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Old 01-04-2009, 02:35 PM   #326
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Originally Posted by thegreat1 View Post
I'd like to ask AstralWalker a second question:

You spoke of using music in conjunction with meditation. You spoke of this in the context of group meditiation. Are you able to make any suggestions for how sound might be of benefit when meditating on my own? Is there a specific tone that can help to focus meditation?

I am familiar with the work of James Paul Furia, i first watched his videos about 4 years ago.

I think the Solfeggio freq. are very good for this purpose:


Yet, I would like to add that meditation is about non-judgmental listening inside. Allowing whatever comes to come and go. It is cultivating a receptive attitude towards Spirit/Source/Higher Self/Heart etc. When turning the attention inside there will be cloudy meditations, and sometimes (if there is persistency and dedication) there will be the experience of a clear empty sky inside. This emtpy sky is not something that can be forced, but rather it happens sometimes, and most times you will simply experience clouds that are being processed out of the system. The important thing is to get on with the process and follow it through with persistency over time. This observer-mode of allowing things to be cleansed out can be "practiced" throughout every waking hour (it happens naturally while sleeping), and if one is really dedicated this is the way to go. The sitting down and meditating is a start to get to know it better. It can be integrated into all things as all things can be done with Awareness. Hope this helped.



Last edited by Sanat; 01-04-2009 at 02:46 PM.
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Old 01-04-2009, 02:55 PM   #327
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Hi Sanat,

Thanks for clarifying. I think we are working with the same ideas and we do always have to remember that we are always losing something in translation when we communicate in language from a level of thought that is even more accurate than language itself. This is the number 1 reason why there is never "100% info." coming from any of us, and definitely proves why actively working together can help us reach the "law of limits" (as in calculus) and push the decimal places on the understanding as much as we can.

Remember, what we are doing has very little to do with each individuals spiritual growth, that is something that is indeed very much for them to take up to the best of their ability however they see fit. What we are doing is saying that contrary to what is being said elsewhere, we definitely have to do much more than that!

What of the people who have spent many years working extremely hard on this growth? They feel the work they have to do on themselves tapering off a little and wonder what they can do next.

I have been in touch with many many dedicated spiritual beings who get the idea that from this point on, they can be singular teachers or they can look at it in the way where everyone has their own path and they should not try and infringe their understandings onto others, and so they become very quiet (although you do still feel a great wisdom radiating from them).

What I can't understand is why we haven't gotten the idea to step "outside" the information itself, and work together to gather it and mix it together, humbly moving beyond the aspects that don't fit in, like a giant cauldron of soup where it is never too late to remove ingredients no matter how much it is stirred, so to speak.

This to me represents a real evolution in the way we think about our relationship with information itself, perhaps a solution to the current situation where there has got to be millions upon millions of different sites out there each with volumes of text, audio, video, and so many people out there just don't know what to make of it all.

Well, I have to say, the first thing we can do is get really good at reading between the lines of someone talking straight from themselves, a first-draft, unedited text, where they are speaking just as they are. You can learn to read into the text and "feel" how that person really is. I've always tried to come across completely independently of the information I am putting forward, and leave my "signature vibration" on my message as clear as a book, for those who can look for it.

We come to know when we can trust each other as beings who have understood the concept of pure awareness apart from the archetypal "personality modifiers" when this certain signature on a message is left behind.

What I am trying to do now is make that "transparency" completely evident, as a precedent to saying I would like to get deep down into the inner philosophies behind singularity theory and what really qualifies as a genuine "paradigm shift", and not just calling something that.

The areas of training I have focused on in my years revolve mainly around RV of the future and low-level mental reprogramming techniques. I know enough about the latter to suggest what I believe to be the most important point considering the very most we hope to accomplish here in the way of directly influencing others:

1) It is true that it is impossible to hope for one to teach another of the science of spiritual development itself, the literal acts of transformation that allow the metamorphosis of the self, however;

It is possible to explain the depth of the art and philosophies behind the general principles of doing such, the abstract aspects that can be applied in countless different ways depending on the individual situation.

And we only hope to accomplish the latter, because it will truly help to augment the amplitude of the vibration each individual is sending out in the meditation, as they feel the inclusion of a group working together to help each other to make these leaps forward on their paths, as being a part of something real, instead of being left on their own to do it.

I feel there is a major difference in making this extra effort versus not doing so, and that it is absolutely crucial to the cause. This is not magical "hokus pokus", this is real social science, and wave physics combined.

I have been studying the low level science and mathematics behind the principles of media files designed for such purposes, I know how many placebos are out there because an engineer can verify any file in a spectrum analyzer.

However I want to give some really concrete examples of evidence that we are working with something entirely different here, and I'm afraid all I can offer at the moment is early speculations based on things I've noticed in the past that were associated to similar efforts:

1) When done properly, people should be able to definitely notice when the group participating is significantly larger or smaller, it will feel very different

2) People should feel a definite manipulation to the sense of linear time, very much in that same way it can be produced in other ways, where in some senses it feels faster, and in others, slower, all at the same time (if you know what I mean)

3) People should feel not so much a straightforward sense of joy or happiness, so much as a sense of depth, of being inside something immense, there is a feeling, but we do not have a word for it - if it was within duality, it would fall into the "positive" category I *guess*, but it really doesn't belong there - it is a feeling within the radically different emotional complex experienced within singularity.

And regarding the accompanying effort we are making here to discuss the central philosophies and all of the world and historical evidence surrounding it, there should be some definite signs of their effect and the modified experiencing of reality that would go with it:

1) The old loops of life are no longer interesting, they are truly boring - a good example is that one does not stop going through negative emotion loops because they are "bad", but in a strange way almost because they are "boring", or they don't make sense anymore, as I was saying in an earlier post, living within singularity is really a radical shift and there is no going back afterwards

2) People will start to find that although each individual word in our languages still technically makes sense, the old structures of our language do not make sense anymore, we will realize just how much duality has worked its way into our common forms for language use. I think I mentioned this one before, because I remember mentioning that careful self-monitoring (passively speaking) can lead to a comfortable gradual transition away from old language traps that one now realizes leads into sounding in ways that are different from what one actually means. This leads into the next point:

3) People will get better and better at experiencing reality from outside of themselves, either in a ratio with the 1st party perspective, or in some cases completely from a 3rd party perspective. This makes a lot of the old traps really difficult to fall into - for example it finally becomes possible to look at ones own way of interacting with reality the same way one looks at everyone elses. It becomes easier to always be aware of how what one is saying might actually sound to others, instead of the old way of always being sure at first that the other person will hear something the same way one actually meant it

You know it's funny, when the feeling becomes so strong that the reason why we are all the same at the most central part of ourselves is the fact that we all experience pure, unbiased awareness in the same way - one gets the feeling that we only each get to be aware of a tiny slice of the entire picture our whole lives, and that there are really two pictures to be completed, not just one - think of it as individual jigsaw puzzles within a greater jigsaw puzzle:

- The metaphor that applies directly to the fundamental idea of this project is this:

- To be more helpful with solving the larger jigsaw puzzle, for some of us the best thing we can do is to try to solve our own personal puzzle. But it is possible for people to help each other solve their own puzzles.

- It's also possible for people to help solve the larger puzzle, even if their own puzzle is not solved yet. Think of it in a way where each individual puzzle is a single piece within the larger jigsaw puzzle, and only by completing it theoretically, can we know where to snap it into place in the larger puzzle (ie, knowing our role(s), theoretically meaning just enough so that we see the whole picture even though its still incomplete, and have a good idea where the other pieces will go even though it will still take the rest of our lives to put the rest in place)

- The larger puzzle is more or less the same way - it would technically take everyone in the whole world to literally solve the whole thing, every human being with their own unique role - but we just need enough to get enough pieces together to see how it is solved, see the entire picture even though all the pieces would not be in place

Does this metaphor make sense? If people want to try to help each other with their individual puzzles, that's nice, but that's not our focus here at all.

We are setting forth to work on the giant puzzle that is the second part of the picture, and only by theoretically solving it do we steer the path of the world towards the future most (if not all) of us here envision.

It will not happen automatically, on its own, by default. We have to make it happen. There's no rush or panic, but this is definitely the sort of perspective we want to firmly establish here. I think Astralwalker and I are in complete agreement on this one.

take care everyone

Last edited by PhiedPiper; 01-04-2009 at 03:05 PM.
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Old 01-04-2009, 02:57 PM   #328
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Originally Posted by Astralwalker View Post

I recognize true spiritual being in you.

Your determination and vibration are extraordinary.

I’m very grateful for everything that you have done here.

Thank you.


Thank for your kind words.
We just happen to be here at the same time on the same purpose.
Long time planned mission.
You come with great Light in Avalon.
I'll be on your side all along.

Respect to you
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Old 01-04-2009, 03:37 PM   #329
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

It will not happen automatically, on its own, by default. We have to make it happen. There's no rush or panic, but this is definitely the sort of perspective we want to firmly establish here. I think Astralwalker and I are in complete agreement on this one.
I agree, PhiedPiper. Resistance through "free will" is always possible, and is not uncommen at all. In fact, it is a major obstacle in most cases. We have to allow it to happen, and meditation is one way of removing the obstacles. The river always moves towards the Ocean, but many people are scared and try their best to cling to rocks and the riverbank etc. How to get the courage to let go? We are all working towards the same end here, but each has his/her unique perspective to add to the mix. I am totally supportive of this, but I also exercise my right to add my unique perspective. Most "disagreements" are simply based upon misunderstandings as you say. If all is One, every perspective has equal value.

Thanks for your understanding,


Last edited by Sanat; 01-04-2009 at 04:06 PM.
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Old 01-04-2009, 03:54 PM   #330
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

I think the Solfeggio freq. are very good for this purpose:


Thankyou for sharing this, i had never heard of this before so now i am going to read up.

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Old 01-04-2009, 03:57 PM   #331
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Originally Posted by Sanat View Post
I think the Solfeggio freq. are very good for this purpose:
Hi Sanat, everyone,

I don't mean to pick on your posts but I noticed this has come up again, as well as James's work.

I should explain the important difference between the 432Hz theory and the solfeggio frequencies:

432Hz theory really stands up to analysis. It can be verified from numerous independent sources, seems to have been the true standard of tuning for the vast majority of the classical period for a very good reason, ties into numerous different things.

Solfeggio frequencies can be only traced back to one guy and his book, do not actually correspond to a scale at all - roughly, from a musicians perspective, can only work with 417Hz as tonic/ut, where 528 is roughly mi, 639 roughly sol, 741 roughly si-bemol (7th degree flat), and 852 comes out as a type of comma above the octave of 417 (834Hz), and 396 is roughly a si below 417.

Remember that pitches can be any frequency at all in a certain sense, since Hertz or Hz means our measurement compared to cycles per second, and all a second is, is a relation to the time of radiation of a caesium atom. What is important is the intervals between them, not whether we use a number with many decimal places or not.

However, 432Hz brings musical back down into a natural range - if you understand the full history of music, it will make sense. Back before we had any way to make references to anything, humans just sung to pitches that felt natural. We established roughly 432Hz in this way. Then the European orchestras began to compete to have the brighter sound by tuning a bit sharper, and brought it up to their standard of 435Hz. Next, the North American orchestras did the same thing in the early recording era bringing it up all the way to 440Hz. They had to set the standard at the highest yet reached before it just kept going higher and higher.

Ironically, it would have actually shifted back into phase if it kept going up to about 460Hz, because it could just be called an A# instead of an A (460.8Hz is the natural pitch higher after 432, when tuning to the proper ratio 16:15).

But what happened is that we stuck a standard that is out of phase with the natural pulsation of our reality. This can be proven with the corresponding frequencies to astronomical cycles that correspond to the earth, like the earth year and platonic year, and many other ways.

Another way it can be proven is to just get non-musicians to sing a pitch that feels good and natural to them, more will use a pitch that is in phase with 432 than 440. This is another test I want to run in the future.

So the important thing is to understand that the real secret is in forgetting about Equal Temperament and getting back to the Renaissance way of doing things - tuning to whole number ratios. With real instruments it is impossible to combine this concept with playing in all the keys, but we don't necessarily need to use real instruments for this purpose. This is quite possibly the ultimate purpose of electronic music instruments - to finally liberate us from the pull between desire to play to real intervals and desire to play in all the keys as we are now very used to.

Although we can't use the new system with real instruments in all the keys, we can do this with special software for the electronic instruments - this is one of the things I am trying to work on but it will take quite a bit of time.

I am trying to get it done by the end of the summer.

In the meantime it will be easier to do meditations that have the right intervals corresponding to 432 without ever leaving that key. Luckily this is not such a big deal for meditative music compared to regular music.

But after the software is complete it will be a completely new approach to music - combining the best aspects of Renaissance tunings and being able to play in all the keys together.

Maybe in the meantime to preparing the main file I can show some little files of the difference between Equal Temperament tuning and pure tuning - the pure tuning feels amazing especially when the frequencies are brought down from 440 to 432.

Last edited by PhiedPiper; 01-04-2009 at 04:03 PM.
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Old 01-04-2009, 04:15 PM   #332
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"Sounds" great indeed. I would love to try out that frequency if you can provide... I know little about music and frequencies etc. I just know that many people have good experiences with the Solfeggio file, including myself (and I am not really into these external things when it comes to meditation). Thanks for your information about it. Interesting indeed.
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Old 01-04-2009, 05:41 PM   #333
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Thanks for the encouragement Sanat,

The good news is that after a bit of research I managed to track down some software that might do the same thing I was going to attempt myself, so it might only need slight modifications for these purposes.

For any musicians out there, the idea is to have a second keyboard or 1-octave foot pedals along with your main keyboard (foot pedals are definitely better) to pick out new tonics with. The software can retune all the frequencies in any key so you are always using whole number ratios.

Luckily these days, there are great sample libraries of all the instruments, and if a vocalist adjusted to this way of doing things, they could probably handle it as well - there is no real compromise.

The resulting audio will feel a lot tighter, and 432Hz for musicians feels "fuzzier" than 440. Aside from that, using a full-bodied distribution across the entire frequency spectrum (good bass support, with high frequencies tapering off and representing mainly the harmonics of lower fundamentals), can really help to present the audio in a way that makes you feel it's all around you, instead of just in front of you.

If all goes well I could have a decent example within the week... keeping my fingers crossed!
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Old 01-04-2009, 05:58 PM   #334
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

I liked Sanat's post #292 which resonated with me (and is worth another read).

The thoughts in his post should help those that live in hope and optimism that the coming changes in the next few years will take us to a better place [and leave the earth to recover from the horrors that it has had to endure in recent times]... if we continue to raise our level of consciousness as suggested by Sanat and by many others (not least Astralwalker) on this thread.

I continue to seek as much information as i can and will make my own judgements on the information received (as i hope will everyone else), and applaud everyone who is sharing on this forum.

I don't worry about "labels" attached to information, it doesn't matter what you call something, it is more about listening to your instinct about what is written and whether it resonates with you. We're all going to make it, so nothing to worry about there - this is just a learning process.

Here's another blogspot that i came across on the fourwinds10 website which has some nice thoughts about the coming times.


Have a great 2009!
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Old 01-04-2009, 07:38 PM   #335
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Namaste Prana - Just That Feeling (432Hz) by OctaFuzZ Audio Works
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Old 01-04-2009, 08:56 PM   #336
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

good day all...i have been following some other threads on different message boards that all seem to be related to what is being planned here using sound...i thought they might help connect some dots or perhaps create more information overload




then there is this which is about the global song in the works:

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Old 01-04-2009, 09:02 PM   #337
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

I cannot wait for the music portion.

Sanat...the Solfeggoi Freq. are great...I've been using them for about 3 months now and I tell you they work!
I noticed it right away...it will even have an influence on those around you, they will perceive you in a different light...therefore
I cannot wait to see what PhiedPiper will bring us...its all very exciting, and I am spreading the word to those who will listen and who might have a positive influence
PhiedPiper...You're right about not all of us having the complete answer, and you are also right that when we come together, we each bring that part we have been brought to remember,and use that knowledge.

It's like a puzzel...we are all a puzzle piece, and when we come together we will finally have the Big Picture
Love this thread,
thank you Astralwalker for creating it, thank you Mudra for bringing me here, and thank you PhiedPiper for the music you will supply, and much needed input. And last..thank you all for the great questions that we all have...and together we will create the BIG PICTURE

Last edited by BROOK; 01-04-2009 at 09:09 PM.
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Old 01-04-2009, 10:45 PM   #338
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Originally Posted by thegreat1 View Post
Before i continue, the following points are intended as constructive criticisms.

1) i do not likek the design of the invitation, looks a bit airy fairy to me. Should the design not be a bit more neutral in it's appearance so as to aim to appeal to a wider audience?

2) Is this individial( the right person to manage this? I work for a company that deal with events and publications so i have some knoweldge of the work required to make the necessary arrangments for large sized gatherings. It would not be fair or reasonable to expect one person to co-ordinate thousands of people globally!!

If this will be pulled off successfully then i suggest that people wishing to help set this up, do the following.

SEND your CV (with/without as many personal details as you like) then send this to the owners of this forum or astralwalker.

Then, from that a team should be appointed with clear objectives, time frames and responsibilities. This should be co-ordinated with regular meetings (perhaps over software like Windows Live Messenger, AIM etc)

Then you have a better chance of pulling this off. So far though, a girly, airy fairy design does more to put me off, because i can see this isn't being done properly.... YET!

In addition much more time needs to be allocated to set this up. I suggest allowing 12 months to make arrangements and then set a date 6 months in. By this point you will be better aware of any delays elsewhere that could hold the show up so to speak.
Greetings thegreat1 and everybody,
I don't agree, thegreat1
I must say I love this airy-fairy girly look and I think it will attract a wider audience, an audience of spiritualists, according to me.

I think Samarkis and others have made a great work and they are the right persons to manage this.
These people that will be attracted is not the “ordinary people” that is attracted in some “ordinary advertisement” or similar.
The knowledge you are talking about, is it NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) or something like that?
Most people here are very aware of these mechanisms, it will not attract them.
If you don't understand this spiritual type of persons, then you can't handle it either.
This is not a political rally or something, for the masses, because they will not do it, anyway.
This is not a top-down structure and pulling some strings and the “low level people” will obey.
This is about the individual that has to accept it, or it will not work.
The individual has a feeling what to do, they will learn enough to do it, when time comes.
The force behind this is LOVE.
I don't understand why we have to delay anything.
“The present is now, and the now is the present.”
I can't see any problem at all.
Every different group, call it subgroup in the world, prepare and learn, and do their part of healing.
When the time comes they synchronise with a “Synchroniser”.
What is the problem?
I must say I don't understand it at all.
Keep up the steam, we are the Avalon team....
blessings to all
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Old 01-04-2009, 10:52 PM   #339
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

For your calendars:

2009 full moon and eclipses times (Universal Time - calculate for your own time zone)

January, 2009 - January 11, 03:27
January 26: Annular Solar Eclipse
February, 2009 - February 9, 14:49 Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 12:38 - 16:37 UT
March, 2009 - March 11, 02:38
April, 2009 - April 9, 14:56
May, 2009 - May 9, 04:01
June, 2009 - June 7, 18:12
July, 2009 - July 7, 09:21 Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
July 22: Total Solar Eclipse
August, 2009 - August 6, 00:55 Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
September, 2009 - September 4, 16:03
October, 2009 - October 4, 06:10
November, 2009 - November 2, 19:14
December, 2009
December 2, 07:30
December 31, 19:13 (blue moon) Partial Lunar Eclipse

More on eclipses at: http://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/OH/OH2009.html#2009Jan26A

Last edited by Galaxy Girl; 01-04-2009 at 11:23 PM.
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Old 01-05-2009, 12:28 AM   #340
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Originally Posted by thegreat1 View Post
Before i continue, the following points are intended as constructive criticisms.

1) i do not likek the design of the invitation, looks a bit airy fairy to me. Should the design not be a bit more neutral in it's appearance so as to aim to appeal to a wider audience?

2) Is this individial( the right person to manage this? I work for a company that deal with events and publications so i have some knoweldge of the work required to make the necessary arrangments for large sized gatherings. It would not be fair or reasonable to expect one person to co-ordinate thousands of people globally!!

If this will be pulled off successfully then i suggest that people wishing to help set this up, do the following.

SEND your CV (with/without as many personal details as you like) then send this to the owners of this forum or astralwalker.

Then, from that a team should be appointed with clear objectives, time frames and responsibilities. This should be co-ordinated with regular meetings (perhaps over software like Windows Live Messenger, AIM etc)

Then you have a better chance of pulling this off. So far though, a girly, airy fairy design does more to put me off, because i can see this isn't being done properly.... YET!

In addition much more time needs to be allocated to set this up. I suggest allowing 12 months to make arrangements and then set a date 6 months in. By this point you will be better aware of any delays elsewhere that could hold the show up so to speak.
I couldn't agree more. I had the same concerns but didn't really want to mention it. However, I don't see how people can fit in if they aren't 'registered' and kept track of. Somebody has to give out some jobs and see if they need more resources, meet ends etc.
Maybe I'm missing the 'thinking outside of the box' part but on my plane of existence I may feel what's right for me but I don't know what the group is doing.
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Old 01-05-2009, 12:34 AM   #341
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Originally Posted by stiros View Post
Greetings thegreat1 and everybody,
I don't agree, thegreat1
I must say I love this airy-fairy girly look and I think it will attract a wider audience, an audience of spiritualists, according to me.

I think Samarkis and others have made a great work and they are the right persons to manage this.
These people that will be attracted is not the “ordinary people” that is attracted in some “ordinary advertisement” or similar.
The knowledge you are talking about, is it NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) or something like that?
Most people here are very aware of these mechanisms, it will not attract them.
If you don't understand this spiritual type of persons, then you can't handle it either.
This is not a political rally or something, for the masses, because they will not do it, anyway.
This is not a top-down structure and pulling some strings and the “low level people” will obey.
This is about the individual that has to accept it, or it will not work.
The individual has a feeling what to do, they will learn enough to do it, when time comes.
The force behind this is LOVE.
I don't understand why we have to delay anything.
“The present is now, and the now is the present.”
I can't see any problem at all.
Every different group, call it subgroup in the world, prepare and learn, and do their part of healing.
When the time comes they synchronise with a “Synchroniser”.
What is the problem?
I must say I don't understand it at all.
Keep up the steam, we are the Avalon team....
blessings to all
Even though I understand your sentiment here I can't agree with what you say. I do think that you are right about the people that we want to attract and I also think that you are right by saying that it should not be NLP or any other form of typical advertising. In that regard I would call for a poster that is even more neutral, even drop the 'airy fairy' bit and as I mentioned before, call out to people who MIGHT NOT think this is for them.
There will be lots of people responding to this without being 'in tune' or 'aware' and they need a little hand holding. I know I would.

As for the working, I also agree with subgroups but I just don't see enough independent communication between the peers yet for my point of view and no clear idea of 'list of things to be done'. How is one to work without this?
Fill me in please.
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Old 01-05-2009, 01:12 AM   #342
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

To whom it may concern

I think that by trying to focus on the "who we want to attract" or what the decorations mean to you on the poster, we are just in the wrong vibe here!!!!

I have an advice I would like to express

If you don't like the presentation, or the audience, or the font or the color, please help us by doing your own poster and post it wherever it seems right for you.

Great job Samarkis!!!!

No arm intended

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Old 01-05-2009, 01:56 AM   #343
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Blessings all!!

Please, by all means, Take the info and post or add graphics to your taste.
Just I feel that it is a very important task and am doing this from my heart.
Whomever signs up for the meditations,that list is ONLY for the meditations.
We all have a lot of work to do. The most important is to be co-ordinated with everyone else. I strongly suggest that any that would like to lead a particular place or have their own groups already,please contact me to this effect and we will set up an infra structure. We will hopefully be doing this meditation quite a few times throughout the next few years. Each time,it will be different leaders at different spots, as everyone's schedule is different.
The important thing is in UNITY!!!!!!!!!! If one has a difficult time remaining
positive,there is a reason for this and we know whom you are.(Wink)

Sending Much Love, Light & Joy!!!!!!


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Old 01-05-2009, 02:31 AM   #344
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samarkis, i love the graphics, my first thought was how wonderful to feel the feminine energy arise through it ...
organization of something like this is significant, and yet, the focus and pure intention of this purpose must never be overshadowed by the fear of its success ...
the strength of its success will lie within the collective participating, the success of all of these meditations will be born of the heart, its purpose to raise vibration of love in this world ...
a symphony of love ...
this is not a campaign, this has nothing to do with convincing another to join their rally, this isn't surface like that ...
whatever is contributed to this event is done so through the contributor's heart and THAT will RESONATE more within another heart than anything else ...
from a heart, to a heart, to other hearts ...
throughout the world ...
the high vibration of love generated from this will be ENORMOUS ...
in those moments when this is underway, and we feel our own hearts expanding, and our passion for this purpose runs through every part of our being, and we feel something so divine that we have never in our lives experienced ...
will we in those moments be thinking about the colors or the graphics of the invitation ...
will we even remember the invitation ...
i think not, i believe we will be so connected and so touched by what flows through us that nothing else will matter ...
let's always remember our focus and our intention ...
let's co-create this event, let's trust the universe will gently guide us through this ...
let's remember why we are giving birth to this event ...
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Old 01-05-2009, 03:07 AM   #345
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

We are in a creative process.
Let's consider this team as a new society of responsible persons.
Every one is important. Everyone which resonates with this project can do something according to it's own talents and purpose to add to the dynamic of the movement.
Do not wait to be appointed to a task as there is not a boss here which is going to tell you what to do.
Get inspired , come up with products that you can then share in the open . Be your own boss.
Creativity is a call to the soul and this is what we should more and more live by.
So go ahead everyone. Do what you feel is right and in alignment with this project.
Team up with others around a topic as you may feel or work alone.
Dare take the initiative as Samarkis did. This allows us to move ahead and bring us a step closer to the goal.
Follow your heart.


Last edited by mudra; 01-05-2009 at 03:29 AM.
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Old 01-05-2009, 03:16 AM   #346
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

"Fancy a ride?" (as John Hurt said in Contact) about the jump seat...

Want to feel what it would be like to go through a wormhole?

After watching "2012 Enigma" the recent recording of David Wilcock doing a presentation on some important 2012 related topics (fascinating, especially about the pineal gland)...i thought I'd better watch "Contact", the brilliant film with Jodie Foster...

now we know what we know, the film allows you to "feel" what it would be like...made me feel amazing watching her go through the wormhole...the technology in the film replicated the real thing

Here's David Wilcock talking about Project Looking Glass and Contact


and if you want to "feel" the jump seat and the wormhole, "Contact" is on a Project Camelot thread under "Books and Videos"


wonderful, hope its like this when the time comes....
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Old 01-05-2009, 03:56 AM   #347
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

3. -

That would be messy enough to let a few get away and give the People what they want and deserve. The Office of President would be redeemed.

Unexpected evidence of corruption, time travel, aliens and all that. All the science and knowledge and ALL held for what? It's NOW. The proportion of a problem equals the proportion of a solution.

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Old 01-05-2009, 06:12 AM   #348
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Old 01-05-2009, 10:08 AM   #349
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

[QUOTE=Samarkis;100467]THE POWER OF PEACE!!!!!!!]

SOOOO beautifull .

Last edited by Kathleen; 01-05-2009 at 11:40 AM. Reason: removed duplicate photo
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Old 01-05-2009, 11:01 AM   #350
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Originally Posted by Sanat View Post

"Sounds" great indeed. I would love to try out that frequency if you can provide... I know little about music and frequencies etc. I just know that many people have good experiences with the Solfeggio file, including myself (and I am not really into these external things when it comes to meditation). Thanks for your information about it. Interesting indeed.
Hi Sanat!!

My first post after subscriping

Anyways, I looked around a little bit and found this small program you can download for free. It is a program to desing speakers, but it also contains a utility called "signal generator". It can be found from the "utility" menu. With that you can generate almost any frequency you want. One simple tone, but eh, can't get everything always



Great thread!
I've been following it for good 3 weeks atleast. Lot of this stuff I have read some, or watched a documentary. And I had come to same conclusion with you on some things. But with this thread I have been able to look into it in more detail and it has been great reading! Very good work. You have done lots of work to put all that together, my humblest respects

Last edited by McMaster; 01-05-2009 at 11:36 AM.
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