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Old 12-28-2009, 04:05 PM   #26
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Default Re: I have a simple idea for changing attitudes and consciousness

Originally Posted by Spiralmind View Post
Actually, I think words by themselves have a great deal of power. There are many examples of words having negative power, so why not having positive?
The intent you speak of could simply be the choice of their use.

I am with You on this one Brother/Sister (?) They are vibrations and I believe do have huge effect on everything. I myself became more aware of what's coming out of my mouth in different situations and it's like putting a bug (good one though) into the mind programm that most of us have acquired over the years of life within a very evil system, and soon enough the program starts having major glitches and formatting is required
The word Brother and Sister got a completeley new meaning to me very recently so are many other "ordinary" words.

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Old 12-28-2009, 04:15 PM   #27
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Default Re: I have a simple idea for changing attitudes and consciousness

Originally Posted by mudra View Post
Maybe perceptions have already changed Spiralmind.
Looking back at your words " Mr . , Miss or Mrs " it strikes me how these terms are lacking any spiritual substance and how far from the sense of Oneness they bring us.

Thank you for bringing it up brother

Love from me
No doubt they lack LIFE in them. Mr, Miss or Mrs are I believe commertial terms which we adopted as a "polite" way of calling each other. If You are in court, "they" call You that because they really adress the CORPORATE(dead, no life ) body Mr/Miss/Mrs SMITH not You the living, breathing Man/Woman.

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Old 12-28-2009, 04:26 PM   #28
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Default Re: I have a simple idea for changing attitudes and consciousness

What a great idea...

i have always seen every human as a brother or sister.

i can already sense a change in attitude around me.. in society.

the anger that was present a few years ago seems to be abating ..

There is a sense of belonging that is developing.

To all my Brothers and Sisters, i love you.
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Old 12-28-2009, 09:20 PM   #29
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Default Re: I have a simple idea for changing attitudes and consciousness

Originally Posted by historycircus View Post
Bikers and Hippies have been doing that for years brother, makes people very uncomfortable. Gonna' take more than a label switch for consciousness to change - probably gonna' need some big global event to jolt us out of our sleeps . . . .
Yeah... it's the hippies I live among. To say that it makes people uncomfortable is a sweeping statement. It might make you uncomfortable but not all people. It does not have a negative effect on me at all. I rather like it... maybe because I resonate with it and the people that I am around use it with honesty. I think you are right about the masses needing more of a jolt but I won't discount the idea just because it's on a small scale. Little things when added together can make a big difference. It certainly fosters good feelings within communities and social groups.
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Old 12-28-2009, 09:22 PM   #30
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Default Re: I have a simple idea for changing attitudes and consciousness

the subject matter, if I am correct, is changing titles for the benefit of more peaceful, loving world.

Though it's a nice idea and many do prefer the title of brother/sister to Mr. Mrs. Miss, Ms. I would have to decline the offer. First there are other cultures in the world and Mr/Mrs isn't always used.

Also, I don't call my own brother and sister...brother or sister...I call them by their given names. There is no reason not to call a person by their given name.

When addressing a mass of people then their are a number of suitable options depending on the subject, the talker and addressee. In a church is rather acceptable to use the term "Brothers and Sisters." For everyone in the church considers them self a child of god and thus everyone is brothers and sisters. In a family sense.

Which brings me to one of the reasons I do care for relabeling titles of Mr/Mrs/Miss to brother and sisters. It's sounds like a church gathering.

I see no reason not to simply call people by their names. the titles were used to differentiate status in the relationships. Mr Smith was traditionally the head of the family. Mrs. Smith was the co-pilot. Miss Smith indicated an unmarried woman or girl. Ms Smith indicates a women who chooses not to disclose her status.

Some people, such myself would find it rather insulting to be called "sister" for I am a mother and homemaker and I earned that title of Mrs/Ms. I can choose either title unlike my poor hubby who is stuck with just Mr.
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Old 01-01-2010, 06:54 PM   #31
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Default Re: I have a simple idea for changing attitudes and consciousness

Originally Posted by 371 View Post
Some people say "I love you" like its a greeting, or conversation punctuator. That pisses me off, it is BS and phony to me.
Those people maye be very insecure and they may simply be attempting to project a feeling that they want to experience from others.

In other relations you may observe people telling someone that he is a really good person because they are actually scared of him and are afraid that he might hurt them. It's like an affirmation. If I tell you you are good you will hopefully become good if you weren't already.
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Old 01-01-2010, 06:55 PM   #32
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Default Re: I have a simple idea for changing attitudes and consciousness

Originally Posted by TRANCOSO View Post
There are no simple solutions for complicated problems.
That is nonsense.
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Old 01-01-2010, 07:10 PM   #33
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Default Re: I have a simple idea for changing attitudes and consciousness

Originally Posted by shiftmonkey View Post
I love this idea. I actually live in an area where many people address each other as brother and sister. I find myself doing it at times if I am among the right crowd. It totally lifts my spirit when someone addresses me as brother.
Right, I think the key thing in this is to raise our awareness of the desirability of addressing our fellow human beings thusly and make an effort of doing it as often as we can. By that I mean, we shouldn't attempt it towards people who are not likely at all to be receptive or appreciative of such a gesture, and we shouldn't feel bad about not doing it there and then either. Also, when we are among a crowd where this is comme il faut we do it naturally and hopefully, in time, automatically. Where we can make the world change is being a "proselyte" among the more ordinary people, i.e. use the terms when we don't feel we're just "doing as the Romans do" but where our action may make people reflect on "how cool it is that he just called him or her brother or sister". In order to be able to "live the gospel" like that in real life one would probably have to bolster one's motivation and intrepidness. Methods for doing that might be hanging around people who inspire you or meditating on doing it (intent).
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Old 01-01-2010, 07:11 PM   #34
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Default Re: I have a simple idea for changing attitudes and consciousness

Originally Posted by Spiralmind View Post
I have had many years dealing with the psychiatric world and they have a technique called cognitive therapy which says that if you change a behavior, you can alter your thought patterns. This also works in reverse.

It is also called "fake it until you make" and it is a formula with lots of supporters and also some detractors, I should think.
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Old 01-01-2010, 07:29 PM   #35
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Default Re: I have a simple idea for changing attitudes and consciousness

Originally Posted by shiftmonkey View Post
Yeah... it's the hippies I live among. To say that it makes people uncomfortable is a sweeping statement. It might make you uncomfortable but not all people. It does not have a negative effect on me at all. I rather like it... maybe because I resonate with it and the people that I am around use it with honesty. I think you are right about the masses needing more of a jolt but I won't discount the idea just because it's on a small scale. Little things when added together can make a big difference. It certainly fosters good feelings within communities and social groups.

well, i live(d) amongst "hippies", too, and we never
called each other brother and sister - nor did we use
mr., mrs., miss, some of the more militant among us
may have started to use ms., i am not sure..... we called
each other by our first names or nick-names...
what i remember more distinctly is that we hugged a lot
back then, whenever greeting or bidding adieu.... i liked
that part of that reality
as far as jolting the masses, i don't know what it will take
since there is so much out there already - we will see, eh?
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