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Old 10-30-2008, 02:51 PM   #26
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Default Re: Book of Gregor

Interesting synchronicities

The luminous white-robed men .....when I've tried to describe them I've used the terms 'biblical-looking', and/or 'a bit like the ancient Greeks'

My nickname - given by a couple of my social groups is 'Athena'
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Old 10-30-2008, 08:30 PM   #27
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Default Part V

Part V - "Synchronicity within the Moment"

Within in the realm of mathematics, one would begin to notice patterns, relations between numbers and functions. The emergence of constants become fundamental with the understanding such as with pi and phi. For numbers are by no means about the symbol and which they represent, because on they're on they are essentially nothing. It is about the relation of these numbers to each other. Learning your multipication table and factors are one of the most important things you can ever learn about with mathematics.

In math, there are very important concepts which can be shown almost entirely which decimal parity. Decimal parity is taking a number and reducing it to its base number, anywhere from 1-9. Zero is technically not considered a number, but lack or absence of a number. For example, let's take the lovely date of 2012: 2+0+1+2 = 5. You also continue to reduce the number when the first answer isn't a simple 1 digit number as with 48: 4 + 8 = 12, 1 + 2 = 3. When one does this fashion with the entire positive spectrum of a number line a dominant pattern emerges, and branches out to many other patterns. This is also proves that the base-10 system is in fact natural. The reason being that all multiples of nine, equal nine when reduced with decimal parity. 9 = 9, 18 = 1 + 8 = 9, 27 = 2 + 7 = 9, 36 = 3 + 6 = 9, and so on for the rest of infinity! All multiples of ten, continue the forward progression with decimal parity by +1 (ten is one, twenty is two, and so on...).

Now with this notion, all mathematics are numbers are intrinsically interconnected in this natural pattern. Especially things like prime numbers and even the divine constants.

To take this even a larger step further, if we live in a mathematical existence, where patterns and similarities naturally exist and are intrinsically interrelated, then so is the tangible and physical side of reality.

To some, this may seem like a brash statement, but I need implore its truth trough deductive reasoning, THERE ARE NO COINCIDENCES IN THIS REALITY! Thus we proceed onto the discussion of synchronicity and its further role in my life.

And right now I am laughing so friggin hard I cannot express myself as the time is 3:43. Life is indeed perfect. I'll continue then with the discussion I wished to start at this very moment (and the first time I have ever wrote down this story). The first time I ever noticed a coincidence, correction synchronicity, in my life and actually thought about it was when I was seven years old. The number 343 began appearing everywhere in my life. What sealed the deal was when I had this little McDonald's today and on the bottom of it was the number 343, nothing else. I was asking myself why am I seeing this number everywhere? I came to the conclusion that this was my lucky number, and it has been for the rest of my life, continuing to appear over and over again. Another number that began to appear also in my life was 37, and I took this as my backup or secondary lucky number at around the exact same age. Also, keep this number in mind as it's important down the road, along with being it's a prime number.

The usual 'debunker' argument to this notion is that because it's in your mainframe of perspective, you will just notice it more as these numbers exist everywhere. It is a legit argument but I beg to differ. One must take into place the mathematical concept of statistics as it is very useful for rationalizing situations in your life, within synchronicites and scenarios that may unfold (which will lead one to making the most rational decision).

And if you then analyze these synchronicites and the potential of them happening over and over again, the odds become absolutely astronomical. I recently had a mind blowing synchronicity in which I was able to directly analyze it in pure mathematical terms. The possibilities of that happening were 1.8 million to 1. Also, the direct implications of this synchronicity were revolutionary. Due to the length of that story, I am going to have to omit it for another time.

This previous September in 2008, I decided to figure out the significance of this number in my life. I typed in "the number 343" on Google and hit search. The first result came back; "The Number 343: The Ark of God." The article went on to explain the mathematical significance of the number and its direction relation to the bible with one of the most famous relics of all time and considered by archeologists to be one of the greatest treasures to history if ever found (Yes, Indiana Jones is another love of mine too. You can usually find me sporting his hat, but instead of wool, it's a leather fedora.). I discovered that 343 = 7 x 7 x 7, or 7 to the third power (7^3). The article also explained how the number 343 represents the significance of the numbers 3 and 7, and their intrinsic relationship. I immediately then made the connection with the number 37. As I later discovered the existence of decimal parity [along with its universal implications], that 343 = 3+4+3 = 10 = 1 + 0 and that 37 = 3 + 7 = 1 (Life always come back to one, the essence of everything). The odds alone of me choosing two numbers with the same decimal parity is 81 to 1. I also wanted to point this out if you didn't notice, but I discovered these numbers when I was seven.

Now let's analyze this information that is 'supposedly' being handed down to me by some divine or subliminal message. Seven is one of the foundational numbers in existence. It is referenced in practically every major creation story on the planet with respects to the seven days of creation. Within New Age theology [and also Buddhism], the body is composed of seven spiritual organs which in turn relates to the seven densities of life [in which conscienceness evolves along]. Of even more importance, seven is the most geometrically stable shape in the second dimension consisting of six around one, or in the appearance of six triangles that make up a hexagon which can be put in an infinite repetitive pattern. Triangles make us this building block which is built upon the number 3. Quartz crystals which are considered by the ancients among those in modern day spiritual theology as one of the most fundamental of crystals, or even simpler terms, [fundamental] entities. Quartz crystals are hexagonal crystals built upon molecular structure of silicon dioxide (one part silicon, two parts oxygen). The atomic numbers of quartz are 14 and 8, in respect to the elements. Thus the decimal parity of quartz is 14+8+8 = 30 = 3+0 = 3. Within the individual elements added together, 14 = 1+4 = 5, then 5+8+8 = 21 = 2 + 1 = 3.

My point being is that mathematical concepts are intrinsically related into ALL aspects of reality, both tangible and intangible. Mathematics is indeed the true language of the universe, whether you realize it yet or not. Our definition of human beauty is based on phi proportions. The ratio of the distance from the eye to the nose, in relation to the eye to the mount is phi, or 1.618. The so called 'beautiful' people of our society exhibit this ratio absolutely perfectly, while those we deem 'ugly' are ones where there face don't match those proportions.

All in all, my revelations with this notion began to induce an entirely new perspective for me throughout life. To conclude my point, the Ark of God was suppose to hold the "Word of God." As most intellectuals realize, ancient scriptures are not false, but purely metaphorical in truth. Their purpose is to teach 'divine' lessons. Well, the number 343 revealed to me the "Word of God", in understanding the divine structure of the universe.

I want to relate one final experience with those who have read up to the point, and I greatly appreciate you for the time you spent in listening to another ones life story. Yesterday, October 29th, 2008, was one of the most enlightening days of my life. And I would like to especially thank my friend Taryn for it. Taryn I met back in high school, and went on 'burn cruises' on and off, driving around the back roads of Scarborough smoking pot. I ended up running into her at school this year, and found out we took the bus from one campus to another on two of the same days of the week. So for a half hour each on these days, her and I sat together and talked. These conversations quickly with from the 'normal' everyday conversations into metaphysics, conspiracy theories, and other 'fringe' subjects. Many people picked on Taryn on high school for being 'dumb', and got the stereotype as I myself had been labeled for being an introvert. She was in fact just the opposite, and what I nicknamed her as "a hidden beauty" because most people assume from her beautiful appearance on the outside that there's nothing there on the inside. Anyways, Taryn and I began hanging out on a daily basis while always being consumed in intellectual conversation. We were both teaching each other many different and unique lessons, along with sharing pure and simple information.

Taryn had been bugging me over and over to watch "I Heart Huckabee's" and continued to insist it wasn't a chick flick. I seriously had only watched a couple movies since the semester began as I had fallen out of sync with the entertainment industry. Yesterday, I gave in and we watched it. The movie turned out to be an absolute philosophical masterpiece while being presented in the format of a Greek comedy. It was absolutely brilliant and beautiful in every way, shape, and form. I felt the entire movie was a direct reflection of my life and where it was going, relating to each and every character with different aspects with my own life and with the significant others in my life. Reality slowly melted away and it was just me and the movie. My thoughts consumed everything, and I fell completely into the realm of what I would call 'tripping' however without the use of those so called mushrooms.

At one point, I dove so deep into the material, I blanked out basically. Time and space no longer existed. And I am dead serious when I say it no longer existed. Upon later analysis of this moment, I realized I had gone over to the 'dark side' and had been completely saturated for the first time in my life with the negative polarity. I saw myself as all that there was. However, as I could not become any more extreme in that polarity along with the inherent nature of who I was [and thanks to a catalytic line from the movie then ringing in my ears] I was sucked back into the positive aspect of reality. When the movie was finished, I sat there in utter disbelief. One of Hollywood's creations that I tend to frown upon for distracting America and the world 24/7, had sent me on a roller coaster ride like no other through the deep recesses of my psyche. I viewed the world yet again from a more unified and balanced perspective.

I planned to include a bit more in this part of my story in terms of personal experiences, however, I have a feeling that many people are living very similar lives and beginning to grasp a mutual understanding of our current world situation. We are in epic times with the economical and political structure in one of its most fragile period. Capitalism and the materialistic outlook of society are being put to the test. My life has new meaning and I am learning lessons everyday at a remarkable pace. Life is speeding up on levels, from the macro to microcosms of nature. And with that notion and the understanding of logic, I will put forth that my faith rests with Mayan ideology, in my opinion the greatest mathematicians and cosmologists in Earth's known history. With the understanding of exponential acceleration [in respect to every aspect of society, nature, and conscienceness], one must deduce we will reach its infinite expansion. The question then one must ask, is when?


Last edited by GregorArturo; 10-31-2008 at 04:04 AM. Reason: Added a section toward the very end (personal experience with Taryn)
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Old 10-30-2008, 08:58 PM   #28
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Default Re: Part V

A note if anyone has already read Part V before the edit. I threw in a section that was very crucial to this piece toward the end regarding my personal experience with Taryn. I really recommending reading that piece. Enjoy! Namaste.
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Old 10-31-2008, 02:59 AM   #29
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Default Re: Part IV

I'm hoping somebody finishes this, and reach the grand finale. I think it really wraps up perfectly and want to hear someones review
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Old 11-06-2008, 10:52 AM   #30
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Default Re: Book of Gregor

Jesus Herbert Christ, Arturo!

I just fought 5 massive walls of text. Read the whole damn thing, and then I closed my laptop and thought for an hour or so. I'm on my roof watching for these predicted meteor showers, that aren't quite what was reported, not yet anyway.

Good stuff brother. I admire your bibliographical endevour, because I too have always considered writing a conglomeration of personal experiences that would represent my current (perceived at least) level of consciouness. Or more accurately, How much wisdom I posses. Personal experiences have always been what I look to for wisdom in my own life. I've always subscribed to the "be your own teacher" idea.

I also admire your linguistic pursuit of ancient texts as I too think much has been lost/hidden in translation. Arithmatic is much the same imo, you simply can't argue w/ it, and clearly you have taken that to another level.

I'm writer by trade, but I am doing no more than condensing old sports stories for a professional archive right now. You have truly inspired me to take up this task, and I will begin to construct a cohesive time/story line of personal experiences and ideas, which imo you have done a pretty good job with. Well as cohesive as possible I guess, i have a few questions for sure.

Let's start w/ the fairly interesting story of why I'm even here writing this though.

I was reading your "sporadic tides in maine" thread in news and I noticed your signature. I'll say I was interested enough to google "Zeus is back bitches" w/ quotes of course, and the only return w/ that exact combination of words, was a link to this thread.

So you're Zeus huh?
Or his reincarnation.

Very interesting my friend.

I think I gathered from your intro that you're about 23? That would make you about three years younger than myself, but I get the feeling that you may indeed be far older than I am.

As a kid I had always felt that I had memories that I couldn't account for. There was alot of "foreign" stuff that I would see glimpses of, but could never quite see clearly. Nonetheless these glimpses still seemed more like memories then "foreign" visions.
I feel like I am very young spiritually and I have no grounds for saying this other than the fact that the glimpses at a certain point became clearer, and I now believe that my first ever existance was that of a black labradour.
I know. Carazy Carazy.

I posted this awile a go, but I'll copy and paste a bit of it here.

"This will sound crazy I'm sure but, the earliest memory I have was that of a dog. Yes, I might be crazy. My parents reminded me (while joking w/ their friends at a dinner party) when i was 8 or so that at 4 years old I was recounting tales of being a black labradour, and immediatley I remembered the same detailed visions. I remember feeling that there was an entire other life I had lead. As a youngster I just thought it was cool that I had these strange memories (because I love dogs), but as I grew up and had time to reflect, I began to think that if this was not a past life, then it was at least a sign that life goes on in ways we can't imagine. It's very off the wall, but in a way, that is the reason that I believe to be "immortal" for lack of a better word."

One question I had was if your friend that you were semi telepathicly communicating w/, remembers telling you that you were god or any other part of the conversation?

I shall have to look much deeper into your mathematical theories. phi has always interested me as well, but I became removed from any such research when I graduated last year. I've been too focused on some "lost causes" and recently I have w/drawn somewhat from the 911 truth movement or Obama nwo connections research.

I'm much more interested in grand cosmic questions, like the ones that I think you may be looking for as well.

Namely, why are we humans consciously and subconsciously obsessed w/ the golden ratio.

Is this natural, or instilled?

p.s. I had to look up at my own clock of course when you wrote about seeing 3:43 and laughing. The time I saw was 2:53 2+5+3=10=1.

Originally Posted by Norval View Post
, , , and you are blowing the whistle on , , , yourself?

Just curious.
Read the story. Look into phi.

Last edited by raulduke; 11-06-2008 at 01:16 PM. Reason: sp. and link repair
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Old 11-06-2008, 03:31 PM   #31
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Default Re: Book of Gregor

Thank you Raulduke. I greatly appreciate it. I've heard but only kind words from my story. I had almost thought that this thread was forgotten. I'm going to have to write a part 6 or an epilogue, as so much has happened in a span of a couple weeks since I wrote that.

You can notice in the piece alone the degree of acceleration. This acceleration is apart of every part of life at the moment. The most obvious is within technology, but every aspect of society from language to human behavior.

This last two weeks the same amount of stuff has happened in the last two months. The last two months equates to the last two years and so on. The synchronicities and revelations are going through the roof.

Things are indeed happening.

About my friend, no he has no recollection of talking to me as I have always considered that part to be a hallucination. For a long time I considered it just to be the drugs, just like people consider it just to be a dream. Years later, I began to realize that their may be of actually of been some truth in that halluicination that I originally missed.

And the golden ratio is absolutely natural. It is the most natural pattern or progression in mathematics, and life being a reflection of the mathematical world, in that math is nature, and nature is math, it is at the foundation of all that is.

When they see look into the mirror, and see the creator, you are indeed seeing the creator, within not only the tangible sense of your appearance relating to mathematics and the golden ratio, but also the intangible consciouseness of yourself, the all that is, staring back. It is all one in the same. And with that notion, comes beauty.

Also, I am by no means 'stating' that I am Zeus. That is the sole reason I originally wrote the story, because if I related that to anyone, they think I am 'loony'. As in my signature, I say "So I am told". That is the important thing, as my dream told me this, actually it indirectly did by stating it within the dream. The true question is how I interpret this dream, and I tend to keep that interpretation to myself.

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Old 11-09-2008, 11:41 AM   #32
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Default Re: Book of Gregor

Howdy Gregor,

I wanted to say first that when I reread what I wrote last time, I regret the way I put this bit:

So you're Zeus huh?
Or his reincarnation.

Very interesting my friend.

I felt like that might have come off as condescending or disbelief, which was absolutely not my intent. I'm not saying it was recieved as such, I just wanted to reiterate that I am truly interested.
I think I understand where you're coming from in that regard, as I've had some good laughs w/ the few people I relayed my black lab dreams to. I suppose that is a bit simpler than explaining the Zeus connection though. For what it's worth, I see the connection certainly w/ your fire poi your columns dreams prior to the "big dream". I looked those columns (knossos) up, and just like you said of course: red w/ yellow.
I also relate to having been given a message that is soley up to one's self to decipher. I cannot necessarily put into words what I've taken from my dreams/memories, but I learned what I needed to in order to better proceed forward as a result them.

And as far as phi goes, yes I absolutely agree that the abundance of the presence of the ratio is natural, what I am not so sure of is why we humans are so consiously and subconsciously drawn to it. My theories are less mathematical in nature ( as I am a journalism grad and did my best to avoid anything too complicated regarding mathematics!). As I see it the ratio itself is the result of an imbalanced porportion. This is very undeveloped and I am certainly open to critique, but I wonder why in so many other aspects of life, we seek balance, yet this attraction is based on imbalance.

I was thinking about your story the other day and thought of something else I wanted to ask.

The Yogi, (the guy that (if I remember correctly) you met on the web and then in your dream where he lead you to the twelve ummm.. dudes I guess), have you guys been in contact post dream in waking life?

Also I was wondering if you've done any fire dancing at any of the bigger festivals around the country. I've seen alot of really cool poi over the years at fests like bonaroo, wakarusa, 10,000 lakes, moedown, all good high sierra, rothbury, summercamp, jazz fest.
One of the best (re: fire dancing) was this band I'd never heard of (the Mutaytor) at wakarusa that normally did stuff like Burning Man. They had the whole stage setup w/ some impressive pyrotechnics (especially for inside a tent, it was huge though), and some really hot "scantily clad" chicks spinning fire and swinging overhead belayed (from the stage and tent rigging) on ropes. I had eaten about 4 grams of mushies that we had made into chocolates before the fest, and was front and center for the show. They (fire dancers) were probably no closer than ten feet away from us at any time, but we were all tripped out and ducking for every swoop. It was a blast.

And lastly I was wondering if you remember the name of the panoramic view website you mentioned tha showed you the same view as your dream? That sounds really cool.

Thanks for the story Gregor.

peace brother.
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Old 11-25-2008, 03:31 AM   #33
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Default Re: Book of Gregor

Hey Raulduke, sorry it took me forever to get back to ya. That site I have tried to find again and have not been able to. It was found through hours of searching under the topic of Minoan Peak Sanctuaries so good luck if you want to search for it.

I have not been in contact with him, but still can easily. I wanted to at least share him the portion of the Book of Gregor from my dream as he asked to hear the full story [when I actually got to writing it all out] when I had told him about it a long time ago.

Only festival you would of seen me perform as is Firefly in Vermont, otherwise it has all been in Maine. I have little interest in festivals now. But ya, I love the art!
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Old 11-25-2008, 07:24 PM   #34
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Default Re: Book of Gregor

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