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Old 09-14-2008, 03:40 PM   #41
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 88
Default Re: CONTACTEES! msg for OPENEYES - comforting voices

Help! I have been searching for years for answers to something that happened to me several years ago. If someone is aware of others who have had similar experiences, I would sure appreciate it, as I've tried every path since to no avail.

Years ago I met a man on the internet who lived in Europe. We met for one week in Wales but other than that our exchanges were long distance. He had had a near death experience a few years before we met and was living on borrowed time, so it was no real surprise that he died 6 months after we met. This unfortunate event has left me with many unanswered questions, but one thought I have is that an 'alien' or other evolved entity took over the his body when he had the NDE. Here are a few incidents:

1. The eyes. There's a bit of a joke on the thread, but there may be something to this. One night, I was looking at his photo and a bolt of lightening shot out of the eyes in the photo and hit me straight in the heart, after which I was in the most blissful state of reverie for quite some time. One might suggest that this was wishful thinking, but no matter how much I have tried to recapture that moment, I cannot recreate it. He mentioned later how important it was to look into his eyes.

2. When we first started communicating, I would wake up in the middle of the night and poems would just flow out of me. They ranged from positively lude and silly to profound and apocolyptic, and I don't know where they came from but they were almost forced out of me. Again, it never happens now.

3. I had a lucid dream of meeting a being of light in the road whom I recognized as a family member. As he/she moved toward me, a smaller being of light stepped out from behind the first being and I said to myself with a combination or terror and awe, "YOU again!!!" at which point the being stepped behind me and enveloped me and I said, ":So this is what the bliss of love feels like!" and then I lost consciousness.

4. About a month before he died, I started losing my hair on the top of my head. Eventually it became a saucer sized spot - like those old friar pictures - accompanied by a kind of burning. Thankfully, it's all grown back!

5. When we were in Wales, I had many telepathic experiences, the most profound of which occured in the oldest church in Wales which has been described, I've since discovered as 'mysterious.' In any case, I approached the church quite casually. It is a very small church in the middle of nowhere and is quite non descript. As we entered the church, I asked what I should do. He suggested that, since people have been worshipping there for hundreds of years we should kneel and show our respect. I went along with this, and just as I did I felt this impulse to throw myself on the stone floor in a full pranam, but rejected the impulse as too silly. But my friend looked at me and said, "You want to do something else, don't you." And so I followed my impulse, and as I lay on that cold stone floor in the middle of winter, I felt such connection, such bliss, I wanted to stay there forever. He later told me that it was at this moment, "He knew for sure," though what he knew I never learned and can only guess.

Again, if anyone has had a similar experience or could add some insight, I would very much appreciate it.

Thanks so much. This forum has been a real blessing and I have benefited so much from everyone's thoughts, links, etc.
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