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Old 01-07-2010, 06:32 AM   #26
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Default Re: Some of the "Indigo Children"?

imho ... we are ALL a work in progress ...
within us ... we all have something wonderful to offer this world ...
what an indigo child brings will be different than what you or i may possess ... and vice versa ...
each of us are a tile in the grand mosaic life picture ... each different but each brilliant in our own right ...

so why not just look upon and appreciate each tile for its individual beauty ... allow another's colors to inspire us all ...
and locate our own individual beauty within ourselves ... work on our own selves to bring to others our own brilliance ...

life is not a competition ... it is not about greater ... more ... wiser or better than ...
it isn't about having to feel that who we are or what we have to offer ... is less than anothers ... feeling inadequate ...

life is about sharing our individual uniqueness ... these children are expressing their brilliance naturally and effortlessly ... their ingrained limitations are few ...

we all have a light within us to shine our radiance to others ... in our own unique way ...

we are all a work in progress of our own selves and oneness of all ...

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Old 01-07-2010, 06:52 AM   #27
Humble Janitor
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Default Re: Some of the "Indigo Children"?

Originally Posted by Karen View Post
I was a contributing author in the first book "The Indigo Children". When the call went out for contributors - there was nothing high or mighty about it. These children were different, they were warrior spirits and they they were being put on ritalin to subdue them and force them to fit an outdated school system (and every other outdated social structure.)

It is not a name made up by parents. There was a lady who saw the "life color" of people and this was a color she had not seen before. The life color tests are quite fun.
Good point. However, I am sure that there are people out there who will take advantage of the abilities of their children for nefarious reasons.

It is true that more children are being born with interesting abilities.
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Old 01-07-2010, 11:53 AM   #28
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Default Re: Some of the "Indigo Children"?

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
Perplex being different doesn't make you better.
Indigo is just a name made up by parents that want to make their kids sound better than all the others running around.

How does being inferior make someone worse?
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Old 01-07-2010, 12:12 PM   #29
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Default Re: Some of the "Indigo Children"?

I completely agree with the food connection.

What they have done to our food is criminal. After looking at a photo essay of families around the world sitting behind a table with 1 weeks groceries on it, the conclusion was that the family in Chad, are probably healthier then the family in the USA (or Mexico etc), because their food looked "real". i started a thread about it and would love to know what you think. http://www.projectavalon.net/forum/s...ad.php?t=18956

i completely agree with the "how we let them play" theory...and i applied it with all three of mine. The education system in Canada also wanted to put 2 out of three of my kids on ritalin (bugs me that spellcheck wants me to put a capital letter on ritalin, sigh )...i never let them..fortunately is was an easy battle for me...it not always is for others.

i also know a mom, how had a Down syndrome child....she had 7 kids...she treated her just like every other child...and she grew up quite normally without ANY governmental "help".

"as many as you can get in your brain" ..lol you sound like my friend...self taught and very wise...she cured my daughters warts (many of them on her hands) with olive leaf pills! they were gone in 3 weeks...she tells me it also can cure cold sores...attacks the parasite rather then the symptom.

Originally Posted by Karen View Post
Mine was about a nutritional answer for ADD and ADHD. Give the child all the vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and every other type of nutrient their particular body needs, and 90-95% of the time, the child or person has no need for any drugs at all.

Our food supply has been so horribly adulterated that all the chemical, food coloring and sugars contribute to bad and even criminal behavior.

My chapter was "A Nutritional Answer" and highlighted a product called "Smart Start" which unfortunately because of a company merger is no longer being made. Further research through the years has brought to my attention metabolic typing as all humans do not have the same nutritional needs, and different types of brain training.

One of the most important things is to let a child crawl around - to help make the connections between the left and right brain. The list is huge ... almost every type of behavior problem has a solution. Many, many autistic children can be cured with an individualized approach - the first step is to try a diet with zero gluten (from wheat and other grains) and zero casein (from milk) . Even babies with Down Syndrome (no S on Down) are not born retarded. Who discovered this? A mother who adopted a baby girl with Down Syndrome. There is now a nutritional and physical therapy program where other than the facial features, these children can develop normal or near normal intelligence.

I trained as a Medical Technologist (medical laboratory testing) worked in that field for 13 years and have gone on to become self-taught in as many nutritional and alternative therapies as I can keep cramming into my brain. I am like a big directory of therapies, specializing in none.
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Old 01-07-2010, 12:36 PM   #30
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Thank you Lorien and thank you Karen .
Swanny , I agree with you perfectly ! Nobody is simply " better " . Yet try to distinguish my notion of = difference = and the notion of " better " which I did not refer to . Being different does certainly not make you better !

Love and peace ,

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Old 01-07-2010, 12:39 PM   #31
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Default Re: Some of the "Indigo Children"?

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
Pah I don't believe in Indigo Children
Everyone's equal like it or not.
True, nobody is better or superior to another, and this indeed is possibly a dangerous outlook.

But I think we're all indigo children, star seeds, crystals, whatever you wanna call it. We are all energy at the core, some of us resonate on a positive frequency, and some of us a negative. This is evident by the emotions and behavior most often expressed by an individual.

In short, we didn't come from here, this planet, we came millions and millions of years ago from elsewhere in the galaxy, we moved around from place to place starting civilization all over again, only a few manage to avoid the catastrophes largely perpetrated by the majority of whoever is in power, not to mention natural cyclical cataclysms.

We forgot who we are simply because its all been suppressed. So we don't remember what happened, and possibly repeat history all over again. And somebody, somewhere, someone far more advanced, has been keeping an eye on us, and making sure we avoid extinction at all cost, preserving the few good seeds.

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Old 01-07-2010, 01:18 PM   #32
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Default Re: Some of the "Indigo Children"?

Wow! All of this from a positive topic?

BTW, Hey, Swanny!...Catch! It's a football helmet, shield and sword! Good Luck! :-)

Lorien wrote:
Swanny. Firstly Perplex never said anyone was better than anyone, so be nice and back off him please

Second, you don't know what the motives of their parents are, and these parents didn't even label theirs as Indigo children, I merely stated that in my post. As I stated in a previous post, we do not know what goes on in their home life so I think it's a bit rude to assume such things even of people who say that their children are "Indigo Children".
This was provoking, so I decided to be provoked. Basically, the above qoute/response was "rude" in itself.
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Old 01-07-2010, 02:19 PM   #33
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Default Re: Some of the "Indigo Children"?

Originally Posted by gscraig View Post
Wow! All of this from a positive topic?

BTW, Hey, Swanny!...Catch! It's a football helmet, shield and sword! Good Luck! :-)

Lorien wrote:

This was provoking, so I decided to be provoked. Basically, the above qoute/response was "rude" in itself.
i agree...
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Old 01-07-2010, 03:19 PM   #34
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Default Re: Some of the "Indigo Children"?

In my eyes no one is better than anyone else, we are all equal, yea some have talents that others don't have, but so does everyone.
I bow to no man nor will I expect another to bow to me
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Old 01-07-2010, 10:39 PM   #35
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Default Re: Some of the "Indigo Children"?

Originally Posted by Karen View Post
Ahhhhh, we speak in language, and descriptive words are boxes for everything.

There is a child box, and adult box.
There is a table box and a chair box, and you can throw them together in the dinette box.
There is red chair box, and all things red box.

Without the word "indigo" and the wonderful work of the people who told us about them, many more would be being forced into the ritalin box. There would lots of cranky parents trying to force their children in to old-fashioned boxes.

Now there are new school boxes that take different approaches to different types of children. Some kids fit the artist box. Some fit the scientist box. Put them all together and we are back to the children box. Throw in the adults and we have the human box.

We could have a lot of fun with boxes instead of damning them.

I just meant as soon as somthing is categorized then it becomes what it is. Limited by its boundaries.
If a child is indigo then they have a standard to live up to.. What if they dont reach the special heights as attainable as other indigos. Do they then become failures. What about the children that arent "special" How do they view these "special" children... It all Very well putting things in boxes to understand things but by doing so then things can become constrained, you cant fit a spiral though a pyramid shape.It it not better to relise that we are all special. And things arent as complicated as they may seem.

(Edited for bad spelling, again!)

Last edited by chelmostef; 01-07-2010 at 10:46 PM.
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Old 01-08-2010, 12:47 AM   #36
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Default Re: Some of the "Indigo Children"?

When I was young I was a hyperactive boy and was even banned from some shops in my town, luckily they didn't have Ritalin back then. Does this mean I am an indigo?? Oh no hang on I'm too old to be one.
It's a load of old nonsense
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Old 01-08-2010, 04:06 AM   #37
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Default Re: Some of the "Indigo Children"?

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
When I was young I was a hyperactive boy and was even banned from some shops in my town, luckily they didn't have Ritalin back then. Does this mean I am an indigo?? Oh no hang on I'm too old to be one.
It's a load of old nonsense

Though I don't agree, I respect you have your opinion Swanny that these gifted children don't exist. However, nobody said that being hyperactive means your an indigo child. Are you even reading peoples posts or are you just trying to be confrontational?
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Old 01-08-2010, 04:11 AM   #38
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Default Re: Some of the "Indigo Children"?

Originally Posted by gscraig View Post
Wow! All of this from a positive topic?

This was provoking, so I decided to be provoked. Basically, the above qoute/response was "rude" in itself.
I agree on your first comment gscraig. I too am surprised of the negativity at this topic for some reason.

As far as you and Celine thinking my comments were rude, I'm sorry you feel that way. I most definitely was not provoking. I just felt the need to call someone out who is a member of a community of enlightened souls, yet proceeds to belittle parents or their children when he doesn't even know them.
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Old 01-08-2010, 05:56 AM   #39
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Default Re: Some of the "Indigo Children"?

Soul is not an entity of spacetime. It is not conditioned by time. Soul doesn’t improve with age any more than it degenerates with age. Soul is a constant unto itself, however, when soul dons the vessel of the mind,emotions, and physical body (i.e., human instrument), it does become a subject of spacetime, but only in the view of a single lifetime.
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Old 01-08-2010, 07:47 AM   #40
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Default Re: Some of the "Indigo Children"?

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
When I was young I was a hyperactive boy and was even banned from some shops in my town, luckily they didn't have Ritalin back then. Does this mean I am an indigo?? Oh no hang on I'm too old to be one.
It's a load of old nonsense
Ahhhhhh, Indigo's are often MISdiagnosed with ADD/ADHD because they came in as little system's busters.

"What is an Indigo child? The term "Indigo Child" was coined by psychic and synesthesiac Nancy Ann Tappe, who classified people's personalities according to the color of their auras. Usually each universal age is accompanied by a life color, and during each such age there is a prevalence of people born during that time with that corresponding life color."

"Nancy sees color and tastes shape. Foods that she eats have both color and a geometrical shape attached to them. Some are extremely pleasurable; others are not. Nancy was born with this process as was her grandmother. As was typical in her time, she was taught not to speak of it to others.

"Nancy's synesthesia will be described in detail in her forthcoming book In Living Color: A Synesthete's Perceptions due out this year. She is believed to be the only person in the world to have systematized her perceptions through academic and scientific study into a system of meaning and understanding as they relate to the human personality."

"The following questions can help you figure out what your true life colors are. Most people have many different bands of color in their aura. However, when you answer these questions, your predominant personality traits will reveal your one or two life color(s). Make sure you answer the questions based on who you sense, deep inside, you truly are; not on who you think you should be or have been trained to be."

I believe the Indigos have helped usher in a new and more respectful way to treat ALL children, instead of "do as I say, because I said so."
1 Respect them

2 Give choices

3 Give them freedom to develop, balanced with supervision and safety limits.

4 Do set limits to protect them, but not arbitrary ones.

5 Tell reasons and explain why.

6 Give them complete explanations to the level they will be able to understand.

7 Do not talk down to them.

8 Be honest with your children. Tell the truth. They will know if you are not.

9 Don't try to manipulate them. It won't work.

10 Don't use guilt, fear or hate as a controlling tool.

11 Be fair and also be consistent. If you say no, make sure you have a good reason and don't give in.

12 Admit when you make mistakes.

13 Respect any psychic skills they develop, even if you do not understand them.

14 Be open to learning from them.
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