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Old 06-03-2009, 09:33 PM   #1
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Default Arizona Wilder Testimony - Spanish / English

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Hi Everybody, I have found these videos in Spanish subs with English audio, they aver VERY disturbing on what this lady has to say, I have posted them all on my site, and they should be taken a lot at.

You don´t need to register to watch them.


Peace, love and knowledge

Last edited by Greenberet; 06-13-2009 at 01:07 PM.
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Old 06-09-2009, 09:18 AM   #2
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Post Re: Arizona Wilder Testimony - Spanish / English

"British author and lecturer David Icke has a penchant for courageously delving into the politically-sensitive machinations of the global elite, as evidenced by his books "And The Truth Shall Set You Free", and "I Am Me, I Am Free". His latest book is primarily a history of the Illuminati - the super-secret group who have been the overlords of the human race from the Babylonian era to the present, through their control of wealth, suppression of knowledge and creation of false religions."
"Initially reluctant to review this book on ethical grounds, since Mr. Icke graciously cites my own research into the Illuminati, I reconsidered, since my research, spanning nearly three decades, corroborates that of the author. This explosive book and video represent the most penetrating insight into the true nature of global history ever revealed to the public."

"The book’s title is derived from a meeting between David Icke and a senior member of British Intelligence. David asked him what was the biggest secret held by British Intelligence. The man replied that it was that the British Royal Family are shape-shifting reptilians!"
Before the reader mentally assigns the author to a padded cell, let me assure the reader that David provides corroborative evidence, including the transcript of his taped interview with Princess Diana’s closest confidante, in which she relates Diana’s awareness of the House of Windsor’s reptilian ancestry (Diana referred to them as "the lizards").

"The author provides an in-depth account of Diana’s ritual murder and investigative cover-up, including the fact that the chauffeur appeared to have been a Monarch mind-control victim, who was programmed to drive away from the intended destination and crash into the thirteenth column in the Pont de L’Alma tunnel. The tunnel is an ancient Illuminati sacrificial site. Since the book went to press, I’ve been informed by a high-ranking Illuminatus that Diana’s "first aid" in the tunnel included being bludgeoned to death with an oxygen cylinder."
"My own research, based upon unpublished astrophysical data, revealed that Mars originally occupied our planet’s orbit and was populated by a technologically-advanced Aryan race. A celestial catastrophe displaced Mars into its present orbit, forcing the Aryan survivors to colonize our planet and subsequently construct the Great Pyramid. They were overthrown by an evil priesthood who established the Royal Court of the Dragon in Egypt."

"While David was writing his book, it was my good fortune to meet the Mother Goddess of the Illuminati. She corroborated my research, adding that the Illuminati hierarchy are shape-shifting dragons, who require the consumption of Aryan blood in order to maintain their shape-shifting capability, hence their opposition to interracial marriages. She added that because of this symbiotic relationship, the Illuminati dragons have pursued the Aryans from Mars to Earth."

"In her videotaped Interview with David Icke, the Mother goddess describes how the Illuminati genetically bred her from the Merovingian Royal bloodline and sent her to Russia for psychic development. She was trained to telepathically communicate with dolphins and extraterrestrials at covert military bases. In order to maintain control over her, she was subjected to the trauma-based Monarch mind-control program by Nazi doctor Josef Mengele, who covertly conducted his evil work at the China Lake Naval Weapons facility after World War 2. Mengele forced her to witness Illuminati human sacrifices attended by prominent global figures whom she names in the video."

"The Mother Goddess’s story may seem improbable, but this reviewer, after watching many hours of the Mother Goddess’s videotaped comments made under the influence of sodium amytol, and obtaining corroborative information from other mind-control survivors, finds her story very credible. If it were not, neither of us would be subjected to our current harassment involving wire taps, directed-energy microwave beams, nor surveillance by Naval Intelligence and NSA operatives. The Reader’s attention is also drawn to the autobiographical book "Trance-Formation of America’, by mind-control victim Cathy O’Brien, in which she claims that she saw George Bush shapeshift into reptilian form and alleges that former education secretary Bennett told her that the Illuminati relocated here from another region of the universe.

The Mother Goddess, together with several other Monarch mind-control victims, escaped the Illuminati clutches in 1989, when Mengele died. In an attempt to regain their control over her, the Illuminati subjected her to intense harassment, including electroshock torture at a private house in Sherman Oaks (other Monarch survivors have also been abused there)."

David Icke - Revelations of a Mother Goddess Part 1 of 18

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Old 06-09-2009, 01:36 PM   #3
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Default Re: Arizona Wilder Testimony - Spanish / English

Are we really dealing with an ancient Reptilian vs Human Star Wars? Is this really a very real and very serious game of Masters of the Universe? Is this a battle over who gets to be 'God'? Is this a contest over who gets to be The Master Race? Is there a battle on Earth to see who gets to be God's Chosen People? Are there Good Reptilians and Bad Reptilians? Are the movies 'V' and 'Stargate' more reality than fiction? Are the Nazi Party, Teutonic Zionism, the City States, the Philadelphia Experiment, Project Paperclip, Monarch, Montauk, Deep Underground Military Bases, Secret Space Program, New World Order, Alphabet Agencies, International Banking...all at the center of this real-life Star Wars? Can't all races peacefully interact without domination, enslavement, exploitation, violence, etc, etc?

All of this seems to be very complex and hard to trace accurately. All I know is that the Constitutional Responsible Freedom provided for in the U.S. Constitution...plus the elimination of all secrecy regarding the real history...and all aspects...of the Reptilian vs Human Stars Wars...probably has the best chance of freeing this solar system, at least...from unspeakable atrocities and enslavement. Why can't our solar system be like the Star Wars Bar(except for the incident)?
1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YSF5SfqF2o
2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kJkhEcQ44k
Can't we get along?

This is the way I see it...but without being an insider...it's really hard to know. Unfortunately...insiders don't have the opportunity to be free-thinkers.
Somebody's gotta do it!

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 06-09-2009 at 02:28 PM.
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Old 06-10-2009, 03:03 AM   #4
14 Chakras
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Default Re: Arizona Wilder Testimony - Spanish / English

Maybe if you are 'battling to be God's chosen people', you are automatically disqualifying yourself from being God's chosen people.

Maybe God's chosen people are those beings throughout the universe who CHOOSE to overcome their own illusions and come into Oneness with their divine blue prints and higher Selves for the love of creation. Maybe they don't fight anything, but do challenge the illusions when they see them.

Maybe the reptilian race, are fallen angels (generally speaking), which is working hard at stopping the sons and daughters of God (human beings), from evolving into the God beings they are meant to become.

Maybe it's up to humans free will if they wish to continue to be lizard food or if they want to come up higher...

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Old 06-10-2009, 10:38 PM   #5
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Default Re: Arizona Wilder Testimony - Spanish / English

One possibility is that this Arizona Wilder is delusional and making up the story. There are many delusional people who are mainstreamed back into society by mental health facilities because they don't have the funding to treat all of them in private settings.

I also suggest searching for older video clips of David Icke... when he claimed on British television that he was the Son of God. I watched them, (and I have his book The Biggest Secret) and realized he was off his rocker as well.

Last edited by KathyT; 06-10-2009 at 10:41 PM.
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Old 06-11-2009, 06:10 AM   #6
14 Chakras
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Default Re: Arizona Wilder Testimony - Spanish / English

Maybe David Icke really is the son of god. And maybe you are too! (or you can call yourself a daughter if you prefer).

Maybe that was Jesus real message, that we are all sons and daughters of God and individualization's of the infinite, if only we would accept this fact rather than remain caught in the illusion we are separated from the infinite.

David has explained in various interviews that he believes we are all children of God and he was simply affirming this reality. One thing my discernment tells me about David Icke, he is doing his best and coming from his heart generally speaking. I think it's also fair to say, he is in many ways helping lead the way in the search for truth, especially with his recent focus on the solution being in consciousness.

As for Arizon Wilder, maybe she decided to make all of this up for some reason... or maybe she is telling the truth based on her own real experiences... interesting story nonetheless.

Last edited by 14 Chakras; 06-11-2009 at 06:14 AM.
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Old 06-11-2009, 06:26 AM   #7
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Default Re: Arizona Wilder Testimony - Spanish / English

icke has come a long way since his early interviews. Watch his last interview on conscious media network. When it comes to Arizona Wilder...to me she sounded like reciting her part in a school play....
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Old 06-13-2009, 05:49 PM   #8
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Default Re: Arizona Wilder Testimony - Spanish / English

Originally Posted by 14 Chakras View Post
Maybe David Icke really is the son of god. And maybe you are too! (or you can call yourself a daughter if you prefer).

Maybe that was Jesus real message, that we are all sons and daughters of God and individualization's of the infinite, if only we would accept this fact rather than remain caught in the illusion we are separated from the infinite.
What’s with all this “maybe” stuff? Maybe I’m a green Martian, maybe I reincarnated from a dog, maybe I’m going to win the lottery tomorrow. Sheeze…

Watering down the terminology of “Son of God” is ridiculous. I actually am not a 'practicing' Christian at all, I have never been a member of any organized religion. But I DO understand the concept of ‘Son of God’ taught by Christianity, and it is NOT a watered down “maybe we’re all sons and daughters”. Technically, yes, we are all gods children, but Christ, as taught, was a deity higher than man. And, if you watched David Icke in those earlier shows, you will see that he did NOT mean the watered down version at the time he spoke it. He claimed he was speaking to God, as if only he had that capability and he was special. His entire earlier interviews left me with my belief that he was delusional. And there are many delusional people who figure out how to mainstream in society. David Icke has found his source of income is to be weird and latch on to some weird ideas. Go to some streets in San Francisco or New York City, and I could find you a dozen Arizona Wilder’s, all willing to spin you their diabolical stories.

And I know that I am not a deity, I am just part of the physical living creatures on this planet, and I've never met ANYONE who I believe has spoken to God (if that is what one wishes to term our creators). Actually, the Hebrew and Latin terms for 'god' in the book of Genesis were all plural, and I tend to believe our Creator's were a large group. Our own science is getting closer to becoming 'creators', and whatever they've been doing in the Dulce underground base is probably along that line as well.

A question one has to ask one's self, is why? for centuries and centuries do our Creator's choose to not reveal themselves? I tend to think we're like mice in a maze to them in the scale of intelligence and consciousness, they left us to figure it out ourselves. I don't think it would be any fun to step down to be a mouse... so why should they live among us?

Have you watched the Evangelical pastors in Nigeria who are waging a terrible campaign of violence against young Nigerians by branding them as "witches"? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbDu0-K9cPk, all under the guise of Christianity. Yes, we as Earth are a long way from being able to join with advanced civilizations.

Last edited by KathyT; 06-13-2009 at 06:17 PM.
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Old 06-13-2009, 06:47 PM   #9
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Default Re: Arizona Wilder Testimony - Spanish / English

I will not use the word "maybe" I am going to say what I believe and one of them is that David Icke did say he was "choosen" and "Jesus" in the interview........I believe we all are and that is what Jesus teachings tell us too. He says we all have the power and we are all children of God.

I know that God is in all of us and even if we do not like what another person does, does that mean they are not a child of God? Absolutely not, I say, even if we do not like it that they are doing the job they said they could do. Even criminals are God's children and to question anybody is judging and that is what we all try not to do. Right?

Without judgement, we are all right in our own realities...............David is telling his and so is Arizona Wilder. I have to believe both even though I may disagree with what it is.

I have the upper most respect for anyone that dares to speak their mind especially in the sense that they are sure to be ridiculed.

David Icke is brilliant and without him so many in this world would not be "awake" to what is going on.

Bravo to all that get out there and tells their stories.........we just need to follow our own heart.

Arizona Wilder and Kathy O'Brien's story sound very similiar and so do many others that are in any form of religious cult. Father Flanagan's Boys Town which I dream over and over that I was once a child there. The stories that emerge from there are similiar.................we do not like it but the sad thing is it does happen

Thank you for sharing this video
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Old 06-13-2009, 09:03 PM   #10
Jacqui D
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Default Re: Arizona Wilder Testimony - Spanish / English

I happen to believe that David Icke's work is on the ball, the way in which he has discovered so much info has certainly opened my eyes, i owe my awakening to David, picked up a book back in 2000, and that was it, started reading couldn't put it down. Suddenly i knew that the doubts i had about this life and the whole NWO agenda just fell into place.

No one can say whether these ladies are true or not but all i know is there is a whole lot of , abuse, ritual or not going on out there, just the sheer amount of children going missing each year is a worry, are they been taking by these beings for ritual murders though i'm not sure, i have my own beliefs but i wouldn't swear to anything. I do like David his persistance to get this story out has made him a figure of rebuff, but slowly people are beginning to listen to him, i watched that interview years ago with Terry Wogan where he says he was the son of god, and how he was laughed at, well not so long ago Terry Wogan asked him back for another interview, there was no laughing this time everyone actually sat and listened the silence was obvious that suddenly this guy may be telling the truth!
I hasten to say Terry Wogan felt a little put out i feel, when the audience applauded David.
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Old 06-13-2009, 09:29 PM   #11
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Default Re: Arizona Wilder Testimony - Spanish / English

Jacqui I agree with that but I wanted to add the fact that it is true what they did to the Native Americans and in states all over they are settleting law suits and returning land that was taken. The Native Americans as so many many Americans, Canadians and others had their children taken by CPS and turned over for the likes of this. It still goes on in some of the churches now !

Being a woman, I can't tell you how many women and some men have been molested by an adult in their family or a church elder. Yes, its surpressed and some have video's out there. I have seen some going back quite a bit of time. Seriously, there is truth in their stories. In Texas they raided one not so long ago and removed many of the children. I'm sure many remember the story but what got me, was who the men worked for especially the young men................our government jobs.............the women all living in one place, collected welfare. Now that is breaking a law itselfs. All of a sudden the story is stopped and all children returned. Nerve wracking to say the least.

It takes alot for anyone to admit that their family member raped/molested them. It's very painful.

Several states have requested to be made sovereign here and that is one of the reasons. The children are grown now and reporting these stories and our government does not want these stories repeated. Too late for alot of them. These are the Native American children and the orphans. You see the government made the parents turn over their parental rights and land so they could school the children in the private religious schools. No, I do not know if rituals were preformed but there are reports of sexual abuse of horrific nature and children that have suddenly died or vanished. Who can say if they were sacrificed or not.

Unfortunately, I have heard many horror stories and I wonder now if some tapes that I have seen on google are still available for viewing. I will look
How about Duncan O finioan story on project camelot He didnt mention he had been molested but he was certainly "choosen" A fitting word that is given to them, I'm sure.

I'm sure just because it is this time in our history, doesn't exclude their sexual rituals and sacrifices being held............It's just done behind closed doors so to speak. I believe alot happens right in some very well known churches.
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Old 06-13-2009, 09:51 PM   #12
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Default Re: Arizona Wilder Testimony - Spanish / English

Yes mntruthseeker, i know what your saying i have no doubt at all this goes on, as you say churches, boarding schools, convents, scout movements every blasted thing you can think of. everything where children are involved, because these children are innocent they make excellent fodder shall i say sadly,
you mentioned the red indians also, yes kids go missing in africa also, and the australian aboriginis.

In the Uk at the moment yet another case of peadaphilia (sorry if i have spelt that wrong)A nursery nurse has been accused of taking unsuitable photographs of the nurseries children.
This lady was well liked by everyone and yet no one knew.
She has now been arrested and the police are trying to piece the jigsaw together of the many photographs they have and trying to place those children by asking parents if they can notice any marks that their children have on their person. because no ones face has been revealed.
I can't imagine how those poor parents feel right now.
This womans family is so devastated, her husband, her children do not what anything to do with her any more.

I have to question how a wife, and mother could lead such a different life outside her home!

There is a lot of evil out there that's for sure.
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Old 06-13-2009, 10:30 PM   #13
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I wasnt able to find the videos I talked about but I did see where another "apology" was given by the pope just in April 09 I need to accept that and it is hard for me.

I know that its still going on and in my studies it says we need to accept this as their lessons they said they could do but its a very hard thing for me to do.

I want to hold them all close to me and protect each and everyone and I know I can only do that in my mind.

In my dreams, it is me in such places as Father Flanagans boystown and it makes me shiver. It is one that hold such terror for me and I'm sure, it is one I need to work on. Right now seeing it out there and even writing about it does some good and I can actually feel a relief inside.

I just feel bad when I hear stories like Arizona's and I heard the pain in her voice as she spoke. Its understandable............and its real.
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Old 06-13-2009, 11:39 PM   #14
14 Chakras
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Default Re: Arizona Wilder Testimony - Spanish / English

"I just feel bad when I hear stories like Arizona's and I heard the pain in her voice as she spoke. "

Well, as she says in the interview, she feels this is her mission and purpose, to have gone through this so she could eventually, now, share her experiences and expose the truth. Perhaps on inner levels, she volunteered to do that before coming into embodiment (someone's got to right or who is ever going to hear of this stuff?).

As for 'maybe's' and 'perhaps'... everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I don't offer concrete proof other than discernment, so I'll leave it at that...

But it is worth considering that it is the official church doctrine "Jesus was the only son of God and you're all a bunch of sinners who better connect to God through us and our church" is the 'watered down' version of the true teaching of Christ.

Maybe the truth requires a lot more responsibility, knowing that you are indeed a son or daughter of God and an individualization of the infinite, and that you are a co-creator of this world and everything you experience in your life is an outplay of your own consciousness... now that's not too watered down if you ask me.

It is worth considering that the religious elite have hidden the true message of Jesus and other spiritual teachers like Gautama Buddha, put these spiritual messengers on a pedastle and made it virtually impossible for you to believe you could follow in their footsteps. "Maybe" that's the ultimate betrayal of their true teachings.

And I'll say, I do believe, David Icke, Arizona Wilder and all of us on this forum are indeed Sons and Daughters of God, if only we could accept this fact and see through the illusion matrix to remember it is so!

Last edited by 14 Chakras; 06-13-2009 at 11:58 PM.
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