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Old 02-22-2010, 12:49 PM   #251
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Default Re: Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News"

What a ugly logo! Thanks for posting a link to the Ian R Crane site. I never heard of him. Glad to know that he is also informing about staged alien invasion.

"Our challenge as a race is coming very soon". Alex Collier

Damn, we don't have so much time. Tell me, when u are going to buy food and water supplies and where to storage them all?
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Old 02-22-2010, 12:59 PM   #252
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Default Re: Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News"

Originally Posted by ojajebie View Post
What a ugly logo! Thanks for posting a link to the Ian R Crane site. I never heard of him. Glad to know that he is also informing about staged alien invasion.

"Our challenge as a race is coming very soon". Alex Collier

Damn, we don't have so much time. Tell me, when u are going to buy food and water supplies and where to storage them all?
I have some supplies stored but I am of the opinion that what needs to happen is that somehow we need to get preparedness being discussed in the mainstream - or make the internet be the mainstream - so that it becomes a community project worldwide.
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Old 02-24-2010, 06:52 PM   #253
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Default Re: Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News"

Important news from Stewart today:

February 24, 2010
Dalai Lie-ma

The Dalai Lama recently met with President Obama to discuss Tibet and other issues. The Dalai lama also met with the news media where he made a few statements.

He claims that the 6 million people of Tibet need education and infrastructure that can only be given by the Chinese. He says that the Tibetans do NOT want independence from China, just a bit more personal freedoms.

Nothing could be further from the truth. I just drove all across Tibet last October from Nepal to China. I can tell you with certainty that the Tibetan people WANT true independence and despise their Chinese overlords. I heard this over and over, even from tour guides who were supposed to spew Chinese dogma.

The Dalai Lama has just proven himself to be a patsy of the NWO and not a leader for the Tibetan people. He is a programmed, mind-controlled robot who does what he is told.

The Chinese have massive troops in Tibet and many spies. That is not a sign of freedom or peaceful coexistence.

USGS Also Lies

I just saw an article on the USGS site claiming --with a picture-- that the ice shelves in the Antarctic peninsula are retreating/ melting and this will cause the oceans to rise and flood other continents.

That is absolutely trash! I was just in the Antarctic peninsula last month and saw for myself that the continent is totally encased in ice and snow--even at the height of its Summer season. In fact, it was snowing while I was there and there were ice flows still in the bays and straits, that would normally have melted in Summer.

The facts are that Antarctica is reporting deeper ice and snow than ever before and also showing the coldest temperatures ever recorded there.

I guess the USGS does not think any of its readers go to Antarctica so have to accept the false info at face value. The more places I go to in this world, the more lies I realize we have been told by government agencies and media!
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Old 02-24-2010, 06:59 PM   #254
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Default Re: Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News"

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
Important news He says that the Tibetans do NOT want independence from China, just a bit more personal freedoms.

Great update Seashore. My thanks as always. xx
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Old 02-24-2010, 07:01 PM   #255
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Default Re: Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News"

More and more truths are surficing...as predicted before...
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Old 02-25-2010, 04:52 PM   #256
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Default Re: Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News"

In my opinion, this is an important post that is probably true:

February 25, 2010
More Attacks

Once again, reports are coming in to me from all over the world of heavy ELF attacks that are triggering alters and causing strange behaviors and depressed/ angry moods.

These seem to be concentrated mostly in Europe and North America. In fact, the killing of the animal trainer yesterday in Sea World-Orlando may well have been due to an ELF bombardment that triggered an already aggressive animal.

I advise everyone to stay in deep violet and with a brown merger at the pineal gland 24/7. Use Lion Frequency, Dolphin Frequency and Oversoul techniques.

This is an energetic war, which may lead to a physical one shortly.
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Old 02-28-2010, 02:51 AM   #257
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Default Re: Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News"

After Haiti, we have another disaster in Chile this time. I look forward Stewart statement about this recent HAARP activity (?).
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Old 03-01-2010, 07:21 PM   #258
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Default Re: Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News"

Originally Posted by ojajebie View Post
After Haiti, we have another disaster in Chile this time. I look forward Stewart statement about this recent HAARP activity (?).
Here is what Stewart said... Nothing about HAARP or any other cause...

February 27, 2010
Chilean Quake

As you may all know by now, Chile was struck by an 8.8 magnitude quake last night that has killed many and destroyed countless buildings. A tsunami of 40 meters/ 131 feet high has struck the coast of Chile.

Tsunami warnings are in affect for all of the Pacific Basin. I am especially concerned for New Zealand, Hawaii and the South Pacific Islands.

In light of the 7.0 quake in Japan and now this one in Chile, anyone living along or near the Pacific Rim should be getting the heck out of where they are! The Pacific tectonic plate is obviously grinding significantly. This is just the beginning!


February 28, 2010
Things To Know On Sunday.......

-- The death toll from the Chilean quake is low because they build structures to withstand such events. The best and most concentrated seismologists in the world are in Chile.
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Old 03-03-2010, 07:30 AM   #259
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Default Re: Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News"

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
Important news from Stewart today:

February 24, 2010
Dalai Lie-ma
The Dalai Lama recently met with President Obama to discuss Tibet and other issues.
Few years ago a friend of mine had a dream about this Dalai Lama guy. He said that his dream showed him that Dalai Lama was born in Canada and I think maybe his dream said that DL is also CIA.

Of course maybe my friend who had that dream isn't an expert on dreams anyways. Even though his website has over 10,000 pages concerning his various dreams over the last 5 yrs or more. www.briansdreams.com


Last edited by Clarityofawareness; 03-13-2010 at 04:08 PM.
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Old 03-05-2010, 03:35 PM   #260
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Default Re: Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News"

In my opinion, good advice from Stewart today:

"March 5, 2010
It Has Begun......

"Remember I told you that after Sarah Palin's Tea Party speech that was a programming vigilante activation, that all hell would break loose here? People will respond in violence.

"Well, right after her 'show,' a man crashed his small plane into the IRS building in Austin, now a man attacked guards at the Pentagon and students and professors across the US took to the streets protesting budget cuts for financial aid.

"More is about to come. Even more severe. The 'revolution' in the US has begun, for the second time in our history. Sarah did her job well, though she is just a pretty puppet.

"I suggest staying away from large public areas from now on."
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Old 03-05-2010, 06:59 PM   #261
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Default Re: Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News"

"2010 will be a roller coaster ride" - Stewart Swerdlow

Thanx for reporting, Seashore. I am with you guys, u are Americans, u showed us - European people how to fight with elites and royalties. Although, I am against any wars, but the revolution for a good sake is highly appreciated. I don't want to see a martial law introduced in US.

We have to overcome our victim personalities! That is a reason, we are all here on Earth at this moment. <3

EDIT: Aw ****, in other hand fighting with these all alien technologies developed to control and abuse us must be really hard..

Last edited by ojajebie; 03-05-2010 at 07:03 PM.
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Old 03-05-2010, 08:06 PM   #262
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Default Re: Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News"

Originally Posted by ojajebie View Post
Thanx for reporting, Seashore.
You're welcome.

Originally Posted by ojajebie View Post
We have to overcome our victim personalities!
Let's keep at it until we win!!
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Old 03-05-2010, 10:41 PM   #263
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Default Re: Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News"

from Stewart today:

February 24, 2010
Dalai Lie-ma

The Dalai Lama has just proven himself to be a patsy of the NWO and not a leader for the Tibetan people. He is a programmed, mind-controlled robot who does what he is told.

Swerdlow seems to see mind control everywhere. He's like the McCarthy of MK-Ultra. I've heard a lot of NWO defamers take shots at the Dalai Lama and very few of them have impressed me with their understanding of the history of this political situation. I do understand it's hard to be open to information and read books on a figure one has deemed a demagogue.
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Old 03-06-2010, 08:12 AM   #264
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Default Re: Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News"

Originally Posted by 3optic View Post
I've heard a lot of NWO defamers take shots at the Dalai Lama and very few of them have impressed me with their understanding of the history of this political situation.
Webster Tarpley has a good understanding of the history of the political situation, in my opinion: http://tarpley.net/2010/02/17/the-da...cold-warriors/
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Old 03-06-2010, 05:36 PM   #265
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Default Re: Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News"

Thank you, Seashore. I am privy to this info. The problem I have is when we make a leap from CIA works with exiled leaders of Tibet to mount an uprising against the Chinese occupation army to Dalai Lama colludes with the CIA to enslave the free people of the world.

The details about Tibet's fuedal past lead to a more complex discussion about lines of development in humanity. Tibet's old system can be compared to monarchical Europe in the middle ages. Some similarly grisly tales persist from that period of history. Because of Tibet's isolation and level of development, they were essentially living in "the dark ages".

This is not new startling information. The Dalai Lama has even acknowledged this (Most recently in the book The Open Road). Keep in mind he was a teenager during his rule. The system he inherited had been in place for hundreds of years and had replaced an even more primitive level of development.

When we look into history, we often hold people hostage to the past. If you have payed attention to modern Tibetan Buddhism, you will have noticed that many of these former religious leaders have gone through an evolution as they have acclimated to Western modes of idealistic social structure and education. Also note that when viewing the past, people of the present like to throw out the baby with the bath water. Barbaric Aztec and Mayan behavior does not condemn their culture as a whole.

I have a problem with Tarpley's assertion that The Dalai Lama is not an acknowledged political leader. This is clear to anyone who has a modicum of sophistication and again it is acknowledged by the man himself. He is both the spiritual and political leader of Tibet. It seems to me Tarpley has an opinion about the wisdom of meeting with the exiled leader who still holds symbolic weight with Tibetans under occupation and in exile. The 2 million a year goes for Tibetan refugees not just the deposed leaders.

I believe he is right about Hollywood's oversimplification of history but this is nothing new.

I also missed the part where he talks about mind control slaves.
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Old 03-11-2010, 02:50 PM   #266
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Default Re: Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News"

I don't know what priest this might be...

Stewart's news today...

"March 11, 2010
The Vatican Rag

"The priest who is the official exorcist for the Vatican says that the institution has Satanic cults and devil worshipers! This is what I have been telling you for years!

"The priest says that there are those in the Vatican who do not believe in Jesus and there are Bishops who are followers of demons. Why would these men then be allowed to reach their ranks in the Church?

"According to this priest, that is why pedophelia and homosexual activities are reported within the Vatican and in churches globally.

"The plot thickens. There is a reason for all this exposure now. The New World Religion will be the next step from the Vatican, incorporating all of these activities as acceptable and 'normal.'"
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Old 03-12-2010, 03:30 PM   #267
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Default Re: Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News"

Interesting news today:

"March 12, 2010

"The Large Hadron Collider outside of Geneva, Switzerland is being shut down again for 1 year for repairs to prevent a giant explosion. It may not be up at full power again until 2013.

"This is the second shut-down in 2 years. I had reported a while ago on sabotage from beyond this planet. It has become apparent that the efforts of the Illuminati are being thwarted from a much more powerful source.

"I will keep you posted on events at Geneva as I receive them. There are many underground tunnels that lead to France and under the lake there. There are many restricted areas deep underground. The Vatican also has a contingent there as do over 80 nations, despite what is officially spouted.

"Obviously, many secrets at the Hadron Collider location."
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Old 03-13-2010, 02:40 PM   #268
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Default Re: Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News"

This is the very first time I have seen Stewart link to his news source. I like it. Today's post:

"March 13, 2010
Scary New Bill

"According to a government watch-dog agency, there are some scary new legislations being proposed. One of them is as follows:

"A new bill being pushed by Senators John McCain and Joe Lieberman would allow the U.S. military to round up large numbers of Americans and detain them indefinitely without a trial if they 'pose a threat' or if they have 'potential intelligence value' or for any other reason the President of the United States 'considers appropriate.'

"There is also another proposal by President Obama to collect the DNA of all people who are arrested, even if they are not convicted of a crime.

"So, people, this is what the USA has come to. Not a very pretty picture. Is it any wonder that beings from other worlds would consider this place to be a threat!"
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Old 03-13-2010, 05:54 PM   #269
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Default Re: Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News"

Thanks for the updates.....
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Old 03-13-2010, 06:37 PM   #270
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Default Re: Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News"

Originally Posted by Magamud View Post
Thanks for the updates.....
You're welcome...
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Old 03-14-2010, 02:30 PM   #271
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Default Re: Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News"

Absolutely amazing post by Stewart today:

"March 14, 2010
The Vanished Ones

"Every year across the Earth, over 1 million people vanish without a trace. Some of these people are the victims of crime and their bodies are disposed of completely.

"However, many hundreds of thousands simply disappear for no known reason. In Sao Paolo, Brazil, over 20,000 street children vanish each year, probably sold into slavery or used in sexual ritual. The same thing happens across India, Nigeria and Mexico.

"There are at least 250,000 each year that appear to have either been taken off world by strange vehicles, or who entered into some sort of interdimensional vortex.

"The Earth is being harvested by more than one group. They come from many different universes. The Hadron Collider in Geneva and the Fermi Labs Particle Beam Accelerator near Chicago both have the capacity to connect to other parallel universes.

"As 2010 moves forward, we will see more stories in the news about strange events happening across the globe as entry points are created by humans and aliens alike."
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Old 03-27-2010, 10:40 PM   #272
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Default Re: Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News"

Some more info, regarding above post:

There are approximately eighteen hundred and thirty-three Reptilians living beneath the United States.

Their habitat is from one hundred to two hundred miles beneath the surface of the earth.

They generally live in caverns and the ancient tunnel systems created hundreds of thousand of years ago. They are not benevolent. And, every once in a while, they come up for a contact.

They have been seen in New York City, Missouri, Chicago, and in the southwest United States.

These area’s happen to be the largest areas where missing children occur, numbering in the thousands. The Andromedans state that thirteen thousand seven-hundred and twelve children have been taken by these Reptilians over the last twenty-five years.

In Linda Molten-Howe’s book, "Alien Harvest", there is mention of human body parts seen in underground bases.

The Andromedans confirm that we are being used for food. The Greys use our blood and it is the Reptilians that consume the live human flesh. Their favorite food is children because they lack nicotine, caffeine, and other environmental pollutants. Like we eat veal, they eat us.

-Alex Collier, Letters from Andromeda.

PS - Could someone tell me what is going on with this forum? Why new Avalon forum was launched?
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Old 03-28-2010, 12:50 PM   #273
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Default Re: Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News"

Seashore, great research work as always. Greatly appreciated.

Ojajebie – also thank you for the update.

As far as the new AV2 is concerned – it was created to reflect Bill vision of how he wanted his forum to be like. More info based and less time wasters. So far I’ve not noticed much difference between AV1 and 2 apart from the more calmer atmosphere in AV2 and the continuous flow of info but I expect that’s due to people realising AV1 be shutting down soon.
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