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Old 03-02-2010, 11:49 PM   #3314
Avalon Spiritual Mother
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Greg Braden on Conscious Media Network .
February 2010.

Great video Rhythm posted on the Be Here Now thread


"Humans have actually the power to influence the very field of the Earth that connects our life.
The human heart creates the strongest electrical field and the strongest magnetic field than any organism in the body.
So the human heart can be 100 time stronger than the electrical field of the brain but the human heart is about 5000 times stronger magnetically than the human brain when we create a certain condition within us that is induced by following the principals of our most cherished spiritual and ancient traditions .
It's not simply about religion , it's about a heart centered experience that can best be described in Western words as care , appreciation , gratitude.

And when we do that, what we do is we set up a condition between our heart and our brain that is called coherence, the signal between the heart and the brain, communication when the feeling is optimum that signal can be measured by 0,10 cycles per second 0,10 hertz . And that quality signal , what it tunes us to that field that connects everything by following some of our most ancient and caring spiritual traditions is our connectedness to the Earth and to one another .

By honoring that connection we literally have the ability to influence this field.
In the presence of coherence we think better , we solve problems, we are more cooperative, we are less agressive , we have greater cognitive abilities , our immune systems are strenghened .
And when a number of humans get together and create that coherence it extends beyond their immediate bodies into the field and others benefit from it even if they are not actively participating in it .

This suggests that in times of great need, and when the planet is going through rapid changes ,to the degree that we can collectively come together and create this coherence in our lives then we can share that coherence with those who simply don't have the time and the opportunity to do something like that.

The leaders of our nations are on the fence as to wether or not solve the problems of our world through war or negociation . This data suggests that Creating a field of collective coherence puts this field of emotions that tends to tip the scale towards cooperation and balance and peace wether agression, competition , or war /
I can't think of a better awareness for us to come into at the time of this great change than to know that we are literally so deeply connected with one another and the fields of the Earth that when we work together and this is the key : we have to work together to do this -that the need for us to transcend the challenges will drive our choice to cooperate at least initially through heart based experience .

My sense is that we will do that because we need to to get through the changes in this 2012 window."

Greg Braden

We of Nexus are already doing this . Let's continue

Love from me

Love Always
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