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Old 09-29-2008, 10:53 PM   #6
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Riverside, Missouri
Posts: 58
Default Re: Quantum Holon Ground Crew

Yes, Martian Tigress, you are so right on.

OK, I know that many people here practice meditation in some form. Form doesn't matter, so let's not try to persuade one another as to which form is best. I, and probably many here too, would be glad to offer some suggestions if anyone does not know how to meditate but lets do that by PM or email. Each has whatever works for them. Although meditation seems complicated it is not but VERY simple indeed.

The important thing, in my view, is to: 1) establish the same firm intention 2) that intention should not be a narrow and constricted one but one in which the energy can flow where it is needed most. We don't really know the details of that usually -- 3) for this I suggest an intention among us of "for the highest and best good of all concerned." (or something similar) -- 4) we should establish a time or times of day where we will all be coordinated together in our energy. 5) the firm oneness of intention is then driven by our strong emotion projecting our individual chi (or whatever you wish to call it) out into the world but also combining with the other souls that are doing the same thing. Not just in our particular gathering but also in all the gatherings throughout the world which are many.

We should draw heavily on the energetic heart virtues such as appreciation, compassion, forgiveness, humility, understanding and valor. Which is, of course, genuine love in action.

Combined, we can literally move mountains, but not according to our concepts, but according to our innermost vision of a new paradigm on this planet which we should all recognize as, in our present state, falling short of what it actually will be.

All of our present concepts are too limited and still too much under the influence of the old way -- such as buying and selling instead of giving and receiving.

We all have some concept of this genuine NEW paradigm and each part of that concept can be projected under the basic intention of "the highest and best good for all concerned" (or something similar) along with visualizations of our individual concepts of what this new paradigm is -- empowered by the loving emotion of our beings. We can also send our appreciations to one another.

For example, peace on earth, free energy, a vision to become a space-faring civilization, a society based upon cooperation rather than greedy competition, healing of body, mind and spirit etc. for the entire planet and its beings.

In other words not constricting the energy to accomplish certain tasks, such as not allowing the bail-out, which is according to our concept, because in the overall big picture we really don't know if that is really for the highest good of all or not in the big picture. Perhaps the economic fall brought about by LETTING the bail-out happen would even be better in the long run -- but, all I am saying, is that what may appear to be the best thing at the moment may not actually be the best thing for the overall accomplishment of developing an entirely new paradigm on this planet.

In other words, it is better not to restrict the flow of energy in any way but simply drive it through emotion by the core of our heart's intention for a transformative and evolutionary result regardless of the steps that will bring that about.

The Universe herself will fill in all the details.

Finally, I want to say that each of us should energetically interface by putting each other on our "friends" list and familiarizing ourselves with one another's profiles and looking appreciatively at one anothers photos, if we have one. This will atune us to each other. We don't have to chit chat together for such an energetic interface.

I further suggest that all who really wish to participate make that intention solidly known to all and that everyone keep a LIST of who is participating.

This is my personal offering about this. Suggestions?

I will repeat this post over on the other forum to see if anyone there wishes to come over here for this practical energtic action.
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