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Old 03-22-2010, 02:48 AM   #251
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

Originally Posted by JesterTerrestrial View Post
Great!!! Let me know how that works out for ya!

I don't need permission from anyone to tell you anything!!!

I have already done what you will soon be getting permission to do.

Good luck little buddy!!! Your still off the team!!!

And you are wasting my time.

Good day to you sir!

I've never been much of a team player, Jes-man.
As a destinguished member of the GFL Royalty, we don't mingle with riff-raff.

In this universe there are Gods, lesser gods, wanna-be gods, ... cats, dogs, ... amoebee & humans.

To some alien races you appeal, mainly as a - not very tasty, i.m.o. - (fast)food source.

If you really think We are gonna save mankind as it exist on Earth, I have to dissapoint you.

Save the planet?

The whales & dolphines?

Sharks, alligators, rats, lyches?
It's all in a days work for the GFL!


Collateral damage!

Love, Love, Love & Peez!

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Old 03-22-2010, 02:57 AM   #252
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

Originally Posted by TRANCOSO View Post
[SIZE="2"]Jetser, I have great news! A breakthrough that will change your view on everything you think, you know & do not know. Soon I will be given permission to share dazzeling & mindblowing perceptions on a supernatural scale. Any moment now, I'm expecting an invisible sign in the skies, that will enable me to come forward with a message of extraordinary dimensions! []
That was the sign!
Almost mist () it!
(I'm playing truth or dare with some very tasty birds...)

I will tell you how to rid the world of all known diseases!

But first I must spin the bottle!
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Old 03-22-2010, 03:01 AM   #253
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

this will be my last reply to you!!!
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Old 03-22-2010, 03:57 AM   #254
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

Originally Posted by JesterTerrestrial View Post
this will be my last reply to you!!!
I know what the masonic handsignal you're making, means but tell me... what's in the cup you're holding? Whitch Brew...

My turn to spin the bottle again!
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Old 03-22-2010, 12:32 PM   #255
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

To Swanny and others who are against the idea of GFL: I know next to nothing about it but I've heard a few messages from sources like Metatron, Gabriel and others and they seem spiritually sound and not at all dark or meaningless. Where does your opposition to these chanelings stem from?
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Old 03-22-2010, 01:07 PM   #256
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

Originally Posted by MichalPtacnik View Post
To Swanny and others who are against the idea of GFL: I know next to nothing about it but I've heard a few messages from sources like Metatron, Gabriel and others and they seem spiritually sound and not at all dark or meaningless. Where does your opposition to these chanelings stem from?

Thank you MichalPtacnik for your intelligent reply and question.

I will be shocked if you get such quality in reply from those who are being ridiculous.
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Old 03-22-2010, 02:30 PM   #257
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

In fact I would expect next response from trancoso to be more ridiculous noise!
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Old 03-22-2010, 02:58 PM   #258
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

Originally Posted by MichalPtacnik View Post
To Swanny and others who are against the idea of GFL: I know next to nothing about it but I've heard a few messages from sources like Metatron, Gabriel and others and they seem spiritually sound and not at all dark or meaningless. Where does your opposition to these chanelings stem from?
Indeed, they SEEM spiritually sound. And there lies the problem. There's absolutely NO scientific proof, for the reliability of channeled messages. 0.0000%. In fact, all that's needed for a channeler to appear trustworthy is vivid imagination and a group of followers to confirm this.

The Michael, Gabriel & SaLuSa messages, on the surface SEEM positive and enlighted, but they're mainly meant to lure you into a sekterian belief system, such as Scientology or, for that matter AVALONOGY.

You catch more flies with honey, than with vinegar.

The METATRON stuff also is totally unreliable, although it SEEMS 'not of this world'. And perhaps it is. Who am I to judge upon that? I sometimes speed-read through a METATRON message, looking for something that I can relate to, but to me its rocketscience.

A word of advice to all would-be amateur channelers:


Mind your head.

Right. Let's get back on topic.

For those of you who really want to know what the Galactic Federation is about, download these 2 FREE books/pdf's,



& read them both, from A to Z.


Last edited by TRANCOSO; 03-22-2010 at 03:19 PM.
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Old 03-22-2010, 03:10 PM   #259
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

Originally Posted by TRANCOSO View Post
The Michael, Gabriel & SaLuSa messages, on the surface SEEM positive and enlighted, but they're mainly meant to lure you into a sekterian belief system, such as Scientology or, for that matter AVOLONOGY.


and answer me this, if MY federation is not here who is!

and another thing.

you spelled Avalon wrong!



The METATRON stuff also is totally unreliable, although it SEEMS 'not of this world'. And perhaps it is. Who am I to judge upon that? I sometimes speed-read through a METATRON message, looking for something that I can relate to, but to me its rocketscience.

Last edited by JesterTerrestrial; 03-22-2010 at 03:13 PM.
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Old 03-22-2010, 03:37 PM   #260
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

Originally Posted by JesterTerrestrial View Post
you spelled Avalon wrong!
You're right.

They say it takes a fool to recognize one.

JT, please stop calling me a fool, it's no longer funny.

To be honest, you start to appear to be a rather pathetic mental patient to me, with the intelectual skills of George W. Bush.

JT, make your day & download the pdf's.
By the way, Courtney Brown is a 'top 3' Scientific Remote Viewer.

Please stop calling me names.
You might think you're safe where you are, but I wouldn't put my money on it, if I were you. Which I'm glad I'm not.
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Old 03-22-2010, 03:43 PM   #261
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

Originally Posted by TRANCOSO View Post
You're right.

They say it takes a fool to recognize one.

JT, please stop calling me a fool, it's no longer funny.

To be honest, you start to appear to be a rather pathetic mental patient to me, with the intelectual skills of George W. Bush.

JT, make your day & download the pdf's.
By the way, Courtney Brown is a 'top 3' Scientific Remote Viewer.

Please stop calling me names.
You might think you're safe where you are, but I wouldn't put my money on it, if I were you. Which I'm glad I'm not.
You spelled intellectual wrong!

have a nice day!

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Old 03-22-2010, 03:56 PM   #262
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

Originally Posted by JesterTerrestrial View Post
You spelled intellectual wrong!

have a nice day!

JT, my English is probably far better than your Dutch.

Now, as I promissed, I'll tell you how to rid the world of all known diseases:
First of all become a doctor & discover a marvellous cure for something, and then, when the medical profession really starts to take notice of you, you can jolly well tell them what to do and make sure they get everything right, so there'll be never any diseases ever again.

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Old 03-22-2010, 06:23 PM   #263
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

Originally Posted by MichalPtacnik View Post
To Swanny and others who are against the idea of GFL: I know next to nothing about it but I've heard a few messages from sources like Metatron, Gabriel and others and they seem spiritually sound and not at all dark or meaningless. Where does your opposition to these chanelings stem from?
Hi Michal
I'm not against the idea or the message from the GFL I just don't believe it comes from aliens or anything else. In my opinion it's just a few people having a laugh. Probably got the idea one night down the pub having a few beers.
They always say the same thing. Everything is great we love you blah blah blah please hang on for a little while longer we are coming to get you very soon. But they never come
If they were to use a different format to youtube or some cheesy website then I would listen a bit more.
Maybe they could take over the television channels, or de-cloak a massive ship over France but they never do.

What is channelling? Anyone can say they have been given a message by something or other but there is absolutely no proof either way. So again until I know better then I do not believe in channelling
Channelling is just people with good imaginations making stuff up, it's really not hard to do.
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Old 03-22-2010, 08:29 PM   #264
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

SaLuSa 22-March-2010

Be in mind of the changes and be prepared, but do not allow any sense of foreboding to fill your mind. Although there will be some that affect your day-to-day lives, remember that these will only be of a temporary nature. They are a means to an end inasmuch that to cleanse Mother Earth, requires wide scale changes that will cause upheaval depending upon which area you live in. The changes have already started, and we are carrying out damage limitation exercises. Once we can openly work with you, preparations can be made in advance that will protect people from the outcome. Better still, we can quickly arrange for you to be transferred to another safe place. The time for a disclosure of our ongoing presence and the purpose for it looms large. We expect the energies of those intent on bringing it forward, to manifest within a few months, and once it commences it will be followed by a quick succession of revelations. It is through the official recognition of us and the work we do on your behalf, that other projects can be put into action.

The waiting is nearly over, but as usual it is not easy to get your officialdom to agree on the actual date and who shall lead the disclosures. There have been many governments or officials, prepared to come out with information that has been kept from you. However, they have looked for guidance from the U.S. as the biggest world power, but it has never been clear and precise. Truthfully, most of them know that the U.S. has a vested interest in maintaining secrecy, and have given up with their expectations that they will take the lead where disclosure is concerned. The pressure to release the truth has become so great, that some countries are prepared to make an announcement without prior consultation. There are numerous new energy devices that are being held back, because of the current situation that makes any progress very difficult. In fact, there are major companies in the West who will do everything in their power to prevent them from being released.

You have been held in a virtual time warp because of the Illuminati and their cohorts, who have prevented the release of new technology except where it can be used for their own advantage. That has largely been to strengthen their military forces, and their stranglehold on lucrative industries such as oil. With a strong power base they have sought to achieve world domination, but with the Galactic Federation on your side it has been prevented. The dark Ones fail to comprehend the divine power we can wield, to ensure that your cycle of duality is completed as decreed by the Creator. The authority we carry does not mean we can proceed just as we wish, as there is a correct way to approach such matters that are important to your evolution. However, we will confirm that in the whole context of your Ascension, there is an ultimate date given us by which we must be able to commence our activities. We may find it necessary to make the first move, and remove those who are holding us up in our mission to Earth and all life upon it.

Dear Ones, have no doubt about us as we will fulfil our plan, and that means you can also fulfil yours which is vitally important. Up to now you have been often left to find your own way onto the Ascension path, and are admirably making much progress. When the Masters and we can address you directly, you will go forward more rapidly and with full confidence. You are special Beings of a highly evolved state, except that very few of you are aware of it. You are slowly but surely beginning to understand your spiritual history, even although the idea that you are Angels is quite astonishing to you. The fact that you already have a link to your higher consciousness means that you will sub-consciously know when you are being offered truthful information. Think intuitively as in reality you are your best guide, and will be enriched by what you learn. Because you are all at different stages of evolution, you cannot absorb every piece of information that comes your way. Some of it you will be set aside, and at some later time it may find a place in your thinking. As time goes by you will find it easier to take in what is being given to you. It will be because of the expansion of your consciousness, that is being greatly helped by the incoming energies. There is so much help coming to you from many quarters, as the Universe follows the events upon Earth very closely. Your evolution is viewed as being most important, and a successful outcome is essential to the future of Mankind.

Mother Earth still rumbles away, and is anxious to get her own evolution into full swing where the cleansing is concerned. Her destiny is the same as yours and it is therefore essential that you work together. Already powerful groups are urging that steps are taken, to counteract such disastrous industries as logging that is leading to de-forestation. The consequent result of such actions is being understood, and there must be a halt to them. It also applies in general, to activities that damage the Earth when her resources are removed. The extraction of oil and fossil fuels has led to the decimation of it, but worse is the resultant pollution where land is left permanently destroyed. Naturally these problems are high on our list of projects, to reverse the damage that has occurred. The introduction of alternative technologies will do away with the need for the continuation of such industries; so the quicker we can get started the sooner we can tackle the problems. Be assured that we shall have first put forward new ways of decreasing your dependence on the old forms of energy. The Galactic Federation stands ready to speedily implement the new technologies, that will release your reliance upon them.

No matter how little you can personally do to reduce the damage to Earth, you can keep your focus on how you would like to see it. By visualising a clean and beautiful Earth, you are helping manifest it. Indeed there will come a point in the Ascension process when the new Earth will emerge, and be seen as it originally was when in its pristine condition. Nothing that caused pollution or damage to the old Earth will continue to be used, and a new way of living will replace your existing needs. In a physical body you experience hunger, but as an Ascended Being you will have a lighter body of a higher vibration, and that will no longer be your experience. Your requirements for sustenance will be largely served by the energies all around you. When you always feel vibrant and healthy, you do not stop to think about fuelling your body. However, there are occasions when light foodstuffs and liquid refreshment are taken and enjoyed.
:banana :
Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.
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Old 03-22-2010, 09:44 PM   #265
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

Originally Posted by TRANCOSO View Post
SaLuSa 22-March-2010

Be in mind of the changes and be prepared, but do not allow any sense of foreboding to fill your mind. Although there will be some that affect your day-to-day lives, remember that these will only be of a temporary nature. They are a means to an end inasmuch that to cleanse Mother Earth, requires wide scale changes that will cause upheaval depending upon which area you live in. The changes have already started, and we are carrying out damage limitation exercises. Once we can openly work with you, preparations can be made in advance that will protect people from the outcome. Better still, we can quickly arrange for you to be transferred to another safe place. The time for a disclosure of our ongoing presence and the purpose for it looms large. We expect the energies of those intent on bringing it forward, to manifest within a few months, and once it commences it will be followed by a quick succession of revelations. It is through the official recognition of us and the work we do on your behalf, that other projects can be put into action.

The waiting is nearly over,but as usual it is not easy to get your officialdom to agree on the actual date and who shall lead the disclosures. There have been many governments or officials, prepared to come out with information that has been kept from you. However, they have looked for guidance from the U.S. as the biggest world power, but it has never been clear and precise. Truthfully, most of them know that the U.S. has a vested interest in maintaining secrecy, and have given up with their expectations that they will take the lead where disclosure is concerned. The pressure to release the truth has become so great, that some countries are prepared to make an announcement without prior consultation. There are numerous new energy devices that are being held back, because of the current situation that makes any progress very difficult. In fact, there are major companies in the West who will do everything in their power to prevent them from being released.

You have been held in a virtual time warp because of the Illuminati and their cohorts, who have prevented the release of new technology except where it can be used for their own advantage. That has largely been to strengthen their military forces, and their stranglehold on lucrative industries such as oil. With a strong power base they have sought to achieve world domination, but with the Galactic Federation on your side it has been prevented. The dark Ones fail to comprehend the divine power we can wield, to ensure that your cycle of duality is completed as decreed by the Creator. The authority we carry does not mean we can proceed just as we wish, as there is a correct way to approach such matters that are important to your evolution. However, we will confirm that in the whole context of your Ascension, there is an ultimate date given us by which we must be able to commence our activities. We may find it necessary to make the first move, and remove those who are holding us up in our mission to Earth and all life upon it.

Dear Ones, have no doubt about us as we will fulfil our plan, and that means you can also fulfil yours which is vitally important. Up to now you have been often left to find your own way onto the Ascension path, and are admirably making much progress. When the Masters and we can address you directly, you will go forward more rapidly and with full confidence. You are special Beings of a highly evolved state, except that very few of you are aware of it. You are slowly but surely beginning to understand your spiritual history, even although the idea that you are Angels is quite astonishing to you. The fact that you already have a link to your higher consciousness means that you will sub-consciously know when you are being offered truthful information. Think intuitively as in reality you are your best guide, and will be enriched by what you learn. Because you are all at different stages of evolution, you cannot absorb every piece of information that comes your way. Some of it you will be set aside, and at some later time it may find a place in your thinking. As time goes by you will find it easier to take in what is being given to you. It will be because of the expansion of your consciousness, that is being greatly helped by the incoming energies. There is so much help coming to you from many quarters, as the Universe follows the events upon Earth very closely. Your evolution is viewed as being most important, and a successful outcome is essential to the future of Mankind.

Mother Earth still rumbles away, and is anxious to get her own evolution into full swing where the cleansing is concerned. Her destiny is the same as yours and it is therefore essential that you work together. Already powerful groups are urging that steps are taken, to counteract such disastrous industries as logging that is leading to de-forestation. The consequent result of such actions is being understood, and there must be a halt to them. It also applies in general, to activities that damage the Earth when her resources are removed. The extraction of oil and fossil fuels has led to the decimation of it, but worse is the resultant pollution where land is left permanently destroyed. Naturally these problems are high on our list of projects, to reverse the damage that has occurred. The introduction of alternative technologies will do away with the need for the continuation of such industries; so the quicker we can get started the sooner we can tackle the problems. Be assured that we shall have first put forward new ways of decreasing your dependence on the old forms of energy. The Galactic Federation stands ready to speedily implement the new technologies, that will release your reliance upon them.

No matter how little you can personally do to reduce the damage to Earth, you can keep your focus on how you would like to see it. By visualising a clean and beautiful Earth, you are helping manifest it. Indeed there will come a point in the Ascension process when the new Earth will emerge, and be seen as it originally was when in its pristine condition. Nothing that caused pollution or damage to the old Earth will continue to be used, and a new way of living will replace your existing needs. In a physical body you experience hunger, but as an Ascended Being you will have a lighter body of a higher vibration, and that will no longer be your experience. Your requirements for sustenance will be largely served by the energies all around you. When you always feel vibrant and healthy, you do not stop to think about fuelling your body. However, there are occasions when light foodstuffs and liquid refreshment are taken and enjoyed.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.
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Old 03-23-2010, 12:07 AM   #266
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

The waiting is nearly over, but as usual it is not easy to get your officialdom to agree on the actual date and who shall lead the disclosures.
You might ask yourself the following question: "Why doesn't the GFL disclose itself, by just showing up as uninvited guests at a White House party?"

Well, in fact we will!!!
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Old 03-23-2010, 12:37 AM   #267
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The game is be true to yourself, do not put faith in the gfl or any other aliens, they are not telling us the whole truth. We have to work it out on our own, if we succumb to fear or get seduced into getting onto ships we are giving up our sovereignity, and our souls end up in some Zeta grey body for thousands of years.
No ships, no chips, I'm sticking with mother,
one love
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Old 03-23-2010, 08:42 AM   #268
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

Originally Posted by TRANCOSO View Post
Indeed, they SEEM spiritually sound. And there lies the problem. There's absolutely NO scientific proof, for the reliability of channeled messages. 0.0000%.

Thats absolutely not true! There has been countless instances where information has been provided which has then either come to be as predicted, or clarified in some way or another.

Your making statments with an obvious lack of education on the subject which is very evident to those who have researced this for many years.
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Old 03-23-2010, 09:16 AM   #269
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

Originally Posted by Jack View Post
Thats absolutely not true! There has been countless instances where information has been provided which has then either come to be as predicted, or clarified in some way or another.

Your making statments with an obvious lack of education on the subject which is very evident to those who have researced this for many years.
I’m with Transco on this one. I’ve done 20 years of research on channelling and have met quite a few channellers in the process and some come in the form of very sweet little old ladies who totally are devoted to their channelling. I’m also very scientifically minded and have scientific qualifications and there is absolutely no significant scientific evidence to back this up.

I do believe that channelling is very possible and real from what I’ve seen but no one can ever be 100% sure that there’s no malevolent intention behind it – not to mention the density of the filter of the channeller. Also, it’s very likely that once someone is channelling another entity, there’s always potential for other conflicting entities to also come in and put in their two cents worth. These entities are always negative as they invade the mind and sometimes the body. I speak with experience as have cleared a lot of these channellers over the years.

The bottom line is that human beings must take responsibility for themselves and their own species and look within to conjure up their own spiritual power to get ourselves out of this mess that we’ve created for ourselves for that’s the only way for us to grow. Anyone looking outside their own power is asking for it. From what I’ve learnt, these aliens are not exactly vegetarians. Raw flesh anyone?

From what I’ve read on this thread, the people that ‘mock’ GLF are only trying to wake up those who keep giving their power away to entities that we have no idea about and who refuse to show themselves in their true colours. I get a feeling that these ‘mocking’ people just care enough to try and give GLF followers their own power back.

As a truly loving mum, I’m bringing up my daughter in a way that she always looks to her own power to sort out her own life and that she doesn’t rely on me to ‘save’ her every time. The reason being is that if I ‘get hit by a bus’ tomorrow then she won’t feel helpless and carry on looking to others for help. This is not to say that I don’t give her support or that she can’t look outside of herself for support – but getting support is a far cry from being ‘saved.’

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Old 03-23-2010, 10:30 AM   #270
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

I totally agree with you Gita, thanks
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Old 03-23-2010, 12:46 PM   #271
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

gita - From what I’ve read on this thread, the people that ‘mock’ GLF are only trying to wake up those who keep giving their power away to entities that we have no idea about and who refuse to show themselves in their true colours. I get a feeling that these ‘mocking’ people just care enough to try and give GLF followers their own power back.

I do not agree that they are trying to give powers back to anyone. I do however agree that people are "mocking" and being "ridiculous".



Main Entry: 1mock
Pronunciation: \ˈmäk, ˈmȯk\
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English, from moker
Date: 15th century

transitive verb 1 : to treat with contempt or ridicule : deride
2 : to disappoint the hopes of
3 : defy, challenge
4 a : to imitate (as a mannerism) closely : mimic b : to mimic in sport or derisionintransitive verb
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Old 03-23-2010, 01:10 PM   #272
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

Yes Gita you are right.
What I have been trying to do is wake up people so that they don't follow the ramblings of some mad people claiming to be aliens but giving no proof that they are.
People that blindly follow the stuff that the GFL puts out are the ridiculous ones
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Old 03-23-2010, 01:13 PM   #273
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
Yes Gita you are right.
What I have been trying to do is wake up people so that they don't follow the ramblings of some mad people claiming to be aliens but giving no proof that they are.
People that blindly follow the stuff that the GFL puts out are the ridiculous ones
Oh heres swanny back with more (Mis) leading information!!!

Swanny mate!!! I'm Gonna wake you up!!!

I am far from BLIND!!!

You are putting leading words to steer the minds of others!!!







Who did you say your working for?? LOL

Last edited by JesterTerrestrial; 03-23-2010 at 01:26 PM.
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Old 03-23-2010, 01:45 PM   #274
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

Originally Posted by JesterTerrestrial View Post

I do not agree that they are trying to give powers back to anyone. I do however agree that people are "mocking" and being "ridiculous".


Jester, I did put quotation marks round the word ‘mocking’ and I never said the word ‘ridiculous’ so please don’t put words into my mouth but I suppose this is exactly what GFL does!

I also always use my own intuition along side common sense and my own wisdom that came from getting to know myself and my own power. I do wish the same for you for let me tell you the biggest secret there is that these so called higher beings don’t want you to know;


The only reason GLF keeps their followers dependant on them is to feed off their energies. Anyone say the Ori?

If you don’t believe that others here are trying to wake you up then please believe me that I’m only putting this much energy into this post because I am trying to do the best for the good of you and your higher self. Take it or leave it but at least I can walk away with a clear conscious that I tried my best to help.

Much love and peace to you my friend.

ps Why do you have to write so big? The louder the words...
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Old 03-23-2010, 01:55 PM   #275
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Default Re: The Ashtar Command & the Galactic Federation

Originally Posted by gita View Post
Jester, I did put quotation marks round the word ‘mocking’ and I never said the word ‘ridiculous’ so please don’t put words into my mouth but I suppose this is exactly what GFL does!
If you read the definition of "Mock" you will see that "Ridicule" is used in the definition.

There for to mock is to ridicule.

Correct that you did not specifically used that word.

I also always use my own intuition along side common sense and my own wisdom that came from getting to know myself and my own power. I do wish the same for you for let me tell you the biggest secret there is that these so called higher beings don’t want you to know;
There is obviously something wrong as to why our planet is in the condition it is. Looks to me like a police state and World War! I know many sacred teachings have been suppressed through devious methods.

That dose not mean that the GFL is not a real organization of star nations here to help humanity into the golden age!!!

The only reason GLF keeps their followers dependant on them is to feed off their energies. Anyone say the Ori?

If you don’t believe that others here are trying to wake you up then please believe me that I’m only putting this much energy into this post because I am trying to do the best for the good of you and your higher self. Take it or leave it but at least I can walk away with a clear conscious that I tried my best to help.
ha...have you read the replies posted to me!!! Maybe you should.

Much love and peace to you my friend.

ps Why do you have to write so big? The louder the words...
Its because I'm kinda crazy about my research and get all phiyered up sometimes!!!

Thank you for the reply please do have a wonderful day!
Peace JT!
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