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Old 12-10-2009, 06:55 PM   #111
THE eXchanger
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Spiritual eXplorer-Canada
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Default Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them

question: this is a rather direct question, since you are in the north,
and, have likely lived there a long time, what if any earth changes have you been seeing ? thank you XXXXXX


This answer will take a few posts,
just as, some of the other questions,
open flood gates, and, created the necessity to write a book,
if, even it is just provided for a free download
(which we have been working on)

We are currently gathering some testimonials
related to comments we have made to others,
related to the shift of where the earth sits, in relation
to the stars/planets/moons etc., on a cosmic/or galatic alignment

yes, it has changed-approx 13 degrees

We have lived in the same area
for over 50 years ~ in 2007, around Winter Solt.
(we notice these types of things,
as, we do a lot of our research utilising,
connections to planets / and, moon(s)
not just earth, has a moon
and, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn,
as, well as, all the stars seem to be off,
by approx 13 degrees~aso the sun rise/and, the sun set,
is off too, by eXactly the same, 13 degrees

since, we also have a cottage,
it is off there too,
by eXactly the same degree

fortunately, we have mentioned this to many people
and, many people have confirmed,
the same - the good old sun doesn't come up; where it used to
the sun doesn't set, where it used to
the moon rise is different
and, the placement of stars, within the cosmos
is different too

likely the result of western astrology being outdated
by approx 2000 years
(although we know western astrologers, would NOT,
nor, will like, to hear that, as 'new' news~how now, will they calculate things ???)

as, we said - time would encompasses / a book
in order, to reveal, all that, we have come to know,
in a study, that has taken almost a lifetime,
and, most certainly, at least 33-to-35 years of time,
in our current cycle, upon the earth

The Grand Octal ~ "oct" meaning '8'
moves through 8 points,
The Mother Earth moves around the sun
in an elliptical circuit, deviating less than a second per year
and, we move through eight significant sections/or spatial milestones
that mark the beginning/mid-point, and, end of sessions

The Equinoxes, Fall/and, Spring
The Solstices, Winter/and, Summer
and The Cross Quarters ,
or, what occurs in the north hemp
the opposite occurs in the south hemp.

The earth's tilt and, the sun's position,
put The Ecliptic along 47° arcs~not to mention,
also, that the 23.5 figure (represents; just half of it)
just like half of a puzzle

The polar axis is seen, like an imaginary line
one that extends through the north/and south geographic poles.
The Mother Earth rotates on its axis
and, it revolves around its Sun .

The Mother Earth, her axis is tilted approximately 23.5 degrees
into the plane of The Ecliptic aka The Plane of Planetary Orbit
of The Sun, or, the path of the sun, across its celestial sphere

This tilt of The Polar axis, creates the variations in light/or, solar illumination
aka, insolation, and, directly results in the cyclic progressions
of the seasons/or, the 8 points mentioned above .

The Mother Earth rotates about the polar axis
15 angular degrees per hour (and, important number)
and, it makes its complete rotation in 23.9 hours.

Time has been changed,
and, the length of a day, on earth, has been changed,
to screw things up, down here.

The Mother Earth rotates on its polar axis,
so, it makes a elliptical orbital revolution around The Sun
365.26 days.

The rate of rotation / and, The rate of revolution
are both functions of The Mother Earth's mass/
and, its position in the oribital cycles.

Its rotating is what results in the cycles of night/and day
across the celestial sphere. It was how theory was built
by the greeks, and, Ptolemy~The astrologer / or astrology eXpert
of his day.

There is a paralel to Polaris (The North star)
and, its precession, which creates the circular wobble
and, holds The Mother Earth in approx 26,000 year precessional cycles,
and, is currently leading towards another type of alignment with Vega.

So, people talking about 23.5, are merely talking about
half of 47, 47 degrees), there is a lot to know,
and, a lot still to discover...about time,
and, about missing time .

In older times, the older / or ancient civilizations
were sky watchers, and, as such,
were fascinated, and entertained themselves
by charting/and, watching the cyclical motion of the cosmos/and,
the heavens, the stars/the planets/and, the moons.

The abilities of astro studies (without telescopes) etc.,
was sacred knowledge, at its best

The druids knew, of 13
The celtics knew, of 13
The lemurians / and, The Atanteans knew, of 13
and, so, to did the old civilization in Africa,
where know stones are being found,
and, also - the mesoamericans
going back, to The Anasuzi, almost 26,000 years ago
(when the planet, did NOT sit, where it sits today)
there were reasons, to discard PLUTO as a planet
(since in astrology-there is 6 + THE BRIDGE/OR SCALES of LIBRA + 6~
ALTHOUGH in those days, things were NOT scribed/nor, written
(and, druids utilised 6 + 1 + 6 ~ but related things to trees)
and, recently, we found a photograph online - of a half finished tomb
(here reflected ~ 6+1+6) or 13

The Pope Greg X111 (sinful-he utilised 13) LOL

took away the old calender - and, started the gregorian calender
in the year of our lord fifteen eight two (1582 ad)
on the twenty fourth (24) of the Month of February
WHICH is interesting, since, that date
is the date, that the biggest hood-winking in the 16th century occured
to trick man/and, woman ~ into following a calender
that was NOT in sync, with their own cosmic/or celestial or
galatic cycles of 13 moons/per year ~ and/or the chinese who follow
a 60 year cycles (more on that to come)

the eXchanger

Last edited by THE eXchanger; 12-10-2009 at 06:58 PM.
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