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Old 12-24-2008, 10:30 PM   #126
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Originally Posted by Astralwalker View Post

Because, the Entity known as “All Seeing Eye”, will not allow us to live. It will do everything in its power to finish this before the Nexus arrives.

Trust me, I perfectly know what I’m talking about.
But as you said, we're going to die anyway.. What's the point on this?
Is it important to be alive the moment the Nexus arrives?
Else it doesn't matter if TPTB stay in business for the next few years.

If we fail with this…everything that we done before its for nothing.
Why? It doesnt make any sense.
The game will start again for those, who were collected by the "all seeing eye". All the others are going to be safed as you mentioned.
And if it's not a fight to safe the other souls, what else is it for?

No, you got it all wrong. The Galactic Nexus is the ultimate purpose.
Yeah, ok. I got this. But it arrives anyway, no matter if we're smashing our heads, dancing naked around a fireplace or meditate..
So whats the point when the Nexus arrives? Is it important the earth is vibrating in a specific frequency?

But if you remember, I have point out clearly, that this is for everyone who vibrates with this idea. For ones that are seeing the purpose of this.
Just because I'm asking questions to understand the meanig of all this, it doesn't say that it doesn't vibrate with me?
Else I wouldn't be here asking "dumb" questions.

And it’s not useless.
I've never said it seems useless. I was just asking questions to understand why we should do this.
I am willing to help, but I'm not Rambo, running around shooting everybody an asking questions later. (so to say)

You see, if every water molecule responds to our frequency and emotional charge, you can imagine what this generated energy field of fused consciousness can do to this Matrix and Mother Earth.
So it DOES make a difference in which frequency the earth is vibrating the moment the Nexus arrives?
But why? If the Nexus is wiping away all evil, than it doesn't make any difference if TPTB are in charge or chased away before..

The game has to start again, because we haven't finished our business in this dimension? But that wouldn't make any sense either, because this happens to the people who are collected by TPTB and not to them who are safed by the Nexus.

Thx. for your answers.
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Old 12-24-2008, 10:32 PM   #127
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Sacred Sites:

A good starting point for location of sacred sites can be found in the worldwide listings contained in www.sacredsites.com

In Britain one of the most powerful sites is stonehenge, where ley lines converge. The "great ley" runs from St Michael's Mount in Cornwall through stone circles on Bodmin Moor and Dartmoor, the "Mump" at Burrowbridge, Glastonbury Tor and the Avebury Circle and all the way to Lowestoft in East Anglia. The medieval abbeys of Glastonbury and Bury St Edmunds and many old churches.

Someone will need to coordinate meeting points, times etc.
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Old 12-24-2008, 10:37 PM   #128
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Soory i meant to say that the medieval churches of Glastonbury and Bury St Edmunds and many old churches lie on the "great ley" line.

How large do the meeting areas need to be? I guess if a lot of people are converging at particular sites, only sites which are large will be feasable. But maybe some smaller sites can be used for a smaller group meeting.
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Old 12-24-2008, 10:38 PM   #129
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Thank you for all of this information; it resonates me with me entirely. Are you familiar with the work of Dr Emoto in relation to the effects our thoughts have on water? Please see link below for some information about Dr Emoto's wonderful, beautiful work.

I feel Dr Emoto's work is very relevant here as well as maybe offering an explanation for homeopathic or 'energy' medicine.


Jonathan Goldman's work with sound may also be familiar to you?


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Old 12-25-2008, 12:52 AM   #130
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

If the all seeing eye collects our souls, what will it do with them??
And those that have died in the past, what happened to their souls??
If they are somewhere else surely they can see what is happening and will stop it.
And surely we wouldn't have come here to this planet at this time unless we knew we could beat this threat.
I'm sure I never came here to feed them.
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Old 12-25-2008, 06:43 PM   #131
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Thank you very much, Astralwalker.
Very impressive work.
This Hollow Earth theory, it sounds first a little bit too unbelievable, but then I thought of Viktor Schauberger and his work and experiments, with vortices, it sounds in fact believable.
I don't trust anything, any more, that we have learned in school or from mainstream media, because most of it seems to be lies or partly lies, spread by the “ruling elite”, of course with a purpose.

Don't you think we have an “individual life path” too walk, and what we feel inside, is what we have to do?

Love, Freedom and Truth
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Old 12-25-2008, 06:44 PM   #132
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Scientific proof of realms beyond our physical realm:

Physicist Tom Campbell is interviewed in the link below by George Noory on Coast to Coast am. Campbell worked with Robert Monroe at the Robert Monroe Institute and laboratories from the 70's, helping to establish Monroe's laboratory for the study of consciousness and to develop the Hemi-Sync technology used to attain specific altered states. He tells us about the scientific proof of non physical realms.


more information is available at www.mybigtoe.com where books and other interviews can be accessed.

Firstly listen to the 50 second clip of the late Robert Monroe on surviving physical death


so there's really nothing to fear....so lets get on and follow Astralwalker's thread!

And hope you all enjoyed a day off today.....
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Old 12-25-2008, 11:09 PM   #133
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But as you said, we're going to die anyway.. What's the point on this planetary meditation?
My friend, look deep inside your heart and you will see the point... Otherwise you can not.

Is it important to be alive the moment the Nexus arrives?
We are always alive.

If you think of physical existence – It is. But if that isn’t possible, it’s important to sustain in a fully conscious state inside one of immaterial bodies, of who you are and what is going on.

As I previously pointed out, the lowest layers of Earth’s astral dimension are not safe at the moment, which is not the case everywhere. This solar system seems to be quarantined.

Anyway, I will try to share few more thoughts and conclusions that I come up throughout the years.

Please consider this only as my perspective and treat it only as such…

The lowest layers of the Earth’s astral plane (we are talking about huge area) are not safe because something had happened long ago here on Earth.

The evidence that I have trucking for so long, points (once again it’s only my observation, nothing more) that this anomaly happened as a result of using extreme advance technology in dark purposes.

The closest that I come up with, was some kind of destructive technology that was used by the evil beings from Atlantis. Does those beings responsible for this originated from the Atlantis or did they come from the stars and took over, I just do not know at this moment.

Anyway, the result was a major break-up, fissure, opening, some kind of sharp cut or what ever you want to call it, in the lower region of what we today in our terminology we refer to as Astral Plane.

It became known as Great Void.

It also wiped out almost everything, cities, civilizations and most important of all it almost destroyed all life on Earth and imprisoned Gaya.

They used large obelisks on the exact planetary spots with a purpose to block the Divine Energy of what we are referring as life force of the Planet or Gaya.

Just as the same as acupuncture needles on a physical body – the same knowledge just on the planetary level.

However, let’s continue…

As far as I can tell it happened somewhere between 10500 BC – 35000 BC.

The damage was so great that the planet is experiencing its effect even today.

Compare today’s HAARP technology development and multiply it by 20 centuries further research and development, and you will get a good picture what kind of weapon I’m talking about.

In fact this weapon made a large cut in the astral plane so the Divine Creation can not shine on this plane of existence and that is why now we have so much Evil present on the planet. But the main damage was that the weapon opened a vortex which allowed powerful Entity of Darkness to come to this planet.

It allowed a whole legion of mighty dark beings to come over, but this powerful Entity of Darkness was the worst. And still is.

I believe you are guessing - The All Seeing Eye.

That is why the ones who are "CONDUIT CLOSING" (which gives you the answer for: Is it important the earth is vibrating in a specific frequency when Nexus arrives?) are insisting that we remember or at least we understand this.

That is why in the most ancient secret esotheric symbolism is always depicted as being inside the deep black empty space shining with beams.
After that, what was left on the physical plane of existence, split as Rama from the east side, and Olmec and Egyptian Empire from the west side.
Rama originated directly from Lemuria and Egypt and Olmec in Central America directly from Atlantis.

The beings from Rama lived in harmony and balance with the nature, the other ones were attracted to technology, hierarchy, total control, slavery, blood sacrifices and similar that is clearly depicted in the Inca and Maya temples. Beings from Rama were living according the Law of One, and the others were living according that everything is divided, separate from the source and that everything that exist around serves to fulfil their needs and pleasures, or simple - the strongest rules.

All this Illuminati vibration, if you start to trace it back in time, in fact originates from Ancient Atlantis. What we dealing at this moment is building of a New Atlantis based on a idea of the first one.

I have no time to go further into this huge subject but my point is this:

The Nexus will fix this astral fissure and the Light from higher harmonics of the Universe will be able to penetrate and shine again.

That is why the ancient records are referring as the Return of the Golden Age. The ones who will be left in 3D reality after the Nexus is gone, will face a New Era of Light.

It’s like a wire cut off in electrical circuit.

But if you connect the wire again, you have voltage back and electrical current as result of that. In other words I’m talking about fixing the damage that was done, by rearranging the whole structure of the Matrix (Normal Mater, Dark Mater, Dark Energy) and allowing electrical spiritual current to flow top to the bottom of the Universe and vice versa – again.

How the Creator will deal with this All Seeing Eye, it’s above my reach of understanding. But it will surely reprogram the whole structure of the Matrix where it reaches. And what is more important we have to play our role in this entire scenario.

For some reason, the Creator usually reprograms the Matrix from the centers of the Galaxies, and I have combined some of the peaces gathered from everywhere so that we can see some picture and sound. It’s far from the exact one but we are getting somewhere.

I can assure you that not in any moment I do not consider myself special. In fact I have more questions that probably you do.

As I stated before, there are no masters in this, no prophets, no messiahs.

We are all equal and we are all ONE.

Its interesting, in this moment, the more you learn about this, the more you realize how small we are and how big the Universe is.

Anyway, the problem with this Great Void was, and still is, that in most cases when someone physically dies, the life force had to face this Great Void which obviously has some unusual properties of cutting the memory of the previous experience, so when you reincarnate again you do not remember anything before and all your previous assimilated experience and knowledge is lost.

You still keep it in your DNA structure, in you subconscious, but its still a blackout and in most cases unreachable.

This is probably very complex for most of you, but is not. Once you learn the basic moves, you are starting to see a pattern and you learn more and more. But it’s a long way home, and that is why those cosmic beams coming from the Galactic centre depicted in the crop formations, are so important for the Life here on Earth.

Is it important the earth is vibrating in a specific frequency?
Yes it is. It is essential.

Please consider that I have explained only the basics of the nature of the Nexus. There is plenty more that I didn’t mention at all, or I only had touched huge subjects on the surface.

Plus there are things about Nexus that I still don’t understand and I’m waiting for further input.

The game will start again for those, who were collected by the "all seeing eye". All the others are going to be safed as you mentioned.
I hope I’m wrong about this, but the logic points that the dark entities under the control of the All Seeing Eye, have to realize a Secret Plan behind the scene.

Btw, all that we see in the public domain is nothing but the theatre. Some are tricked by it completely, some see through the deception more or less, but the fact is that more are clearing their sights. When you remove all the layers you start to face what I’m talking about.

As I was saying earlier, we have visitations from distant places but Orion constellation surfaces back and back. The Giza Pyramids were exact match of the star map of Orion 10500 BC.

There is one good video file about the investigation of KGB in 1962 in the Giza Plato.

It’s called “The Secret KGB Abduction Files”. Here is a part of the documentary.


Lets proceed…The analysis from the M12 papers, thousands of other top secret papers etc, points that the malevolent race from Orion will try to trap the consciousness of most of the humanity into giant force fields, souls will be put into blackness or in a dream like hologram appearance, put in large containers and dislocated on other systems far away from the Nexus.

The performance and the evidence had shown that those multidimensional beings have the technology and knowledge to do pull this off easily.
That is, departing the souls of 5/6 of the human kind to the astral dimension and picking them up from there into huge electro-magnetic force fields, then shipped to large ships and transported to other systems far away from this galaxy with the purpose to put them in other cloned bio-computers and continue the needed exploitation.

Most beings stop at this investigation. But there are some who went for it…just to see how really deep the rabbit hole is. And what they discovered …it doesn’t look nice.

That is why the Nexus is so important. And yes this has much to do with saving as much souls we can.

And much more…

That is why they started to map the higher planes of existence. That’s how Bardo Thodol - The Tibetan Book of the Dead", and The Egyptian Book of the Dead were created.

They both talking about the Great Void but they are pointing to different directions as they were referring different realities of immaterial word.
In first sight, it seems that one of these books is false.

-No, they were both right.

In this physical reality if you go to Bangkok, Moscow, Kathmandu, Las Vegas, etc., you will face a different reality, different culture, different life stile, different achievements and intentions etc.

The Life on Astral Plane above East and West was different.

I know that this differs from everything you have read in the esotheric books but it’s true. But it’s another major story, that we have no time to get into at the moment.

Note: Not to be misunderstood. This Great Void is not visible in the average out of the body experience. A person cad perform astral travel all his/her life in the closest astral layer to the physical plane and never to detect it, because is simple on other wavelength. But the Consciousness that has permanently left the physical body is usually by default in a vehicle that matches the Great Void vibrations and that is why in most cases is pulled here after the physical ride is over. It is usually experienced as an astral flight through a dark, deep and long tunnel with the Light on the End.

You are probably guessing what that Bright Light is.

The Eye on the Top of the Pyramid – The All-Seeing Eye!

It’s starting to make sense? Does it?

This is not happening to every case, but … That is why the Nexus is so important.

Anyway, I do not want to focus my energy in this direction too much. Lets live it for some other time.

Let’s go back…

The both described this Great Void as not a safe place for souls and give instruction how to pass it safely.

The ancient knowledge that was left in the Bardo Thodol describes the nature of the beams that are shining in the Great Void and where they lead.
Anyway, to solve the problem of loosing the memory and the assimilated knowledge of the being that was at the end of his physical path, they used ancient knowledge and technology to transfer the consciousness from one body directly to another one with bigger proportions.

O yes, there were giants those days.

The atmosphere was bigger; the mana was present in abundance, there were beings with four, six arms, some half fish-half human, animals grow bigger and the plants were gigantic.

But the evidence points that there was truly five different levels of human consciousness possible here on Earth.

I came across this in few books but it was mentioned the best in the book The Ancient Secret Of The Flower Of Life by Melchizedek Drunvalo.

He was saying that he got this input from entity by the name Thoth, which at the time I took with great reserve, but when we started our own research trying to find the evidence of the same in the East, and when we started to find this everywhere on the territory of Ancient Rama it started to spin in our heads.

In short, this is excerpt of his book:

The Five Levels of Human Consciousness and Their Chromosomal Differences
According to Thoth, there are five different levels of human consciousness possible here on Earth.

These are people who have different DNA, completely different bodies and different ways of perceiving the Reality.

Each level of consciousness grows from the last one, until finally on the fifth level human being learns how to translate into a whole new manner of expressing life, reaching Nirvana and leaving Earth forever!

The primary visual difference between these types is their height.

-The first-level people are about 4 to 6 feet tall.

-The second-level people are about 5 to 7 feet tall, where we are at now.

-Third-level people are about 10 to 16 feet tall.

-The fourth-level being is about 30 to 35 feet tall.

-The fifth and the last is about 50 to 60 feet.

This may seem strange at first, but do we not begin as a microscopic egg and get larger and larger until we are born?

Then we continue to grow taller and taller until we are adults. According to this theory, the human adult is not the end of our growth pattern.
We continue through DNA steps until we are 50 to 60 feet tall.

Metatron, the Hebrew archangel who is the perfection of what humanity is supposed to become, is 55 feet tall!

Remember the giants who lived here on Earth referred to in chapter 6 of Genesis?

According to the Sumerian records, they were about 10 to 16 feet tall. When we look at a three-year-old and a ten-year-old, we know that they have different levels of consciousness, and it is primarily by their height that we make this judgment.

According to Thoth, each level of consciousness has different DNA; however, the primary difference is the number of chromosomes.

According to this, we are now on the second level and have 44+2 chromosomes. An example of the first level is certain aboriginal tribes in Australia where they have 42+2 chromosomes.

On the third level, which we are about to move to, people have 46+2 chromosomes. The next two levels have 48+2 and 50 + 2, respectively.
We’re now going to focus on Egypt because Egypt happens to be where the one of two main mystery schools was located and where evidence of the different-sized humans, and levels of consciousness, still remain, though generally unrecognized.

Egypt was the area they chose where they would ultimately restore our consciousness, and the primary area where survivors from Atlantis and the ascended masters were in one place.

Abu Simbel, would be about 35 feet tall, representing the fourth level of consciousness.

They built rooms for these different heights.

This doorway is made for the Venusians—the Hathor race—who are on the third level of consciousness.

These third-level beings are about 16 feet tall, indicating they are male, as the females of this race are about 10 to 12 feet tall.

In their section of the building the rooms are around 20 feet high, with ceilings and beams in proportion to 10- to 16-foot-tall beings.

Next to that room, through a little doorway that looks like it’s made for us, is a little room with a much lower ceiling.

The Egyptians didn’t make these statues arbitrarily—they never did anything arbitrarily. There isn’t a single scratch on a single stone; there is not even one, I believe, that was done unconsciously.

There was a reason and a purpose for everything. And usually it was created on many, many different levels. The Emerald Tablets, for example, are written on one hundred levels of consciousness.

Depending on who you are, you’ll understand something utterly and completely different from other people. If you should go through a consciousness change, go back and reread The Emerald Tablets
again. You won’t believe it’s the same book, because it’ll talk to you in a different way, depending on your physical body.

These are Earth beings passing through the various levels of consciousness. In this photo you see a huge 55-foot-tall being with a statue our size standing by his leg.

This is the king and queen.

Archaeologists don’t know how to interpret this, so they just say that the kings were more important than the queens, and that’s why they made her little.

But it didn’t have anything to do with that.

The statues are showing the five levels of consciousness.

Every king and Pharaoh who ever lived in Egypt had five names, representing the five levels of consciousness.

On the wall of ancient Egyptians wall they are depicting the technology they were using to transfer one consciousness from its body to the next one without loosing any memory and knowledge of the previous assimilated experience…


Anyway, when we start searching in the East, we found the same exact body sizes and similar technology for the transfer.

In fact the all Buddha myth is twisted up side down. There was whole race of Buddhas with long ears and different body sizes.

They build huge structures with a places for meditation of every meditant and through their sharp antennas they were cutting the natural scalar waves or natural Chi energy and tuned into Oneness. As I said earlier we have still much to learn from them.

It’s all there; you just have to start searching for answers on ancient sacred sites and temples. Especially jungles in Thailand are very impressive.

All this knowledge is suppressed by the Elite, but its coming back. Its all math and ritual for them, so in the critical point of mass awakening they will strike with force. And that is why we have remember, understand this very soon and to start to utilize this ancient knowledge. So we do not have to fear, but we have to put some solid input and to see with what exactly we are dealing with and what can do about it.

Yeah, ok. I got this. But it arrives anyway, no matter if we're smashing our heads, dancing naked around a fireplace or meditate..
So what’s the point when the Nexus arrives?
We have to buy some more time for the planet and for the life that lives here. They are crushing the economy already which means its already starting.

I believe it’s our responsibility to step forward, to unite and to act now. Not with guns or violence but with Higher Consciousness.

The pictograms had shown us the way.

They are showing the fractals, the geometry, the STRUCTURE OF THE UNIVERSE!


So, yes it’s essential that we start perfoming planetary meditations.

This is the Checkmate move they are referring to. I hope you will understand this before its too late.

That’s why I believe we have to start doing those planetary meditations.

And if done how it should be - IT WILL WORK!

Respect to you all,
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Old 12-25-2008, 11:12 PM   #134
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Respected piers2210,

Don’t worry my friend. We are working on it!

Stay tuned,
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Old 12-25-2008, 11:14 PM   #135
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Thanks Stiros. I really appreciate.

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Old 12-25-2008, 11:16 PM   #136
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Respect Mpea,

Thanks for your words. I really appreciate.

We have been tracking the research of Dr Emoto for at least two years.

His work is truly impressive and we all have much to learn from him.

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Old 12-26-2008, 12:25 AM   #137
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Thankyou Astralwalker,

That explanation of the hollowness of the earth sun and planets makes soo much sense. The pictures are fabulous and the imagery produced by your words complete the picture of the nature of the cosmos. 'Thank you for answering my earlier question. I will need to study the information many more times to gain all that I can from your information. I love the richness of it all.
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Old 12-26-2008, 04:47 AM   #138
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

[QUOTE=Astralwalker;89910]The left side of the rectangle is the breaking line.

The dark green area along the east coast is completely flooded.

The lighter greenish area inside the borders of the rectangle in the previous picture is the safe area that will stay intact. The best area is around Queensland fields. It will sustain a suitable climate for life after all this is over.

Update >> Many people were asking if there is a possibility that I can deliver a more precise map, so here it is:

Thank you Astralwalker for answering these questions regarding Australia. I am sorry because I know you have been very kind at this busy time. Please allow me once last clarification. Between these three maps and especially the second and last updated one, it seems that ALL of Victoria, Melbourne will be submerged not even North East Vic appears to be clear like the second map which has a distinction between light & dark green areas???
If all this is to occur around 21/12/12 and the blue beams 13/12/12 you would HOPE that most of mankind that is remaining would be able to have the power and ability to overcome whatever!
Your wisdom and knowledge is greatly appreciated, THANK YOU for sharing. Cheers Pep

Last edited by Peace2all; 12-26-2008 at 04:50 AM.
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Old 12-26-2008, 08:57 AM   #139
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Hey Pep,

The previous images were the closest that I could find on the net to depict the safe area I received as download from the Crop Circle makers.

The last one I have created after you and other people requested if I can provide more precise area, since the previous images are just Australia images for showing map of Australia, Queensland Mining Fields, Tasman Orogen etc.




As I said earlier, please consider this only as download of mine. I hope I’m wrong about this, but it is the same that physically appears in the crop fields around the world. That is why we have to pay attention to the new input that will come in the crop formations.

And most important, to get together, unite in one rhythm of consciousness, and influence the basic fractal structure of our Planetary Matrix with the intention to prevent any further damage to our planet and the life on it.

Take care,
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Old 12-26-2008, 09:53 AM   #140
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Thanks Carmen. I really appreciate.

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Old 12-26-2008, 11:19 AM   #141
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Absolutely incredible

great research

Thank you
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Old 12-26-2008, 03:15 PM   #142
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Thanks Dominic. I really appreciate.

Let There Be Light
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Old 12-26-2008, 05:29 PM   #143
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
If the all seeing eye collects our souls, what will it do with them??
And those that have died in the past, what happened to their souls??
If they are somewhere else surely they can see what is happening and will stop it.
And surely we wouldn't have come here to this planet at this time unless we knew we could beat this threat.
I'm sure I never came here to feed them.
Can anyone answer my questions??
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Old 12-26-2008, 06:11 PM   #144
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

If the all seeing eye collects our souls, what will it do with them??
And those that have died in the past, what happened to their souls??
If they are somewhere else surely they can see what is happening and will stop it.
And surely we wouldn't have come here to this planet at this time unless we knew we could beat this threat.
I'm sure I never came here to feed them.

Can anyone answer my questions??
We can try, if you remove your weapon of mass destruction!
Just kidding…

If the all seeing eye collects our souls, what will it do with them??
- It will continue to manipulate them.

And those that have died in the past, what happened to their souls??
- Some returned here in new bodies, some are still in the immaterial planetary dimensions (majority is in the astral dimension), some left our solar system, some (most rare) climbed very high and left humanity and this plane of existence for good.

- What you ask it will take weeks to assemble to elaborate of all that, a time which I don’t have anymore. I have to focus on some other tasks that are from great importance too.

If they are somewhere else surely they can see what is happening and will stop it.
- I believe they will play their role too.

And surely we wouldn't have come here to this planet at this time unless we knew we could beat this threat. I'm sure I never came here to feed them.
- Yap, Me Ether.

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Old 12-26-2008, 06:19 PM   #145
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Thx Astral
Where do you get your ideas??
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Old 12-26-2008, 06:36 PM   #146
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You're Welcome.

Take care,
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Old 12-27-2008, 06:45 AM   #147
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Just wanted to remind all of you-we are fractals of divine creator-therefore,we can never be lost EVER. (Pls see Law of one,pls see www.michaelsharp.org,pls see www.ramtha.com,www.divinecosmos.com)

Pls do not set limitations-claim it. Claim Ascension.(Pls see Ramtha)
Pls do not fear-Lean towards light & Change!! Pls know that Paladians & Andromedans have done this Ascension Many,many times before.(Pls see
Bringers of the Dawn-Youtube & Google)

Yes- I feel that the Meditations that Astralwalker wants to set up will "ease" our birthing pains,and yes it will be a good thing to meditate as a combined Unity,even those whom cannot make the trip may meditate in sync.

Blessings to all!!

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Old 12-27-2008, 09:37 AM   #148
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

facinating! I will respond more at a later date when I have time. Thanks for sharing this with us all.
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Old 12-27-2008, 09:42 AM   #149
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Just wanted to remind all of you-we are fractals of divine creator-therefore,we can never be lost EVER. (Pls see Law of one,pls see www.michaelsharp.org,pls see www.ramtha.com,www.divinecosmos.com)

Pls do not set limitations-claim it. Claim Ascension.(Pls see Ramtha)
Pls do not fear-Lean towards light & Change!! Pls know that Paladians & Andromedans have done this Ascension Many,many times before.(Pls see
Bringers of the Dawn-Youtube & Google)
You are totally right Samarkis. We are moving towards the Light and there is Great Awakening everywhere. We all start to feel the connection between everything. So I totally agree that we are all Light, that we are all fractals of Divine Creator and that we can never be Lost. That is why we have to maintain the higher vibrational state, to get together, to tune into the exact wavelength of the Divine Creation and to assist in the Cosmic Plan and Purpose as much as we can.

Yes-I feel that the Meditations that Astralwalker wants to set up will "ease" our birthing pains, and yes it will be a good thing to meditate as a combined Unity, even those whom cannot make the trip may meditate in sync.
Yes. Everyone is welcomed to join the Meditations. If someone can not come to the sacred planetary sites physically we will greatly appreciate if he/she will join the field of planetary consciousness from his/her home.

But I still hold the opinion, that those acupuncture points of the planet are very very important because they are chakras of the Gaya.

Btw, as soon as we will determine the dates, times and finish the technical aspects of the planetary meditation we will make announcement so everyone who feels that we have to do this or vibrates with the idea, can join us.

Blessings to all!!
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Old 12-27-2008, 10:34 AM   #150
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Post Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

A perfect prayer

“my spirit, you are omnipotent.

Your name is holy.

May your realm be incarnate in me.

May your power reveal itself within me.

On earth and in the heaven.

Give me today my daily bread.

And thus. Let me recognise my transgressions and errors.

And i shall recognise the truth,

and do not lead me into temptation and confusion.

But deliver me from error.

For yours is the realm within me

and the power and the knowledge

forever, amen.
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