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Old 09-30-2008, 11:27 PM   #1
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Default BILL AND KERRY--ground crew asks,"where are you? "

hey bill and kerry,

i know you guys are busy, but i think if you have time maybe you can address the community in this thread, and maybe the community can ask some questions about the direction of avalon.

first off, ive said it before, but THANK YOU for creating the forum.

I think the community is looking for feedback regarding lots about whats been happening both on the planet and here in the forums--and specifically for me at least ,the dissapearance of almost all the witnesses (st clair, lear, and henry deacon) their interaction was one of the best things about avalon in that first week and a half.
they were "heavy hitters" and we were lucky to interact with them.

and with yourselves as well, your guys posts were always informative--of course we know this is a tumultous time for everyone regardless and we know you two are flying around interviewing and speaking and whatnot.
but since the forum has gone "2.0" and with the exit of the witnesses there is a real lack of what made this site original and exciting, as well as the intent of the community seems somewhat muddy.

id like to know what you think of the community itself, i know avalon was founded off of "radiant zones" and "the ground crew" books, but as ive seen about half the community is survival based and the other is aware of the coming hard times but arent resigned to moving to the wilderness or switzerland/south america. we definitely all seem to want to be positive and spiritually and mentally grounded, thats one thing i think the community as a whole shares.

also with the "2.0" version the community has naturally evolved into back to what it was in terms of people discussing what they thought was important (ie- more "camelot" style threads) despite the call for more ground crew related topics.

id also like to hear exactly "why" you two have decided to go with george green/st clair as "THE" way to go, what made you guys not go with burisch's claim that were are 80% out of the "catastrophy" timeline or wilcocks's "acsension" theory or even marcia shafer's "different realites for different people"
-what made you guys want to go in the direction of extinction level event earth changes are imminent and given more weight to interviews that support that.

i believe the suggestion that miriam's interview being the most powerful important and "mandatory" viewing, really created a backlash of expectation, both from her information and delivery of it. you guys have never indicated for us to believe one interviewee over the other, but by doing so now you seem to DE legitimize other viewpoints from your other interviews. you yourselves said its up to us to decide what resonates with us and what doesnt, but youve remained impartial up to this point, and i think the fact that what was deemed "the most important"
didnt resonate with so many in the community speaks volumes on the contridictions with the aim of the forum and the people who actually come here to discuss.

anyhow i feel as though all the captains of the ship arent around and the crew is left with a lot of questions ( for me the departure of henry was a real bummer, as was the lack of any explanation for all the departures)

anyhow, like i said i know you guys are busy, but maybe a joint post by you two would be good right about now.

muchas gracias
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Old 09-30-2008, 11:33 PM   #2
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Default Re: BILL AND KERRY--ground crew asks,"where are you? "

I have no such expectations. I believe each and every one of us works from our "highest light," and getting trapped in methods or personalities is a hindrance not a help.

Bill and Kerry, as a team, respond to some; you respond to some; I respond to some, and in a way, by being here we all realize and recognize that a sense of communion and consensus is POSSIBLE.

But ... and this is A BIG BUTT ... it's going to take some work, some effort, to permit consensus to arise amidst confusion.

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Old 09-30-2008, 11:46 PM   #3
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Default Re: BILL AND KERRY--ground crew asks,"where are you? "

Hiya, clarkkent,

EDIT: I gave you the wrong info... sorry!
Bill and Kerry are out of the country (US) right now.. they will be back in a couple weeks.

Peace .. Cookie

Last edited by Cookie; 10-01-2008 at 12:16 AM.
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Old 09-30-2008, 11:56 PM   #4
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Default Re: BILL AND KERRY--ground crew asks,"where are you? "

cool, hope they can give us some updates and maybe answer a couple community based questions above
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Old 10-01-2008, 12:00 AM   #5
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Default Re: BILL AND KERRY--ground crew asks,"where are you? "

Hi Clarkkent!

You have an insane ability to mirror everything I'm thinking...

Thank you for starting this post.

I hope Bill and/or Kerry can find the time between Frankfurt and 'the' Australia to respond!


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Old 10-01-2008, 12:44 AM   #6
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: BILL AND KERRY--ground crew asks,"where are you? "

i am sure, they are likely
intending to be in Frankfurt at the end of the month...
and, then, do they NOT go to a convention in Australia

i am sure we will hear from both of them soon

the eXchanger
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Old 10-01-2008, 12:46 AM   #7
Bill Ryan
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Default Re: BILL AND KERRY--ground crew asks,"where are you? "

Hi, Folks -

Yes, we've just rolled up in Frankfurt and will leave for Australia tomorrow evening where we'll be speaking at the NEXUS conference in Brisbane on 4-6 October.

We'll meet Michael St.Clair tomorrow afternoon and say hi and talk [off-record, over coffee in a noisy airport] about gold and the dollar and the US and Russia and Camelot and Avalon and Putin and Palin!

We've had a pretty busy time recently and have barely been able to get online. On Friday evening we did an audio interview with Clif High from Half Past Human. This has been edited and cleaned up as much as possible, but we want to release it simultaneously with a transcript as Clif's noise-reducing phone resulted in some of the audio being rather muffled.

On Saturday we said farewell to the snakes and scorpions in Kerry's house in Sedona (which I now suspect were holograms projected by fiendish Black Ops to try to make Kerry easier to control ). We then drove to Oceanside, way south of LA, where we interviewed Dr Bill Deagle for three hours on Sunday afternoon. We're uploading those tapes (9 x camera-hours) right now. We flew out of LA on Monday.

If you can formulate succinct questions I'll happily respond!

The direction of Avalon was stated as clear as I could possibly make it in the "closure" or "2.0" announcement a week ago. I'll copy it below. Do you want to ask any questions based on those guidelines?

We'd like to re-open the Camelot Forum soon, but we still need more moderators. No-one dreamed that we'd be this big this fast, and the existing moderators have been heroic (as have many of the members ).

It's been a massive organizational problem which is now starting to normalize. The problems we all face now seem to be 'out there'! We await the next few weeks with huge interest and quite some legitimate anxiety which we earnestly hope is misplaced.

And yes, the focus of Avalon is action... in whatever form is appropriate for each of you reading this. Every person's situation will be different.

This forum seeks to support that by pooling and presenting information, resources and the opportunity to build networks and communities to focus strength in numbers.

Note: If anyone doubts that there are problems, that's fine... they don't have to stay here! There are a number of other places on the internet to inform oneself (even YouTube will do at a pinch! ). The basic idea of Avalon is to get organized once you're fairly sure you know [more or less] what's going on.

If you haven't a clue what's going on, or think nothing is going on at all, then Project Camelot (and/or the Camelot Forum) may be quite a good place to start. And we mean that sincerely and will no ill-intention to any member who may not yet understand what this is all about.

Very best wishes, Bill

Hi, All:

After a little more than two weeks, we have over 2,700 members and over 2,200 threads. The explosion of activity and enthusiasm has both astonished and delighted us.

The fairly small team of moderators has been almost overwhelmed by their job of trying to keep abreast of all new threads, posts and developments.

Many members have remarked that there is a bewildering profusion of threads and topics, almost too much to navigate.

There is a danger, too: that the diamonds become lost in a sea of sand.

The principal purpose of the forum was to support PROJECT AVALON.


* To support the GROUND CREW.

* To provide them with information concerning networking, communities, resources, earth changes, and news reports and analysis of economic and geopolitical events.

The distinction between CAMELOT and AVALON is reasonably (but not totally!) clear. Essentially:

CAMELOT is retrospective, and describes the problems.

AVALON is forward-looking, and proposes solutions.

CAMELOT is also primarily concerned with testimony from whistleblowers and other truth-tellers that reveals information hitherto kept secret from the human race.

We passionately believe we have a right to know our history, our heritage, the problems we face, our possible destiny, and how we have been abused and manipulated by those in a position of leadership and/or power for thousands of years.

It was an afterthought - which we readily agreed to - to provide an area on the PROJECT AVALON FORUM for discussion of Camelot information. The provision of a CAMELOT WITNESSES area was also unplanned, but quickly followed.

Some events have occurred, however, which have focused our minds and have made it clear that if this is the state of the Forum after only two weeks, then after two months - or six months, or a year - the Forum would become uncontrollable and unnavigable.

Therefore we've decided a number of actions.

1) We're going to put the Camelot section of the forum on ice. It'll be available on a read-only basis (and there's a LOT to read). All threads will be closed, including the CAMELOT WITNESSES area.

We MAY re-open it at some future point. Nothing will be deleted. But we have to stop the clock and take stock before the Forum becomes dysfunctional.

2) We will close the entire Forum for 24 hours from 1800 (6 pm) GMT today, Monday, for essential maintenance (including a full back-up) and to reorganize the thread structure.

3) The reorganization of the thread structure will include removing all threads from the Avalon area which are not in support of the PROJECT AVALON MISSION. These will be closed and removed to the PROJECT CAMELOT area. Everything will remain readable and searchable.

4) No disrespect or criticism is leveled, in any way, at any individual members. We fully recognize that it's not at all obvious where to post certain threads or topics which lie in "crossover" areas - relating to both past and future, problem and solution, Camelot and Avalon. We will use our intelligent discretion as best as we possibly can.

5) A word needs to be said about the way we want the forum to be: an inspirational example of what Michael St.Clair called a RADIANT ZONE.

In the Project Camelot FutureTalk II conversation with Michael St.Clair, he explained very clearly (and accurately) how a few dysfunctional people can wreck a Radiant Zone.

Again, no criticism is leveled at any individual members here. But we emphasize that membership of this community is a PRIVILEGE, NOT A RIGHT; that questioning of Camelot witnesses is also a privilege (which has been abused, once or twice, by a few); and that the purpose of this forum is NOT to grandstand one's ego or parade one's uninformed personal opinions.

Rather, the purpose is to facilitate intelligent, informed debate and discussion with a view to mutually enhanced understanding and knowledge. Anyone who does not understand this is free to go elsewhere!

David Bohm (the quantum physicist) wrote a wonderful little book called ON DIALOGUE. It's a brilliant thesis of the real purpose of debate: to engage in a mutual enquiry in which the participants give up their positions and their egos, only concerned with reaching greater understanding.

This is the model we wish to see here: (1) realise how much you don't know, and (2) commit yourself to discovering more. Regarding point (2), there are over 2,700 people to help you - including ourselves.

PROJECT AVALON is something unique, and the Forum has the opportunity to be one unlike any other.

The quality of debate has been high. The quality of the membership is also (extremely) high, and the intelligence on display is significant. We're fortunate and privileged to be joined by a number of people who have had extraordinary experiences, or are respected researchers in their own rights. No forum we know has such a wealth of informed and aware participants. This is the GROUND CREW.

Furthermore, there's a huge amount of information here already. There is a team, unannounced and behind the scenes, working to data-mine the Forum for valuable information which will be posted to the main pages of the website. This is a work in progress which we'll report on soon.

We ask you to remember:

1) (as stated above) Membership of this community is a privilege, not a right.

2) This is not a public service provided by your government.

3) We reserve the right to moderate, edit, delete or move posts and threads as we see fit. Like pruning and tending a garden for optimum growth, we have to do this. The alternative is a jungle - which could not be the Radiant Zone that we want to see growing here.

There's been a lot of self-moderation. We salute this. Remember that the EDIT button is your friend - to help you restore balance after posting a message that may have been composed rather too hastily.

Remember that there are very many people here with huge reservoirs of knowledge and understanding who will be delighted to share what they know if they are asked in the right ways.

Remember also that we all co-create the future that we want to exist, and that this Forum is a microcosm of this. It is what we all make it. It does not priorly exist. It's a model of the world.

We must be the change we want to see: understanding, not arrogance; questions, not sarcasm; positivity, not doom; facts, not rumor; appreciation, not criticism. This is our house, and you are all invited here. But we have just closed some doors, and may have to close some more. Help us continue to make this what it can be.

Warmest wishes to all,

Bill and Kerry
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Old 10-01-2008, 12:58 AM   #8
Bill Ryan
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Default Re: BILL AND KERRY--ground crew asks,"where are you? "

Photographed on Saturday morning just south of Sedona on the way to Pheonix on I-17:

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Old 10-01-2008, 01:20 AM   #9
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Default Re: BILL AND KERRY--ground crew asks,"where are you? "

Hey! I'm from Budapest, Hungary. I can really feel that something's happening here. This is not an accident we find each other here and create a kind of community. I love you Kerry and Bill, you are good people and I'm sure we're going to meet sooner or later. I just know it. I'm not crazy
Have you heard the info from Blossom GoodChild about the october 14th event? She's a channeller of the Federation of Light and they told her that they're going to appear with a huge Lightship over the earth on the 14th October for the whole world to see. Look it up on Youtube! Interesting, I don't know what to think. It's very very convincing but who knows... Project Bluebeam maybe?
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Old 10-01-2008, 01:28 AM   #10
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: BILL AND KERRY--ground crew asks,"where are you? "

Greetings Bill & Kerry

i hope you both enjoy frankfurt ...
and, also australia

your moderators are keeping a lot of us, in line

looking forward to seeing all the new materials

brightest blessings to both of you

susan~white lotus star
the eXchanger

ps; interesting question above

i can NOT wait to hear the answer to that one
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Old 10-01-2008, 01:40 AM   #11
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Default Re: BILL AND KERRY--ground crew asks,"where are you? "

thanks for the response bill, you two definitely have your hands full

maybe you can answer some of the questions i had when you get around to it
(i thought they were succinct enough )


ps i liked the CBS "all seeing eye" under the billboard, how perfectly obvious!
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Old 10-01-2008, 02:13 AM   #12
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Default Re: BILL AND KERRY--ground crew asks,"where are you? "

ps i liked the CBS "all seeing eye" under the billboard, how perfectly obvious!
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Old 10-01-2008, 02:30 AM   #13
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Default Re: BILL AND KERRY--ground crew asks,"where are you? "

Originally Posted by eXchanger View Post

i can NOT wait to hear the answer to that one

Eeeeasy, Susan. Eeeeasy.

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Old 10-01-2008, 02:38 AM   #14
Edward Alexander
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Default Re: BILL AND KERRY--ground crew asks,"where are you? "

Hah that was one priceless picture!

Can't wait for the new material to be released, sounds very interesting. Been some time since there were any updates on Project Camelot's website now, the mentioned interviews will be highly appreciated.

Oh and Bill, did you ever get in touch with the Relfe's ? If so, would they want to take part of an interview? From what I've read in the Mars Records this could be an important and insightful extra addition to the MK-ULTRA material as well as the extraterrestrial and Mars topic etc.

Well good to see everything is fine with you both, hope to hear from you again soon!

Best wishes and peace profoud,
-Edward Alexander
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Old 10-01-2008, 02:46 AM   #15
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Default Re: BILL AND KERRY--ground crew asks,"where are you? "

Originally Posted by Tamarie View Post
Hi Clarkkent!

You have an insane ability to mirror everything I'm thinking...
I was about to say the same... For me at least, some people are better at composing their thoughts into words - I am grateful for those people because I am rubbish at such things!

Originally Posted by clarkkent View Post
id also like to hear exactly "why" you two have decided to go with george green/st clair as "THE" way to go, what made you guys not go with burisch's claim that were are 80% out of the "catastrophy" timeline or wilcocks's "acsension" theory or even marcia shafer's "different realites for different people"
-what made you guys want to go in the direction of extinction level event earth changes are imminent and given more weight to interviews that support that.
I very much wonder about this as well. I'm sure there are reasons, but I certainly feel the other witnesses' testimonies are as valid in their own right.

As we're all aware, Kerry and Bill are busy folks, but when the time is right we'd all love to know what's happenin'
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Old 10-01-2008, 07:54 AM   #16
Bill Ryan
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Default Re: BILL AND KERRY--ground crew asks,"where are you? "

Originally Posted by IMU View Post
Hey! I'm from Budapest, Hungary. I can really feel that something's happening here. This is not an accident we find each other here and create a kind of community. I love you Kerry and Bill, you are good people and I'm sure we're going to meet sooner or later. I just know it. I'm not crazy
Have you heard the info from Blossom GoodChild about the october 14th event? She's a channeller of the Federation of Light and they told her that they're going to appear with a huge Lightship over the earth on the 14th October for the whole world to see. Look it up on Youtube! Interesting, I don't know what to think. It's very very convincing but who knows... Project Bluebeam maybe?
Hi, IMU:

Re 14 October, this is (almost certainly) nonsense. It’s the rather vague channeled information from one person, Blossom Goodchild, which has gone ‘viral’ and been copied all over the internet - because so many people want to believe it.

In intel terms, this is non-verifiable, single-source information (containing pretty extreme information) and therefore the chances of it being valid are realistically very small indeed. The real issues during October are elsewhere, and are economic (as is currently being confirmed) and geopolitical.

Originally Posted by Edward Alexander View Post
Hah that was one priceless picture!

Oh and Bill, did you ever get in touch with the Relfe's ? If so, would they want to take part of an interview? From what I've read in the Mars Records this could be an important and insightful extra addition to the MK-ULTRA material as well as the extraterrestrial and Mars topic etc.

Best wishes and peace profoud,
-Edward Alexander
Hi, Edward: we contacted the Relfes, who follow our work. They're based in Florida and so our paths will not cross. We're both read The Mars Records and found Michael's story to be important and credible... there is certainly a human base on Mars, and has been for a while, and nothing we know contradicts anything he states.

Originally Posted by clarkkent View Post
id also like to hear exactly "why" you two have decided to go with george green/st clair as "THE" way to go, what made you guys not go with burisch's claim that were are 80% out of the "catastrophy" timeline or wilcocks's "acsension" theory or even marcia shafer's "different realites for different people"
-what made you guys want to go in the direction of extinction level event earth changes are imminent and given more weight to interviews that support that.

i believe the suggestion that miriam's interview being the most powerful important and "mandatory" viewing, really created a backlash of expectation, both from her information and delivery of it. you guys have never indicated for us to believe one interviewee over the other, but by doing so now you seem to DE legitimize other viewpoints from your other interviews. you yourselves said its up to us to decide what resonates with us and what doesnt, but youve remained impartial up to this point, and i think the fact that what was deemed "the most important"
didnt resonate with so many in the community speaks volumes on the contridictions with the aim of the forum and the people who actually come here to discuss.
Hi, Kyle:

We do not believe we're on a pole shift catastrophe ('wipe-out') timeline. See our major articles 2008: The Future is Now and also Timeline 1, Variant 83.

In the latter, Dan Burisch reported to us (in a five hour conversation on 10 December, 2007) that the 2012 pole shift catastrophe had been avoided but that major military action, culminating in nuclear exchanges, had been 'seen' in the years late 2008-2010. That then focused our minds and his.

The information from George Green and Miriam Delicado (and from 'William', The Arizona Contactee reported by Linda Howe here and by us on 16 July) all describes events on or similar to T1v83. This is our concern.

As I've written elsewhere, if the election is somehow delayed and Hillary ends up back on the Democratic ticket, then we're all in very deep trouble. Without any doubt, there have been black forces trying to push us back on to a timeline featuring the culmination of many of the well-publicized Illuminati plans. So there are no contradictions here. Round about now (and the next few weeks) is the critical time.

There are diferent timelines, and I talked at length about this in recent our radio interview with Paranexus on 18 September.

Kerry and I were surprised at the reaction by some to Miriam Delicado's interview. My personal viewpoint is that there may be a separation going on: those who realize what's happening and what's at stake... and those who don't. Nothing here is intended to be disrespectful to those who did not resonate with Miriam's interview. I wrote about my own feelings about the matter here on this thread, and I'll copy my response here as it might be helpful to some:

It seems obvious that we are in very deep trouble on this planet and have failed miserably in our own human responsibility to be stewards of all that's around us.

The problems of 'ordinary' human greed and short-sightedness have been exacerbated by the agendas of various control factions that have been around for quite a long time. But a lot of it is our own doing, too.

There's a great danger that we're going to blow it as the human race (or this version of it).

It's not quite too late - but it's perilously close. James Lovelock, the originator of the Gaia model, now says that the Earth is too damaged to be able to repair itself properly (my paraphrase).

Resources (oil, minerals, water, food) are becoming depleted and scarce. The world's population is growing at the rate of an additional city per day. All this would be worrying enough if the world's leaders were actually trying to handle these problems, but they are not: they are obsessed with perverted ideas of destiny and power and regard you and me as pawns on a giant chessboard to be sacrificed at will.

So if I were a member of a powerful, benevolent, Guardian race (and I'm sure they exist, maybe in many different forms) I'd be concerned too. I think they might intervene - but only at the eleventh hour and in limited ways. We may live to find out.

It seems certain that some people are being prepared, in some way, for something. You, reading this, are the only arbiter of whether or not this may apply to you.
Very best to all, Bill

Last edited by Bill Ryan; 10-01-2008 at 08:38 AM.
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Old 10-01-2008, 08:03 AM   #17
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Default Re: BILL AND KERRY--ground crew asks,"where are you? "

There are no coincidences...

thank you for the update and safe travelling...


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Old 10-01-2008, 08:12 AM   #18
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Default Re: BILL AND KERRY--ground crew asks,"where are you? "

Originally Posted by Bill Ryan View Post
there is a separation going on: those who realize what's happening and what's at stake... and those who don't.
interesting way of putting it. :|
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Old 10-01-2008, 08:55 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Bill Ryan View Post
...there may be a separation going on: those who realize what's happening and what's at stake... and those who don't...
Indeed, an interesting way of putting it.
In my opinion the thread about the Miriam Delicado interview reflects a larger problem on this forum. I don't have much experience on forums. Maybe it's a problem on other fora too. Regardless of what some people say, just the way they say it, is often very destructive to the discussion. It makes you question their intentions or dare I say it... their sanity (please don't shoot me now).
Maybe the thread also reflects the world, the bad shape it's in.
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Old 10-01-2008, 09:27 AM   #20
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Default Re: BILL AND KERRY--ground crew asks,"where are you? "

High Bill and Kerry, great to hear from you . Hope you both have a great time in my home land. If you have any spare time at all jump on a red eye flight and head over to Perth I'll put a chook in the oven for you and we can have a yarn cobbers. Anyway i hope you both have the sunscreen ready and the sunny's , but seriously have a great time when you get here.

P.s watch out for the kangaroos that jump down the middle of brisbane streets.

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Old 10-01-2008, 09:41 AM   #21
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Default Re: BILL AND KERRY--ground crew asks,"where are you? "

Originally Posted by Chris Parson View Post
interesting way of putting it. :|
indeed, i wonder if you Bill (want to) hear what many goodhearted people try to say about certain strong energies generated on this forum.

i think most of us are really meaning well, good spirits (a few may sabotage)
and are not blind or ignoring whats happening.
but just by feeding these energies, this site becomes a platform serving a party (seen or unseen) one would rather not empower this time.

again, this is not meant disrespectful to anyone, we all strive for this better place so long now...

Last edited by quest; 10-01-2008 at 09:44 AM.
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Old 10-01-2008, 02:40 PM   #22
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Default Re: BILL AND KERRY--ground crew asks,"where are you? "

Originally Posted by Bill Ryan View Post
Note: If anyone doubts that there are problems, that's fine... they don't have to stay here! There are a number of other places on the internet to inform oneself (even YouTube will do at a pinch! ). The basic idea of Avalon is to get organized once you're fairly sure you know [more or less] what's going on.

i am really sorry to say, but this almost sounds a kinda arrogant to me.
there are no doubts about problems i think.
solving, and to what paying attention to, focus on, directing energy towards, that to me is of importance.

fairly know what's going on? do you, we, who does? i thought for a big portion it is up to us, here and now. so what do you want to put focus on, who are we serving here?
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Old 10-02-2008, 05:40 PM   #23
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Default Re: BILL AND KERRY--ground crew asks,"where are you? "

maybe question off topic, but are you guys still planning to share the new Bob Dean one of these days?
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Old 10-02-2008, 11:59 PM   #24
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
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Default Re: BILL AND KERRY--ground crew asks,"where are you? "

Bill Ryan wrote:

"Kerry and I were surprised at the reaction by some to Miriam Delicado's interview. My personal viewpoint is that there may be a separation going on: those who realize what's happening and what's at stake... and those who don't."

Indeed, indeed, dear brother.

Listen, folks. I suggest that everyone get very, very heart centered and meditate. Project Avalon is aligned with Miriam, and George Green's messages for the ground crew, which are CHANNELED, because they are RESONATING with that message.

I hear virtually the exact same message, as in large part is David Wilcock, Michael St. Clair, Buricsh, etc. If people are not "getting" that message, really, meditate on it. Pray right before sleep for your spirit guides to help you gain clarity in the sleep state. If it STILL doesn't resonate with you...well, that's the steam of this forum. As Bill said, there ARE other forums and communities that might be a better fit for where you are right now. Don't shoot the messenger-just get connected-HEART connected.

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Old 10-03-2008, 12:19 AM   #25
pineal-pilot-in merkabah
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Default Re: BILL AND KERRY--ground crew asks,"where are you? "

i know the possibilitys and what is at stake. i follow main stream media to guide me a little on where the plan is going . bill and kerry have given us the oportunity to be a few steps ahead of the game. most of humanity does not have that luxury. as bill and kerry say people make of this information what they will. some will be free in their own minds whilst being chipped, fried by nukes or dyinhg of hemoragic flu. that is their destiny to follow. my spiritual path is knowing what i have to do or face with out unhealthy fear. my path i feel is to maintain my physical presence on earth in these dangerous times and do the best i can to bring thois about. dying with love may be the only option for some. some will go on wild adventures like mad max and doomsday.

the seperation is evident with those who get it and those who dont. the way i see it is their is a seperation of those that think the physical person is worth saving and those that think purley spiritual matters and dying correctly is what counts.

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avalon, ground crew, henry deacon, miriam

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