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Old 03-14-2010, 10:44 PM   #426
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Default Re: THE WATCHER Directional Change

Thankyou, thats very kind of you to say
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Old 03-14-2010, 10:55 PM   #427
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Default Re: THE WATCHER Directional Change

For those following The Watcher's thread here's something from his VERITAS interview:

And Part II will air next week.


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Old 03-14-2010, 10:58 PM   #428
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Default Re: THE WATCHER Directional Change

Thanks Mel
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Old 03-15-2010, 12:43 AM   #429
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Default Re: THE WATCHER Directional Change

Thank you Barry!

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Old 03-15-2010, 01:14 AM   #430
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Default Re: THE WATCHER Directional Change

Enjoyed your interview on the Veritas Show, Barry. Began with part two, went back to one and am looking forward to next week's show. Your interviews flesh out your threads on Avalon.

Keep your health up and good wishes to your family.
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Old 03-18-2010, 10:23 AM   #431
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I pick up or am shown absolutely huge, in fact so huge like an 1/8th of the earth size north-east of the planet, like a city it is mothership I suppose one would call it. More than 20 but no more than 30 ET types in this ET city.

It came here not by flying through the atmosphere and not through a wormhole but some other way, I cannot put my finger on yet and I am not one for science, math or anything like that.

It sends out small craft that are undetectable by radar to monitor atmosphere and other things to do with earth, sort of like measurements, water, air, etc, frequencies, cannot explain properly because I am not that way inclined.

This has been allowed because there has been a turn around in people's thinking, praying I think for help with a lot. There is one very special entity on this city.

I will probably get some more, that is all at the moment.

PS: There are a lot of important people, tptb, ones in the circles and their families who feel that the plans they have made for the future will keep them all safe.

Their plans will not work unfortunately as far as keeping them safe.

Last edited by ellie; 03-18-2010 at 10:41 AM.
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Old 03-18-2010, 11:41 AM   #432
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I do not know whether there are still all those ships in the Gulf of Aden? to do with that stargate, havent got a clue, but there are lots of talks going on and not with just the human ptb.
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Old 03-19-2010, 07:04 AM   #433
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Default Re: THE WATCHER Directional Change

Interesting you should call it a "City"
I've been studying some biblical texts, from other sources, (not traditional bible) and since childhood have been preached to about a CITY that was taken from earth, (buildings, people and all) and that shall again one day return. In studying that phrase more, I am wondering if that city were a UFO? And one shall return?
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Old 03-25-2010, 05:18 AM   #434
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I've noticed that Barry hasn't been here lately. I gather that he is either really busy, or things have gone awry? Hope all is well.

I had an incident happen the other night, that I really wish to get some insight on. Was wondering if Barry or one of the group would be able to assist?
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Old 03-25-2010, 04:25 PM   #435
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Default Re: THE WATCHER Directional Change

Barry had minor brain accident and he's currently half immobile , taken care by his family and doctors with promise of swift recovery ( how swift that may be depends on mother nature/nurture and peace he needs most ).

He will certainly inform you by himself as soon as he can .

What you are saying is interesting Kari . Can you specify.

Objectively, we were on target from somewhere because of our ET/data involvment , I am doing well despite all the circumstances just feeling weak and tired .

Gods bless you all

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Old 03-25-2010, 06:37 PM   #436
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Default Re: THE WATCHER Directional Change

I'm sorry, I can not talk freely.

too much, too many to be coincidence. The lads, with contacts, would know for sure. But they possibly need to watch the watcher. Was it truly an accident?

I see security is stepped up very high. All agencies again. Feels too much like '08 revisited.

Very weary, hate to admit. Don't know how to resist their latest trick, let alone fight it. Not sure I have enough left in me to resist anyway.
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Old 03-25-2010, 07:07 PM   #437
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Default Re: THE WATCHER Directional Change

Hack the hacker nut the cracker. Take break. Kitekat

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Old 03-25-2010, 07:14 PM   #438
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Default Re: THE WATCHER Directional Change

Anyone needs deprogramming here ?

Protect your buttoms

I didn't say that .

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Old 03-25-2010, 11:42 PM   #439
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Default Re: THE WATCHER Directional Change

Mother nature . It's a description of the ET beings as well. Those who are good have nature of our own mothers ..fathers..brothers..sisters,
we are them,
they are walking through us, through you,
in glimpses of eternity.

They are near and far, motionless and swifter than a blinker of an eye,
they are beautiful and full of gifts,
they are our better ourselves.

They are our kindness and our love, they live in our legends
and touch some of ours in dreams,
and we touch them in their dreams and reality .

Reality is vaster than our imagination,
and while we are scared of the abbyss of infinte knowing,
we try to simplify.

For the intelligence of the other side might be too dangerous for some heads .

Star City

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Old 03-26-2010, 07:00 AM   #440
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Default Re: THE WATCHER Directional Change

? Deprogramming?
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Old 03-26-2010, 04:38 PM   #441
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Default Re: THE WATCHER Directional Change

ET calm down

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Old 03-26-2010, 05:13 PM   #442
Kari Lynn
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Default Re: THE WATCHER Directional Change

Originally Posted by Agape View Post
That was meant to be said in jest but honestly, if you were to face the reality of what is behind the secret programs,

I know Kari, you say you were never interested much in aliens. Neither I was.
Not that I'm not interested, I don't understand that part. I have no memory of aliens except one. Mine have always been human military memories. And physical attacks in person. Such as the incident Wednesday night.

but, if you were standing face to face to the other reality fully conscious and awake ,

you might also end up in bed . So I did, almost.
I doubt I would end up in bed unless they injured me. I'm a fighter, and unfortunately have had the bruises and broken bones to prove I fought them.

So, you know , people with programming can make life insane in reality situations, starring on you in bed and laughing to your face, you know what I mean .

I don't see how that fits my current situation, considering I was physically forced to a stop my car with a few of theirs, and had witnesses.
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Old 03-26-2010, 06:57 PM   #443
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Default Re: THE WATCHER Directional Change

Originally Posted by Kari Lynn View Post
Not that I'm not interested, I don't understand that part. I have no memory of aliens except one. Mine have always been human military memories. And physical attacks in person. Such as the incident Wednesday night.
ET or human, no one understands everything, not even the bigger part of it, we all may have specific knowledge or ability and plenty of things we know just from distance.
But if you are here and am i here , we know that both 'realities' exist and are connected , at points.

I'm sorry to hear you were attacked, physically ? For what reason ?

I doubt I would end up in bed unless they injured me. I'm a fighter, and unfortunately have had the bruises and broken bones to prove I fought them.

People don't get 'injured' just in combats Kari. It's easy to think 'I'd always win' till the situation comes.

I don't see how that fits my current situation, considering I was physically forced to a stop my car with a few of theirs, and had witnesses.

Better don't . I don't understand why are you 'fighting' with them , perhaps don't know all your story , what do you think they would do to you and why.
It does not mean at all that I take it lightly.

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Old 03-27-2010, 06:29 AM   #444
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Default Re: THE WATCHER Directional Change

Originally Posted by Agape View Post
ET or human, no one understands everything, not even the bigger part of it, we all may have specific knowledge or ability and plenty of things we know just from distance.
But if you are here and am i here , we know that both 'realities' exist and are connected , at points.

I'm sorry to hear you were attacked, physically ? For what reason ?
I don't know. To test me perhaps? To see if they could take control? If so then it was a success for them.
People don't get 'injured' just in combats Kari. It's easy to think 'I'd always win' till the situation comes.
not combative. Self protective. Intense fear and survival instinct. I struggle to stay alive, to escape.
Flight or fight instinct. I don't purposely seek to fight someone. I try to escape first. But when cornered, and panic sets in......well, that is if I don't faint first.
I don't know.
I have several different responses to panic. Fainted one time, froze to the spot I stood another. And screamed, bite and kicked another time to try and get the man off me that was holding me down.
It's hard to tell what I'd do in any given situation. ?

Better don't . I don't understand why are you 'fighting' with them, perhaps don't know all your story , what do you think they would do to you and why.
It does not mean at all that I take it lightly.

Did not fight them.

I don't know what they'd do. Hope to never find out. So far all attempts have been intercepted and stopped by agencies protecting me.
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Old 03-28-2010, 12:30 AM   #445
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I understand but don't think one can really defend himself if they want to get one dead or alive , they can get even super-soldiers , how could we think to fight anyone ?
I had just few lessons in Aikido in my life, i love watching martial arts when it's just arts , but in real situation , it'd never save me, speaking from experience of unpleasant kind .
I can run, unless i'm sick and weakened. Freezing on spot i know only too well but it's generally the 'bad' reaction.

People who love me generally say I must be having 10 angel guardians because all I've been through, journeys , as a young girl , all alone and never afraid and seldom anything happened to me,
sometimes it did of course, lessons , getting them regularly but they are taxes for we don't know and should.
Not listening our own intuition and clear reasoning etc.

It's difficult to advice anyone on that but have faith in the higher good , have faith.
Some people go on saying these days ..that faith is manipulative and misguiding people. But i've seen more people in life being more manipulated and misguided who lost their faith.
Because ..faith is not yet the truth, not yet the Knowing, but if it's the right positive creative faculty of our mind it points in the right direction.

It's the answer that life can give from 'above ' , in time, suppose we really want the answer ..

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Old 03-28-2010, 12:31 AM   #446
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Default Re: THE WATCHER Directional Change

Last edited by Agape; 03-28-2010 at 12:40 AM.
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Old 04-03-2010, 12:08 AM   #447
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Default Re: THE WATCHER Directional Change

In the hours of darkening there's a promise of light ...of new life..

the final countdown...7 days to go...and then long way yet..

We've been here since times immemorial ..human existence is suffering...everyone speaks bit of the truth...none can tell all..

The forums are slow and the warriors are fatigued ..

Time of ascension, the time of ressurection...

If we are not reproducing ourselves we are ascending...ascending happens alone and by itself...all it needs is to relax to it..
Some say they can never been alone..
and that's why it's so hard these days ..

But can anything be done then do it . All you need is love. Clear reasoning and personal honesty also matter a lot.

Be soft to yourselves because yours is not the blame...

We are sinking undergrounds , see the sparkles of light shooting out of here ..

The starships, yes, maybe they come or came already, will come ?

Do we not mirror the happenings in another times.

Happy Easter to Everyone
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Old 04-03-2010, 12:19 AM   #448
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Default Re: THE WATCHER Directional Change

Other Time Being ..Sri Kalachakra ..The Wheel of Time ..

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Old 04-03-2010, 08:00 PM   #449
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Default Re: THE WATCHER Directional Change

The Watcher was returned home this evening and will resume duties as from Monday April 5th.

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Old 04-03-2010, 08:23 PM   #450
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Default Re: THE WATCHER Directional Change

Thanks for the information. Greatly appreciated. Keep well and happy holiday.
(return PM for you)
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