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Old 10-02-2009, 08:16 PM   #1
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Default RFID Zapper

I received this in my email today from my Sightings yahoo group and thought I'd share it with everyone. Also, a google search for the term "RFID zapper" gives over 363,000 results so it is out there.
Also found at:

"Found this at:

You may want to consider this in preserving your privacy, and your humanity,
from prying governments, companies and other predators that have no business
screwing into your life.

*RFID Kryptonite

*Two students have turned a disposable camera into a gadget that literally
shocks the power out of RFID tags.

The pair behind the "RFID-Zapper", Tim and Chris (who don't reveal their
last names online), say the gadget is designed to deactivate (destroy)
passive RFID-Tags permanently.

Goals are a proof-of-concept and the construction of at least one
functioning and appealing prototype, as well as a documentation of the
project. The pair plan to publish the instructions for build online, "so
that everyone can build an own RFID-Zapper".

"We have to expect to be surrounded by RFID-Tags almost everywhere within
the near future, and they will serve many different purposes," write Tim and
Chris online.

"The benefits and risks of this technology and its use are already being

"However, there will be atempts to use RFID-Tags to establish constant
surveiliance and to further threaten and compromise the privacy of customers
(and citizens and even non-citizens, when [governments] start to use
RFID-Tags like the German [government] already did).

"To defend yourself against such measures, you might want a small, simple
and relatively appealing gadget to permanently deactivate RFID-Tags around
you, e.g., to deactivate RFID-Tags in recently bought clothes or books
without damaging those [items]."

*How does it work?*
There are several ways to deactivate RFID-Tags, including RFID-deactivators,
which send the RFID-Tag to sleep.

"A problem with this method is, that it is not permanent, the RFID-Tag can
be reactivated," write Tim and Chris.

"Several ways of permanently deactivating RFID-Tags are know, e.g., cutting
off the antenna from the actual microchip or overloading and literally
frying the RFID-Tag in a common microwave-oven, which needs to be turned on
only for a short period of time.

"Unfortunately both methods aren't suitable for the destruction of RFID-Tags
in clothes: cutting off the antenna would require to damage the piece of
cloth, while frying the chips is likely to cause a small but potent flame,
which would damage most textiles or even set them on fire."

The RFID-Zapper copies the microwave-oven-method, but on a much smaller

The duo modified the electric component of a singe-use-camera with flash,
readily available in most retail outlets, to "keep the costs of the
RFID-Zapper as low as possible".

The coil is made from coated copper wire and placed inside the camera where
the film normally lies.

"Then one end of the coil is soldered to the camera's capacitor, from which
we earlier disconnected the flash," Tim and Chris write.

"The other end of the coil is soldered to a switch, which itself is
connected to the capacitor's other terminal. Once everything is tested, the
camera can be closed again and henceforth will serve as a RFID-Zapper,
destroying RFID-Tags with the power of ordinary batteries."

The zapper generates a strong electromagnetic field with a coil, which,
claim the inventors, should be placed as near to the target RFID-Tag as

The RFID-Tag then will receive a strong shock of energy comparable with an
EMP and some part of it will blow, thus deactivating the chip forever.

Until now the pair have only had access to 13.56 MHz RFID tags, but hope to
be able to test the RFID-Zapper on other tags soon.

A German privacy advocacy group - FoeBuD <http://www.foebud.org/rfid/en> -
plans to manufacture and sell a device that consumers could used to disable
RFID tags permanently. FoeBuD says it wants to manufacture the RFID-Zapper
and sell it at its online store. The group met with a hardware developer
last week, but says it has no timescale for production or product price

Last edited by Spiralmind; 10-02-2009 at 09:25 PM.
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Old 10-02-2009, 09:47 PM   #2
no caste
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Default Re: RFID Zapper

That's awesome!

Just think of the havoc a person could cause walking through a big department store with it!

I wakk dispwinn. Be nice to clean the house with, too.
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Old 10-03-2009, 12:17 AM   #3
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Default Re: RFID Zapper

Dont try this at home but I did wonder if getting an electric shock from the mains might kill it
Or safer option, those tone your muscles pads that you stick on to yourself??
Or those electric shock toys. I would imagine anything that passes a current through your body is not going to do a tiny chip much good
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Old 10-03-2009, 12:23 AM   #4
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Default Re: RFID Zapper

Probably dragging your feet on the carpet, then suddenly earthing yourself might have a good negative voltage effect, wont get curly hair either, lol
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Old 10-03-2009, 02:04 AM   #5
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Yes, remember tiny electronics are sensitive electronics which is why computer techs ground themselves with a tethered wrist band. It don't take much to build a static charge, just rub your stocking feet on the carpet on a dry day and touch the screw holding the plate over a light switch. Which makes the whole idea of super tiny chips having the capability of sending info from inside your body to a satellite (especially with out an external antenna) totally ridiculous.
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Old 10-03-2009, 02:49 AM   #6
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Default Re: RFID Zapper

I was thinking of supply chain management technology. It's being meshed with wifi and barcodes. How long a product is in your house can also be measured, if yer into those kinds of products. There's also a backlash to RFID tech by groups of supply chain managers now.

New possibilities - RFID offers a unique combination of control and flexibility. Unprecedented levels of accuracy allow manufacturers and retailers to operate and collaborate more effectively, so both can be more responsive to the needs of their customers - the end result is greatly improved on-shelf availability.
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Old 10-03-2009, 02:56 AM   #7
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Default Re: RFID Zapper

Originally Posted by TheObserver View Post
Yes, remember tiny electronics are sensitive electronics which is why computer techs ground themselves with a tethered wrist band. It don't take much to build a static charge, just rub your stocking feet on the carpet on a dry day and touch the screw holding the plate over a light switch. Which makes the whole idea of super tiny chips having the capability of sending info from inside your body to a satellite (especially with out an external antenna) totally ridiculous.
Well. Not sure about that. RFID's already used by ranchers to keep track of cattle. Also, in people, .... The government of Mexico tracks court officials with RFID tags implanted...


Former Homeland Security Czar Tom Ridge embodies the nexus between the growing RFID industry and the thriving federal Homeland Security apparatus. In April 2005, Ridge joined the board of directors at Savi Technology, a Silicon Valley RFID firm. A few months later, Tommy Thompson, who had been George W. Bush’s first-term Secretary of Health and Human Services, joined the board of Applied Digital, which manufactures human-implantable “VeriChip” RFID tags containing medical information and other personal data. Thompson did his part to promote the technology by “getting chipped” in his arm.

In countries like Mexico and Brazil, where kidnapping is rampant, thousands of people have been chipped as a personal security measure. Colombian President Alvaro Uribe, among others, has suggested that laborers migrating to the United States for seasonal work should be implanted with microchips, a suggestion that found favor with some immigration reformers on Capitol Hill. Two years ago, Brittain Elementary School in Sutter, California, mandated that all its students carry an RFID tag.
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Old 10-03-2009, 03:18 AM   #8
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Default Re: RFID Zapper

And don't even get me going on GPS/GNSS and RFID -

Seamless Tracking: GNSS plus RFID
August 1, 2009
Combining 0.4-millimeter RFID tracking chips and GPS-enabled handheld reader terminals can correct the lack of certainty, clarity, and certification in international goods tracking, at every step along the way from producer to consumer.

Or RFID and nanotech -


Last edited by no caste; 10-03-2009 at 03:22 AM.
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Old 10-03-2009, 03:30 AM   #9
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Default Re: RFID Zapper

Or the possibility of RFID and vaccines -

"On February 13, 2007 Hitachi unveiled a tiny, new ?powder? type RFID chip measuring 0.05 x 0.05 mm ? the smallest yet ? which they aim to begin marketing in 2 to 3 years (Information from 2007!!!). By relying on semiconductor miniaturization technology and using electron beams to write data on the chip substrates, Hitachi was able to create RFID chips 64 times smaller than their currently available 0.4 x 0.4 mm mu-chips. The new chips have a 128-bit ROM for storing a unique 38-digit ID number. From Dr Ryke Geerd Hamer's blog entitled 'The Chip is at the Tip of the Needle' We read Yesterday, 27 August 2009,
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Old 10-03-2009, 04:29 AM   #10
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Default Re: RFID Zapper

Ok i stand slightly corrected, RFID broadcast range info i googled ran from a few feet for passive systems and 300 feet for active systems that require batteries, and they don't have nano-batteries yet so i still refuse to worry about being injected in the night and tracked by satellite, at least for now and the near future.
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Old 10-03-2009, 08:59 AM   #11
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Default Re: RFID Zapper

How about an electric fence like they use to keep animals from grazing the wrong part of a field????
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Old 10-03-2009, 04:21 PM   #12
no caste
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Default Re: RFID Zapper

Originally Posted by TheObserver View Post
Ok i stand slightly corrected, RFID broadcast range info i googled ran from a few feet for passive systems and 300 feet for active systems that require batteries, and they don't have nano-batteries yet so i still refuse to worry about being injected in the night and tracked by satellite, at least for now and the near future.
I'm not worried either. There's more about this on the mind control threads, too.

First, nano batteries.

Also, the body's electrical system can be used -

[Commercial] energy scavenging technologies are in their infancy now, but it is anticipated that in the coming decade implants will be developed that generate power from the movement of internal parts or the movement of the body to recharge implanted batteries, thus extending device life.
Communications - Neurostimulation devices ...
Interoperability and security - The trend in the security industry is towards silicon-based solutions.
Verification - For communicating implants, the electromagnetic properties of the human living tissue add a special dimension to the verification
Sensing and actuation - Advances in MEMS for pressure, temperature, pH, strain, flow and acceleration sensing have already led to many innovative implants.2,3 Nanomicroelectromechanical systems, microoptoelectromechanical systems and bioMEMS are all active areas of research ripe for the world of implantables.

Bush Torture Memos OK'ed Radiation Weapon Use - On Americans Too

by Scrivener | April 17, 2009 at 11:38 pm
Still-secret U.S. Justice Department memoranda are said to have been used as legal cover for “hi-tech” torture techniques involving various forms of electromagnetic radiation — pulsed-beam microwave and laser radiation “directed energy weapons” and devices capable of inducing a wide range of adverse physiological effects, including: severe pain; illnesses and ailments such as strokes, heart attacks and aneurysms; vision degradation; hearing loss; muscle paralysis; mood and behavior changes; cognitive impairment; and, over time, a “slow-kill” death.


More info re electromagnetic pollution -

Our association was created in 1975 and is composed of 3,600 scientists from 60 countries. Our first position was that the world does not realize the seriousness of the electromagnetic pollution problem that exists today, and our scientists have been searching for ways of protecting us if this problem continues to exist.

Last edited by no caste; 10-03-2009 at 04:35 PM.
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Old 10-08-2009, 04:11 PM   #13
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Default Re: RFID Zapper

RFID and telepathy -

Brain implant is 4 mm by 4 mm with 100 tiny electrodes that read neural signals. The chip transmits the signals via cable or telemetry to computers that translate the data. Patients with the implants manage emails, draw circles with software, play video games, and control televisions *using only their thoughts*. Above example resembles some implants, methods, and results reported since the 1960s.

With humans he and his associates have stimulated several areas involved in motor activity. ... He caused one woman patient in his group, when she was alone in her own room, to turn her head and move her body as if she were looking for something. This was repeated. When she was asked what she was doing, the woman always had a plausible explanation. Apparently, she had no idea she was responding to the electrical stimulation of her brain. ... [p. 55]
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Old 10-08-2009, 04:33 PM   #14
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Patients with the implants manage emails, draw circles with software, play video games, and control televisions *using only their thoughts*
That sounds like a couch potato's fantasy!
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Old 10-08-2009, 05:08 PM   #15
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Default Re: RFID Zapper

Originally Posted by TheObserver View Post
That sounds like a couch potato's fantasy!
TheObserver - Could be. It could also be like emails opening themselves, TV turning off and on alone, things flying off walls, the homeless guy in your neighborhood is a govt 'zombie', or specially trained unit.... Reminds me of an old Sesame Street song...
'Oh who is the RFID sargent in your neighborhood, in your neighborhood, in your NEIGH-bor-hood' ...

Like this remote control car:

It's a big magnetic field! Ahh-aa-a-aaaa-aaa bwahhaahhhaaa
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Old 10-12-2009, 02:20 AM   #16
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Default Re: RFID Zapper

Just regarding the chips i assume you people know of the excellent sites:
www.spychips.com and http://www.wethepeoplewillnotbechipped.com/ = excellent resource sites.

This may be relevant too:

VeriChip’s Swine Flu Chip
Posted by: admin ⋅ October 7, 2009 ⋅ Post a comment
tags Posted in: Featured, Health, VACCINES / DISEASES

By Gabriel O’Hara

The Reuters report below tells how on Monday VeriChip shares jumped 186% due to a patent on their swine flu pandemic detecting mini-microchip for the purpose of human implantation which is a massive upgrade to their current microchip already in thousands of people from children to the elderly. If your grasp of technological devices hangs from floppy disks to WiFi let Reuters inform you a little bit about VeriChip’s device (actually Reuters promotes the corporation’s stocks):

rest of article here: http://uncensored.co.nz/2009/10/07/v...wine-flu-chip/
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