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Old 11-15-2009, 01:36 PM   #1
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Lightbulb _RA_Material__The_Law_Of_ONE

For newcomers to this material, the full transcripts of this channeling that began in early 1981 are available here:

Carla Rueckert's new book "Living The Law Of One";

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Old 11-17-2009, 03:47 AM   #2
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Default Re: _RA_Material__The_Law_Of_ONE

i was going to start a new topic but i figured this would be a good place to post:

i am going to post some of my favorite transcripts from llresearch's archives starting in the year 1974 which is prior to the law of one series:

February 13, 1974

I am Hatonn. I greet you, my friends, in the love and in the light of our infinite Creator. It is once more a great privilege to be with you. We of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Creator are always extremely privileged to speak directly to those who dwell upon the surface of this planet.

We would prefer to speak with all of the people of this planet. However, there are many who would not wish to hear us. They would not wish to know us. And they would not understand anything that we said, even though, my friends, we are able at this time to use, fluently, any of your languages. It takes a considerable amount of time, as you know it, to establish a base for communication when the concept from which we generate ideas is as largely displaced from yours as is ours. When I say “yours,” I am speaking of the general basis for concepts of the majority of the people of your planet.

The bases for our concept are what we consider universal truths, truths that are unchanging, and that are the reason for the creation that is all about us and is us and is you. Unfortunately, the people of the planet upon which you presently dwell are not aware of the truth behind the functioning of the creation in which they find themselves. This is not an abnormal situation, but it is not normal, either. There are many other peoples throughout the creation who are not aware of these truths. However, there are a very, very large number who are.

There are a certain percentage of the people within your population who are ready to be instructed, for they have reached a state of understanding so that they may easily assimilate the little more knowledge that they need in order to understand the truth of the functioning of this creation.

This is what we are attempting to do at this time, and this evening we will endeavor to do this so that each of you will be able to make one more stop in your journey towards a complete understanding of truth. Most of the problems that you encounter in understanding this truth have to do with false impressions given to you by the society in which you now find yourselves. If you had been living in a society that had always been aware of truth and of the true nature of the creation, you would have no difficulty in applying the truths, since they would be a part of your life. It is difficult to do this when living in a society that continues to focus its attention on things that are very far from the Creator’s plan.

The society as you know it as present has focused its attention at present on many things. Very, very few of these things that it is interested in have anything at all to do with the basic truth of the functioning of the creation in all of its ways and all of its parts.

Your people on this planet seek many things. However, they seek these things in what we would consider to be a very strange way. They seek the result of their desires almost exclusively within what they know as the physical illusion that they now enjoy. Since they are unable to experience in their waking state anything but this physical illusion, they then think that this is all that exists, and they attempt to find expression of their desires strictly within this illusion.

This results in the fulfillment of false desires. The people who fulfill these false desires wonder why, having filled them, they do not find happiness. This has been demonstrated upon your planet many times, but little heed has been taken of it. The desires still remain very strong, and the people about you strive with much energy to fulfill them.

Having fulfilled them they then, as I have said, wonder. They wonder why they still have desires, for as soon as they have fulfilled one, they have generated another.

We are going to attempt to give you instruction at this time on the proper use of desires so that you may work within the truth of the creation and become once more knowledgeable about its function. There are certain desires that every individual has within him. These desires are a natural state, and they should be fulfilled. The reason the individual has these natural desires is that he is a part of the creation, and the Creator had an original desire, which continues throughout all of time and all of space.

This desire of the Creator was to provide an experience for all of His parts that would fulfill in totality the desire of all of His parts. But since all of His parts have this same desire, then it should be evident that this desire is to serve the other parts. This is how we have interpreted the functioning of creation. This is why within each individual throughout all of the creation there dwells a desire to serve the creation in any way that he can.

This dwells within each of the people, all of the entities of this planet, for all of them are a portion of the Creator.

It is possible to fulfill this desire. As we have said, the Creator has attempted to provide only good for all of His children. But since all of His children are a part of the Creator, and since all of us and everything is in actuality one thing, then we have this necessity occurring within each individual in all of the parts of the creation, an attempt to serve. This is natural. The planet upon which you now stand serves you. The growth that comes from the planet serves you. Its atmosphere serves you. Its water serves you. The entire creation serves you. You feel the energy from your sun. It serves you.

This principle is simply the original concept of the Creator being expressed through all of its parts, for this concept remains undiminished. For this reason, you will find that you will achieve what you actually desire only if you are to serve the rest of the creation. This is a law that is natural. This law is the creation.

The people of the Confederation of the Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator are just that: we are in His service. But we are in our service, and we are in your service, and we are in the creation’s service, for we have recognized that, in being a part of the Creator, and having within us the expression that was originally generated, it is only possible to fulfill desire through service. For this reason we are here now, to give to you our service. This fulfills our desire. This fulfills the Creator’s desire. The entire process is simplicity itself.

And, my friends, this is the creation: simplicity. It is only necessary that you understand this, and then act in such a way as to carry out your desire in its true sense for you to once more unite in totality with the original and true creation.

We have stated many times that meditation is very necessary. If you are to understand what and how to serve at this time, it is necessary that you find this through meditation, for this is the only process that will allow you to understand in its totality this information. So, it is necessary that you spend time each day in meditation, and become aware of the technique of fulfilling your desire to serve.

When you have done this, you will find that you are experiencing something that is phenomenal. It will be an event that is beyond your wildest dreams. It will be of a nature that you might consider impossible at this time, but it will take place. Many of the people of this planet are serving at this time. They serve in many different ways. However, only a small percentage of them are actually fulfilling their desire to serve, for what I will call “blind” service is not as effective as service that is performed as a result of the knowledge gained in meditation.

It is important, then, to learn how to serve, and whom should be served. As I have said, it would seem that we would perform a service by coming among your people and helping. Our meditation reveals to us that this is erroneous. For this reason, we contact you in this way. We request that you do as we do, if you are to know how to serve, and whom should be served at this time. Meditate, for this knowledge is within all people throughout the creation, for they are the creation, and this is His desire: to serve, to serve all of His parts, so that each experience the ecstasy that He originally created and that exists all about you.

I hope that I have been of service this evening, for this is my objective. I will leave this instrument now for a short period. If there are any questions, I shall return shortly. I leave in the love and the light of our infinite Creator. Adonai vasu.
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Old 11-18-2009, 02:34 AM   #3
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Default Re: _RA_Material__The_Law_Of_ONE

April 13, 1974

I am Hatonn. I am with this instrument. I greet you, my friends, in the love and in the light of our infinite Creator. It is a great privilege to be with you once more. It is a very great privilege to speak with you. We of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator are always very privileged to be able to speak with those of the planet Earth, as you call it, who seek.

What is it that you seek? My friends, you seek understanding. And what is understanding? Understanding, my friends, is not precisely what you think it is. Understanding is not an intellectual interpretation of the creation or of its realities. It is not an emotional response to reality in what I might call the most approved fashion. Understanding is not an emotional or intellectual response to your fellow creatures. Understanding, my friends, is very, very simply understanding the demonstration of the love of your Creator. This, my friends, is understanding. This is what we of the Confederation in His service attempt to bring to you: understanding of the demonstration of His love. For this, my friends, is the understanding of all that there is. For, my friends, His love is all that there is, for this love has created all that there is. And this is what is sought by those who seek whether they are aware of it or not. They simply seek to understand His love and thereby to demonstrate it … to demonstrate it in every thought, in every word, and in every deed. Through this you may too be of service in our Creator’s plan.

It has been stated that man upon planet Earth is a conscious being but that he does not understand. Some of the people of Earth have begun to understand, but it is difficult to continually demonstrate this understanding. The last great teacher known to you, the man called Jesus, was demonstrating his understanding of this truth in his life and yet he was not understood in this demonstration. He gained this understanding through meditation. This understanding may be obtained while you inhabit your present illusion through meditation. This is necessary. For this reason we continually emphasize that you avail yourself to truth through meditation. My friends, you seek understanding. Understanding is within you. You may reach this through meditation. This is very simply all that is necessary for you to know.

It might be asked by we of the Confederation of Planets then bother to communicate more than this one simple concept. My friends, it is very difficult to awaken those upon your planet who have the potential to seek. We have found that it is necessary to spark their interest using techniques that augment the basic truth which we bring to them. We have in this simple statement given you the very core, the essence, in actuality the totality of what we wish to convey to you. But we will give you more, my friends. More so that you too can serve, so that you will be equipped … equipped to help those who seek but must be led through their our pathways to the understanding of the very simple truth that we are bringing, for man on Earth is very complex and is unable, for the most part at this time, to receive this simple truth and use it.

We have for many of your years enticed those who would seek by various methods. We could have simply produced techniques for disseminating the simple truth which we just conveyed to you. My friends, this would not have been understood. Seeking must be generated within those who have the spark. The illusion in which you presently dwell is extremely strong even for those who deep within themselves desire to seek in a spiritual direction. For this reason our program has had necessarily to include many years of enticement and mystery.

We would much prefer to come directly to the point, to bring this simple truth directly to all of your peoples and then allow those who would seek it to seek it, but we understand from our experience in such matters that this produces a very shallow harvest of seekers.

If an individual is already seeking our methods sometimes appear to be rather foolish and lengthy and in many cases with little point. My friends, for those who are already seeking our methods are just that. They are unnecessary. The illusion, my friends, is very difficult to break even for those who would seek, even for those who are of a very spiritual nature. There are many, many of your peoples who are of a high spiritual desire who are within an illusion of religion or otherwise, which does not allow them to modify their thinking rapidly in order to accept such as we who attempt now to contact your planet. In order to communicate it takes much effort and much time. We will continue in our effort to arouse those who will eventually attempt to understand what we bring to those of this planet who desire to have it.

We would like to point out to you that we are aware that each time that we speak of understanding we always link it to service. We do not wish to, shall we say, draft you into service with us. We are not attempting to sway anyone against his will nor are we attempting to choose for you the future action that you will select.

The reason that we constantly link the concept of understanding through meditation with its demonstration in service is that we are not aware that there is any other possible path upon the upward way. It is important to seek. This is the first constant. Once seeking has been established then understanding begins to impel one along the path of spiritual development.

My friends, there is a very great distance which one may travel simply growing in understanding. However, the most exalted and pure understanding is an empty shell if it is not expressed. There is a limit to how far you may go in understanding if you do not choose to express your understanding through demonstration in service. The reason for this is one of the simple laws of reality. There is balance, my friends, in all things. Each thing which seems to be one thing is the other as well. If you wish to receive you simply give. This is a law. This is why we speak of service, my friends.

Beyond the first rungs of understanding one climbs the narrow way by service. It is for this reason that we are here for by our service to you we advance ourselves in understanding. We are not aware of any other means of effectively creating a forward movement in our own understanding. We are not aware of any other way for you to increase your understanding.

Each entity that you meet is yourself turned over, the other side of you, the other side of the coin, my friends. The side you cannot see of yourself turned suddenly so you may see it; there you are. Serve your fellow man, my friends. We suggest this to you because we wish very much for you to advance along the path of spirit and because in your progression you also aid us greatly in our service to this planet at this time.
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Old 12-04-2009, 04:25 PM   #4
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Default Re: _RA_Material__The_Law_Of_ONE

Great to see the law of one here it rings true to me and I have been reading and practicing these concepts for a while now it is realy hard for me to break thur but slowly its coming thanks for the post here for everybody to be able to try thats all we can do.

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Old 12-04-2009, 04:55 PM   #5
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Exclamation Re: _RA_Material__The_Law_Of_ONE

You mean the law of satan/Lucifer. A lot of people are still blind and belief in the new age religion. Because it so wonderfull when it is not.

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Old 12-24-2009, 02:24 PM   #6
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Old 12-24-2009, 02:27 PM   #7
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Old 12-24-2009, 02:28 PM   #8
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Old 12-24-2009, 02:30 PM   #9
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Old 01-10-2010, 03:03 PM   #10
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Old 01-10-2010, 03:23 PM   #11
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Default Re: _RA_Material__The_Law_Of_ONE

We should link these two threads together.


Great info.
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Old 01-11-2010, 12:27 AM   #12
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Default Re: _RA_Material__The_Law_Of_ONE

Originally Posted by micjer View Post
We should link these two threads together.


Great info.
I agree micjer, though;

We can't force people to co-operate, there are infinite examples here where people make the 'choice' to start a new thread instead of helping co-create a pre-existing thread on the same topic. Often I'm sure its not an intentional diversion, the search function on the forum if people even use it, does not always work I find. We can only keep our own integrity, and support others as best we can.
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Old 01-11-2010, 11:53 AM   #13
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Default Re: _RA_Material__The_Law_Of_ONE

Originally Posted by mu2143 View Post
You mean the law of satan/Lucifer. A lot of people are still blind and belief in the new age religion. Because it so wonderfull when it is not.
Law of One IS NOT ABOUT A RELIGION , just listen what Carla Rueckert says


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Old 01-11-2010, 01:50 PM   #14
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Default Re: _RA_Material__The_Law_Of_ONE

Originally Posted by MoV View Post
Law of One IS NOT ABOUT A RELIGION , just listen what Carla Ruecker says

Excellent point.

She calls herself a mystic christian. She believes in Jesus and goes to church every Sunday and sings in the choir. Hardly something a luciferian or a satinist would do.

What is luciferian about trying to help others by raising their consciousness.
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Old 01-11-2010, 01:59 PM   #15
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It Has nothing to do with Satan

Come on Read it then think about it.
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Old 01-11-2010, 02:03 PM   #16
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Default Re: _RA_Material__The_Law_Of_ONE

the LOO is such an awesome body of information - far far far away from any dogma or religious tendencies --- but sure you have to read it to find out :-)
I wouldn teven say it fits into the "new age" per se - it is really a very broad and vast source for inspiration and thought/souldfood
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Old 01-12-2010, 02:43 PM   #17
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I love the LoO material. The bottom line is either you resonate to it or you don't. A lot of people won't take the time to read it because it's quite lenghty while others will retain/maintain their religious dogmas and will scorn this material as the teaching of satan or may categorize it as being "false prophet" material.

Not everyone will "get it" but to those who do, I commend you!
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Old 01-12-2010, 03:14 PM   #18
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Default Re: _RA_Material__The_Law_Of_ONE

Originally Posted by maya12-21-2012 View Post
I love the LoO material. The bottom line is either you resonate to it or you don't. A lot of people won't take the time to read it because it's quite lenghty while others will retain/maintain their religious dogmas and will scorn this material as the teaching of satan or may categorize it as being "false prophet" material.

Not everyone will "get it" but to those who do, I commend you!
Good point.

It is like the spiral in Norway. People can look at the same information and come up with totally different conclusions. Some immediately feel it was nothing more than a rocket misfiring, and yet others look at the spiral and how exact it is and feel it is much more.

I love the Ra material for what it is......free of dogma.
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Old 01-12-2010, 03:21 PM   #19
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yes, it is. I have read parts of it and I can see it that it is just another lie with some truthed. Obama is wonderfull too is he not?but if you do you research correctly you know he is not(You know that already). If you can't see who is behind the mask then you be fooled by it.

Religion is accepting something from the outside without knowing from the inside if it is correctly. It seems many people falling for the same thing it looks great then you start believing it and before you know it , stop asking question about it. People all ways fall in ignornce and denial.

If some comes along telling them differently the first and most reaction is anger, because they don't want to hear it.You have attached your self to something from the outside if it gets attacked you will defend it.

Just like many other people, do not want to here the truthed that there slaves that the world is runned by a satanic cult worshipping lucifer as there god that planning our destuction. Because it is negitive and should not say bad things, just belief it is wonderfull don't look behind the mask.

Re: _RA_Material__The_Law_Of_ONE


Originally Posted by mu2143
You mean the law of satan/Lucifer. A lot of people are still blind and belief in the new age religion. Because it so wonderfull when it is not.

Law of One IS NOT ABOUT A RELIGION , just listen what Carla Rueckert says

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Old 01-12-2010, 03:45 PM   #20
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i am sorry but you clearly havent read the LOO
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Old 01-12-2010, 04:48 PM   #21
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i am sorry but you clearly havent read the LOO
Drugs have the same effect onless your immune to it.

You realy sound like drug dealer if you smel it ones, you suddenly want more

You mean that I did not yet got a taste of the MSG Burger at Burger King that shoudl taste great. When I got a bite out of it and suddenly want to eat more.

Thats what I trying to get is you start thinking about it. It like a drug, but the drug does not work for me anymore and now I see the true the smoke and mirrors.
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Old 01-12-2010, 05:03 PM   #22
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Edgar Scenes - Men In Black
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Old 01-13-2010, 12:10 AM   #23
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Default Re: _RA_Material__The_Law_Of_ONE

Originally Posted by mu2143 View Post
yes, it is. I have read parts of it and I can see it that it is just another lie with some truthed.
can you be more specific ? what exactly do you remember reading?

Originally Posted by mu2143 View Post

You mean that I did not yet got a taste of the MSG Burger at Burger King that shoudl taste great. When I got a bite out of it and suddenly want to eat more.

Thats what I trying to get is you start thinking about it. It like a drug, but the drug does not work for me anymore and now I see the true the smoke and mirrors.
Yeah well ,what can I say ?... books(information), drugs, burgers..have a lot in common

Can you please share with me the true and how can I
see the smoke and mirrors.

PS: every time I smoke marijuana I say this does not work for me anymore

Last edited by MoV; 01-13-2010 at 12:25 AM.
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Old 01-13-2010, 03:06 AM   #24
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Default Re: _RA_Material__The_Law_Of_ONE

I do think the information presented has some interesting information on density, colors, and chakras... Whether or not the information presented on the structure of the universe, the history of earth, or the influence of the Orion group resonates with people is up for discussion. I do think this information does have a use but I think you must also be weary of channelled info. It does present a harvest scenario as well which we've heard countless times before so it can be backed up to some degree. But the important thing is not to worship and put any energy to unknown sources. Most importantly, our spiritual work must be done by ourselves from within. Freedom isn't something that can be given , it's something you already have within!
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Old 01-13-2010, 05:10 AM   #25
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Default Re: _RA_Material__The_Law_Of_ONE

Originally Posted by mu2143 View Post
yes, it is. I have read parts of it and I can see it that it is just another lie with some truthed..
I am fairly confident that you have not understood the law of one at all - and actually I dont really beleive you even read it seriously.

The law of one applies to both sides of the coin - it was sourced from a place that takes no sides - good or evil. It CANNOT be satanic any more than it can said to promote the worship any positive/good deity. It certainly is not religeon!

If you can't see that, then that's ok, you completely missed the point - move on - forget it - it wasn't for you. Please don't presume you know any better than me though - you need to allow me the right to make my own mind up without me having to wade through entire posts that look exactly like this:

Originally Posted by mu2134
You mean the law of satan/Lucifer. A lot of people are still blind and belief in the new age religion. Because it so wonderfull when it is not.
That post is one of your complete posts. It is a typical throw away example of simplistic "new age" trashing talk with no real thought, explanation or debate, and it is a complete waste of time on this forum.

Try to make a constructive and informed criticism of the Law Of One- if you can be bothered - if not - move on.

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