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View Poll Results: How much to these videos resonate with you?
Life Changing 7 22.58%
Worth Thinking About 22 70.97%
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Old 06-06-2009, 09:30 AM   #1
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Exclamation Who are we , where do we come from and where are we headed?

My dearest Avalon Friends, I am writing to you out of love . Love for our families, friends and humanity.I want you to know that,I have researched hundreds of sites and watched hundreds of videos on you tube and other places. My research has led me through the various topics such as Planet X, Nibiru, 2012 Mayan Calendar - Prophesy, the Ascension of Earth and its inhabitants into the 5th dimension, dna activations, etc,etc.,etc.,. The sub-topics are too many to list and any way , embarking on this quest is a learning process, where one thing leads to another and you sift through a lot of information and accept the ones that resonate with you and discard those ideas that don't.

I've learned many things along the way and have grown spiritually over the past few months. I am a bit timid, so I don't like to impose my views on other people unless asked, but the following video series which I am about to tell you about has absolutely mesmerized me, so I can't keep it to myself.

This Australian man of Greek descent explains who we are as humans and where we are going in a very simple a down to earth way. I stumbled upon this only last night and cannot stop thinking about it. I even e-mailed my sister in the U.S. about this, even though she is has not awaken yet to the comming transformations of our earth and its inhabitants.

Part 1 : 1 of 6

• Who are we , where do we come from and where are we headed?
• What is 2012 and ascension all about?
• What does the activation of the planetary light body in 2013
• Could it possibly mean that this planet is going to become a star?
• What role does the Divine Feminine play in all of this?
• Could she possibly be the true forgotten hero?
• The grand deception, what is it?
• Who and what is the galactic federation of light?
• The harmonic synchronization of our DNA into the precessional cycle
• Understanding life beyond ascension
Big questions I know but the answers aren't as inconceivable as you
may think.

My name is George Kavassilas and I have had an incredible range of
including travelling up through the dimensions of our Universe in 2003
and rediscovering what life here on this planet is all about.
It is more significant than you are led to believe. You are far more
significant and magnificent in the greater scheme of things than you
can possibly imagine.
I wish to share with you my knowledge and wisdom which I have gained
over a lifetime of extraordinary experiences, including meeting and
interacting with many different ET races both benevolent and
I also have a comprehensive understanding of the ascension process,
including the harmonics and timing of the two main phases of our DNA's
transformation into Homo Illuminous or Hu-Man.

With love, liberation and fortitude
George Kavassilas
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Old 06-06-2009, 01:31 PM   #2
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Default Re: Who are we , where do we come from and where are we headed?

Thanks for the link. I had seen George's earlier vids and what he says resonates with me.

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Old 06-06-2009, 09:30 PM   #3
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Default Re: Who are we , where do we come from and where are we headed?

Would someone send the link to Part 3: 1 of 6
I cannot find that one! Thank you
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Old 06-06-2009, 10:04 PM   #4
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Default Re: Who are we , where do we come from and where are we headed?

Here are the links to Part 1: 1 through 6
Part 2: 1 through 6

If anyone can find Part 3: 1 through 6, please post the links.
Thank you
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Old 06-06-2009, 10:08 PM   #5
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Oops, I thought I was just posting the links only, but they manifested as video play links. That was a surprise. I prefer to right click video links and have them open in a new tab rather than listen while I'm logged into Avalon.... anyway, I'm looking forward to someone posting the remaining 6 segments of part 3.
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Old 06-06-2009, 10:22 PM   #6
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HERE IS PART 3 : 1 OF 10
1 OF 10

2 OF 10

3 OF 10

4 OF 10

5 OF 10

6 OF 10

7 OF 10

8 OF 10

9 OF 10

10 OF 10
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Old 06-06-2009, 10:44 PM   #7
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... and I just found them too, all 10 parts and was going to post them for everyone. Thank you
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Old 06-07-2009, 02:45 AM   #8
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Default Re: Who are we , where do we come from and where are we headed?

Thanks for posting all three parts! I think it's important to get as much information as possible from all different sources.
I watched all three parts and like what he has to say, and the way he says it. He comes at it with a no BS attitude, and from a different perspective than the norm.
I highly recommend watching these videos!
And if he's right, then the earth only has a few years left before it turns into a star, and we will have basically three choices which direction to go!

Does anybody else talk about the Nordics like him? or the moon?

Last edited by Dantheman62; 06-07-2009 at 03:36 AM.
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Old 06-07-2009, 07:17 AM   #9
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I like him, he is very genuine. I just hope he is not another victim of mind-control.......
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Old 06-07-2009, 10:28 AM   #10
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My thoughts exactly...
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Old 06-07-2009, 01:02 PM   #11
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He's obviously under mind control. Even if it's his own mind. But mind is evident in his talk.

So, as always, your personal discernment filter is needed.

My personal opinion on his talk (first part of 6 videos) is that he has most likely shot "up the pole" and come back down, and so does have some valid viewpoints on what's there and what underlies reality. But as often happens with a "one shot" ascension, it didn't give him enough experience in accustoming himself with what it's all about on the various plains of existence.

That left him with the option of using comparisons from his mental frame of reference, and his prior religious/mystical indoctrination or education, to try to describe what he saw on his journey into multi dimensional existence.

What he saw was real, but his explanations are from a 3D viewpoint, primarily.

There is no harm in giving what he says a good look, in my opinion, but you do have to use your heart centered filter to screen out the mental additives to the more pure truth he describes, so as not to confuse the underlying truths with his minds attempts to "make sense" of the experience.

For instance, his viewpoint and description of the various stratified "levels" of multi dimensional existence is partly accurate, and partly inaccurate. The levels are not stacked in "ladder" form, one to the next, and to the next, in sequence, etc. It's not like that at all. All those dimensions are right here, right now, and can't be any other way. We simply tune in to the frequency of which ever one we want to interact or perceive on. Much like you'd tune in a radio station.

It is however nice to see how the number of people who are experiencing multidimensionality and coming out and trying to drop the proverbial bread crumbs for others to follow, grows constantly. It's getting easier every day now, to encounter a much more accurate description of our true nature, and hoops we have to jump through to try to stay submerged in 3D lego set. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lego
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Old 06-07-2009, 01:34 PM   #12
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Default Re: Who are we , where do we come from and where are we headed?

I think i'm going put this in my ''hmmmm file"!
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Old 06-07-2009, 02:21 PM   #13
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Hi Lots of savi ppl on here ,looked at results for the pole WORTH THINKING ABOUT WINNING AT MO. George tells you all go with your heart ,he beleives what hes saying, He HAS HIS TRUTH .Thanks for the vid's watched em all ,I like them in this format easy to use instead of looking all over the place for them.
Thanks again

Last edited by scanner; 06-08-2009 at 04:09 PM.
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Old 06-07-2009, 02:34 PM   #14
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The bell rings Truth to me. How he couldn’t stop laughing when he saw the Big Picture. Eckhart Tolle described it the same way.
How our GodMindBeing entered into contract to experience this life, these times…

What really jumped out at me (and I’m not wanting to start a debate here) is when he said that it’s Ego that thinks we have free will. I am the only other person that I know of that has been thinking this same thing for a few yrs, a pondering really. Here’s why: Considering, that I, and most of us do, Know & have a conscious connection to God/Creator/Ultimate Higher Self, whatever suits you to call it… then the only Will that is real and true is “God‘s... your god being". To think that you have Free Will separates you from God’s. Anyway, hope you get what I’m trying to say here. To be other than lined up with God’s will (your Highest GodMind) is to be separated into your own Egoic Will. That is what really struck me the most! When you are in conscious contact, in that state of Oneness, then you ARE your GodMind's Will, utterly responsible for EveryThing that has happened in your life.

But I had not heard that this earth/the great mother goddess is to transform herself into a star, as her ultimate sacrifice at the get-go… that we are on a journey like no other ever in the history of creative manifestation. And the three paths that will ultimately present itself to you, will naturally draw your soul into the path, his definition of gravity.

And the way he describes the “negative ETs’ as utterly beautiful unlike anything you‘ve ever seen and very powerful, able to activate your kundalini into blissful euphoria, we are warned to be careful in our discerning….. that WE are much more powerful than they when our vibration is raised, was very comforting to me.

Ultimately, we must TRUST the Process of Life… and our Heart will Lead us…there is no place for worry. I came to that realization some yrs back, to trust the process of life, my god consciousness. George mentions that our body holds ALL the codes to existence & knowledge within. I invited 777TheGreatWork to check out the Gematria parts (excuse me if I spelled that wrong)....

AND, to those who question whether he is mind controlled… don’t forget that WE ourselves are, to a greater degree than we’d like to admit. BUT, not only was he tampered with (he does tell), he also experienced the power within himself that transcended theirs and is here to tell you about it. That we all have this power and don't know it.

Is a great find Yiolas, thank you.

Last edited by Moxie; 06-07-2009 at 02:38 PM.
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Old 06-07-2009, 03:23 PM   #15
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Default Re: Who are we , where do we come from and where are we headed?

Originally Posted by Moxie View Post

What really jumped out at me (and I’m not wanting to start a debate here) is when he said that it’s Ego that thinks we have free will. I am the only other person that I know of that has been thinking this same thing for a few yrs, a pondering really. Here’s why: Considering, that I, and most of us do, Know & have a conscious connection to God/Creator/Ultimate Higher Self, whatever suits you to call it… then the only Will that is real and true is “God‘s... your god being". To think that you have Free Will separates you from God’s. Anyway, hope you get what I’m trying to say here. To be other than lined up with God’s will (your Highest GodMind) is to be separated into your own Egoic Will. That is what really struck me the most! When you are in conscious contact, in that state of Oneness, then you ARE your GodMind's Will, utterly responsible for EveryThing that has happened in your life.
God is a tricky concept to talk about without the likelihood of being misunderstood. I'm not familiar with the usage or meaning of "GodMind" (it seems an impossible concept). But my current understanding of what most would consider as fitting the description of God, is that there could never be the idea of judgement, including the idea that God's will could differ in anyway from our individual free will. I'd say God's will would have to be that we always be free to exercise our individual free will. And if fact, any viewpoints or opinions held by beings who naturally reside in higher dimensions always seem to consider our free will as sacred, if anything is. Or at least that is my perception. Free will is inalienable and inviolate.

That concept in his talk, is the one I'd say he got 180 degrees backwards. Free will rules.

It could also be we are looking at different things here, and that mislabeling has occurred.
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Old 06-07-2009, 03:52 PM   #16
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I agree...he's coming back with a 3D mind to digest all he's seen...so it might be a little askew....however....I believe lots he has to say is right on. And he is warning us that going with the ET's and their technology in not the route to go, unless you want to be slaves.
hmmmm....thought provoking.
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Old 06-07-2009, 05:44 PM   #17
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double post
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Old 06-08-2009, 02:27 AM   #18
Cosmic Dancer
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Post Re: Who are we , where do we come from and where are we headed?

The information on these videos truly resonated with me on a deep heart level. I believe there is some valuable insights that George is sharing. It is an inspiring and empowering message. Thank you so much for making them available!
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Old 06-08-2009, 02:59 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Myplanet2 View Post
What he saw was real, but his explanations are from a 3D viewpoint, primarily.

For instance, his viewpoint and description of the various stratified "levels" of multi dimensional existence is partly accurate, and partly inaccurate. The levels are not stacked in "ladder" form, one to the next, and to the next, in sequence, etc. It's not like that at all. All those dimensions are right here, right now, and can't be any other way. We simply tune in to the frequency of which ever one we want to interact or perceive on. Much like you'd tune in a radio station.
This is a good assessment. I don't buy into the ladder model either. I think it's much more complicated....so much so that it's not possible to verbally describe the actual universal architecture. However, the radio frequency analogy is much better than the ladder metaphor. It's important for us to realize/remember that all the dimensions are right here. We're dreaming the world into whatever frequency we're tuned into, bringing the energy of both higher and lower dimensions into manifestation within the 3d realm.

Of course none of this will matter if the Earth is turning into a star and we're all out of here in the next few minutes. I'm not buying into that at all. It seems silly and relegates the act of awakening and expanding within the parameters of the human experience into a pointless endeavor...all way too easy and simple.

Originally Posted by Moxie
What really jumped out at me (and I’m not wanting to start a debate here) is when he said that it’s Ego that thinks we have free will. I am the only other person that I know of that has been thinking this same thing for a few yrs, a pondering really. Here’s why: Considering, that I, and most of us do, Know & have a conscious connection to God/Creator/Ultimate Higher Self, whatever suits you to call it… then the only Will that is real and true is “God‘s... your god being". To think that you have Free Will separates you from God’s. Anyway, hope you get what I’m trying to say here. To be other than lined up with God’s will (your Highest GodMind) is to be separated into your own Egoic Will. That is what really struck me the most! When you are in conscious contact, in that state of Oneness, then you ARE your GodMind's Will, utterly responsible for EveryThing that has happened in your life.
Interesting theory, Moxie. I can't wrap my mind around the "not free will" experience. Clearly you must feel this way, so how would you describe it?

I gather from what GK is saying, that as god-beings ourselves, we came into a another god's universe in order to have certain kinds of experiences that are unique to this realm, or group of realms. If this is true, then that god is not me, or even mine (aside from our "oneness"). I am my own, and this is not even my universe, but one I'm visiting, and perhaps have become trapped in. It doesn't seem as though this god we're involved with restricts free will at all. Humans are doing whatever they feel like, unless they're under the control of the will of some other visitor to our common universal experience, one who's exercising his free will by controlling some other being. We can do anything...good or horrific, blow up planets and stars, whatever we want. There are lessons built into this however, as what we do to others we do to ourselves.

I don't feel like I want this particular god's mind, though maybe I'm looking for my own god-mind which is non-local, not only to material reality, but to the whole experience of existence in this universe. It seems to me that the primal, grand poo-bah creator did not create us to mirror It's mind and project ourselves from there, but instead to co-create new and unique realities, which we would then live within, so that we could bring novel experiences back to the One and there would be eternal expansion of all consciousness. Just my working theory...

Also, to really cut through the playlist mess, it appears that this link:

...plays the whole lecture continuously.

Last edited by sun-toon´; 06-08-2009 at 03:05 AM.
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Old 06-08-2009, 03:15 AM   #20
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Free will relates to ego personality individuality

Free to waste or to sanctify our lives

God usually dont interfere with our free will unless invited to do so
Invited He will guide serve provide and protect

Gods Will is to bring us home
In the Realization of the Reality I Am

God moves in mysterious ways
And we are basking in His Allowance

We are free to do confined by what we are allowed to do

We are playing in a sandbox really lol

Last edited by RedeZra; 06-08-2009 at 03:20 AM.
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Old 06-08-2009, 10:50 AM   #21
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Firstly, George deserves our fully respect for stepping out and telling his truth, the way he saw and experienced it. As it is known to many of us, and George also stated that there are many among us who know the thruth as well, he at least tells what he experienced. Many other keep silent...

His story has a lot of similarities with the story told by Drunvalo, it is just told otherwise. From my point of view, the things started falling into place after I watched his presentation. His truth fits in the "empty space" in my heart, I found this very helpfull.

I wonder that some of you criticize him for being too 3D in his explanations...well what do you expect? It is obvious that sometimes he's searching for the right phrases and words to describe the undescribable.

Or do you think, if we would've benn given the chance to expericence what he did, that we could explain it better?

Thanks a lot for posting this videos, I've learned a bit more and the mosaic of the big picture is geting clearer and clearer.


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Old 06-08-2009, 12:53 PM   #22
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Unfortunately I am not going to listen to part 3 because I can hardly understand anything because of the poor quality of the sound...it's a shame..
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Old 06-08-2009, 01:03 PM   #23
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Hi Malletzky.

I wasn't criticizing this man, and he does have my full respect. I was simply answering this request (PLEASE WATCH THIS AND LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK) made in the opening post of this thread. My vote was that this is worth looking into more.

My purpose in posting was simply to alert other readers who may yet have larger pieces of the puzzle obscured from view, that it might be a good idea to engage their discernment filters and examine Georges talk from the standpoint of what resonates as true for them.

Krishnamurti was famous for saying "the description is not the thing". Truth is personal. It is inside of us. It's ok to share our truth, but only as that. Our truth. Never as "THE" truth. And I'm not saying that is what George is doing either. Just making the point that truth is inside us, and it's a personal thing.

It is inevitable when you attempt to describe a truth, that you enter a lie into the equation. Because the description is not the thing. If a person could take another to that magical place and show them what they experienced or saw, the new viewer would certainly not come away with the same truth as the original viewer. Its just the nature of our created reality that it works this way.

So the personal policy I suggest for others, is the well known one of "Use personal discernment always, and take what resonates, while leaving the rest.

In Georges case, I found his analogies and relating his experiences to certain religious teachings and other mythologies to be a distraction from the truth he was imparting. That was not useful to me, personally, But to others that may have been just the thing that resonated, and plunked a piece of the puzzle in place.

That's the risk when you enter into comparison. As soon as you say "it's like......" you run the risk of hitting or missing with your audience, depending on the vibration they are resonating at. "it" is never "like". It only is. And you can only discover what is, through personal observation and experience. Never by considering the observations and experiences of another. The best that can be hoped for, is that the observations and experiences described by another will point into a place you are able to look into, and hopefully experience for yourself, and then it will be meaningful.

Otherwise, it just comes down to one personal accepting another persons mental construct, which is like the difference between watching a movie, and living the movie personally.

Placing too much importance on what another (any other) person says kind of negates our own creativity as well. I believe he said earth was supposed to turn into a sun? that's not happening. That doesn't work for me. My earth is going to thin and become less dense and solid, as it raises it's vibration to provide us a new playing field for the next chapter of our existence. This is MyPlanet2. And it's yours. And it's everyone elses too. We decide what is going to happen. All of us. No. Earth is not lighting up. At least not from the 3 D density it is now.

Hope this clarifies my comments a bit.
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Old 06-08-2009, 01:39 PM   #24
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MyPlanet2, it's exact that point of finding the truth which I reffered to...it's just his truth, the way he "saw" and experienced it. Nothing more and nothing less. You're right, each one of us should take the best from it, just as it feels in our heart. George repeatedly stated that the truth he's telling is comming only from his heart, which I sense is said honestly...

"Long time ago" I started a thread somewhere here called "My truth is your thruth too", where I tried to explain my view of finding "THE TRUTH". I stated that:

Don't matter what you think to be true, you're right. It is true !!!
When you know it, you'll feel it.
And when YOU feel it, I will feel it too !!!!
And it will become MY TRUTH TOO !!!

So yes, finding the truth should begin in ourselves first.

As you, I'm convinced that we are really creating our own "timelines". Each one of us! In his timeline, the earth is to become a star. From my present knowing and from the feelings I get from my heart, this is not what I will experience. But who knows? Yet, I've taken this information and burried it inside my heart. It will be proved by my higher guidance once...so if it happens to be true, I'll know it when it comes to be true.

But most important, I am certain that no matter what kind of "future" we're heading to as humanity, there will be a "happy end". I know this in my heart and it is the biggest truth for me. And in this part, I know that his truth is my truth also, as he speaks about the same "future", after having a inevitable earth changes which should occur on the earth. And this is the most important message I got from his presentation.
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Old 06-08-2009, 03:11 PM   #25
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Malletzky, I just want you to know that I'm not criticizing GK either. He seems a very sincere person and his lecture contains a lot of expansive information.

He mentions being controlled and misguided and that he's previously presented what he now believes is disinformation. This is his way of warning the viewer to neither believe or disbelieve his information, but to let it resonate and see what it opens in each of us.

I'm not so sure about your individual timeline theory. It seems plausible to a point, we certainly are each on a subjectively viewed timeline, but I'm going to be very surprised if GK blinks out of here in 2011. If he's still around, in 2012, how he handles that conflict between his prognostications and reality will say more about him than this lecture does.

Originally Posted by Myplanet2 View Post
Placing too much importance on what another (any other) person says kind of negates our own creativity as well. I believe he said earth was supposed to turn into a sun? that's not happening. That doesn't work for me. My earth is going to thin and become less dense and solid, as it raises it's vibration to provide us a new playing field for the next chapter of our existence. This is MyPlanet2. And it's yours. And it's everyone elses too. We decide what is going to happen. All of us. No. Earth is not lighting up. At least not from the 3 D density it is now.
...and my Earth is going to do nothing, it's we who are transmuting. Earth exists as a larger iteration of the same kind of pattern that each of us is drawn from. It's multidimensional already, but needs to undergo repair and healing of its 3rd density body. I agree with you in essence...it will seem as though it's becoming thinner and less dense, but that will be because we'll more grounded into its 4th density body than the 3rd. I don't know that "we" will make all the decisions as to what happens next, Earth itself, and Others who are entwined in the process will have energy to contribute. Of course I know none of this, so don't think I'm debating in any real sense.

Last edited by sun-toon´; 06-08-2009 at 11:45 PM.
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