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Old 10-30-2009, 10:59 AM   #1
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Post Alaje Pleiadian Message "Love is the Solution for Everything"

Found this message on YouTube, seems to be quite benevolent and loving in spirit, with an interesting message and some good advise on watching out for members of the darkside

ALAJE from the Pleiades, Member of the Galactic Federation of Light

The meaning of Life is Love in your Heart**** Love is the solution to everything**** Love is the key**** Be prepared for the coming Transformation Light Energy**** Now is the opportunity to evolve your consciousness**** Activate your Love in your Heart

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Old 10-30-2009, 04:19 PM   #2
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Default Re: Alaje Pleiadian Message "Love is the Solution for Everything"

AscendingStarseed: tks for posting this.....just wanted to point out though......the date on it is April 2008....the transmission was probably done earlier.

BTW welcome to the forum. Looking forward to hearing more of your thoughts on the starseeds and walkin experience.
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Old 10-30-2009, 07:10 PM   #3
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Default Re: Alaje Pleiadian Message "Love is the Solution for Everything"

I watched all eight videos. I have never, ever, even once watched such a video about Pleiadian or light ships or any of these things -- and the reason behind it is because I have seen so many so called messages from people online by people predicting this and that - which never come to pass. I always felt that these people were getting over excited and trying to "become" someone. Example: October 14. Big joke.

However, having said all of the above -- I listened to this video carefully. Because at the very start, he said only an intelligent human being will listen to something before he makes a decision. I agree with that, so I listened.

I can honestly say, I have no problem with anything he said. I found the video to be a great inspiration, and everything he said, I agree with wholeheartedly. This video, and what this man says is a breath of fresh air and it even answered some of the questions I've had.

For example, in the eighth video it says that sleeping a lot is the body getting rid of negative energy, I have been wondering why lately, I am always tired. I've been resting a lot - which is unusual for me. I am a person who usually stays up 24 hours no problem. Lately -- I don't go and "sleep", but I do go and lie down and for hours I visualize things (and sometimes wind up falling asleep). I never "meditate" per se, because I've never looked up how to "meditate", because that is "hippy stuff" to me. However, after watching this - from the way he described how to meditate, it seems that I have (indeed) been meditating.

I have also found explanations for a lot of the things I have experienced. Noises, lights, flashing -- even seeing beings. I have seen may "lights" while standing there looking at the stars. I have also been attacked by many negative energies.

All in all, this is the very first time I have been impressed with any person who says anything about "star ships" or "Pleiadians". Normally I just roll my eyes. However, maybe I have (until now) only seen information by the ones he's talking about -- who "say" they are Pleiadians but are not.

I am very intrigued now. I am going to go and research more about this. I will also try to find more videos by this person.

I am glad I watched this video.

Last edited by m1*; 10-30-2009 at 07:13 PM.
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Old 10-30-2009, 08:25 PM   #4
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Smile Re: Alaje Pleiadian Message "Love is the Solution for Everything"

Glad that you enjoyed it...like you, one of the things that stood out with me was on how the changing energy affects our energy level. The last week or so I've been sleeping much more than usual and have been unusually "tired" for no apparent reason...my inner voice had been telling me it had something to do w/the changes in the ether, or space we're moving thru, so that message really resonated with me on a deep level.

His advise on meditation was along the lines of forgotten techniques I've used in the past that I've been trying to tap back into. I tend to be a momentary meditator that takes a few moments every day to center myself, so his advise was good there...but I really need to work on sitting down for longer periods to get into the more creative alpha or beta states that are more conducive to manifestation.

btw...I checked out your pics, good work!
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Old 10-30-2009, 09:22 PM   #5
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Default Re: Alaje Pleiadian Message "Love is the Solution for Everything"

Very good video thanks, I had seen it before but its amazing how "old" news takes on a whole new meaning.
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Old 10-31-2009, 04:48 AM   #6
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Default Re: Alaje Pleiadian Message "Love is the Solution for Everything"

Thank you Ascendingstarseed, I have watched all 8 videos and they just blue me away, I can't explain the spiritual charge that I received and my whole life's beliefs and directions have just had an amazing awakening. I'm able to see everything much more clearly and I know each day will bring another amazing revelation. And each day I will think only with my heart and in doing so will verberate love around our Mother Earth and to each and everyone of you.


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Old 10-31-2009, 06:11 AM   #7
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Thumbs up Re: Alaje Pleiadian Message "Love is the Solution for Everything"

Sounds like the video got you all fired up...your welcome Firefly! He has a good, simple message that the world would do well to follow if we can get everyone onboard, it would be a much better place...
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Old 10-31-2009, 06:35 AM   #8
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Thumbs up Re: Alaje Pleiadian Message "Love is the Solution for Everything"

Originally Posted by waitinginthewings View Post
AscendingStarseed: tks for posting this.....just wanted to point out though......the date on it is April 2008....the transmission was probably done earlier.

BTW welcome to the forum. Looking forward to hearing more of your thoughts on the starseeds and walkin experience.

thanks for the warm welcome! yeah, it's an oldie but goodie, I saw it awhile back and it was just as good the second time around so thought I'd throw it out there....it's a timeless, universal message that's all about love and empowering the soul. I also think it's good for people to hear the difference between those posing as Pleiadians, or any other ET race for that matter. "IF" they are authentic and spiritually evolved I would imagine the message to sound something like Alajes message of universal love is at the heart of everything.
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ascension, galactic federation, pleiadians, plejarens, spiritual awakening

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