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Visions of the Future Visions of the future, What are you seeing? Thoughts, Dreams, Intuition....

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Old 01-02-2009, 08:45 PM   #1
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Default 2009 Delicado inteview

According to Delicado, the coming natural cataclysms in 2010 will be so sudden and severe that life as we know it will cease to exist. From that point on, 2012 and the years beyond will simply be a series of speed bumps on the grinding road of global cataclysm.

Audio interviews at:

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Old 01-02-2009, 09:36 PM   #2
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Default Re: 2009 Delicado inteview

Good news then. I love a positive outlook. Hope I've got enough party poppers and balloons!

Last edited by Steve_G; 01-02-2009 at 09:43 PM.
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Old 01-02-2009, 10:27 PM   #3
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Default Re: 2009 Delicado inteview

I just finished hearing the interview. Beyond identifying the timeline, most of her focus is on preparation. She also mentioned that you should not distract yourself on people that are not spiritually aware, as it is getting too late.

Proper spiritual practice will keep you calm and integrate your awareness into your being. At this level, you won't forget that no one really dies in the sense of non-existence. After that, prepare if you want to be around to participate.
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Old 01-02-2009, 10:39 PM   #4
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Default Re: 2009 Delicado inteview

Originally Posted by NorthernSantuary View Post
I just finished hearing the interview. Beyond identifying the timeline, most of her focus is on preparation. She also mentioned that you should not distract yourself on people that are not spiritually aware, as it is getting too late.

Proper spiritual practice will keep you calm and integrate your awareness into your being. At this level, you won't forget that no one really dies in the sense of non-existence. After that, prepare if you want to be around to participate.

i haven't watched this interview yet but this is the exact same message i have received...i have tried to warn some people that just being "positive" around these negative or unaware people will not only have zero affect on their spiritual outcomes yet will only distract themselves and push them back into lower vibrating energy..

i am glad that more people are aware of this now so they can finally stop calling ME "negative"

because i am NOT NEGATIVE! hellooooooooooo! this is the REALITY now people!

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Old 01-03-2009, 11:18 AM   #5
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Default Re: 2009 Delicado inteview

Taking the interview information with the time traveller (timeline 39) information below from another thread correlates the pole shift date to the later half of 2010.

http://<br /> Timeline 39 dialogue:...=&fpart=1&vc=1

* * *
All information needs keen discernment.
The world has raised its whip, where will it descend?
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Old 01-03-2009, 11:47 AM   #6
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Default Re: 2009 Delicado inteview

*mod hat off*

In the spirit of fairness what she says about the food situation is bang on. If only more people would wake up to what's happening we could do something about it.

But I totally disagree with her view that it's too late for everyone else so save your own skin. It sounds like service to self to me. She also contradicts herself by saying it isn't over until it's over.

Also, if she really believes that all people such as herself and Marshall Masters standing up at the same time is something the elite are terrified of, why aren't they doing it? It could be the catalyst to avoid the cataclysm she's so convinced of.

If people haven't seen it I suggest they watch the interview she did with Project Camelot and then check out the threads that discussed it.
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Old 01-03-2009, 04:55 PM   #7
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Default Re: 2009 Delicado inteview

Originally Posted by Steve_G View Post
*mod hat off*

Also, if she really believes that all people such as herself and Marshall Masters standing up at the same time is something the elite are terrified of, why aren't they doing it? It could be the catalyst to avoid the cataclysm she's so convinced of.

i guess it is up to us then....
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Old 01-03-2009, 05:58 PM   #8
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But I totally disagree with her view that it's too late for everyone else so save your own skin.
I'm with you on this one, Steve. But, I find my efforts are very focused to certain individuals that synchronicity brings my way. The way I approach talking about "far out" subjects depends on the individual. If they are not interested, I move on.

The last of the "ground crew" books also talks about maintaining a low profile, avoiding electronic communication, and staying in "observer mode". Clearly, nobody on this forum is doing that. I say, good on ya.
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Old 01-03-2009, 06:11 PM   #9
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Default Re: 2009 Delicado inteview

Dig up your garden (if you have one) and grow stuff. If not, plant veggie tubs and make a 'co-operative' group who will help each other.
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Old 01-03-2009, 06:20 PM   #10
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Default Re: 2009 Delicado inteview

I agree with Steve.... I listined with heart and she gave some very sound insights about safety an GM seeds etc... but this thing about the ET's sitting round in ther ships judging who is deemed worthy of "salvation" , or spiritually enlightened sounds a bit like Annunaki gods of old sitting in thier ships above the Earth during the Noah Deluge deeming mankind beyond salvation yet changing thier minds when Noah had a Bar-BQ on mount Arrarat... What makes us mere Earth Humans "Spiritually enlightened"? in their eyes? I mean a guy who is kind and big hearted yet has not awakened to all that we on Avalon beleive we know and only believes in what he see's in front of him can be far more generous of sprit and compasionate then some of these so called "Spiritual ones".... Souds like Elitism to me and we al know were elitism has got us in the past ten thousand years. I certainly wouldn't want to jump aboard an ET craft with a bunch of ET's saying "Hey you can come but not you or you cos we don't think your spitiual enough "....sounds pretty self serving to me. I thought the basis of conquering our polarities and dualities here in 3d was to realise that we are all connected and all divine in the heart of the Prime Source... We are one... which means if the Planet, our home, our benevolent, guardian Gaia needs our energies to help her evolve... we cant abandon ship just because the going gets rough... nor should we abandon each other... There are some of who have come from different stars and planets to help this evolution which is not just going on, on Planet Earth and some souls who have been stuck here for a long time.... it was in thier contracts.... but the awakened ones have a chance of proving thier honour, valour and love for all creation (UNCONDITIONAL LOVE) towards the ones who have not yet woken up to the manipulation as well as the ones who are drawn to distructive polarities.... Just by switching on our chakra systems and anchoring the frequencies of life love and the prime source the christ light , Violet flame, Nexus wave, what ever you want to call it ..... that's our job and it shouldn't be a chore it should be what we desire to do... One for all and all for one..... What ever is in store we need to hold hands and take a deep breath and all jump together.... I know it sounds like wishfull thinking but sending out enought energy does change reality....
The secret is in our heart chakra's... our sacred blazing hearts... they have the power when burning at maxamim vilocity to transend the dimentions .... We just need tobeleieve it....
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Old 01-03-2009, 10:47 PM   #11
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Antonia, all of us are in this together. Some people have just never had the opportunity we have had to see things in a different light. I agree with your line of thinking.
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Old 01-03-2009, 11:01 PM   #12
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Default Re: 2009 Delicado inteview

Thank you Sunflower... by the way Sunflowers are my favorite flowers!...

I beleive my own soul to be original Orion draco... in origin...I feel I came here a long time ago to experiance this amaizing oppertunity to learn in an Earth Human body... even if I stared out as a slave creator or a slave human before Atlantis.... but I have been here so long and learned so much... i love this entity Gia...Eath...she is my gaurdian and my home and has been for a long long time... I'm here for the ascention... which asscention I'm not sure yet... I'm sticking with the majority of my fellow humans... I'm going up or down with this ship... I know in my heart it's up... I hold out my hand to you and would be honoured if you takeit in yours and squeeze it tight when things get really scary or tough... Keep that fire blazing... Antonia
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