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Old 06-15-2009, 05:11 PM   #2151
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

i got a new musical toy to play with

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Old 06-15-2009, 06:35 PM   #2152
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

From a heliocentric to a galactic consciousness

If you imagine our planet earth floating like a little island in an infinite ocean of space you may also realize that there are waves surfing against the shores of our little refuge. And you may then also realize that we are not living in bomb proof refuge but in a rather sensitive environment not only sensitive to what we are doing to our small garden Eden.

As our lives are very short in comparison to the duration of the waves that are surging against our shores we have no recollection and awareness of prior waves or even the present wave. There are short waves and longer waves - the sequence of the four seasons is an example of one of the shorter waves but take for instance the eleven-year cycle that the sun is undergoing: it is going by unnoticed by most people.

The people of the nation of the Maya some thousand of years ago actually had the awareness about the greater cosmic cycles and measured them with their calendar. They also knew the source of the strongest cycles or waves - the center of our galaxy, the Milkyway.



Last edited by mudra; 06-15-2009 at 09:18 PM.
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Old 06-15-2009, 07:42 PM   #2153
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

The Djed

The Key Of Life hand in hand with a Staff and Djed

Geometry, Space, Structure, Location.

The Djed was a symbol for resonance, where geometric space was created at specific locations through geometric structures. Like the Great Pyramid. designed for manifestation of particular vibrational fields through sound and its relationship with the Earth. The four principles of this pillar being geometry, space, structure and location.

Often you will see it shown with arms, indicating that these qualities also apply to human beings.

The music (sound/vibration) of the times reflects and sets the stage for the consciousness of the times.

Earth's natural frequencies differ from that of most of the systems of musical scales that we have created. The sounds and frequencies that we listen to, live by and harmonize with in this time may serve to separate us from our higher potentials.

In the high times of Atlantis all the sounds generated and produced were in harmony with the Earths, so that the people of the day were soaked in this universal frequency. Which enabled them to be in constant tune with that universal aspect of themselves.

This knowledge led to humanities creations offering little resistance to higher states of consciousness, opening a door and enabling clear access to sustained higher emotions.

The body is a template design for a living temple. Souls living temple, and when tuned and vibrated correctly to the divine, through it we can experience and express creation's higher frequencies.

Our bodies are currently tuned down much like you can a stringed instrument, through the application of universal mathematics we can create structures and technology that reconfigure our bodies vibration, individually and as a whole.

Places of prayer and worship were born from such places. There true prayer was expressed, beyond thought, divine communion, soul's living temple in action.

Creation gives us all the freedom to be ourselves, so must we do the same if we are tuned to its rhythm.

Interestingly many people today think that humanity may evolve spontaneously, DNA being triggered, taking us as a whole to a new level of being. Though each is unique in spiritual development, experience and awareness of self and creation.

DNA will most likely evolve in relation to our consciousness even though these changes may be available to all.

The Heart of Creation is manifest here in this reality but it is not a fictionist God. It is from this which all life is created and flows the body of a galaxy and man. As above so below. Soul is eternally connected to creation. Our awareness of creation can make available it's forces on this Earth.

If you stand back far enough from humanity as a whole we are one, but that one vibrating state of consciousness is at best disharmonious. The parts disconnected from the whole. It is for us to become aware that we are already One.

Our true history is yet to be conceived on mass. Those that brought the concept of God long ago sought to enslave our race, though they may have had a hand in our development they did not create us, manipulate would be a better description.

With their advanced technology and evolved mind they taught us to worship them for the purpose of control. At this time we were a primitive species with little intellectual, emotional and spiritual development. The last six thousand years has seen us develop to what we are today, equal to the Gods of those days. We only need to look back to our recent known history to see how much our conscious has grown. Yet we still worship the idea and as a result those descendants still hold on to power.


Last edited by mudra; 06-15-2009 at 07:56 PM.
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Old 06-15-2009, 11:09 PM   #2154
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Dearest Mudra,

Great post,thankyou for sharing.

Loved the videos.

Love light & oneness

Originally Posted by mudra View Post

From a heliocentric to a galactic consciousness

If you imagine our planet earth floating like a little island in an infinite ocean of space you may also realize that there are waves surfing against the shores of our little refuge. And you may then also realize that we are not living in bomb proof refuge but in a rather sensitive environment not only sensitive to what we are doing to our small garden Eden.

As our lives are very short in comparison to the duration of the waves that are surging against our shores we have no recollection and awareness of prior waves or even the present wave. There are short waves and longer waves - the sequence of the four seasons is an example of one of the shorter waves but take for instance the eleven-year cycle that the sun is undergoing: it is going by unnoticed by most people.

The people of the nation of the Maya some thousand of years ago actually had the awareness about the greater cosmic cycles and measured them with their calendar. They also knew the source of the strongest cycles or waves - the center of our galaxy, the Milkyway.

YouTube - The OM Symbol at the Core of the Milky Way - Part 1

YouTube - The OM Symbol at the Core of the Milky Way - Part 2


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Old 06-15-2009, 11:48 PM   #2155
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Thank you Astralwalker, mudra, truthseeker360, Gemeos and others for supporting this work. Everyone is working best in his/her own interest and does not limited to this crop circle project. I wrote some code to convert all these files, so it didn't take that long to compile them. It should be simpler to coordinate our effort now since everyone has the same files to reference to. Anyone who has interesting crop circle swirl, can send the script to us and we will combine them as a complete library.
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Old 06-16-2009, 12:11 AM   #2156
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Cool Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Originally Posted by alchemikey View Post
i got a new musical toy to play with

YouTube - Crop Circle Kaossilator

Thats cool Mikey! I love those little Kaossilators.
I have a Kaosspad 2 but these Kaosspad ENTRANCER's are great because they manipulate video and audio at the same time, It would be possible to run a dvd with crop circle images as your video input data, and play with them morphing into each other :

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Old 06-16-2009, 02:48 AM   #2157
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Blessings all...

Just wanted to let all know that our July 31 st meditation has been added to another meditation page:

Astralwalker...if you would like to add your webpage, pls contact them...

A Big Thanks to Susan Sun ! We are One!

Hello Sara,
Thank you for informing us of the Nexus 2012 global meditations.

I have just added the July 31st event to our global meditation page. <http://www.souledout.org/festivals/globalmeditations/global.html> It's the last one under ~ Current Meditations ~
The daily and weekly meditations have also been added. See the first entry under ~ Ongoing Meditations ~

If you'd like me to change either of the descriptions in any way, please let me know. I'd also appreciate if you could send a reminder about any future sacred site meditations.

In shared service,
Susan Sun at Global Meditations
B.Wise Productions
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Old 06-16-2009, 06:38 AM   #2158
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Originally Posted by mudra View Post
Thank you Djmoder ,

I downloaded the files and will check them over.

Astralwalker ,

How to make them spin if one does'nt have the program for it ?
Will cliff make a file with those or will you do this ?
Maybe some help from other people would be welcome on that ?
Will this go along with sound and music ?

Hi mudra

I agree, we need a mac version for that crop circle swirlies program.
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Old 06-16-2009, 11:33 AM   #2159
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Thank you mudra for sharing such brilliant information!

Love and Respect

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Old 06-16-2009, 12:40 PM   #2160
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!


I read somewhere that with the program "Isadora" from Troika Tronix one can spin crop circles.
It's available here but the save function is unfortunately disabled unless your purchase a registration key.


I'ven't tried it yet.

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Old 06-16-2009, 01:05 PM   #2161
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Hi guys,

Re: How to make them spin if one does'nt have the program for it ?
Will cliff make a file with those or will you do this ?
Maybe some help from other people would be welcome on that ?
Will this go along with sound and music ?

After all the rest is done, we are hoping that the files will be produced in avi or mpg. That should be ok and you can view them with your operative system.

Yes the correct sound has to be included. How we will pull that off still to be discussed.

Re: Galactic Centre – interesting file.

Thank you for your words. I really appreciate. Available time for exchange on the net has shorten for me, so please understand that I’m doing as much as possible.

Nice choice mate.

Thanks for your determination and energy. Well appreciated.

Thanks. I will do that.

Respected friends, everyone is welcomed to express his/her creativity with crop circle designs.

It’s a gift to all of us…its up to us how we are going to use it…

All the best…I will tune in when I will have something solid.

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Old 06-16-2009, 01:25 PM   #2162
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Thank you Astralwalker .

Wayland's Smithy Long Barrow, nr Odstone Hill, Oxfordshire. Reported 12th June.

Tawsmead Copse, West Stowell, Wiltshire. Reported 13th June.

Barbury Castle, nr Wroughton, Wiltshire. Reported 14th June.

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Old 06-17-2009, 06:15 PM   #2163
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!


A call to all who wish to join in tonights healing meditation to phied piper or whomever you wish.

Love hugs
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Old 06-17-2009, 11:12 PM   #2164
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Very good Bashar workshop which sums up all of his "core concepts" and brings light to new ones as well:

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Old 06-18-2009, 12:41 AM   #2165
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Do you know... I've never actually heard the Om sound being omed... like in the beginning of the second video about the OM symbal in the black hole of the milky way, before?

When I heard it... it was incredible. I just melted. My body was vibrating with it and it's resinence felt so good I can't discribe what took place. I felt deep basey joy all over my body and then I couldn't feel my body anymore it was like it had melted and become one with the whole universe like the univrse was my physical body... and no I haven't been smoking any starnge herbs... But I love it... were can I get a CD of this ...Is it Tibetan Monks chanting??? How come somthing so simple can have such a strong effect??? Wow..
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Old 06-18-2009, 05:56 AM   #2166
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

mudra...thanks so much for the info on the om symbol...amazing

there is more:

i downloaded this software program which converts images to sound called coagula:


i opened the om crop circle and inverted it:

here is the sound produced within the range of 111-123 hz for 20 seconds:


this can also be done with other crop circles

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Old 06-18-2009, 09:34 AM   #2167
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OM mantra chant

Too short unfortunately...

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Old 06-18-2009, 02:18 PM   #2168
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Originally Posted by alchemikey View Post
i downloaded this software program which converts images to sound called coagula:


i opened the om crop circle and inverted it:
That's great mikey! Your are really gifted.
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Old 06-18-2009, 02:21 PM   #2169
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Originally Posted by mudra View Post

Too short unfortunately...
But very pleasant to hear and watch. Thanks!

Love and Respect

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Old 06-18-2009, 09:09 PM   #2170
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Dear Friends...

I recieved this clip from an aquaintance & wanted to share with you...
The name of the speaker is Angelika Whitecliff & she speaks about Hidden History & Our Telepathic Future....


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Old 06-19-2009, 08:20 PM   #2171
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Yeah kinda tingles amd tickles all over...

Love n light

Originally Posted by Antonia View Post
Do you know... I've never actually heard the Om sound being omed... like in the beginning of the second video about the OM symbal in the black hole of the milky way, before?

When I heard it... it was incredible. I just melted. My body was vibrating with it and it's resinence felt so good I can't discribe what took place. I felt deep basey joy all over my body and then I couldn't feel my body anymore it was like it had melted and become one with the whole universe like the univrse was my physical body... and no I haven't been smoking any starnge herbs... But I love it... were can I get a CD of this ...Is it Tibetan Monks chanting??? How come somthing so simple can have such a strong effect??? Wow..
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Old 06-19-2009, 08:32 PM   #2172
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Great stuff mikey..

MIssed out on your sounds(filtered?)so downloaded and had a play.

Cool stuff ,maybe with some tinkering we could use the generated sounds alongside swilrlies?

Love light & Oneness

Originally Posted by alchemikey View Post
mudra...thanks so much for the info on the om symbol...amazing

there is more:

i downloaded this software program which converts images to sound called coagula:


i opened the om crop circle and inverted it:

here is the sound produced within the range of 111-123 hz for 20 seconds:


this can also be done with other crop circles

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Old 06-19-2009, 10:14 PM   #2173
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Nexus 2012 global synchronized meditation of saturday the 20 th of june 2009 at 8 pm Gmt

The Art of Peace is a form of prayer that generates light and heat. Forget about your little self, detach yourself from objects, and you will radiate light and warmth. Light is wisdom; warmth is compassion.

Excerpted by William McLuskie from The Art of Peace a collection of quotes by Morihei Ueshiba

Let's share our peace and unite our hearts


Last edited by mudra; 06-20-2009 at 10:32 AM.
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Old 06-20-2009, 05:24 PM   #2174
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A Great Meditation to all.....

Let the love flow...

Love light & Oneness*
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Old 06-20-2009, 05:29 PM   #2175
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Love light & Oneness*

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