remember vague parts of them. This is due to what is called the mind-split effect:

When you go out of your body, you are aware of your astral body, and your mind is focused in the astral body. At the same time, your physical body and physical brain is sleeping, and the physical brain is recording whatever the physical body experiences (which is just sleeping). So, when you get back, you have to "overwrite" this physical bodys memory with your astral bodys memory. The best way to do this is to start slowly, by just keeping out some seconds at a time, like 10 seconds, then return to your body while thinking "I will remember this!" and immediately get up from bed and write down your whole experience.

Then you can try to keep out longer and longer for each time you project. Every time you are about to go back to your body, say out loud "I will remember this!". You may also make an affirmation while performing your astral projection method of choice too, where you say to yourself "I will now go out of body and be completely aware in my astral body and remember everything that happens when I return to my physical body".

Every time after projecting, or even trying to projecting and thinking you have failed, write down in a special diary that you have just for this purpose everything you can remember about the experience, all details, from the very beginning of the projection (such as what method you used, sensations you felt before projection, sensations at the moment of separation, sensations and feelings after, things you saw, experienced and so on while out, sensations on moment of re-entering your body, etc) - Write it all down, and read through it after you wrote it down to see if you remember more you can add. Then just let go of the diary or the rest of the day, and later in the evening or night, read through the experience again and maybe you'll notice you remember more details, more things starting to come into your mind.

This diary, if done every time as I just told, will greatly improve your astral projection skills - even just reading it before trying to project will help a lot! Even place it under your pillow at night when trying to project to further improve the results, as this stimulates your subconscious mind telling it "I am now entering Astral Projection mode" (to use an example).

In addition to your Astral Projection Diary, you should keep a Dream Diary. This is a separate diary, where you write down all dreams you have EVERY morning when you wake up - just as with the astral diary, write down everything you can remember from the dreams you had the night before you just woke up. Then read through it once and see if more details can be added, and as with the astral diary, read through it another time later in the evening or day, to see if you perhaps remember even more.

The purpose of this is to increase your dream memory as well as your astral abilities - in total it will make you better at both remembering your dreams, recalling your astral adventures, and becoming a more skilled and good astral projector. In addition, it will start making your dreams more spiritual in nature, you will start to have spontaneous projections at night while sleeping without even trying, that you will either remember in the morning, or you will wake up in the night and remember it after getting back to your body (remember to write down these experiences too!).

It is very important and of great help and assistance for yourself and your spiritual development to do this. I can't stress that enough, you really should get both an Astral Diary, and a Dream Diary, and write down in both of them every day (or at least every morning in the Dream Diary, and every time you try to project, or have a spontaneous projection in the Astral Diary).

It will also be a good reference for you to check your improvement later on, and to go back and review specific episodes and experiences. And it will be great to have it all logged so you can go back and re-read any experience or interesting dream you've had at any time you want to. And as said, reading these diaries both before astral projecting or going to sleep will greatly improve both your astral skills as well as your dreams.

Reading astral projection related books and litterature on the internet etc will also help, as your subcounscious mind will absorb it and put it into work and help you in the background to develop your astral abilities and make you have them more easier.

This will be all I will write on the topic of astral projection for now, hopefulyl some of the information above will prove useful for some of you whom are interested in exploring yourself and your possibilities.

With all my best wishes for success, and hope you'll have some new interesting astral adventures soon!

Love be with you and good luck in your explorations!
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