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Old 09-22-2008, 07:45 AM   #51
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Default Re: IMPORTANT - WebBot Predictions (October 7th Event) on Coast to Coast Sunday!

There is no question about it, we are creating our current and future reality. giovonni
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Old 09-22-2008, 07:54 AM   #52
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Default Re: IMPORTANT - WebBot Predictions (October 7th Event) on Coast to Coast Sunday!

Wow! 'Device(s)' in the hands of 'the good guys.' The Powers That Be are hunting for the device(s) - 'The Cohearers.'
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Old 09-22-2008, 08:11 AM   #53
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Default Re: IMPORTANT - WebBot Predictions (October 7th Event) on Coast to Coast Sunday!

There is much truth in what they say about "WE" have empact on our lives and reality on how we personnally react too it. Who leads us at this point and time is not as important as how we perceive and respone to the leader. With a united cooperative and benevolent conscious mindset we can void whatever "They" conjure up. Stay alert and calm! giovonni
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Old 09-22-2008, 08:13 AM   #54
pineal-pilot-in merkabah
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Originally Posted by eagleman View Post
Personally I don't see cancellation of the election or martial law.

There is such a clamoring for Change in the country, whether your for McCain or Obama that any attempt by Bush/Cheney to cancel the election or implement martial law WOULD be met with a national Outpouring of RAGE.

It's not going to happen imo.

Both McCain and Obama would be screaming their heads off as well as members of both parties in the Senate and House.

I WOULD PREFER a global ET appearance instead. Such an event would SHAKE the foundation of the world, especially the religions that would have more of an impact than any cancellation of the election, Martial Law or an attack on Iran.

Wouldn't a Global ET appearance all of a sudden constitute AN Earth-Shattering Event that could easily last for months?

Such an appearance would bring forth a Global emotional outpouring that perhaps would have millions of people screaming as though the end of the world had taken place.

Remains to be seen - I'll take an ET appearance vs. WWIII with Iran, cancellation of the elections or Martial Law.
thats the idea is it not, first they implode the economy then they postpone elctions. remember the illuminati want armageddon. you wont get to vote for it and you wont be asked if you want it. from what i seems to gather on my research is they are way behind schedule and need to get going. prepare for the worst and hope for the best. people power and voting inside the defunct matrix is irrelevant.you need to forget the shackles of the old systems. its time to move on and prepare.

ive already moved away from any silly ideas about us turning the system around. it will be destroyed and rebuilt!! the question is who rebuilds us or them?? hope your stocked up good luck
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Old 09-22-2008, 08:21 AM   #55
pineal-pilot-in merkabah
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Post Re: IMPORTANT - WebBot Predictions (October 7th Event) on Coast to Coast Sunday!

Originally Posted by suriel View Post
Andre, thanks for your question. I do sense that Bill and Kerry are on to something. But, until it happens, there is really no way to piece things together. And if nothing happens, then they could be getting disinformation.

There is no way we would have Martial Law in the USA. It doesn't make any sense for the US to punish its own country. I think our government is more concerned about foreign affairs than what is occuring here.

War is a possibility for around the October period. It would make more sense due to the October 2008 through February 2009 time period. Because it is obvious that Bush will not let our country economically crash. They will just keep pumping money in from the Federal Reserve.

And people are way too aware of the terrorist false flag plots. So, I am guessing that there could be some kind of naval skirmish around Iran. Afterall, this political strategic move would gaurantee McCain in the White House.

We will see. Let's pray that nothing bad happens to any innocent people.

if a state of emergency is not declared ill be amazed. the econmy is dead!!! now in its final death throws. i like your positive outlook but i think you need to tredirect it away from the tried old system that is on its last legs. lots of people on this forum have not yet emotionally disattached themsleves from the dying system. most are still not prepared physically of emotionally for thye end of the old system it seems... send your positivity into something useful.this forum is mainly for networking of peoples to build communities and to help each other with ideas.

police officer at scene of car wreck:
"thank you people that was the united states of america,nothing to see here now,please be moving on"!
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Old 09-22-2008, 08:29 AM   #56
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Default Re: IMPORTANT - WebBot Predictions (October 7th Event) on Coast to Coast Sunday!

What ever happens, remember how "We" respond individually as well as collectively will determine the amount of the choas rendered. Still, I guess it is exciting speculating on the possible events. It is wonderful sharing in a true world view moment to moment. giovonni
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Old 09-22-2008, 08:36 AM   #57
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Default Re: IMPORTANT - WebBot Predictions (October 7th Event) on Coast to Coast Sunday!

Predictions so far:
• September 22 - 27 will be a stressful period.
• September 27 - October 7 start of significant event.
• October 7 - Significant event lasting for several months.
• US Presidential Elections will be posted.
• It does not matter who the next President will be.
• Israel will attack Iran.
• Massive earthquakes during December.
• Information about the Evangelicals will unravel also in December. Cliff and George noted that thousands of Evangelicals have been trained by Homeland Security as part of the brainwashing process.
• Public disappearance of the Powers That Be and their 'bodyguards.'
• Massive tsunami or heavy coastal flooding that could cause the destruction of many bridges.
• Device(s) - The Cohearers, is in the possession of 'the good guys.' The Powers That Be are hunting for it as well.
• Possible arrival of 'other' beings from other dimension(s)
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Old 09-22-2008, 08:38 AM   #58
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Default Re: IMPORTANT - WebBot Predictions (October 7th Event) on Coast to Coast Sunday!

Originally Posted by giovonni View Post
What ever happens, remember how "We" respond individually as well as collectively will determine the amount of the choas rendered. Still, I guess it is exciting speculating on the possible events. It is wonderful sharing in a true world view moment to moment. giovonni
I agree.
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Old 09-22-2008, 08:40 AM   #59
pineal-pilot-in merkabah
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Default Re: IMPORTANT - WebBot Predictions (October 7th Event) on Coast to Coast Sunday!

did you manage to get a link to the show?? i like kerry and bills email about avalon. i had been getting a bit bogged down with crap threads. i agree this place os meant to be how we get though it together and start communities. the stuff we are ona bout here is ok as it directly affects how we prepare.
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Old 09-22-2008, 08:44 AM   #60
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Default Re: IMPORTANT - WebBot Predictions (October 7th Event) on Coast to Coast Sunday!

Originally Posted by pineal-pilot-in merkabah View Post
did you manage to get a link to the show?? i like kerry and bills email about avalon. i had been getting a bit bogged down with crap threads. i agree this place os meant to be how we get though it together and start communities. the stuff we are ona bout here is ok as it directly affects how we prepare.
You can listen now at:

Download mp3 link not yet available, as the show is still in progress.
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Old 09-22-2008, 08:48 AM   #61
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Default Re: IMPORTANT - WebBot Predictions (October 7th Event) on Coast to Coast Sunday!

Originally Posted by Baggywrinkle View Post

Half Past Human got the resignation of Pakistan's Musharraf wrong. They missed it by a day...
doesn't that say something?

Originally Posted by quest View Post


I read about webbot predictions on another site, don't know anything about the method used. but what did come up in my mind; all the 'predictions' that were predicted and did unfold themselves, could have been man-made events.

in other words, could it be that these predictions were made by the same people that would like to see these things happen, and are putting them on stage. the more people visualise the predictions, the more likely it is they will happen?
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Old 09-22-2008, 08:52 AM   #62
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Default Re: IMPORTANT - WebBot Predictions (October 7th Event) on Coast to Coast Sunday!

This is a very good site for info on weekly changing events and all things clandestine. check it out- TBRNews.org. who ever writes and reports on this site is very close to the source. It has never missed yet! giovonni
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Old 09-22-2008, 09:02 AM   #63
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Default Re: IMPORTANT - WebBot Predictions (October 7th Event) on Coast to Coast Sunday!

Originally Posted by giovonni View Post
This is a very good site for info on weekly changing events and all things clandestine. check it out- TBRNews.org. who ever writes and reports on this site is very close to the source. It has never missed yet! giovonni
Thanks for the link, Gio!

The show on Coast to Coast tonight was very interesting and informative. I know I need to heighten the level of my preparation, as well as get the message out to more people.

I hope that I will be able to get the mp3 link later.

Need to get some sleep now, have a busy day of designs to do, catch you guys later.

Nite Nite.
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Old 09-22-2008, 09:11 AM   #64
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Default Re: IMPORTANT - WebBot Predictions (October 7th Event) on Coast to Coast Sunday!

I believe Webbot is right on, when they say If the countries holding US Rserve paper say enough with this! Then this could start the "Event" on or about between Sept. 30th the end (2008) and beginning of the new US Budget fiscal year (2009) by Oct 6th or 7th , I would probably would say- What a minute! If, I were holding all those promissary notes? Buy your pies now! This will be interesting. Thank you all for the insight, good Nite, good morning for now, too all, giovonni.
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Old 09-22-2008, 09:31 AM   #65
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Default Re: IMPORTANT - WebBot Predictions (October 7th Event) on Coast to Coast Sunday!

Here's what I got out of it, I may have to listen again though because that alien stuff was new to me:
  • There will be hints and indicators of the big event(s) in the next 2 weeks.
  • Big event on Oct. 7th: 45-48% military, ~45% (could have been 40%) financial, the rest terra. Again, release language all the way to March. According to them it may not be some huge event, but the boulder will begin rolling down the hill on the 7th.
  • 2.2 or 22 million (they have issues with decimal points apparently) will die or have their lives changed drastically.
  • Earthquake in the pacific northwest in the Dec. 10th-12th range.
  • Winter in the northeast will be particularly cold. People will have difficulty heating their homes due to the financial situation.
  • October 15th there will be some kind of "military misunderstanding."
  • Election is unimportant.
  • No ramifications from the Large Hadron Collider that they can see (yet anyway).
  • A move toward a different type of society. They said it's not quite communal, but pockets of people working together with a definite shift in attitude. There will be more of a barter system with less importance placed on money as we know it.
  • In 2009 some kind of significant global coastal event will occur.
  • There's a small group of good guys on the run with some kind of alien technology and the powers-that-be are after them. Apparently they will enter the public spotlight this December (I think it's December 2008).
  • In 2010 (and beyond?) people will start disappearing, like a multidimentional door opens up and people are forced through it leaving no physical trace behind. Regular people and the ruling elite will disappear this way, in fact, some elite will be traveling around with a posse of body guards/army guys and they'll all disappear.
  • There will be some kind of alien war, either real or a ruse by the powers-that-be (Project Bluebeam possibly).
  • Big changes in religious beliefs coming. Something about evangelicals and December. Not related to the web bot project, Homeland Security is training preachers (thousands of them) for something according to Cliff and George.
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