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What Does It Mean ? What does this all mean for the Ground Crew ?

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Old 01-11-2010, 03:09 PM   #1
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Default The State of the Planet

Project Camelot has their "State of the Planet - The Project Camelot Blog."

I always enjoy reading this.

The thought occurred to me that Project Avalon members each have his/her own perspective on the overall state of affairs of the world at this point in time.

Based on all your research, and on your own personal experiences, how do you think we're doing?

I'm always interested in members' posts that are not a copy and paste from someone else's words, but simply what you think, in your own words.

I hope some of you will be willing to share.
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Old 01-11-2010, 03:20 PM   #2
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Default Re: The State of the Planet

I was hoping to hear yours Seashore.
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Old 01-11-2010, 03:51 PM   #3
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Default Re: The State of the Planet

Originally Posted by Moxie View Post
I was hoping to hear yours Seashore.


Today, I'm feeling cautiously optimistic about the possibility of winning the battle against tyranny. Two things are making me feel this way. The first is "climategate." I'm thrilled that the "global warming" scam got some mainstream media exposure. On the down side, however, is that evidently the powers that be are going to try to implement their carbon tax for global enslavement, regardless of whether or not a treaty is signed! Therefore, I'm only thrilled about the bad press the globalists got, but at least it's something to be happy about.

The second thing is that - maybe - Geithner will be prosecuted. If that happens, it's good news. I took notes on what Alex Jones said in his radio show yesterday - it's $28 trillion that has been stolen from the American tax payer. Maybe having Geithner in the hot seat is step one toward rectifying that.

I'm also noticing that here on the forum, we're making progress in peeling back misconceptions. I think that the consensus here has always been that we all grew up being told lies about the history of the world, etc., but I think that additionally, members have been believing additional misconceptions after their initial "waking up," and now we're all busy fine tuning our beliefs. It's healthy.
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Old 01-11-2010, 05:45 PM   #4
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Exclamation Re: The State of the Planet

Not so much the state of the planet but the state of my world

I think the matrix we are living in at the moment is going to fall apart very quickly.
I think money will be useless.
I don't think we have to worry about a flu virus killing us all.
I don't think aliens will step in to save us.
I do think if they tell us there are aliens here it will be a lie.
All the plans I made for this time last year will come into their own soon.
I think some very strange good and bad things will happen but I haven't worked it all out in my head in a way that I can put to words on a forum.

Overall I think it's going to get very interesting with some big surprises coming our way.
My game is too see how far down the rabbit hole I can get.
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Old 01-11-2010, 05:59 PM   #5
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Default Re: The State of the Planet

Great idea for this thread! Thank you.

I see the world a experiencing "Growing Pains". The hurt, but they will pass.

Each day we get a new piece of the puzzle in the "mainstream" and everyday dozens of people begin to "wake up" to their reality. I see it all as a beautiful step in a better direction for this earth.

I see TPTB trying really really hard, to finish what they started and I can feel their helpless feelings as they fail beyond their comprehension.

Perhaps not coming to"help" but I believe the "good" ET's will visit us soon on a large scale level, in order to "come out of hiding". Humans here on earth are ready, and this reunion is long over due.

Will things get worse before really getting better? probably, things usually do.. but I not feeling any fear.. I look forward to rolling with these changes, and witnessing all my brothers and sisters do the same. I look forward to the teaching/learning involved.

Personally I don't find the need to stay away from the "fear' speech as I can hold myself in a light where it doesn't harm me. The harder "They" try the bigger my smile is growing. Also, it's important to be informed.

I see love growing everywhere.. and if this is the price we have to pay to achieve peace and goodwill towards all people.. So be it.

It should be an inspiring year for many, and a confirmation for many more.

In light, of love
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Old 01-11-2010, 06:14 PM   #6
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Default Re: The State of the Planet

Thank you, Swanny and Shaynard!

I might reply to specific things you've said, later.

Right now I'm just enjoying hearing from you, and I want to think more about what you've said...

I hope many more members will join in and call it like you see it.
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Old 01-11-2010, 07:13 PM   #7
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Default Re: The State of the Planet

At the home front, hens are laying steady, tomatoes ripening in the greenhouse, we're planning next season garden.

My tenant in a neighboring city is experiencing cut in hours & gave 30 days notice to move, so I reduced the rent by $200/mo just to keep my good tenant there & not have to deal w/either selling or finding another tenant. One brother is now unemployed, my sister had her hrs cut by 1/3 (20 yr employee), my best friend is scrapping for work, business way down. Another girlfriend went part time, sold her house for a ridiculously low price just at brink of final foreclosure. (me? I'm a "kept woman" and loving every minute of it (chuckles)... yet being a farmer IS work.

I think the economy is a real problem and will become worse.

My intuition tells me that there is something more to come about regarding the Flu.

We are prepared to self quarantine & mind our own business and still try to help others on our peninsula (one way in one way out).

It's difficult to find ammunition in any stores whatsoever, been that way for some time now.

It appears true that something is up with our sun & other planets, earth changes are continuing to manifest, the coldest winter here in 20 years or more.

If world war breaks out (more than it already has), I see the entire human race in the streets over it. And, if November comes around as normal, there is hope that all encumbents are voted OUT.

I've never felt more mind controlled than I do now, even though I consider myself semi-awake/enlightened, that sounds strange, but it seems I see my blockages better, really, what do we REALLY know, I feel like a zombie sometimes from being online overload, but can't stop...lol... Lots of hoopla... but what seems most important is my spiritual state, interested in Keylontic Science and meditation has priority. And I need more exercise & balance, that's my personal take.

There are way too many subjects that I'm interested in and there's not enough time in the day to read all the books piled up beside my bed.... I need a break, so I think I'll take one.

Blessings to All
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Old 01-11-2010, 07:54 PM   #8
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Default Re: The State of the Planet

Thanks, Moxie!
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Old 01-12-2010, 12:13 AM   #9
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Default Re: The State of the Planet

Hi Seashore - I have followed your posts for quite awhile and am in awe of your ability to research and find so much material

To answer your question "The thought occurred to me that Project Avalon members each have his/her own perspective on the overall state of affairs of the world at this point in time.

Based on all your research, and on your own personal experiences, how do you think we're doing?

I'm always interested in members' posts that are not a copy and paste from someone else's words, but simply what you think, in your own words.

I hope some of you will be willing to share. "

I know that the going is tough in many places and I do think there may be more to come. There is still a great deal of conflict in this world and in how we interact with each other.

As a species I think we still have a ways to go... my thoughts:

All conflict comes from fear - when people fear that they will no longer have the ability to take care of themselves or the people who depend on them they are capable of dispicable acts. That is the simple version - the easy to understand version - if you are starving you are more likely to steal and if your children are starving you may resort to even more desperate measures. (I am speaking in generalities - I hope that most of us would cooperate with each other in benevolent ways to ensure that everyones needs are met.)

The difficult version is what we see in tptb - if someone makes millions+ and may be at risk of losing some of that but by no means starving why would they result to some of things we suspect them of? Could be status, power, control - bottom line that person(s) may be afraid that if they lose their status etc. they will lose their ability to maintain their lifestyle which could spiral into loss of friends, connections, housing.....on down the line to their ability to support themselves/dependents. They may even be afraid for the lives.

Again - generalities and the very condensed version. A little dose of fear such as "Dude - you live on the slope of an active volcano - you may want to think about having an evacuation plan" or the kind of fear that kicks in to help you in an emergency can be a good thing. Allowing your life to be ruled by fear Conflict can also result in much needed change - but we must understand why we are having the conflict to get past it and move on.

How many time have you had an argument or disagreement with someone you are close to? Say curfews for teenagers - you say be home by such-and-such time. They're late - why are you mad? Because they disobeyed? Because they don't take "your authority seriously"? Because they have no respect for you? If you are honest - you are mad because you are scared to death that something horrible happened to them. You may think all of the other things - you may even have yourself convinced it's all the other things. And maybe they do need to work on respect, consideration etc. but bottom line - you were scared.

Think about it - if you really, really think about it can you come up with a conflict that didn't originate in fear? (disclaimer - more times than I care to admit I only recognize this in hindsight )

On a happier note - I also believe:
We all have something to contribute.
There is value in every living being - it's just harder to spot in some.
There is always hope.... (love that movie )
The right people will be in the right place at the right time

Thanks for starting this thread

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Old 01-12-2010, 01:04 AM   #10
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Default Re: The State of the Planet

I'm not feeling any fear either.
Finance is not a problem. I have no money and loads of bills. They can't have what I don't have.
I'm fit as a fiddle but not expecting life in this body to last too much longer, I will either leave it if a better offer comes along or be evicted if tptb win the game.
Either way I'll play along for a bit longer
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Old 01-12-2010, 01:17 AM   #11
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Default Re: The State of the Planet


if each individual affirms the obvious then the obvious is affirmed. If each individual see's a like minded affirmation then the affirmation will be affirmed. The confusion lies in what that like minded/group consciousness affirmation is. I'm guessing so far ... Most have affirmed the obvious, therefore the obvious will come. And has started already.
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Old 01-12-2010, 03:04 AM   #12
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Default Re: The State of the Planet

Thanks 5thElement, Swanny, and sammytray!

I loved reading your opinions and your outlook.
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Old 01-12-2010, 03:37 AM   #13
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Default Re: The State of the Planet

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
I think money will be useless.
If this happens it will be amazing to live through. We'll barter? What will happen after that?

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
I don't think aliens will step in to save us.
Regarding our political state of affairs struggling against tyranny, I don't know how an alien group could save us. I feel it has to do with our own understanding and consent.

Regarding earth changes, I'm thinking ETs with much advanced technology perhaps could intervene. But I'm very hazy on this topic. I would love to hear more discussion on that.

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
I do think if they tell us there are aliens here it will be a lie.
Are you saying you don't believe in aliens, or are you saying that the aliens that we'll be told are here will be a hologram or something like that to scare us into submission?
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Old 01-12-2010, 04:04 AM   #14
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Default Re: The State of the Planet

Originally Posted by Shaynard View Post
Each day we get a new piece of the puzzle in the "mainstream" and everyday dozens of people begin to "wake up" to their reality.
I was impressed with what I heard Alex Jones say about the fact that "The Drudge Report," (which I haven't really been following, but evidently Alex believes it to be mainstream) has now linked permanently to Alex's "Infowars" in the same section with "The Christian Science Monitor" and other news outlets.

Originally Posted by Shaynard View Post
I see it all as a beautiful step in a better direction for this earth.

Originally Posted by Shaynard View Post
Perhaps not coming to"help" but I believe the "good" ET's will visit us soon on a large scale level, in order to "come out of hiding".
I am intrigued by this possibility and I think it would be sooooo exciting.

Originally Posted by Shaynard View Post
but I not feeling any fear..
I think our exploration of the dangers we face and the steps we can take to prepare have been very valuable for us here on the forum. I think we've all felt fear but we're working through it - with joy.

Originally Posted by Shaynard View Post
I look forward to rolling with these changes, and witnessing all my brothers and sisters do the same. I look forward to the teaching/learning involved.
This internet allows us to share so much!

Originally Posted by Shaynard View Post
Also, it's important to be informed.

Originally Posted by Shaynard View Post
I see love growing everywhere.. and if this is the price we have to pay to achieve peace and goodwill towards all people.. So be it.
We're certainly paying our dues!
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Old 01-12-2010, 04:23 AM   #15
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Default Re: The State of the Planet

Commenting on the state of the world as I see it:

Ultimately, I see a happy ending and a new beginning for all those who are waiting for the promised golden age to arrive.

I think we have alot of challenges to face in between now and then,
and there seems to be a high probability that things will get even
more interesting with each passing day. The negative influences
of the dark forces are still quite pervasive, and I am sure we have not
seen all of the tricks waiting to be played.

I see lots of change ahead, some of which will be painful to varying
degrees, especially at first.

I do think that higher powers are actively working as we speak to
help keep things in check. I do think there will be those that appear
who will help lead the way. Ultimately, it will be the change in our own
consciousness that will lead to fundamental, lasting change for the better.
I think the waves of Galactic energy that we are encountering will
continue to facilitate this.

I am actively anticipating the time when we start to hear and experience
undeniably positive and amazing things that indicate the tipping point
has been reached.

Right now, things are extremely challenging for me and those around me.
Uncertainty regarding the future and confusion about the best way
to proceed are the most troubling to me at this time.

I keep coming back to the same thoughts that remind me I have always
been provided for in the past, and this will not change.
I will be in the right place at the right time, and will know exactly what I
need to do when the time comes.

Until we see manifestations of the tipping point, I find comfort in thoughts such as this:

"And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death,
neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away."
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Old 01-12-2010, 04:40 AM   #16
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Default Re: The State of the Planet

Originally Posted by Moxie View Post
At the home front, hens are laying steady, tomatoes ripening in the greenhouse, we're planning next season garden.
I didn't know you were a farmer, Moxie.

One of the things I think the U.S. needs to do is bring back the family farmer. I think everyone should live near their source of food - just because it is a necessity of life - and, because we need to bring back a connection to the land, for our spiritual well-being.

Originally Posted by Moxie View Post
I think the economy is a real problem and will become worse.
Yeah, it can't get better until we do something about the mess we're in with the trillions of public debt and the criminals who are presently in charge.

Originally Posted by Moxie View Post
My intuition tells me that there is something more to come about regarding the Flu.
My feeling is that there is still a 50 -50 chance that the controllers will release a lab virus.

The progress we've made in alerting the public to the dangers of vaccines has been wonderful to witness, but there is still the danger of a bio-weapon.

Originally Posted by Moxie View Post
still try to help others
I have been thinking about this alot. It's one thing to take steps for yourself and your family. But what about your neighbors who have not taken steps?

I wish we had more community organizing. It's what we really need.

Originally Posted by Moxie View Post
It appears true that something is up with our sun
I keep thinking about what Dr Deagle said in the last interview of him by Camelot - that surge protectors should be put on the grid. If we had responsible people in charge of things that's what would be happening.

It would be wonderful if we could make some progress there - if there's time.

Originally Posted by Moxie View Post
And, if November comes around as normal, there is hope that all encumbents are voted OUT.
I'm hearing talk about 3rd party candidates.

In my opinion, we will not clean up politics until we get the money out of it. I believe in outlawing political contributions.

Originally Posted by Moxie View Post
what do we REALLY know
I have come to a point where I know I can't know for sure what is true and what is not but it's okay I don't have to know! (I just wish I could. )

Originally Posted by Moxie View Post
I'm a believer in this.

Originally Posted by Moxie View Post
there's not enough time in the day to read all the books piled up beside my bed....
I have had to stop buying books because I have been wasting my money buying them and finding I can't read them. That didn't happen to me in past years but in the last year or so that has been the case.
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Old 01-12-2010, 05:36 AM   #17
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Default Re: The State of the Planet

Originally Posted by 5thElement View Post
I have followed your posts for quite awhile and am in awe of your ability to research and find so much material
Thank you very much.

Originally Posted by 5thElement View Post
All conflict comes from fear
I enjoyed reading what you had to say about this.

Maybe if we remind ourselves to take into consideration the fears that others are experiencing and try to accommodate those fears at the same time we look after our own needs, we'll be more successful in getting resolutions to conflicts...

Originally Posted by 5thElement View Post
There is value in every living being - it's just harder to spot in some.

Yeah - our job is to bring out the best in ourselves and others!

Originally Posted by 5thElement View Post
Thanks for starting this thread
You're welcome.

Thanks for participating.
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Old 01-12-2010, 05:38 AM   #18
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Default Re: The State of the Planet

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
Finance is not a problem. I have no money and loads of bills. They can't have what I don't have.
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Old 01-12-2010, 06:02 AM   #19
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Default Re: The State of the Planet

Thanks, Fiiish.

Originally Posted by FIIISH View Post
Ultimately, I see a happy ending and a new beginning for all those who are waiting for the promised golden age to arrive.
I am not a believer in a promised golden age. I don't think that way. I think the future remains to be seen. I also worry about people anticipating a golden age because I think it causes them to not feel the need to make a contribution toward solutions...

Originally Posted by FIIISH View Post
Ultimately, it will be the change in our own consciousness that will lead to fundamental, lasting change for the better.
I like participating in this transformation. It's exciting.

Originally Posted by FIIISH View Post
Uncertainty regarding the future and confusion about the best way to proceed are the most troubling to me at this time.
I suspect the majority of us feel the same way.

Originally Posted by FIIISH View Post
I will be in the right place at the right time, and will know exactly what I need to do when the time comes.
I like this thought.
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Old 01-12-2010, 06:14 AM   #20
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Default Re: The State of the Planet

I agree with you Seashore. I definitely can't say I don't feel fear ever. More clearly what I meant was regarding this topic, or the next few years. Instead I consider myself aware of the difficulties and have already processed the fear.. as you described above.

~You get bitten by a snake, and you make a deep cut, drain the poison, the cut scabs, and heals, and if you've taken proper care of it during this healing, there will be little scaring. Stay away from snakes in the future, and you'll never taste this poison again.~

In light, of love
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Old 01-12-2010, 11:16 AM   #21
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Default Re: The State of the Planet

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post

Are you saying you don't believe in aliens, or are you saying that the aliens that we'll be told are here will be a hologram or something like that to scare us into submission?

I do believe in aliens. But I don't believe anything the governments tell us, so yea if they tell us they are here I bet they don't make them friendly ones, or maybe friendly to start with then turn them bad.
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Old 01-12-2010, 11:58 AM   #22
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Default Re: The State of the Planet

Originally Posted by Shaynard View Post
~You get bitten by a snake...
I like this parable.

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
I don't believe anything the governments tell us, so yea if they tell us they are here I bet they don't make them friendly ones, or maybe friendly to start with then turn them bad.
I read Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News" and he talks alot about a staged alien invasion.

(But he also talks about the possibility of a real one. Something about the Kuipers Belt...)
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Old 01-14-2010, 04:49 PM   #23
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Default Re: The State of the Planet

The economy is in the tank. Once upon a time, we had a real economy based on people having real money buying real things from independent businesses. The economy for the next year will be based on compulsion (i.e. mandatory health care, higher taxes/costs) and people who have fake (bailout) money. The US can keep up this game for a long while, but the US currency will eventually fail in the international market relative to other countries which will cause hyperinflation or a currency crisis at home. I see much more community/victory gardens and people who come up with a whole host of new solutions to high costs/dead economy with technology and new ideas.

The new economy after the collapse will be based partially on libertarianism and partially on voluntary cooperation. People are not going to just sit back and let other people starve or be without shelter, but people helping out other people will be voluntary and not compulsive. I believe that with earth changes and the financial collapse, all of us will be living in some form of an intentional community in the next several years, whether it be in the country or in a large city. I also see the new economy based on a strange blend of old technology (i.e. horses and oxen) and new technology (i.e. cars and solar panels).

On the spiritual side, I see we are coming to a point where people are having their beliefs shattered. This means all of the people who were pro-establishment who thought they knew everything are going to come to a point where they don't know what to believe, but they begin to realize on many levels they are being lied to.

For all of us on Avalon and people who have been following what is happening in the real world, this is going to present a real opportunity to be heard and to take some type of concrete action. The action part will come quickly as people will be in dire need from the financial collapse. I think TPTB may be having difficulties at this point -- I read the news regularly and I'm not so convinced they have so much control of the chaos right now or if they have as much control as they think they do.

For some reason, I don't see people rioting or freaking out en mass. I see some type of new energy structure that is keeping people from going off the deep end.

I think our best bet is order ab chao. There will be an opportunity for us very soon to make the type of world we want and people will be increasingly receptive to what we are saying. Despite the massive destruction that is occurring and that it may be emotionally painful for many people, I truly feel we're on the right track and that things are going very well.
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Old 01-14-2010, 05:47 PM   #24
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Default Re: The State of the Planet

Thanks, Sjkted.

Originally Posted by sjkted View Post
I see much more community/victory gardens and people who come up with a whole host of new solutions ... with technology and new ideas.
I love this thought!

Originally Posted by sjkted View Post
but people helping out other people will be voluntary and not compulsive.
I have always been a believer in a safety net paid for with tax money and have wanted to contribute my share to the tax revenue for this purpose, but maybe voluntary is better. I don't know.

I have felt the way I have about using tax money because I worry about a safety net being left to chance. Of course our government is corrupt so our tax money at present is not being used wisely. But if we could clean up the corruption...

Originally Posted by sjkted View Post
I believe that with earth changes and the financial collapse, all of us will be living in some form of an intentional community in the next several years, whether it be in the country or in a large city.
Love that word "community"!

Originally Posted by sjkted View Post
I also see the new economy based on a strange blend of old technology (i.e. horses and oxen) and new technology (i.e. cars and solar panels).

I love focusing on technology. It's way cool.

Originally Posted by sjkted View Post
On the spiritual side, I see we are coming to a point where people are having their beliefs shattered. This means all of the people who were pro-establishment who thought they knew everything are going to come to a point where they don't know what to believe, but they begin to realize on many levels they are being lied to.
I look forward to this day because right now I can't discuss anything with my four siblings...

Originally Posted by sjkted View Post
For all of us on Avalon and people who have been following what is happening in the real world, this is going to present a real opportunity to be heard and to take some type of concrete action. The action part will come quickly as people will be in dire need from the financial collapse.
I have been thinking about this a lot lately. It's one thing to be prepared myself and to look our for my children (even though they're adults). But I'm going to facing what comes along with neighbors in close proximity to me...

Originally Posted by sjkted View Post
I truly feel we're on the right track and that things are going very well.
I see encouraging progress, too.
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Old 01-16-2010, 07:50 AM   #25
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Default Re: The State of the Planet

Originally Posted by sjkted View Post
The economy is in the tank. Once upon a time, we had a real economy based on people having real money buying real things from independent businesses. The economy for the next year will be based on compulsion (i.e. mandatory health care, higher taxes/costs) and people who have fake (bailout) money. The US can keep up this game for a long while, but the US currency will eventually fail in the international market relative to other countries which will cause hyperinflation or a currency crisis at home. I see much more community/victory gardens and people who come up with a whole host of new solutions to high costs/dead economy with technology and new ideas.

The new economy after the collapse will be based partially on libertarianism and partially on voluntary cooperation. People are not going to just sit back and let other people starve or be without shelter, but people helping out other people will be voluntary and not compulsive. I believe that with earth changes and the financial collapse, all of us will be living in some form of an intentional community in the next several years, whether it be in the country or in a large city. I also see the new economy based on a strange blend of old technology (i.e. horses and oxen) and new technology (i.e. cars and solar panels).

On the spiritual side, I see we are coming to a point where people are having their beliefs shattered. This means all of the people who were pro-establishment who thought they knew everything are going to come to a point where they don't know what to believe, but they begin to realize on many levels they are being lied to.

For all of us on Avalon and people who have been following what is happening in the real world, this is going to present a real opportunity to be heard and to take some type of concrete action. The action part will come quickly as people will be in dire need from the financial collapse. I think TPTB may be having difficulties at this point -- I read the news regularly and I'm not so convinced they have so much control of the chaos right now or if they have as much control as they think they do.

For some reason, I don't see people rioting or freaking out en mass. I see some type of new energy structure that is keeping people from going off the deep end.

I think our best bet is order ab chao. There will be an opportunity for us very soon to make the type of world we want and people will be increasingly receptive to what we are saying. Despite the massive destruction that is occurring and that it may be emotionally painful for many people, I truly feel we're on the right track and that things are going very well.
I like what you have said very much....

How do we reach ALL those people? This is the tricky part.
I believe it all will crash, then the people will know as they rome and encounter others.
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