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Old 10-08-2008, 11:36 PM   #1
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Default **october 14th! Blossom goodchilds message!!**



In case anyone missed it!


Last edited by eurosceptic; 10-08-2008 at 11:48 PM.
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Old 10-08-2008, 11:57 PM   #2
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Default Re: **october 14th! Blossom goodchilds message!!**

Be careful out there!
Synchronicity seems to play a large role in my life.
I had just gone back to a web site that I had not the time to explore before,
and was listening to the audio on this page. I paused the audio to check in on Project Avalon and and at the top of new posts was this clarification of the Oct 14th msg. from Goodchild, and thus I present this alternative point of view from Marshall Vian Summers and Allies of Humanity warning of a very devious and lying race that needs our permission and cooperation to take over the earth and her resources. You listen or read or both:

Snippet from the text.
At this critical time in human history, when humanity is facing the Great Waves of change—environmental degradation, violent weather, the depletion of your essential resources, the loss of food production, growing economic and political instability and the threat of war—there is a foreign presence in the world. It has been here for some time. It is a presence from beyond the world, a presence that is here to take advantage of a weak and divided humanity.

To those people who become aware of it, and to those people whom it will capture for its own purposes, it will present itself as a benign and spiritual force. But in truth it represents an exploitive and dangerous presence.
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Old 10-09-2008, 12:09 AM   #3
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Default Re: **october 14th! Blossom goodchilds message!!**

why would these ETs decide to announce their coming through Blossom Goodchild... instead of just doing it. And even if they were to announce it... why would they go through a medium, who are typically seen as hokey.
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Old 10-09-2008, 12:13 AM   #4
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Default Re: **october 14th! Blossom goodchilds message!!**

Originally Posted by OceanWinds View Post
why would these ETs decide to announce their coming through Blossom Goodchild... instead of just doing it. And even if they were to announce it... why would they go through a medium, who are typically seen as hokey.
Simply because it´s all a scam, a scam to make money from and to manipulate people.
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Old 10-09-2008, 12:17 AM   #5
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Default Re: **october 14th! Blossom goodchilds message!!**

I will say that I would love this to be real. Who am I to say that it isn't.

Yet I cannot help but to observe that this event seems to go against every other channeler's and contactee's information.

It also seems to go directly against the law of allowance. Is intervention really necessary at this point?

On the 14th I will defiantly be looking to the skies as well as looking at all the alternative news outlets I visit to see if this does happen, because of the importance of this. But I will not be holding my breath for it.


Last edited by Heretic; 10-09-2008 at 01:21 AM. Reason: spelling
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Old 10-09-2008, 12:19 AM   #6
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Default Re: **october 14th! Blossom goodchilds message!!**

Originally Posted by Heart of Gold View Post
Be careful out there!
Synchronicity seems to play a large role in my life.
I had just gone back to a web site that I had not the time to explore before,
and was listening to the audio on this page. I paused the audio to check in on Project Avalon and and at the top of new posts was this clarification of the Oct 14th msg. from Goodchild, and thus I present this alternative point of view from Marshall Vian Summers and Allies of Humanity warning of a very devious and lying race that needs our permission and cooperation to take over the earth and her resources. You listen or read or both:

Snippet from the text.
At this critical time in human history, when humanity is facing the Great Waves of change—environmental degradation, violent weather, the depletion of your essential resources, the loss of food production, growing economic and political instability and the threat of war—there is a foreign presence in the world. It has been here for some time. It is a presence from beyond the world, a presence that is here to take advantage of a weak and divided humanity.

To those people who become aware of it, and to those people whom it will capture for its own purposes, it will present itself as a benign and spiritual force. But in truth it represents an exploitive and dangerous presence.
If they are bad ET's, why bother trying to get our permission. Wouldn't it make sense for them to just arrive, conquer, and leave?
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Old 10-09-2008, 12:28 AM   #7
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Default Re: **october 14th! Blossom goodchilds message!!**

I haven't been paying much attention to this 14th Oct thing, cause it doesn't seem to make any sense. And looking at this Blossom video posted above, the woman looks like the easily folled type to me.

Anyway, I have a question about something that many can probably clarify. I've heard the name Ashtar Sheran mentioned along with the 14th October thing. Now, I'm too lazy to do serious research into this as I have more meaningful things to research, so... can somebody tell me briefly what they know about this guy? I've known the name for maybe 10 years and always had it connected with really lame and laughable people and thought it was a total scam, which is why I never paid much attention to it. As 14th October looks like a scam too by all means, it would only make sense.

Can you confirm that or does anyone think this Ashtar Sheran freak is actually not a waste of time?

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Old 10-09-2008, 12:32 AM   #8
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That would not be allowed to happen, bad ETs tricking us into submission with our free will to appear and take over the world. It is againist Universal Law.
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Old 10-09-2008, 12:33 AM   #9
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Default Re: **october 14th! Blossom goodchilds message!!**

Originally Posted by Tuza View Post
That would not be allowed to happen, bad ETs tricking us into submission with our free will to appear and take over the world. It is againist Universal Law.
Now, this is where I get lost. Their not allowed to conquer, but their allowed to trick us into being raped and pillaged? I can't help but think BS.
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Old 10-09-2008, 12:38 AM   #10
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That is apparently why the Federation of Light are infiltrating with a lot of awakened ones permission, so they can help get rid of the bad ETs, we cant do it by ourselves now can we, no. Try and do that with just the awakened ones, we do try but it is difficult. We have stopped a lot of negative things just with our focus. Read Thunderbird posts for that. The good ETS have stopped missiles too, I have seen it on U-Tube as have others here, dismantling warheads in the air. Who do you think they are, the fairies. The Government knows they are about and can dismantle things if they want to or deneutralize things if they want to. They are here already.
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Old 10-09-2008, 12:41 AM   #11
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Default Re: **october 14th! Blossom goodchilds message!!**

Originally Posted by ralok_j View Post
Now, this is where I get lost. Their not allowed to conquer, but their allowed to trick us into being raped and pillaged? I can't help but think BS.
They are allowed to do what the humans allow them to do. Will the government allow them to "conquer" us? No. Will the government allow them to rape you? Yes.
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Old 10-09-2008, 12:45 AM   #12
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Default Re: **october 14th! Blossom goodchilds message!!**

hypothetically speaking. If this is a NWO scam. It would be the ultimate movie. Their "masterpiece". The aliens come to save the earthlings from themselves.

Im just pondering on this one. Im trying to think like the they do if it were their agenda. Just keep an eye out IF it occurs at all that is. We will all be overwhelmed if this happens so its important to keep a level head and be vigilant to whether its a ploy or not. Keep another eye out for any unusual anythings that look like they may be projecting holographics. Military vehicles, aircraft etc. We the very few have forewarning of this so it will be the most important thing that we look at this with no "scales" over our eyes.

Peace please.
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Old 10-09-2008, 01:02 AM   #13
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Default Re: **october 14th! Blossom goodchilds message!!**

These universal laws sound flawed and illogical. If a race is not enlightened, then contact from any outside species should not be allowed. Who can I contact to have these laws revised?
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Old 10-09-2008, 01:08 AM   #14
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Default Re: **october 14th! Blossom goodchilds message!!**

Originally Posted by ralok_j View Post
These universal laws sound flawed and illogical. If a race is not enlightened, then contact from any outside species should not be allowed. Who can I contact to have these laws revised?
Your right... some of the laws dont work in all situations. Thats where karma and whatnot can kick in.

Humanity can force species to extinction without their permission. I doubt its any different for people. A deviant act is a deviant act... by force or by permission. And the last time I checked... I gave no body permission for alot of things that I was born into.
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Old 10-09-2008, 01:11 AM   #15
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Default Re: **october 14th! Blossom goodchilds message!!**

Originally Posted by ralok_j View Post
If they are bad ET's, why bother trying to get our permission. Wouldn't it make sense for them to just arrive, conquer, and leave?
The link explains it, in the early parts of the audio or text -
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Old 10-09-2008, 01:30 AM   #16
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Default Re: **october 14th! Blossom goodchilds message!!**

Originally Posted by Heart of Gold View Post
The link explains it, in the early parts of the audio or text -
I'm reading it now, but the white letters on black background make it hard. Here is a piece I just read from this page:

Humanity is following the path that many nations have always followed—depleting their home worlds and then becoming prone to seduction by forces in the Greater Community. For once you enter these great networks of trade, your destiny will be determined by others. You will have to meet whatever terms and conditions are required for you to receive what you need—whether it be food and medicine or advanced technology. You will have very little freedom and self-determination under these circumstances, and this has been the fate of so many races.

Now you are vulnerable. Like the adolescent child in the big city, you are entering a larger arena of life—unprepared, without wisdom and discernment regarding all the forces that could take advantage of you in your innocence and your ignorance.
If we, the global human population, had a pressing need, for this example let's just say a vaccine. We need this particular vaccine that an outside life form has. The world population is against a trade agreement, but our chosen leaders believe we need it and negotiate a trade. Is all of humanity, for the rest of time, screwed because of the few leaders?
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Old 10-09-2008, 02:13 AM   #17
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To: Hart of Gold

Great post. Thanks for the info.

I totally agree with Marshall Summers. It just resonates with me to the core.

The only way we 'humans' get to evolve is doing it ON OUR OWN!. No intervention.

We need to graduate on our own merits.

Anyways that's my 2 cents!
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Old 10-09-2008, 05:26 AM   #18
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“why would these ETs decide to announce their coming through Blossom Goodchild... instead of just doing it. And even if they were to announce it... why would they go through a medium, who are typically seen as hokey.”

Ok, let’s put on our think tank heads. Let’s debate whether it is a better idea to announce you’re coming, or just show up in surprise.

Let’s set the scenario first. There is this planet called Earth, inhabited by beings who have little knowledge of aliens, and are fed lots of Hollywood movies that have many of them scared to death. A percentage of the planet is open minded, but a percentage of the planet is equally as close minded and disbelievers.

Goals: You want to give a helping hand to humanity and lead them to enlightenment and the eventual joining in a galactic society. How best to do first contact? How do you build TRUST in humanity in order to achieve goals?

Plan #1: Show up and surprise all of earth. This causes mass panic and confusion. Question: How does this build trust? How do you repair all the turmoil it has caused?

Plan #2: Aliens plan a polite announcement. Can’t talk to governments, they won’t listen. Can’t talk to major news networks, they won’t listen. Who can they contact? Select a person who can present a “MESSAGE”. Allow time for many to become aware of it. Message is of LOVE and coming in peace. State EXACTLY what you are going to do, no more, no less. Show up on day indicated, do exactly what was said would be done. No confrontation. Question: Does this build trust? I think it would.

That’s exactly what we humans do for each other… we make promises to one another and we keep those promises.. it builds trust.
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Old 10-09-2008, 06:20 AM   #19
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I've been following the many posts about the Fed of Light for a while now - Blossom posted the 'first contact' announcement but there are other chanallers chanelling also.

People of this world need to be eased into this first contact I feel. Can't just turn up because that would panic more people than are going to be paniced anyway - in a way.

It seems that Blossom was very careful about this announcement - she said she sat on the info for a few months because she was scared of the reaction and realised the dent in her reputation if this did not come to pass.

As the NWO are doing their level best to kill most of us, I feel that aliens showing up with the promise of love and unity is better for us all. They would just attack if they were going to - zap, end game, that easy.

I have faith that the Fed of Light will show and will be of goodness to this crumbling world of ours. This I try to manifest with a loving heart and hope for our futures - why not?
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Old 10-09-2008, 06:22 AM   #20
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Great response KathyT, totally agree with your point of view. I actually thought of something similar that might happen.

The only thing that keeps popping into my head is the risk of it being a false flag operation. In other forums thay are discussing the movement of thousands of troops back into the U.S. I just fear that "they are planning this in order to take full control.

I really hope the GFL DO show up.
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Old 10-09-2008, 08:58 AM   #21
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Default Re: **october 14th! Blossom goodchilds message!!**

Originally Posted by Heart of Gold View Post
Be careful out there!
Synchronicity seems to play a large role in my life.
I had just gone back to a web site that I had not the time to explore before,
and was listening to the audio on this page. I paused the audio to check in on Project Avalon and and at the top of new posts was this clarification of the Oct 14th msg. from Goodchild, and thus I present this alternative point of view from Marshall Vian Summers and Allies of Humanity warning of a very devious and lying race that needs our permission and cooperation to take over the earth and her resources. You listen or read or both:

Snippet from the text.
At this critical time in human history, when humanity is facing the Great Waves of change—environmental degradation, violent weather, the depletion of your essential resources, the loss of food production, growing economic and political instability and the threat of war—there is a foreign presence in the world. It has been here for some time. It is a presence from beyond the world, a presence that is here to take advantage of a weak and divided humanity.

To those people who become aware of it, and to those people whom it will capture for its own purposes, it will present itself as a benign and spiritual force. But in truth it represents an exploitive and dangerous presence.

Yes very ineresting....ALWAYS take a balanced perspective....just because santa wears a big red coat and has a jolly beard and laugh doesnt mean its just presents he wants to distribute!!!!! santa is an anagram of satan!!!!! hells bells!! creation is an anagram of reaction.... Blossom Goodchild? isnt that some name....!

Last edited by eurosceptic; 10-09-2008 at 12:44 PM.
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Old 10-09-2008, 10:16 AM   #22
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Couple of things, I believe the NWO folks are the primary concern to the middle and poor class, Internationally. I'm coming to believe that world control is being sought by this group for scary-reasons still unknown and to prevent WMD usage by nuts through total control and quarantine of nations in the process of or now possessing wmd which could be used to not only destroy other nations but make the region uninhabitable for hunderds of years following detonation of hand-delivered devices.

EBEs, some ebe races are here to stop that threat, either through support or direction of possibly the nwo or, through direct interdiction. There are a number of cases I feel support this but three have interested me:

Rendlesham Forest Incident 12/80:
In one interview Halt/Penniston and others suggest the "Pencil thin green beam" sent down close to the feet of Halt, actually was directed to (unauthorized) Nuclear Storage Bunkers. Which damaged war head usage capability.

Vandenberg Base USAF 1964:
Officer Lt. Bob Jacobs PHD (Ret) captures a UFO on film shooting a potential plasma beam at the warhead. Brief Interview link below:

Deputy crew commander Robert Salas (ret) March 16, 1967 UFO shut's down Missiles at missile site "November".
Link to brief below:

Lastly, Nick Pope's well-done analysis of the UFO traversing England's military bases in a one-night sweep. Which was witnessed by many Officers and People as it occurred. What was it doing? I suspect it may have been scanning for nuclear weapons.

Anyway that's my thought.
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Old 10-09-2008, 11:15 AM   #23
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Just her name, Blossom Goodchild sounds fake and hoaxy. Who has a name like that? And who gives themself that name by choice if its not her real name? A moron that's who.

It has been known for some time now, by many previous Black Ops people, and David Icke has been saying it for a while as well, that there is a very high probability that there will be a staged alien contact or invasion where we use our own technology (some of which is very good b/c its been back-engineered, and built with the help of Orions), and also through the use of holographics.

In John Lear's most recent Camelot interview, he also talks about this. Open your eyes people!!! Anyone who has tapped into the true nature of these beings knows that they would not show themselves like this! With a date marked on the calendar taboot.
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Old 10-09-2008, 12:42 PM   #24
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yes it could very well be that 'Blossom' is a victim of psy ops and may well believe she is in contact with these 'amazing' beings!
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Old 10-09-2008, 01:07 PM   #25
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Beware of Greeks bearing gifts.
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