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Old 06-22-2009, 01:37 PM   #51
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Default Re: 2009: Worst economic collapse ever

What about the path the powers that be have planned for us regarding being chipped robots with no civil liberties?

Those people have lost their way, by losing their connection to their soul/higher self.

Ultimately, you can see it as a "fight between Light and darkness", "good or bad". We are in a time and place where the energy is moving to a higher vibration, and their are many more evolved souls present to raise the vibration. I'm saying if everyone (or most) follows their higher self calling, then the next age is one of Light, the promise of the Aquarian age.

So my statement is to connect to your higher self and be guided by that, for everyone; the more the better.
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Old 06-22-2009, 05:54 PM   #52
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Default Re: 2009: Worst economic collapse ever

Originally Posted by NorthernSantuary View Post
What about the path the powers that be have planned for us regarding being chipped robots with no civil liberties?

Those people have lost their way, by losing their connection to their soul/higher self.

Ultimately, you can see it as a "fight between Light and darkness", "good or bad". We are in a time and place where the energy is moving to a higher vibration, and their are many more evolved souls present to raise the vibration. I'm saying if everyone (or most) follows their higher self calling, then the next age is one of Light, the promise of the Aquarian age.

So my statement is to connect to your higher self and be guided by that, for everyone; the more the better.
In my opinion, we need to be spiritually connected ourselves and advocate for spirituality in the world around us, but at the same time we need to try to educate others about the New World Order agenda of the powers that be: one world government with one central bank and no freedoms.

There are still too many people who don't know we have a parallel government and don't see through the lies and deception of the mainstream media.
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Old 06-22-2009, 07:30 PM   #53
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Default Re: 2009: Worst economic collapse ever

..There are still too many people who don't know we have a parallel government and don't see through the lies and deception of the mainstream media.

Yes, that too ... something like the Federal reserve is a good starting point... I find that if I just say that there is a group that want to control the world, some of them may think I've got a problem... but more and more people are seeing the Truth, as reflected in the number of people that don't believe the government/mass media position on 9/11 are true. For some people, they will not accept it. I once told someone at work that 9/11 was an inside job. He said if that was true, we're in real trouble and left it at that... didn't want to dig any deeper.
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Old 06-22-2009, 08:02 PM   #54
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Default Re: 2009: Worst economic collapse ever

Originally Posted by NorthernSantuary View Post
...I once told someone at work that 9/11 was an inside job. He said if that was true, we're in real trouble and left it at that... didn't want to dig any deeper.
My sister's reaction was that I'm paranoid and have demons...
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Old 06-22-2009, 08:16 PM   #55
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Default Re: 2009: Worst economic collapse ever

My sister's reaction was that I'm paranoid and have demons..

I think we have to appreciate/ respect people are at different levels of spiritual evolution. Some people won't accept it because they can't cope with the consequence, so the only possible response is denial. Of course they won't recognize denial, so they see something wrong with the messenger.

I now try to assess if a person is ready for it or not, and don't bring it up if I feel the person is not ready for it...it can divide relationships.
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Old 06-22-2009, 08:33 PM   #56
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Default Re: 2009: Worst economic collapse ever

Originally Posted by NorthernSantuary View Post
...it can divide relationships.
Yes, it can.
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Old 06-22-2009, 10:12 PM   #57
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Default Re: 2009: Worst economic collapse ever


...There are still too many people who don't know we have a parallel government and don't see through the lies and deception of the mainstream media.

Something that we can all do to try to reach people is to link to, and spread the word via. email, the new website announced in this thread:

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Old 06-22-2009, 10:17 PM   #58
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Default Re: 2009: Worst economic collapse ever

Originally Posted by seashore View Post
My sister's reaction was that I'm paranoid and have demons...
Fortunately my sister thinks like i do so we can share all the information....
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Old 06-25-2009, 02:40 AM   #59
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Default Re: 2009: Worst economic collapse ever

One person's assessment and what he is doing to prepare:

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Old 06-25-2009, 02:57 AM   #60
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Default Re: 2009: Worst economic collapse ever

Originally Posted by seashore View Post
In my opinion, we need to be spiritually connected ourselves and advocate for spirituality in the world around us, but at the same time we need to try to educate others about the New World Order agenda of the powers that be: one world government with one central bank and no freedoms.

There are still too many people who don't know we have a parallel government and don't see through the lies and deception of the mainstream media.

Originally Posted by seashore View Post
My sister's reaction was that I'm paranoid and have demons...

I have a sister like that too!!!! Boy that born againer stuff really creates the scardy cats I'll tell ya.
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Old 06-25-2009, 08:59 AM   #61
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Default Re: 2009: Worst economic collapse ever

Originally Posted by Christo888 View Post

I have a sister like that too!!!! Boy that born againer stuff really creates the scardy cats I'll tell ya.
My sister is a former "hippie"!
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Old 06-27-2009, 08:57 PM   #62
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Default Re: 2009: Worst economic collapse ever

Here's a graphic running display of the job changes over all parts of the US in the last couple of years.

When Did Your County's Jobs Disappear?
An interactive map of vanishing employment across the country, updated with the latest figures.
By Chris Wilson
Updated Thursday, May 14, 2009, at 4:25 PM ET
The economic crisis, which has claimed more than 5 million jobs since the recession began, did not strike the entire country at once. A map of employment gains or losses by county tells the story of how those job losses first struck in the most vulnerable regions and then spread rapidly to the rest of the country. As early as August 2007, for example—several months before the recession officially began—jobs were already on the decline in southwest Florida; Orange County, Calif.; much of New Jersey; and Detroit, while other areas of the country remained on the uptick.

Using the Labor Department's local area unemployment statistics, Slate presents the recession as told by unemployment numbers for each county in America. Because the data are not seasonally adjusted for natural employment cycles throughout the year, the numbers you see show the change in the number of people employed compared with the same month in the previous year. Blue dots represent a net increase in jobs, while red dots indicate a decrease. The larger the dot, the greater the number of jobs gained or lost. Click the arrows or calendar at the bottom to see each month of data. Click the green play button to see an animation of the data.

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Old 07-08-2009, 09:42 PM   #63
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Default Re: 2009: Worst economic collapse ever

37 of 50 states are bankrupt

July 7, 2009

Astonishing to me is the fact that no one seems to understand the ultimate result of the current policies and practices of Washington D.C. and the Federal Reserve Bank, the Fed. I have studied our economic situation for about 3 hours per day for the last 8 months and conclude we are bankrupt. Think about the facts.

Certainly most of the automobile industry, the airlines, 37 out of 50 states, are bankrupt. The lending industry, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac are bankrupt. Insurance giant AIG, bankrupt. The Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation, or PBGC, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, or FDIC, Social Security including Medicare and Medicaid are rapidly approaching insolvency.

In 1929 personal and corporate debt had risen to 365% of Gross Domestic Product, or GDP, before the Crash. We are now at 375% of GDP. So all of this excessive credit got us into this mess in the first place, right?. And the government and Fed solution to this mess is to print up an extra trillion dollars or so, give it to the lending industry and yell "Lend!, Lend!". That should work, right?.

Remember TARP?, the money given to the banks and others to remove their "Toxic Assets" (sorry too harsh, let's rename them "Troubled Assets.) Well, the toxins still remain. They exist in the form of Financial Derivatives, Credit Default Swaps, or CDS, and Collateralized Debt Obligations, or CDO. These financial instruments sound complicated, and they are. They are the inventions of Wall Street wunderkinds, the ones that get paid a couple of millions per year for their "brilliance". The worldwide market (if you could call it that) or value of CDS is in the neighborhood of 600 trillion dollars, or 10 times the entire Worlds yearly economic output. How the banks and insurance giants are to clear their balance sheets of these toxins is no mystery . They cannot. Was it wise to take TARP money, 20 billion dollars, give it to General Motors when their market cap (the value of their common stock) was 985 million?. Will they pay us back?. No. They are bankrupt. The TARP was a fraud from the start, but it has bought the powers that be some time. Time, time for what?

There is a fever pitch rush to consolidate control over us by the government and the Fed. Look what they are doing to the banks, insurance, lending institutions, auto industry, airlines. Let's now add health care. By the way, let's appoint czars and give them power not granted by the Constitution. Why?, what's the rush? To gain control before we go "out of control"?.

And now 37 out of 50 bankrupt states need to raise fees and taxes, and so does our federal government to pay for "free" healthcare. Raise taxes during a deep recession?, worked great in the early 1930's, right?. Are these people idiots? Yes they are. Why not have a 2 trillion dollar deficit this year, and run up the national debt to 20 trillion dollars in a few years. Interest on the debt would only be 1 trillion a year at 5 per cent. Chump change. Government borrowing on such a massive scale will compete for the money in the open market and will make overall interest rates rise . Rates already rose a few weeks ago during a large treasury auction. Watch this carefully, mortgage rates will respond by going up. Think what this will do to the already very ill housing market.

Some "experts" as of late say they see "green shoots", signs of economic recovery. What they "see" may be self-serving or it could be these people are delusional. The Fed Chief, Treasury Secretary, Congress and the President are lying to us. We are bankrupt and they know it. You can put a bandage on a gangrenous appendage and it looks fine, but if the appendage is not amputated the body will die. A bandage is all that is being applied to this gangrenous economy. Toxic.

So, where are we headed?. I suppose the Fed and the Treasury could just continue to print more money. Right up to the point it becomes worthless. The Weimar Republic of 1930's Germany tried this. In the end the "money" was used to start a fire in a stove or was used as toilet paper. D..C. is too smart for this, right? Is there another way out of this mess?.

During my research I floated the following question to 10 people of various economic means. "If you were told you had no more debt but got to keep what you had, but also you had nothing in your bank or 401K or stocks or IRA, just start anew" 9 out of 10 replied "That works for me". Astounding, but very telling. How these people responded, along with my research, and what is unfolding (actually unraveling) leads me to the following.

We are going to wake up one morning and Matt Lauer will inform us of the following. "I've got good news and bad news for you, America. The good news, for most of you, is that there is no more debt. No government debt, personal debt or corporate debt. You get to keep what you have, your house, your cars, your flat screen TVs. You owe nothing. The bad news, for some of you, is that there are no assets. Your bank accounts are empty, all stock is worthless, and there is nothing in your 401K or IRA."

None of our "leaders" in D.C. will want to take the blame for this, and will need an excuse for this. Most people will understand and even forgive how this happened when Matt goes on to say:

"...What I have told you is the direct result of a computer virus that has infected the worldwide financial complex that completely melted the balance sheets so that no one knows who owes what to whom anymore. This is why we have to start over. Just think of it as hitting the reset button. Details on the new government monetary system will come out shortly." Problem solved, all absolved.

When the firestorm arrives, you will be glad you live in New Hampshire. At least here we may have a chance. During the dark days of the 1930's peoples faith and morality held society together. Not so today sadly. Talk with your family, friends and neighbors. Come up with a plan. Things are about to become ugly. Very Ugly.

Roy F. Grieder is a 58 year old retired airline captain and part time land developer and economic analyst.

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Old 07-08-2009, 09:58 PM   #64
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Default Re: 2009: Worst economic collapse ever

Originally Posted by NorthernSantuary View Post

37 of 50 states are bankrupt


...Talk with your family, friends and neighbors. Come up with a plan...


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Old 07-11-2009, 02:13 PM   #65
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Oakland Prepares To Layoff Nearly 20% of Police Force Other Areas In California Too

OAKLAND, Calif. -- Long a poster child of high crime, Oakland is preparing to lay off nearly a fifth of its police force just as it has turned the corner on crime, part of a national trend in the recession.

This city of 400,000 said last month it would cut 140 officers from its 800-strong police force, the department's first-ever mass layoffs.

Dozens of hard-hit cities have done the same. In May, Toledo, Ohio, laid off 11% of its police force. In Minnesota, seven city police departments have closed since March, and state officials say an additional nine departments are likely to close by year's end.

The Oakland cuts, to take effect in September, come after the city spent the past five years building its police force to the highest number of officers it had ever seen. The buildup is credited with helping to lower the city's number of homicides by about 20% and cut its violent crime by about 13% over the past year.

To hang onto those gains, Oakland has tried for months to protect police from cutbacks. Faced with an $83 million budget deficit, Oakland lawmakers instead closed City Hall one day a month, trimmed the city attorney's budget 10%, reduced Mayor Ron Dellums's staff by 20% and even grounded the police department's helicopter, saving the city about $400,000 annually.

But the moves weren't enough. "We absolutely don't want to lose any police officers, and under no circumstances would we do this voluntarily," said Oakland City Council president Jane Brunner. "But we have no other choice. Our hand has been forced."

Oakland's experience shows how the recession is pushing some cities to enact last-resort budget cuts that could threaten basic law and order.

Police layoffs have been particularly prevalent recently in California, which has the second-largest number of local police at about 40,000 officers, according to the Department of Justice. New York state has the largest, with about 50,000 officers. Stockton, Calif., announced last month it would lay off just less than 10% of its police force, while Modesto, Calif., plans to shed 5% of its officers.

California's budget crisis is exacerbating the financial pressure on communities.

Overall, about 1,100 police officers lost their jobs in California in the fiscal year ended June 30, and an additional 900 are projected to be laid off in the current fiscal year, according to the California Association of Police Chiefs. One city bucking the trend is Los Angeles, which has proposed hiring 1,000 officers by year's end, despite facing a $530 million budget deficit.

In Oakland, law and order is a particular focus because the city wants to eradicate its reputation for violent crime, which has hurt its economic prospects. For most of this decade, Oakland had a crime rate that was double or triple the national average, according to Federal Bureau of Investigation statistics and a report by former Oakland police chief Wayne Tucker.

Even this year, despite an overall drop in crime, Oakland has seen some high-profile violence. In January, the city grappled with riots over the killing of an unarmed man by transit police. In March, a parolee shot and killed four police officers.

Still, the growth in Oakland's police force helped tamped down crime, statistics show. "It's a big deal that we've been able to bring the crime rate down, and part of that can be attributed to adding more cops to our department," Ms. Brunner said.

Barry Donelan, vice president of the Oakland Association of Police Officers and a sergeant on the force, said the department was trying to negotiate with the city to find areas where it could help avoid layoffs. "Laying off the number of officers [the city council] is proposing will have a major impact on crime, and it will not be positive," he said. "The city and its residents will suffer." He declined to comment on the morale of the police officers.

"The prospect of losing officers is not something we look forward to, but it's an unfortunate sign of the city's fiscal situation," said Jeff Thomason, spokesman for Oakland's Police Department.

To blunt the pain, Oakland officials have applied for about $24 million from a $1 billion federal grant offered by the Department of Justice that is part of the economic-stimulus plan. The grant, called the Cops Hiring Recovery Plan, was slated to save about 5,500 police jobs.

But city lawmakers are concerned they won't receive much of the stimulus money because there is so much competition for the funds. In late June, Mr. Dellums traveled to Washington to lobby for the grant dollars, visiting with Attorney General Eric Holder and others.

"We desperately need the federal government to assist us to the maximum extent possible," Mr. Dellums said.

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Old 07-11-2009, 02:31 PM   #66
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Default Re: 2009: Worst economic collapse ever

Originally Posted by NorthernSantuary View Post
Oakland Prepares To Layoff Nearly 20% of Police Force Other Areas In California Too...

"We desperately need the federal government to assist us to the maximum extent possible," Mr. Dellums said.

Perfect excuse to send in Federal troops armed for war.
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Old 07-16-2009, 09:42 PM   #67
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Receipts, which I had estimated would be $230 billion in June, came in at $215.4 billion. O…M…G.

Just to be clear, last year’s $866.7 billion above excludes about $78 billion in stimulus payments, which were treated (incorrectly, in my opinion) as negative receipts. Regardless of their treatment, they had nothing to do with tax collections from economic activity during the quarter. This year’s second-quarter receipts on the valid “economic activity” measurement came in almost 31% lower than last year.

More on this, and the deficit, later tonight.

Just wait till they work these figures into the next budget deficit figures ouch!
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Old 07-16-2009, 10:13 PM   #68
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"60 Minutes" segment on 2nd wave of housing market collapse coming:

The worse is yet to come.


As terrible as it is right now, we have a comparative 'breather' from May to about September of this year. After that, it's utter disaster for the next three years at least.
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Old 07-16-2009, 10:38 PM   #69
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Good job I've kitted my van out to live in
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Old 07-17-2009, 12:50 AM   #70
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Good job I've kitted my van out to live in

No nightmares for you. I also bought a van to convert to a camper. Haven't had the time to work on it yet. I felt a real sense of freedom sleeping in the van, just knowing I could drive my "home" away.

Here's a picture:

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Old 07-17-2009, 01:29 AM   #71
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Default Re: 2009: Worst economic collapse ever

I have a strange premonition of economic woes...beginning in the next few days. Just a feeling.
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Old 07-17-2009, 01:50 AM   #72
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I have a strange premonition of economic woes...beginning in the next few days. Just a feeling.

I can't say for the next few days, but the latter half of this year is looking to be really bad, much worse than last year.
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Old 07-17-2009, 03:07 AM   #73
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It's a good thing I don't live or work in a highrise building. I would have jumped out after reading the post which ended with 'When the firestorm arrives, you will be glad you live in New Hampshire. At least here we may have a chance. During the dark days of the 1930's peoples faith and morality held society together. Not so today sadly. Talk with your family, friends and neighbors. Come up with a plan. Things are about to become ugly. Very Ugly.' Roy F. Grieder is a 58 year old retired airline captain and part time land developer and economic analyst.

Another airline pilot(Ralph Ellis) turned my theological world upside down. These people have a lot of time off...are well educated...responsible...rich...and trained to think clearly during a crisis. Go airline pilots! It may pay to listen to them. What this man said seemed to be chillingly probable.

I keep thinking that the PTB will use a catastrophic event as an excuse for the final dive of the world economy. The market seems to be at a critical point...where it is acting and looking like it could take a new dive. Enter a catalyzing event to start the dive...and take the heat of the corrupt politicians and banksters. I'm not trained in this area...and I don't spend 3 hours a day studying it...so I really don't know. The PTB haven't briefed me on their plans...

I'm just hoping that when the dust settles...that the good guys are in charge...as in We The People of Earth...rather than a demonic elite.

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 07-17-2009 at 03:13 AM.
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Old 07-21-2009, 12:55 AM   #74
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White House putting off budget update
By TOM RAUM (AP) – 10 hours ago
WASHINGTON — The White House is being forced to acknowledge the wide gap between its once-upbeat predictions about the economy and today's bleak landscape.
The administration's annual midsummer budget update is sure to show higher deficits and unemployment and slower growth than projected in President Barack Obama's budget in February and update in May, and that could complicate his efforts to get his signature health care and global-warming proposals through Congress.
The release of the update — usually scheduled for mid-July — has been put off until the middle of next month, giving rise to speculation the White House is delaying the bad news at least until Congress leaves town on its August 7 summer recess.
The administration is pressing for votes before then on its $1 trillion health care initiative, which lawmakers are arguing over how to finance.
The White House budget director, Peter Orszag, said on Sunday that the administration believes the "chances are high" of getting a health care bill by then. But new analyses showing runaway costs are jeopardizing Senate passage.
"Instead of a dream, this routine report could be a nightmare," Tony Fratto, a former Treasury Department official and White House spokesman under President George W. Bush, said of the delayed budget update. "There are some things that can't be escaped."
The administration earlier this year predicted that unemployment would peak at about 9 percent without a big stimulus package and 8 percent with one. Congress did pass a $787 billion two-year stimulus measure, yet unemployment soared to 9.5 percent in June and appears headed for double digits.
Obama's current forecast anticipates 3.2 percent growth next year, then 4 percent or higher growth from 2011 to 2013. Private forecasts are less optimistic, especially for next year.
Any downward revision in growth or revenue projections would mean that budget deficits would be far higher than the administration is now suggesting.
Setting the stage for bleaker projections, Vice President Joe Biden recently conceded, "We misread how bad the economy was" in January. Obama modified that by suggesting the White House had "incomplete" information.
The new budget update comes as the public and members of Congress are becoming increasingly anxious over Obama's economic policies.
A Washington Post-ABC News survey released Monday shows approval of Obama's handling of health-care reform slipping below 50 percent for the first time. The poll also found support eroding on how Obama is dealing with other issues that are important to Americans right now — the economy, unemployment and the swelling budget deficit.
The Democratic-controlled Congress is reeling from last week's testimony by the head of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, Douglas Elmendorf, that the main health care proposals Congress is considering would not reduce costs — as Obama has insisted — but "significantly expand" the federal financial responsibility for health care.
That gave ammunition to Republican critics of the bill.
Citing the CBO testimony, House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, on Monday accused Democrats of "burying this budget update until after Congress leaves town next month." He called the budget-update postponment "an attempt to hide a record-breaking deficit as Democratic leaders break arms to rush through a government takeover of health care."
Late last week, Obama vowed anew that "health insurance reform cannot add to our deficit over the next decade and I mean it."
The nation's debt — the total of accumulated annual budget deficits — now stands at $11.6 trillion. In the scheme of things, that's more important than talking about the "deficit," which only looks at a one-year slice of bookkeeping and totally ignores previous indebtedness that is still outstanding.
Even so, the administration has projected that the annual deficit for the current budget year will hit $1.84 trillion, four times the size of last year's deficit of $455 billion. Private forecasters suggest that shortfall may actually top $2 trillion.
The administration has projected that the annual deficit for the current budget year will hit $1.84 trillion, four times the size of last year's deficit of $455 billion. Private forecasters suggest that shortfall may top $2 trillion.
If a higher deficit and lower growth numbers are not part of the administration's budget update, that will lead to charges that the White House is manipulating its figures to offer too rosy an outlook — the same criticism leveled at previous administrations.
The midsession review by the White House's Office of Management and Budget will likely reflect weaker numbers. But where is it?
White House officials say it is now expected in mid-August. They blame the delay on the fact that this is a transition year between presidencies and note that Obama didn't release his full budget until early May — instead of the first week in February, when he put out just an outline.
Still, the update mainly involves plugging in changes in economic indicators, not revising program-by-program details. And indicators such as unemployment and gross domestic product changes have been public knowledge for some time.
Standard & Poor's chief economist David Wyss said part of the problem with the administration's earlier numbers is that "they were just stale," essentially put together by budget number-crunchers at the end of last year, before the sharp drop in the economy.
Wyss, like many other economists, says he expects the recession to last at least until September or October. "We're looking for basically a zero second half (of 2009). And then sluggish recovery," he said.
Orszag, making the rounds of Sunday talk shows, insisted the economy at the end of last year, which the White House used for its optimistic budget forecasts, "was weaker at that time than anyone anticipated." He cited a "sense of free fall" not fully recognized at the time.
"It's going to take time to work our way out of it," the White House budget director told "Fox News Sunday."
Even as it prepares to put larger deficit and smaller growth figures into its official forecast, the administration is looking for signs of improvement.
"If we were at the brink of catastrophe at the beginning of the year, we have walked some substantial distance back from the abyss," said Lawrence Summers, Obama's chief economic adviser.
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Old 07-25-2009, 12:05 AM   #75
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Retail is in Death Spiral - Expect 50% Vacancie

Video tour of California:

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