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Old 01-21-2010, 09:23 PM   #1
Frank Samuel
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Talking Solfeggio Frequencies to alter 3 dimensional reality.

As some of you know I have been conducting experiments with solfeggio and binaural frequencies. I was going to wait a few more months but decided I will post some of the most interesting and surprising results which for me defy conventional science theories and explanation. The first one which blew me away was that I am renting a house with an option to buy, since I moved into this house the roof was leaking everywhere so I decided to seal the leaks using the frequencies. It stop leaking, coincidence well a year when by and still no leaks next I used a power hose and hot water on the roof to intentionally open the cracks in the concrete to see if it would begin leaking again. It leak for about 24 hrs. I used the frequencies to seal the leaks its been 2 yrs. no leaks. It rains quite a lot in PR sometimes for a few days straight. Coincidence, you tell me.
Money experiment , everything emmits a frequency including money.
I must admit I was nervous with this experiment. I was working for a few years in a electronic manufacturing company and I decided to quit working and continue with my research if I play the correct frequencies money will not be a problem, this was last year in February. Well I have not made a single dime from any type of labor yet I am economically better off than when I first began my experiment a year ago. It seems that every time I needed money it came to me through friends , relatives etc..
Now I did not asked them for money they felt compelled to deposit money on my bank account, at the beginning I was taken aback because I could not
believe that this was possible. How could you make money without working. I did not seek any government help, like food coupons or things like that.
Since it has been a year since I began this last experiment I can confidently tell you folks , it works.
Word of caution folks before I attempted the money experiment I was already
researching the frequencies for about two years so don't go quitting your job on my account.
The last and most important experiment involves my 4 children and my step son. These experiments are ongoing because what I am doing is observing their behavior after being exposed to these frequencies directly or indirectly.
The children ages, 15, 14, 9, 3 and 11 months.
As far as academics all the 3 who are in school have a perfect 4 point average the two oldest do homework and school assignments on their own.
My two youngest are demonstrating some unusual emotional maturity and comprehension, while I must admit they have their bad days.
So the results of my research in these 3 areas have produce the most incredible results. I am now officially retire and will continue with my research.
There's many experiments yet to be done. Remember your world is frequencies vibrations if you learn to use them there's unlimited possibilities
to change our perceptions and conventional understanding of our 3 dimensional reality.

Blessings to all...
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Old 01-21-2010, 09:54 PM   #2
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Default Re: Solfeggio Frequencies to alter 3 dimensional reality.

That is most interesting. Tell me in detail about the technical information one needs to begin with.

You already told me about the source of the frequencies, you have aquired them on the net. So it's not very hard to get them. What frequencies do you use? How should I begin my experiement with?

I know you let the frequencies to play in background for 24hours, but what about the level? or Volume? Is it loud enough to hear them, or is it just nearly perceptive?

Your experiment really interest me, I was waiting for this thread...

Namaste, Steven
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Old 01-21-2010, 10:36 PM   #3
Frank Samuel
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Default Re: Solfeggio Frequencies to alter 3 dimensional reality.

Steven thanks for your interest in these experiments. At the beginning I began playing the frequencies at a loud pitch from my pc, sometimes I used my stereo speakers since it was little loud with the children running around I lower the volume to fairly moderate pitch, just enough so you could hear them. Now they are playing 24 hrs. 7 days a week. I am using one PC exclusively for this experiment. You could recorded on your CD or DVD , ipod etc. and I think they will have the same results. I believe that what is happening is you are teaching your mind and body to use these vibrations, your heart is your main resonator who will learn and memorize the vibrations and will begin reproducing the same frequencies into the electromagnetic sphere. I can tell you thousand of stories of how my perception of reality has change completely from acute intuition to remote viewing abilities yet this are ongoing experiments which it takes a few years of testing to say it is a direct result of my frequency research.
What I can tell you language as I know it is no longer needed to convey my feelings to my wife. We could read each others thoughts and emotions.

Last edited by Frank Samuel; 01-21-2010 at 11:13 PM.
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Old 01-22-2010, 12:07 AM   #4
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Default Re: Solfeggio Frequencies to alter 3 dimensional reality.

Thank you for this info Frank, I had a look and listen to some of the Solfeggio videos on youtube and they all seem to be using how shall I put it, Illuminati symbolism like the star of David, pentagrams, the all seeing eye the maltese cross etc. i find this upsetting and not at all relaxing are we perhaps getting negative subliminal messages at the same time. Can we really trust these frequencies or should we just be a little wary of what people post on youtube.
Bye for now, Peter.
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Old 01-22-2010, 12:15 AM   #5
Frank Samuel
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Default Re: Solfeggio Frequencies to alter 3 dimensional reality.

Folks the reason I am posting this thread is because I want you to think that we are connected to everything in ways we do not understand. Tibetan monks I have heard have gone without food for 3 years while in a meditation state. Is this possible? This research in my view says that if you learn to produce food type frequencies you could feed your body without the actual 3 dimensional food. In the past I have done 21 day fast. Think of the possibilities of relearning about our perception of reality by learning to use these frequencies in unlimited ways. Our original self has no limitations but we need to relearn how to achieve that original state of being. Like I said the possibilities are endless. I invite all of you to conduct your own experiments. Laugh if you like, after all laughter is healthy but at least give it a try. Our frequency vibrational body understands things which defy time and space and the use of language.
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Old 01-22-2010, 12:23 AM   #6
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Default Re: Solfeggio Frequencies to alter 3 dimensional reality.

Shhhhhhh..... It's the Biggest secret.... No one's suppose to know...

" Pay it Forward "


Last edited by Tango; 01-22-2010 at 12:32 AM.
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Old 01-22-2010, 12:45 AM   #7
Frank Samuel
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Default Re: Solfeggio Frequencies to alter 3 dimensional reality.

Tango the secret is a great video and beyond the secret, unfortunately most of these people are making a profit from sharing their secrets. While in my view these frequencies are free and natural. I must admit that I was inspire by those videos . They never talked about the solfeggio frequencies or binaural beats as an aid to help you produce frequencies which should be as natural as breathing oxygen, No offense intended. Pete Peterson and Joseph Chilton Pierce offer some incredible insight into the resonator the heart. This information in this area help me to understand how frequencies are activated through your body.This is not new information I guess I am inspire because of the simplicity of it. We struggle to understand the world around us because we perceive our world from a 3 dimensional perspective. Words and the written language sometimes restrict the limits of our understanding as we try to classified things.

Blessing and well wishes

PS Thanks for the video Tango..
As I'm writing this my 11 month old baby is tickling my feet.

Last edited by Frank Samuel; 01-22-2010 at 01:52 AM.
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Old 01-22-2010, 05:41 AM   #8
Frank Samuel
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Default Re: Solfeggio Frequencies to alter 3 dimensional reality.

Just a quick clarification on the experiments concerning my children. What I am most interested in is how these frequencies affect their emotional maturity and the way they perceive the world around them. Although having 4 point average is nice where the world is lacking is in the area of emotional maturity. So my evaluation is sorely base on the children taking responsibility and the initiate to resolve problems in the social interactions with family and peers.The point of the exposure to these frequencies is to see how they begin to discover their original self and the untapped incredible potential we all possess.

There's many experiments that you can conduct, the field of resonance is vast. i just try to intentionally make it as simple as possible. Is heart breaking to see young children commit suicide because they lack the emotional tools to cope with what for them is a senseless crazy world.

Blessings to all....
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Old 01-22-2010, 06:19 AM   #9
Frank Samuel
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Default Re: Solfeggio Frequencies to alter 3 dimensional reality.

Peter I notice the same thing on some of the binaural and solfeggio videos.
Symbolism is everywhere. My research in my view is not related to anything to do with new age or masonic illuminate hypnotic type suggestions. The research is about the effects of the solfeggio frequencies on our perception of reality and the emotional capacity to re-create the world around us .Is a time for healing and creating harmony and balance within each of our lives this is just one tool. Because of the simplicity, everyone can download the videos and begin to experiment . I have not posted any of the videos because as you say they have to resonate with each person, it all depends what frequencies you feel are most important for you, healing, intuition , money , etc..
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Old 01-22-2010, 06:27 AM   #10
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Default Re: Solfeggio Frequencies to alter 3 dimensional reality.

Hi Frank,

I read or heard somewhere that it is better to listen to frequencies in wave format. I don't really know why since it is the same pitch in the end. But lets assume it is true! So what i'm doing is that I tune my guitar to get the exact pitch and while I meditate, I'm signing the same note to get my whole body to resonate. I also use my bass guitar to get more vibration.

I don't know if its actually more efficient but it sounds a lot better for sure.

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Old 01-22-2010, 06:46 AM   #11
Frank Samuel
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Default Re: Solfeggio Frequencies to alter 3 dimensional reality.

Is cool if you could play your own instruments to produce the frequencies. That includes your voice. I only learn to play percussion and that is a little too loud and with children to take care of is a little complicated. Is niece to have a jamming section with my children , this I often do singing songs for them, my 3 year old loves to sing and my 11 month old loves to dance. I'm laughing all day watching these clowns. Play and sing away my friend the waves of heart felt frequencies travel to places unknown. I often imagine the whole world singing at the same time, after all music is a universal language.
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Old 01-22-2010, 07:27 AM   #12
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Default Re: Solfeggio Frequencies to alter 3 dimensional reality.

I heard you can tune your string instruments to the TRUE notes... based on the solfeggio frequencies.. ( i think )

Originally Posted by Frank Samuel View Post
Is cool if you could play your own instruments to produce the frequencies. That includes your voice. I only learn to play percussion and that is a little too loud and with children to take care of is a little complicated. Is niece to have a jamming section with my children , this I often do singing songs for them, my 3 year old loves to sing and my 11 month old loves to dance. I'm laughing all day watching these clowns. Play and sing away my friend the waves of heart felt frequencies travel to places unknown. I often imagine the whole world singing at the same time, after all music is a universal language.
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Old 01-22-2010, 07:48 AM   #13
Frank Samuel
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Talking Re: Solfeggio Frequencies to alter 3 dimensional reality.

Sammytray musicians unconsciously or consciously have an incredible advantage to produce these frequencies through music . Music has an incredible power and when producing frequencies that can help to change our perception of reality it becomes a powerful tool indeed.Who knows what music will sound like in the future, if I was a betting man I would say we are in for a pleasant surprise.
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Old 01-22-2010, 07:58 AM   #14
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Default Re: Solfeggio Frequencies to alter 3 dimensional reality.

thank you for posting this thread, I wasn't aware of solfeggio frequencies...lately I've been rally focusing on energy and how it relates to attracting or repelling abundance. Except for one short period in my life, I seem to be unknowingly attracting lack because even tho I'm highly intelligent, am educated, hard working and hungry making "good" money has always been elusive. Seems like i have the worst "luck" with jobs and always live check to check.

So I've been focusing on my own energy flows to make sure I'm not blocking the flow of money on an energy level and am breathing right etc...I noticed when I think about money I tense up and stopped breathing.

At this point anything helps! thanks again..
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Old 01-22-2010, 02:35 PM   #15
Frank Samuel
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Talking Re: Solfeggio Frequencies to alter 3 dimensional reality.

Ascendingstarseed we are indoctrinated since birth to think that intelligence is connected with money, position , education. This is for me an illusion created by the ptb to control the masses. We go years thinking that if we don't fit into a certain category we cannot achieve the things we want so in essence we remain in a stage of daydreams with an incredible blockage place by the culture upon which we live. Joseph Chilton Pierce call culture the poison that keeps each one of us from transcending beyond the stage of mere dreams.
The truth is that we have to relearn what we have long ago forgotten.
This takes time because it connected to the realm of your resonator the heart.
Our culture takes care to dumb down our senses creating in essence a limited view of our realities which as you know are limitless.
Each one of us are teachers of our own journey and we have many worlds and realities to explore. Money is just an aid to help us in our journey on this earth so just like your body it is connected to you .Visualize what you want with it this is as natural as breathing oxygen.

I hope this helps.

Love and well wishes for you and your family.

My children are urging me to lets go have some fun so is a bit hard to focus on what I am writing, sorry for any mistakes specially in the area of names ascended master instead of ascendingstarseed.
Now I really got to go the commander in chief, my wife just told me with her stern look get off the PC.

Last edited by Frank Samuel; 01-22-2010 at 03:02 PM.
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Old 01-22-2010, 06:35 PM   #16
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Default Re: Solfeggio Frequencies to alter 3 dimensional reality.

Only a little off topic, but have you read of Mr. Royal Rife? He CURED cancer many years ago using certain frequencies directed at the body. He learned which frequency alleviated a particular ailment. It was in all the newspapers and was accepted as fact, that he had cured cancer. The FDA got involved and the rest is history....silent history. His work was destroyed and his papers confiscated. Only a few, perhaps only one, of his original machinces still exists.
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Old 01-22-2010, 07:39 PM   #17
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Default Re: Solfeggio Frequencies to alter 3 dimensional reality.

Hi Frank,

Funny enough I've been using those same frequencies and binaural beats to grow my plants and food. I've had to tweak it around because the plants would grow so fast and not absorb the nutrients correctly causing it to be very thin and long. After oh, so some many experiments I've come to realize that each plant has it's own particular frequency. So by tuning into that certain frequency and playing it at certain intervals of the plants life you can exponentially increase growth time, quality, and quantity. I still need to do a little more experiment before anything is final, but were getting close and soon develop a whole new grow technique that later we can incorporate through the state, but that's another day. Thanks for the thread!

- Jose
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Old 01-22-2010, 08:00 PM   #18
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Default Re: Solfeggio Frequencies to alter 3 dimensional reality.

Thank you Frank Samuel for this thread!

When I first read your post in the back of my mind something was saying that most of this must have something to do with the 'law of attraction': when your focus is positive and directed to change, this will happen. So if you expect these sounds to heal, to open up a certain chakra, etc... in the long run the universe 'will work together 'to make it happen.

But then again, roofs don't get fixed that way... or maybe they do, but with a detour of somebody helping you to fix it or because a certain amount of extra unexpected money is deposited on your account which is just enough to fix that roof (which is of course wonderful as well ).

My girlfriend and I will try 'solfegging' as well! She's involved in a community housing project which unfortunately has gone astray. All of her money is in there and she wants to sell. Every time they discuss the members of this project make each other's lives a living limbo and nothing gets done. When she even thinks about it, she looses her patience, gets upset and can't think straight. Telling her then that the only thing she can do is to change her reactions in the hope the group dynamics will change doesn't help much, of course. Maybe we better get on the right solfeggio-frequencies first... This might be a wonderful tool to change something for the better...

For those that like to experiment with basic solfeggio sounds, check out this piece of freeware (which is... errr... yeah well... for free):

Solfeggio Bliss Frequency Generator 1.1.0

Good vibes y'all!


Last edited by dAkapacity; 01-22-2010 at 08:17 PM.
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Old 01-22-2010, 09:32 PM   #19
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Default Re: Solfeggio Frequencies to alter 3 dimensional reality.

hi all,

I recently bought a pendant with the solgeggio frequencies imprinted electromagnetically, they call it CYMATICIZED. I have been wearing it for a couple of weeks now and I can see soon improvement in my well being...

I have my doubts if the frequencies resonate strong enough, but at least it's easy to wear all day long!




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Old 01-23-2010, 12:10 AM   #20
Frank Samuel
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Default Re: Solfeggio Frequencies to alter 3 dimensional reality.

All of you guys have inspire me to write this thread. As I write I am looking at my small children thinking are we going to make it can we as the human race and learn how to use our hearts to activate the power that is within us all.In many ways we are sort like a blind race learning to walk touch and feel afraid like children, looking for some type of security hoping for a better tomorrow. A long time ago when I was a child looking for answers I heard a voice deep inside of me who told me, "why are you looking out there for your answers, the answer you seek is within you". Since that day I trusted that the spirit within me would guide me to find understanding beyond this 3 dimensional madness that we have all been born into. I must admit for a while there I put my journey on hold. The solfeggio frequencies help me to open the door into my soul to continue with my journey. It is for that reason that I share my story. I don't have all the answers I know but at least I think I found something of value that can help us all on our journey for a better tomorrow whether it will be on this planet or in distant planets or worlds we have yet to uncover, my wish is that we can begin to finally see with our hearts and become the guides that can help others along in their own journey. Thank you all...
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Old 01-23-2010, 01:11 AM   #21
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Default Re: Solfeggio Frequencies to alter 3 dimensional reality.

Originally Posted by Frank Samuel View Post
All of you guys have inspire me to write this thread. As I write I am looking at my small children thinking are we going to make it can we as the human race and learn how to use our hearts to activate the power that is within us all.In many ways we are sort like a blind race learning to walk touch and feel afraid like children, looking for some type of security hoping for a better tomorrow. A long time ago when I was a child looking for answers I heard a voice deep inside of me who told me, "why are you looking out there for your answers, the answer you seek is within you". Since that day I trusted that the spirit within me would guide me to find understanding beyond this 3 dimensional madness that we have all been born into. I must admit for a while there I put my journey on hold. The solfeggio frequencies help me to open the door into my soul to continue with my journey. It is for that reason that I share my story. I don't have all the answers I know but at least I think I found something of value that can help us all on our journey for a better tomorrow whether it will be on this planet or in distant planets or worlds we have yet to uncover, my wish is that we can begin to finally see with our hearts and become the guides that can help others along in their own journey. Thank you all...
Beautifully put Frank! Again a big thank you for your research and for being your beautiful self!

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Old 01-23-2010, 09:42 AM   #22
Frank Samuel
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Default Re: Solfeggio Frequencies to alter 3 dimensional reality.

Conkroach originally I was impressed by the same story you mention, Royal Rife. I personally never bought this type of machine but I will think that with prolong use it would reap positive results. The interesting thing that Dr. Peterson said is he carry a frequency machine while in public to deflect any psychotronic frequencies and that as far as he knows they are also given to Presidents. Now ask yourself , why would the President carry a frequency type apparatus if they do not work? I don't think we have to be a genius to figure this one out. The natural frequencies of this planet are being disrupted.
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Old 01-23-2010, 10:04 AM   #23
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Default Re: Solfeggio Frequencies to alter 3 dimensional reality.

Jose I love plants and they are part of my life . I had to tell my wife to slow down on the buying of more plants because it was starting to look like a jungle around here. Plants have a conscious mind, Frank you are full of it, some might say. The word spirit as far as I am concerned takes on a totally different meaning, my grandfather was half Indian, it must be that part of me talking. The native tribes of this world know that, why don't we ? We in the name of progress are destroying the very thing that is giving us life . Is it that we are too dumb to notice it or we just have this button who's on suicidal mode all the time ? For me this one is hard to figure out. One thing for sure even if humans destroy themselves the planet will flourish with or without us. Let us hope that we can continue being a part of this beautiful planet who is giving us life every second of our existence . A good reason to have and attitude of humility and gratitude. Thanks for your kind works
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Old 01-23-2010, 10:37 AM   #24
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Talking Re: Solfeggio Frequencies to alter 3 dimensional reality.

daKapacity I love Belgica I spend some time in the small town of Chimay I hope I am writing it right, I join the military at 18yrs. of age, station in Germany, this crazy Puerto Rican Chaplain wanted to takes us on a retreat to the monastery in Belgium. I was not very religious and violated the curfew law, needless to say I sleep in the gates of the monastery with my drunk self many of nights.
Our world is pure frequency vibration , we humans are out of balance with those frequencies. We lost the ability to produce harmonious frequencies that are in tune with the frequencies emitted by our planet, now disrupted by humans. We have to learn and relearn how to produce those same natural frequencies within our bodies. Once we do this is like you could feel your spirit body guiding you along in your journey. I am literally living in two dimensions at once.
I really hope everything works out for you and your girlfriend you guys have the right idea with a little bit of inspiration via the solfeggio frequencies I believe you are going to have an interesting journey.
Maybe one day I'll head back to Belgium again even if I have to sleep outside the gates of the monastery.
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Old 01-23-2010, 10:45 AM   #25
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Default Re: Solfeggio Frequencies to alter 3 dimensional reality.

Paul 1972 I will check it out, but you know you need to at least hear these frequencies once in a while. The idea is to help your resonator the Heart activate these natural frequencies within your body. However this Pendant has to help you also, to what degree continue with the experiment and tell us all about it.

Blessings to you and your family..
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