Thread: adams calender
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Old 11-03-2009, 06:14 PM   #4
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 180
Default Re: adams calender

The realisation that everything remains positined where it is in a matrix is one of the most veiled parts kept suppressed.
We are TOLD tales of planets flipping and continents sliding under other continents etc etc etc.
In reality nothing moves, yes a rise and fall will occur relative to the alteration in pressure created about a sphere with local variations.
Thus a continent could submerge by miles and other areas raise up, and that will be acompanied with polar and equator movements, but the created sphere will remain static.
This is all very difficult to even contemplate because the lie is so entrenched, the whole of creation is upon a fixed matrix, the illusion is movement, but how we see and recieve signals is via a moving substance, it is flowing in similer fashion to the illusion it creates of empty space and movement of mass.
The movement about in a fixed matrix will therefore be dependant on the flows and their tidal variations very similer to sea going travels.
You will need to go with the flows.

The Adams calender reveals a stationary feature over vast times, and it appears perplexing because we have been so well and truly downloaded with flawed information.
we buy the lie because it's so bloody clever.

Once You grasp the fixed matrix theory, then your mind is free to surf that matrix, and thats where our dreams go flooded by DMT.
The matrix is the real deal, this is the dream enslaved by a lie.

That which flows about on the matrix highway is presently nearing a very crucial switching point, to our minds the sun and planet are moving into the galactic central zone, it is not this way, the galactic flows are moving, and as they do so those who know how to surf this system may stop by to say hello.
Adams calender may have witnessed such many times in a cyclic seasonal sort of way, the lack of great alteration there points to a mainframe point in the matrix that will remain fairly unaffected whilst other areas will alter drastically, unless we realise and remember the system of universe and how it operates we are snookered.
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