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Old 06-28-2009, 02:28 PM   #1
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Default God, Jesus, Satan, Lucifer, Gabriel, Michael, Amen Ra, Hathor, Abraxasinas, Thubans,

Here are some posts I made on another thread...and I just wanted to condense them...and place them in a more appropriate context than the original thread...where I got a bit carried away. Here goes:

I grew up worshipping and praising 'God'. I don't do this anymore. I have painfully come to the conclusion that the very concept of 'God' is highly problematic. I believe in spiritual things. I believe in good and evil. I believe in the highest ethical behavior. I believe in life after life after life. But We the People of Earth should not bow down and worship, praise, and unquestioningly obey anyone...male, female, human, reptilian, grey, it, etc, etc. We the People of Earth should rule ourselves. I think that Jesus tried to tell us this...in a bit of a round about way. The religious people have gotten it wrong...and the atheists have gotten it wrong. I guess I want a secular spirituality which does not involve formal, arbitrary, and ritual religion. I can say more about this...but I'm tired...and I find this difficult to discuss at the moment. For now...see the statement below:

We the People of Earth have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves, and for future generations...a True World Order. A world where Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom...not the Old World Disorder Demonic Theocracy...governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful...and we will be...we have a real chance at this True World Order...an order in which a credible United Nations can use Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom to fulfill the promise and vision of All Races.

Organized religion is the isness turned into the business of a luciferian monopoly on monotheism. How's that for a heretical mouthful? I'm so gonna burn!

A Reading From the Twenty First Chapter of Leviticus:

1.And the LORD said unto Moses, Speak unto the priests the sons of Aaron, and say unto them, There shall none be defiled for the dead among his people:
2.But for his kin, that is near unto him, that is, for his mother, and for his father, and for his son, and for his daughter, and for his brother,
3.And for his sister a virgin, that is nigh unto him, which hath had no husband; for her may he be defiled .
4.But he shall not defile himself, being a chief man among his people, to profane himself.
5.They shall not make baldness upon their head, neither shall they shave off the corner of their beard, nor make any cuttings in their flesh.
6.They shall be holy unto their God, and not profane the name of their God: for the offerings of the LORD made by fire, and the bread of their God, they do offer : therefore they shall be holy.
7.They shall not take a wife that is a whore , or profane; neither shall they take a woman put away from her husband: for he is holy unto his God.
8.Thou shalt sanctify him therefore; for he offereth the bread of thy God: he shall be holy unto thee: for I the LORD, which sanctify you, am holy.
9.And the daughter of any priest, if she profane herself by playing the whore , she profaneth her father: she shall be burnt with fire.
10.And he that is the high priest among his brethren, upon whose head the anointing oil was poured , and that is consecrated to put on the garments, shall not uncover his head, nor rend his clothes;
11.Neither shall he go in to any dead body, nor defile himself for his father, or for his mother;
12.Neither shall he go out of the sanctuary, nor profane the sanctuary of his God; for the crown of the anointing oil of his God is upon him: I am the LORD.
13.And he shall take a wife in her virginity.
14.A widow, or a divorced woman , or profane, or an harlot , these shall he not take : but he shall take a virgin of his own people to wife.
15.Neither shall he profane his seed among his people: for I the LORD do sanctify him.
16.And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying ,
17.Speak unto Aaron, saying , Whosoever he be of thy seed in their generations that hath any blemish, let him not approach to offer the bread of his God.
18.For whatsoever man he be that hath a blemish, he shall not approach : a blind man, or a lame, or he that hath a flat nose , or any thing superfluous ,
19.Or a man that is brokenfooted , or brokenhanded ,
20.Or crookbackt, or a dwarf, or that hath a blemish in his eye, or be scurvy, or scabbed, or hath his stones broken;
21.No man that hath a blemish of the seed of Aaron the priest shall come nigh to offer the offerings of the LORD made by fire: he hath a blemish; he shall not come nigh to offer the bread of his God.
22.He shall eat the bread of his God, both of the most holy, and of the holy.
23.Only he shall not go in unto the vail, nor come nigh unto the altar, because he hath a blemish; that he profane not my sanctuaries: for I the LORD do sanctify them.
24.And Moses told it unto Aaron, and to his sons, and unto all the children of Israel.

The Word of the Lord? Thanks Be to God?

The problem with my posts is the disruption and disorientation factor. Hopefully this is minimal here in this philosophical no-man's land of Avalon. But exercise extreme caution in the area of theology. It is a Pandora's Box. People sometimes divorce...go insane...commit suicide...etc...when they lose their faith. A pastor once told me not to get too deep into theology. I belonged to a church which prided itself on the fact that people studied their way into the truth of this faith. But later...many of their children went to college...and found out that all was not well with the faith...and studied their way out of the church. And all too often...no one other than their parents...seemed to give a rat's patootie. All too many of us received a swift kick on our way out the door.

The God of This World is Not the God of This Universe. I suspect a malevolent collection of aliens playing God...with a kingpin named Lucifer. Jesus tried to set us free. The Teachings of Jesus can help us to tap into the divinity which is in each of us. This is not an arrogant assertion. But it may be Us vs Them...and we need to understand this if we are going to stand up to Them...and Set Ourselves Free. I try to follow the words of Christ...but I am not waiting for him to come and save us. Beware of a staged UFO invasion and a staged Second Coming of Christ. God save us from our saviors...and we have nothing to fear but the fearmongers.

"God's work on Earth must truly be our own." (JFK)

Achieving a critical mass of Christ-like beings(human and non-human) on Earth is the key to liberation. This will precipitate a global exorcism. I'm not anti-alien...just anti-demon. I speak in speculative generalities because the people in the know...don't seem to want us to know. They keep us guessing.

Originally Posted by 14 Chakras:
Quote: "Achieving a critical mass of Christ-like beings(human and non-human) on Earth is the key to liberation."

Response by 14 Chakras: I agree on the human part, this is the key. A critical mass of Christ Beings, a "Christ Mass" of people of planet earth (not aliens pretending to be humans - sorry aliens, you don't qualify for this part of the mission, this is not your planet) who surrender the illusion they are only human and replace it with the reality that they are infinite spiritual beings who, in Oneness with all life, are here to raise up creation from within, is required to make the shift into the golden age without the prophesied 'birth pains / cataclysms / atrocities'... The question is, are YOU going to step up to the plate?

My response: I like this post. But if malevolent aliens are jerking our chain...we may need the help of benevolent aliens to accomplish a global exorcism. If malevolent aliens are holed up in heavily fortified Deep Underground Military Bases throughout the solar system...with reinforcements on the way...we may be in more trouble than we can possibly imagine. We probably need insiders...human and non-human...to be decidedly on the side of Responsible Freedom. I like the idea of interacting with benevolent aliens. I wouldn't even have a problem with some of them living on Earth...but they could never be our rulers or gods...and truly benevolent aliens would never play the part.

God is a Composite. If God is an it...is Satan an it too? If there is a Divine Feminine...is there a Demonic Feminine too?

I offer the following as a suggestion rather than as a dogmatic assertion. It is my idealistic view of what theology should be(if we need theology at all). I do have a darker view of theology...which is partially explored in this thread. These thoughts seem to make sense to me, but they are not orthodox or widely believed. They could be considered to be heresy. So burn me!

The Trinity is avoided by a lot of clergy. It's a lot easier to speak of loving neighbor as self, than it is to speak of one God, in three persons. And we haven't seen any of them. That we know of, at least! Is God the Father the one who sends fire down from heaven, makes rules, orders people to kill other people, is overbearing and authoritarian? Or is God the Father the same as God the Son, Jesus Christ? Jesus said, "Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father." So is it the first or second option? All of the above or none of the above?

Allow me to gingerly suggest that God the Father can be equated with what I refer to as God the Concept: The most ideal, yet realistic conceptualization of God, which changes constantly as times, knowledge, needs and perceptions change. God the Concept can be male, female, or a composite of the two. A combination of reality and fiction! There is enough reality for believers to believe, and enough fiction for doubters to doubt. I believe that God exists, but that it is still necessary to invent Him, or Her, at least partially! And believe it or not, I say this with the utmost reverence and respect. I believe that God wishes for us to be open-minded and honest. If we are wrong, God can work with us on that. That is forgivable! If we are narrow, closed-minded, arrogant, and dishonest...well that comes very close to sinning against the Holy Spirit. God can't do a lot to help us at that point! God the Father, as pictured in the Old Testament, was the conceptualization of God necessary to accomplish the foundational development of religion, with the door left wide open for future representations of God, and the advanced development of religion.

Is Jesus Christ the only Son of God, begotten, not made, of one being with the Father? Has God appeared in human flesh only once in all of history, and for only 33 years, and of that, with only 3 years of high-profile visibility? Allow me to gingerly suggest that God the Son can be equated with what I call God the Human: The most God-like human, male or female, alive at any moment throughout human history, and inclusively, but not exclusively, Jesus Christ! For practical purposes, to avoid confusion, and because they are true and ageless, the Teachings of Jesus are the absolute foundation of the Christian Church. They build on the moral teachings of the Old Testament without including the ceremonial and ritual teachings!

In the fullness of time, prophetically, Jesus Christ emerged as the most God-like person on the face of Planet Earth. Indeed, he was, and is God. No other human can make that claim! But Jesus said, "greater things will you do!" How could the followers of Almighty God do greater things than God Himself? Jesus set the standard, and drew a line in the sand regarding character and behavior. But when Jesus came to Earth, He was on a mission-trip, not an ego-trip! Would you really respect someone who expected to be worshiped and praised? I do respect someone who walked the walk, talked the talk, and simply asked to be loved and taken seriously. In mind, character, and personality, others throughout subsequent history undoubtedly equaled the spirituality and morality of Jesus Christ. But it has not been their role to be the benchmark of humanity, the gold standard of righteousness!

In one sense, others have been God the Human, but not in the same sense as Jesus Christ. They have more precisely been God's Ambassadors to Planet Earth. These highly righteous people did not become the new foundation. These people must keep referring back to the life and teachings of Christ. That is the standard! It is their role to live the life of Christ, and to apply the teachings of Christ to their time. As Christians, we are followers of Jesus Christ. He is the foundation of the magnificent structure being constructed on Earth, called the Kingdom of God!

Is the Holy Spirit really real, and really God? Is the Holy Spirit the most real, most presently present, and most agelessly God? Allow me to gingerly suggest that the Holy Spirit is the most God-like spirit being at any moment throughout spirit history. Not a single entity! Kindred spirit beings represent the mind, character, and personality of this primary spirit being to human beings here on Earth! Corporately, these spirit beings constitute the Holy Spirit. Omnipresent! They represent to us the living Christ, based upon the historical Jesus, and especially the teachings of Jesus. But the adaptation is contemporary!

The inverse of all that I have said above would constitute a Satanic Trinity! I believe in this reality as well. This is a very, very dangerous reality! This is why I plead with you to pray to God earnestly in the name of Jesus Christ, and with the power of the Holy Spirit! Pray! Don't delve, or play spiritual games! If you experiment rather than pray, you will undoubtedly end up playing with the Devil and the Demons!

I am saying this to scare the Hell out of you! Have I succeeded, or do you feel lucky? Satan would love to have you go ahead and make his day...

Could this(the second video) be getting close to who Lucifer aka Satan aka God of This World is? We might be very surprised at who runs Earth, the Solar System, and the Universe. Do world leaders have to bow down to such a being in an inner earth temple? See video clips below.

14 Chakras: I agree with you completely. This is very simple...yet very complex. When we finally get this sorted out(if we survive)...it will probably seem so obvious and elementary...yet it may take us millions of years to get there. I hope not. But how long has this universe been engaged in fighting over who gets to be God and who gets to be The Master Race?

I'm trying to think through a constitutionally based solar system...where reptilians, humans, and greys peacefully engage in commerce, athletics, education, tourism, the arts, entertainment, etc. There would be no God, no Satan...and nobody would have to bow down and worship anyone. No one would be a master...and no one would be a slave. Everyone would be in charge. I keep referring to the U.S. Constitution because of it being in use for over 200 years, and being currently in use. There could be others...perhaps superior...but I'm trying not to reinvent the wheel. It does not imply nationalism or protectionism. It does imply We the People(we the beings?) being in charge...in an organized decentralism.

If there are Deep Underground Military Bases throughout the solar system inhabited by various factions of humans, greys, and reptilians...an all out war would be utterly devastating. A voluntary cooperation under a constitution would make so much more sense. The gods could retire...which is what I want. I don't want Lucifer(or equivalent) to be hurt or killed...I just want the reign of terror to end.

I'm suspecting that well intentioned beings of all races...for billions of years...have tried to be God...and failed miserably. Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely...no matter how intelligent and well-intentioned you are. It turns a Good God into an Evil Satan...and it probably doesn't take very long.

TraineeHuman: Did I suggest making the Bible the standard? I have suggested making the U.S. Constitution the standard. Truly benevolent reptilians, greys, and humans should have no problem with this. It would be corrupt beings who wish to be God Almighty or The Master Race who would object to a decentralized form of government which empowers everyone.

I think that it is very plausible that when anyone is ruled over...that they eventually rebel. Then they try to rule...only to find their subjects rebelling against them. Could one third of the angels have been humans...one third reptilians...and one third greys? Were the humans in charge? Did the humans abuse their power and mistreat the reptilians and greys? Did the reptilians rebel? Were the greys caught in the middle? I'm thinking more and more...that the history of this universe is very, very sad. Jesus said 'I have many things to tell you...but you cannot bear them.' Jesus also said to 'be wise as serpents'...and I don't think he was referring to rattlesnakes. Despite the plagiarisms, redactions, supressions, misinterpretations, etc, etc...I think that Jesus was the real deal...and tried to set everyone free...including the reptilians and greys.

I'm exploring the possibility that it may be impossible to be God...without becoming Satan. Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely. I guess I'm calling for all of the Gods and Satans to step down from their thrones and retire...and empower the beings of the universe with Constitutional Responsible Freedom.
I guess I'm not calling for a new God. I'm calling for No God. I believe in the existence of God...but I believe that God should not exist.

Atheistic Spirituality: Orthodoxymoron or Wave of the Future? Thou shalt have No Gods. This is a new thought for me...and I am not dogmatic(godmatic?)...not yet anyway.

Hello Lucifer. Why don't we just call the whole thing off...and go and get drunk? I'll buy.

Pat Condell has quite a few videos on YouTube. I generally like him...although I would never rant like he does...not publicly anyway! He's a bitter ex-Catholic! One has to have a theological background to be able to rant like he does. I love theology...and I hate theology...simultaneously.

Watch these videos over and over...and imagine the 'god' in the temple speaking the words spoken by Leo. Do we have a match? Is this what Lucifer looks and sounds like? Does Lucifer live in an Inner Earth Stargate Temple/Cathedral in a Deep Underground Military Base where Eucharistic Liturgies involving Live Human Sacrifices are performed? Do world leaders worship and praise the God of This World in this Temple/Cathedral? Was Leo possessed? Was 9/11 an Inside Earth Job? Did ET Phone Rome...and Call 911? I'm obviously speculating...and making a giant leap...but the shoe seems to fit. Is the New World Order the Sacred Roman Empire aka The Kingdom of God aka One Nation Under Satan? The Old World Disorder Demonic Theocracy? Leo was looney...but was his rant very revealing regarding the nature of the NWO? Listen very closely. What does he say about God being a Man...an Alien from Sirius...the Prince of Sirius? The Prince of This World? Giza Intelligence? Seriously. Is Lucifer losing it? I maintain that Lucifer is more deranged than evil. Beings throughout universal history have become drunk and deranged with power...despite their best intentions. Hello Lucifer. Am I getting too hot? The power of Christ compels you to surrender the solar system to Constitutional Responsible Freedom. The universe is watching. I don't hate you. I just want you to retire. Imagine that: Me Tempting Satan! I want all Gods and Satans to retire...Permanently. Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely. God is a Fraud. God is Satan. Satan is God. The Universal Church is the Synagogue of Satan: A Luciferian Monopoly on Monotheism.
Checkmate. Game Over. Lucifer...Let My People Go. Now. Then I'll buy you a drink...and we'll talk about sacred music. I go for Baroque.

1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6eTb...next=1YouTube- The Temptation of Jesus by the Devil in the Wilderness
2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6z7O7UZxipM
3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3A6_blpqpU
4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b365_...e=fvwpYouTube- Stargate SG1 - Goa'ulds - Awesome Gods?
5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahjPQjQGdbU
6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UWZB...elatedYouTube- The Day The Earth Stood Still - Trailer
7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1kmm...elatedYouTube- V - the final battle - chapter 39
8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tm4Ud...elatedYouTube- Leo Zagami Admits Demonic Possession but fights satanists
9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=niFvB...elatedYouTube- (2/10) Moziah Delivers Leo Lyon Zagami from Lucifer
10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GVQi...elatedYouTube- (3/10) Moziah Delivers Leo Lyon Zagami from Lucifer
11. www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDCBSe_yp7k&NR=1YouTube- (4/10) Moziah Delivers Leo Lyon Zagami from Lucifer
12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6Cq7gx22S0
13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rx8PdvOELvY

I found the following in chapter 19 of the 'Dulce Book' http://www.thewatcherfiles.com/dulce_book.htm on the watcherfiles.com website. I don't know if this is credible...but it really made me think. If the U.S. Constitution was the central authority of the solar system...instead of any deity or demon...no one would be worshipped, humiliated, exalted, enslaved, etc. If Lucifer is the god of this world(and solar system?)...and will not relinquish power to anyone else('if I can't have them...nobody can!')...because of fear, pride, and degeneracy...might a constitutional ultimate authority allow this being to retire with grace...and return to Draco or Orion? I'd really rather skip the Battle of Armageddon.

'One of the 'targets' to which Mr. Brown's military RV trainer sent him was the Grey aliens' collective mind, and more specifically he was instructed to search out the ultimate command or control center of the collective.

Shortly after this particular experiment began [one of many], Brown found himself in an area where several Greys were working, although he did not know exactly where this was. He 'followed' the collective mind or thought-flow and found it to be absolutely massive, giving him the feeling of something unbounded, and almost universal in nature. However, he did detect a center, a definite 'heartbeat' of this massive collective matrix, into which and out from which a steady stream of information was flowing.

He noticed, at one point, an unusual 'subspace' being that seemed to be directing the activities of the Greys he was observing, and discovered that the bodies of the Greys themselves were incarnated by such 'subspace' beings which apparently entered the Greys' embryonic bodies and used them as vessels to manipulate physical reality.

Brown was then instructed to locate other of these beings who apparently controlled the Grey collective from a subspace or astral level, and found himself in an area where several of these subspace or paraphysical entities were located. As he continued towards this 'center' the number of subspace or non-corporeal beings increased until he came to a place of much activity, something like a grand central station type of area, where these beings were very active in various pursuits. He did not know exactly where this was, but noticed that the closer he came to the control 'center' the more he sensed an increasing rigid atmosphere of absolute military-like control. He came to what he sensed was the central governing center of the subspace beings' activity, and in the center of this there was another area where a "council of 10" very high-level subspace or paraphysical entities congregated. These were apparently the governing principalities who were engaged in running the whole operation. The security here was absolutely incredible.

Then he perceived the SUPREME LEADER of this council of 10 paraphysical entities... and at about this point Courtney Brown was jerked back into his body, so to speak. He sensed that this leader had detected the presence of his own subspace, astral or magnetic body which he had projected, and had followed this RV 'intruder' back to his physical source. Brown and his trainer felt an oppressive, dark 'cloud' enter the room and it stayed there for about half a minute scrutinizing the scene. It left, apparently seeing the two RV'ers as "small frys" who were not worth wasting its time on.

Before Brown's expulsion from the command center however, he was able to perceive for a brief moment what this being was really like. He or it was an extremely powerful being, but one with a twisted personality that was full of darkness. Apparently this being had come into conflict with another Force which it saw as its enemy. Brown sensed within this being a severe self-esteem problem, in spite of its incredible power, and because of this it had a consuming desire to be worshipped by others. Brown was confused when he sensed that these subspace beings, and in turn the Reptilians/Greys, were actually COMMANDED by this leader to engage in self-indulgent and destructive activities. This being apparently wanted his servants to use self-indulgent rewards or fear of punishment to maintain the absolute hierarchical command structure within its empire -- as well as through the rest of the subspace hierarchy, and in turn throughout the Reptilian Grey's collective 'hive' society that they completely infested.

Brown also got the impression that it was FEAR and PRIDE -- its perceived NEED to be worshipped -- that kept this being from negotiating with its ancient enemy, and that this being was utterly desperate to maintain its very survival or existence [strange for a seemingly immortal subspace being] and chose to resort to rebellion and terrorism in a desperate attempt to take control of the situation. Brown recieved a strong impression that this being was the ultimate universal terrorist!!! Apparently because of its all-consuming ego this being would NEVER humble itself before its 'enemy', and the same might be said for most of the upper echelon of the hierarchy who depended on the praise of their fellow collaborators to maintain their illusion of self-importance.

These beings, one might say, had long ago and of their own free-agency 'imploded' in upon themselves -- becoming 'spiritual black holes' with all-consuming appetites, absolute astral vampirial-like parasites, having extinguished all 'light' within themselves and therefore being unable to be brought back "into the light". Incapable of giving out 'light', they have become totally reprobate, devouring any and all life and innocence around them that they can possibly consume. The leader of this subspace 'collective' had long ago drawn these other dark beings into itself, like a large black star devouring other smaller ones around it. This irreversible state MIGHT not apply entirely to ALL of these "subspace" beings, as we will see later on.

Now if we go to the book of Revelation, chapter 12, we find that the ultimate leader of the serpent race's collective or 'hive mind' is Lucifer, also known as the "great red dragon", the "old serpent", "the Devil" or "Satan" in the same chapter. Lucifer was one of the three original archangels [aside from Michael and Gabriel] who each apparently had charge over one-third of the light beings whom the Almighty had created... possibly numbering in the billions or trillions.'

1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZEO1...re=fvwYouTube- Joan Osborne - One of Us
2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjZ-l...elatedYouTube- Godless and free
3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IvPIWzQcUY
4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlfKd...elatedYouTube- Where the Hell is Matt? (2008)

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 01-09-2010 at 09:47 PM. Reason: Emerging thread and proper English
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Old 06-28-2009, 02:39 PM   #2
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Default Re: God, Jesus, Satan, Lucifer, Etc.

Your right, the Catholic Church invented the whole worship god deal so that you would actually be worshiping the church hierarchy. It is a bunch of bs designed to keep you from knowing god and to keep them in power through fear. The higher dimensional entities do not require any type of worship, only gratitude.
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Old 06-28-2009, 03:12 PM   #3
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Default Re: God, Jesus, Satan, Lucifer, Etc.

I found this interesting ,what you think ? http://www.youtube.com/view_play_lis...C979C77BFA69CC
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Old 06-29-2009, 05:14 AM   #4
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Default Re: God, Jesus, Satan, Lucifer, Etc.

I don't blame the Roman Catholic Church. This goes way, way back into antiquity...and is Luciferian. Human beings are not our enemies. Lucifer works through all religions...old and new. We live in a haunted planet. We are truly in a very spooky prison. If Jesuits choose to turn on Lucifer enmasse...the demonic reign of terror will probably end. The Jesuits may turn out to be the best friends of the human race. But if they do this...they may pay a very frightful price. We live in very interesting and dangerous times. Hang on folks.

I enjoyed watching these videos...but there is truth and error to be found everywhere. Just don't choose one church or guru...and don't stop asking hard questions. I've learned a lot from New Age sources...and from Jordan Maxwell...but I have learned a lot from Roman Catholics, Atheists, Agnostics, Protestants, Etc, Etc. My mind is a real zoo of ideas. That's a scary thought...isn't it?

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 06-29-2009 at 05:18 AM.
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Old 06-29-2009, 01:06 PM   #5
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Default Re: God, Jesus, Satan, Lucifer, Etc.

Once again I totally resignate with you Orthydoxymoran.... You are able to focus and put in to words, so much that is running round my head in abstract and disjointed..

I absolutely agree with you and I think this is a very importnat thread and it makes one think clearly and with out judgment.....
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Old 06-29-2009, 03:48 PM   #6
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Default Re: God, Jesus, Satan, Lucifer, Etc.

That is the other lie that the church as told. They would have you believe that there is only one negatively polarized entity that is responsible for all negativity. In reality that just simply is incorrect. I am not a fan of dark arch angels by any means. Just trying to make the point that Lucifer is just one of the etheric forms of consciousness responsible for the dark side. There are many more, some even more powerful than him. Most of the idiots who worship negative beings like that have no clue how many negative beings are participating in manipulating them.
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Old 06-29-2009, 09:11 PM   #7
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Default Re: God, Jesus, Satan, Lucifer, Etc.

antonia: Thank-you.

tone3jaguar: I agree. I'm not an expert on this subject. I'm just trying to think about it...and get other people to think about it. What I presented in the first post is simply the way I am leaning presently. This could change completely and suddenly. I'm not blindly speculating...but I am speculating nonetheless.

I feel like I'm fighting an uphill battle with this stuff. If I really understood what I'm dealing with...I'd probably leave the topic completely alone. We wrestle not against flesh and blood...but against principalities and powers...and spiritual wickedness in the heavenlies. The horror.
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Old 06-29-2009, 10:43 PM   #8
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Default Re: God, Jesus, Satan, Lucifer, Etc.

I went through the similar phase of understanding of these things that you are now some time back. Not saying that this is where it is headed for you, but I have now resolved with myself that the perception of evil and evil events and happenings only exist to serve as catalyst for our spiritual and emotional learning. I do not support evil or conspire with it, but looking back in hindsight, I would not be where I am now philosopically and spiritually if I had not gotten my ass handed to me over and over by the dark side. It is just part of the construct of this level of reality. A very small percentage of the evil is not supposed to be here. However, I think most of it is.
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Old 06-30-2009, 05:43 AM   #9
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I don't think evil is supposed to be here...but that it is part of the evolution of the universe. It may have been unavoidable. Again...I think that beings throughout the universe have done the best they could for billions of years...but have probably gotten it wrong over and over again. One would think that the God concept is the way things should be...but again...I presently think that it is impossible for a God to avoid becoming a Satan. Again...Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely. This may be the Original Sin. The Mystery of Iniquity. This is why I am leaning toward a constitutional model of organized decentralized power...with Responsible Freedom as the Modus Operandi. This is not rocket science. It is really restating the obvious. But sometimes the obvious is obscure. I choose to eschew obfuscation!

When this present darkness turns to brightness...I really and truly would sit down and have a bottle of fine wine with Lucifer...and I've never had a drink in my life. I just want the BS to end. I don't want revenge, vengeance...or even justice. I just want the bad guys and gals to become good guys and gals. Amnesty and Immunity in exchange for full disclosure, cooperation, and reasonable restitution...would be fine with me. Again...the BS simply needs to stop.

I don't know if Lucifer frequents Avalon...probably not...but one never knows. I'm certainly not going to involve myself in rituals or exorcisms to get my 'opportunity' to interview Lucifer. Therefore...I sometimes address Lucifer...just in case. Hello Lucifer. Let my people go. Retire.

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Old 06-30-2009, 04:54 PM   #10
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Default Re: God, Jesus, Satan, Lucifer, Etc.

Here is a link which is relevant to this thread. Zagami stated in the video interview with Forerunner that aliens are just a cover for demons. This source says the same thing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cu5pN...relatedYouTube - January 26th, 2008 - Part 2 (2nd Interview

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Old 07-05-2009, 04:13 AM   #11
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Default Re: God, Jesus, Satan, Lucifer, Etc.

Originally Posted by orthodoxymoron View Post
"aliens are just a cover for demons."
Might make sense that demons need bodies to act in this dimension right? Not all aliens but some, and possibly a majority of the more powerful in the lower dimensions, sounds plausible to me.

Tone3 - yes, I agree. There is no supreme dark being, this is a lie. There is no opposite of God. There are simply a lot of beings at various levels of development within the schoolroom of the universe who fell when the ingredient of duality was added to the mix.

They became identified with the mirror of God, with the darkness, which is purely an illusion and will completely disappear eventually when co-creators throughout the universe have shined light into all the nook and crannies that are currently dark.

Could it be the goal of heaven now in dealing with those who fell is to get them to see the error of their ways, by their own free will and enable them to pay off their karma and continue along the path of God realization? Failing to do this, it may be worth considering they are being judged and have to start the game all over again from scratch (revelations may be real, but moreso for the bad guys).

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Old 07-06-2009, 04:18 AM   #12
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I tend to think that both good and evil is hierarchical in nature...with leaders of both polar extremes. I guess I'd like to see this all go away. I really want the bad guys to become good guys. I'm really confused and conflicted about non human races. Should they be kept at a distance so they don't dominate and enslave us...or should they be completely involved in our society? If we extend the hand of friendship...will we lose our hand...and maybe everything else? Should Earth be completely human...for a while...until we get our house in order...and figure out what is really going on in the universe? Should a United Nations based upon the U.S. Constitution(my bias) be exclusively human regarding what happens here on Earth? I'm open and friendly...but still quite paranoid. At what point should an abused spouse become trusting?

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 07-06-2009 at 05:11 AM.
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Old 07-06-2009, 12:08 PM   #13
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Default Re: God, Jesus, Satan, Lucifer, Etc.

Originally Posted by orthodoxymoron View Post
Here is a link which is relevant to this thread. Zagami stated in the video interview with Forerunner that aliens are just a cover for demons.
I have yet to hear Zagami say anything that my intuition deems credible. As far as I an tell he is just another burnt out former black magic practitioner that grew up in a paradigm bubble, probably because of who his parents are. The people that are deep into the secret societies, weather they are positive or negative, assume that because they have been taught ancient knowledge that this some how means that they are smarter than the sheeple. What they don't realize is that the ancient knowledge they hide behind and use to justify their arrogance is out dated and crude. The universe has evolved since the times when this ancient information was recorded and they have failed to evolve with it.

I am out on a limb with my take on Demons. I can tell you this. I have never had a close encounter of the third kind with a negative flesh and blood ET. However, I have been at the short end of the stick of the negative higher dimensional ET's for quite some time now. Or at least I was at the short end of that stick, now they are. The negative 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th dimensional off world entities are not what I would classify as "Demons". Are they negative? Yes they are. Do they do evil spiritual things to vulnerable people when they are down? Yes they do. Even though they fit the main stream definition of a Demon, this does not make them demonic.

Let me describe to you what a demon is based off of my multiple personal encounters with them. Now I have stated that the negative ET's are not actual Demons, but I have not said that the negative ET's do not use demons as weapons. From my experience a demon is 100% non material. They look how ever they want to look. But in their purest form they look like darker than night crude oil.

The tend to make growling noises and what not because they know we are genetically programmed to fear those noises from our early survival instincts in the wild. The demon is not from our local universe or any of the dimensions or parallel time lines in our universe. They are from parallel universes that where created at much lower base frequencies than our own.

The negative ET's have been known to use their technology to gate in Demons from parallel universes and them task them onto individuals or groups of individuals. It is kind of like a group of sadistic humans going out into the Jungle and grabbing a few wild cats then just letting them loose in someones house. The cat is hungry so it want to feed. The Demon is the same way.

So are the ET's simply Demons? No more than the lion tamer is a lion.
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Old 07-06-2009, 04:16 PM   #14
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I have yet to hear Zagami say anything that my intuition deems credible. As far as I an tell he is just another burnt out former black magic practitioner that grew up in a paradigm bubble, probably because of who his parents are. The people that are deep into the secret societies, weather they are positive or negative, assume that because they have been taught ancient knowledge that this some how means that they are smarter than the sheeple. What they don't realize is that the ancient knowledge they hide behind and use to justify their arrogance is out dated and crude. The universe has evolved since the times when this ancient information was recorded and they have failed to evolve with it.

I am out on a limb with my take on Demons. I can tell you this. I have never had a close encounter of the third kind with a negative flesh and blood ET. However, I have been at the short end of the stick of the negative higher dimensional ET's for quite some time now. Or at least I was at the short end of that stick, now they are. The negative 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th dimensional off world entities are not what I would classify as "Demons". Are they negative? Yes they are. Do they do evil spiritual things to vulnerable people when they are down? Yes they do. Even though they fit the main stream definition of a Demon, this does not make them demonic.

Let me describe to you what a demon is based off of my multiple personal encounters with them. Now I have stated that the negative ET's are not actual Demons, but I have not said that the negative ET's do not use demons as weapons. From my experience a demon is 100% non material. They look how ever they want to look. But in their purest form they look like darker than night crude oil.

The tend to make growling noises and what not because they know we are genetically programmed to fear those noises from our early survival instincts in the wild. The demon is not from our local universe or any of the dimensions or parallel time lines in our universe. They are from parallel universes that where created at much lower base frequencies than our own.

The negative ET's have been known to use their technology to gate in Demons from parallel universes and them task them onto individuals or groups of individuals. It is kind of like a group of sadistic humans going out into the Jungle and grabbing a few wild cats then just letting them loose in someones house. The cat is hungry so it want to feed. The Demon is the same way.

So are the ET's simply Demons? No more than the lion tamer is a lion.
Hmmm...maybe our terminology is just inadequate.

Just what are angels and demons anyway? They are considered mystical and somehow related to God and Satan. We usually don't see them but sometimes we do. They are very powerful, and they might scare us or help us but don't usually kill us.

And ETs or higher dimension or parallel dimensional entities? We usually don't see them but sometimes we do. They have abilities we do not, and sometimes they help us. Apparently reptilians like to eat us.

There are distinctions between these, but it is not as vast as we have been led to believe. They are all creations of a free will universe. They are just as real, or un-real, as we are. We are the dreamer of the dream.
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Old 07-06-2009, 07:38 PM   #15
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I don't trust what anybody says...period. I think Zagami is a real loose cannon for both the good-guys and the bad-guys. He must be a royal pain for the Jesuits. I think he is a very conflicted person. I really hope he survives. He seems to be into some very, very dangerous territory. He needs to totally commit to being a good-guy...sever all of his dark ties...and then have the best spiritual advisors and bodyguards possible...24/7.

Could it be that malevolent ET's masquerade as God, Satan, Demons, Angels, and even Deceased Relatives? I'm leaning strongly toward the idea that it's Us vs Them...here on Earth at least. I don't doubt that benevolent ET's are out there...Human, Reptilian, and Grey...but I'm tending to think we are somewhat screwed for the time being. We need a Global Exorcism big-time. I could be very wrong...but this is what I presently think.

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Old 07-06-2009, 10:38 PM   #16
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Default Re: God, Jesus, Satan, Lucifer, Etc.

NWO means one facist police world under Lucifer

Lucifer and his legions are introduced to us as ufo aliens etc

It is a spiritual war people
A battle between good and evil

Sit on the fence close your eyes or pick a side
Step up to the plate and show your colors

Lucifer loves the worship
He will grant you wants and wishes if you but turn from God

But his days are numbered and he knows this very well

And he will go out with a Bang
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Old 07-07-2009, 01:38 AM   #17
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I agree.

Everyone should study theology and/or comparative religions...even if they don't believe. It seems that it is helpful to be religious...become disillusioned...and then regain faith through studying everything. But this can be an excruciating process. Many who lose their faith...never regain it. I experience spiritual agony and ecstacy simultaneously and continuously. Sounds kinda kinky...doesn't it? Call it 'Masturbation of the Mind'. This has been known to cause spiritual blindness.
Everyone should struggle for ultimate truth...even if it is elusive.

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Old 07-08-2009, 04:02 AM   #18
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This thread is generating very little interest...and I'm not sure why. I think this thread contains some very interesting concepts and conjectures...along with some evidence...which I did not have when I starting posting some of these thoughts a year or two ago. I'm unsure about who Avalon regulars and visitors really are. I often think that the PTB spies who monitor this site just laugh...if and when sensitive information surfaces...because no one probably pays much attention to it! Right Lucifer?
Is this a tempest in a teapot? Probably. But it sure is fun!

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 07-08-2009 at 04:23 AM.
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Old 07-08-2009, 02:32 PM   #19
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A person can either feel that life is a problem, or that it isn’t. The second alternative implies feeling OK, most of the time, about the world just as it is. I consider the second alternative is the one people end up finding themselves in once they’ve progressed deeply enough in meditation/ spirituality / life /etc. I respectfully suggest critical discussion won’t get you to the second alternative, even though it does raise your kundalini flow slightly.

It doesn’t matter what those “dang aliens” or even the demons are supposedly doing – that alternative means you still feel OK, regardless. You still feel it’s great just to be alive, now, right in this shadowy vale of suffering. (By the way, I understand that any aliens that try to visit us in ships run a big risk of being shot down, and that the ones that get captured are imprisoned and tortured in facilities that would make Abu Graib look like a luxury holiday resort. Little wonder that some aliens don’t care so much for human ways.)

The basic defense mechanism we all have is to blame it all on something or somebody else. Those dang aliens or demons again -- the utimate whipping posts. Sure takes the heat off “me”. I consider the mature way to live is to discover and make it real that you largely choose how you feel about anything, at all. About twelve years ago, for instance, I noticed that up until then I had believed many forms of work were boring. But I realised at that time that it was I that was boring, and not the other way around. Since then, I have been literally incapable of finding any form of work boring. More generally, I have learnt to regard life more and more as the opposite of a problem. This is real, folks. So I respectfully suggest it’s not the demons that are the problem. “The fault, dear Brutus, lies not in the stars but in ourselves” – from Julius Caesar.

Incidentally, dowsing and telepathy tell me that the majority of the aliens that get shot down are so spiritually evolved they have already achieved liberation from the wheel of physical birth and death. They are in fact Christs, or Buddhas. Like so many other aliens, in my (telepathic) experience.
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Old 07-08-2009, 03:15 PM   #20
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Are the aliens who get shot down and tortured(sources?) benevolent or malevolent? Are they the same ones we interact with in Deep Underground Military Bases? Who really controls these bases? I enjoy life...and I count my blessings. However...I am paranoid regarding the New World Order, Fascism, Naziism, a Malevolent Alien(demonic?) Theocracy, etc. I really do want to interact with non-human beings...but the basic Teachings of Christ and the U.S. Constitution are two things that I do not want anyone...human or non-human to destroy. I am sick and tired of a very sick, stupid, and violent history of the world. I want the BS to stop...regardless of who is, or who is not, responsible.
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Old 07-11-2009, 10:40 PM   #21
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I had hoped for some more discussion regarding this thread. I don't care if the responses are positive or negative...I'm simply trying to generate some interest in some unorthodox views of theology...or demonology. This may be very, very important regarding figuring out what is really going on in the world...and in the universe. Try to think beyond Sunday school...and beyond the egomaniacal televangelists.

Threads are so easily lost and buried. They can be hard to find...once they fade from view. Searches seemed to work better in the past. Has anyone else noticed this?

Please consider the first post very carefully. I need some critical feedback. I'm trying to determine the level of my sanity...or insanity. I wish I were joking.

Hollywood knows more than we Goyim know. Consider this...when considering this thread. Also...look at this Lone Gunman video clip which preceded 9/11 by six months. Note particularly the appearance of the remote control pilot at 7:47. In light of the rest of this thread...is the appearance of this individual significant? Was Lucifer the remote control pilot of the planes or craft which hit the Twin Towers and the Pentagon on 9/11? Was the controlled demolition remotely controlled from the same laptop computer? Do the orders still stand...for 'Earth Changes'? Lucifer...just call off the New World Order...institute Constitutional Responsible Freedom...and retire. You've earned it.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=384CC...relatedYouTube - The Lone Gunman, Pilot Episode (Air Date: March 4, 2001)

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Old 07-12-2009, 02:56 AM   #22
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Hi orthodoxymoron,

I say this with the up most respect to everyone here with their beliefs in mind and is just my opinion on God, Jesus, Atheist and the Devil err Satan.

Lets start with God:

God is neither malevolent or benevolent. It is the source of everything that is good or bad with with it's best intentions for the course of our universe. A collection of souls that have past through our tiered dimensions whom understand the bigger picture and tune the universe when needed. God is our source of great love and great evil. Complementary opposites within a greater whole.


Multiple souls whom volunteered to steer humanity towards enlightenment but also with no fault of their own, created religions for the weak minded whom set a course of death and destruction, all in the name of their chosen god. Religious wars continue till this day. Religion should not be used for hate nor should there be religion in the first place. These guidelines within religions are just that, guidelines; not to be worshiped, but cherished as a way of life and love towards each other.


I applaud both the Atheist and Religious people for searching for the truth but this is going from one extreme to the next. Atheism comes in many different forms and variance is to great to go in depth but the one that sticks out the most is the denial of the existence of non-physical beings and no set guideline of how people should treat each other. Life is much more meaningless in this direction.

Devil, Satan and Angels:

Devil err Satan:
Malevolent 5th dimensional beings.

Benevolent 5th dimensional beings.

I'm stating 5th dimension because Einstein and Michio Kaku state that time is the 4th dimension and non linear.
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Old 07-12-2009, 04:44 AM   #23
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Thank-you David. Can the scientific method be applied to these subjects? I think so. I see fudging and manipulation on both the believing and unbelieving sides. Positions are taken...and then defended by all means...both legitimate and illegitimate. The real truth may mostly be none of the above. We may all have to admit that we were wrong. But most people don't want to admit error...especially when it comes to belief systems. Keep searching...and be honest.

I'm still interested in some detailed critiques regarding the first post...including all of the short video clips. For the real impact of what I am suggesting...repeated reading and viewing may be necessary. I know this takes time...and is a bit boring. There has to be a clergyperson or Jesuit who can skillfully disect this thread. I don't mind being wrong. In fact...I would prefer to be wrong this time.

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 07-12-2009 at 01:35 PM.
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Old 07-13-2009, 10:48 PM   #24
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Please don't ignore this thread. This is not just a bunch of mumbo-jumbo. Is this subject too hard to think about? Is it perceived as being irrelevant? Or...is it just plain boring? Again...I would just like to hear various opinions and insights.

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 07-13-2009 at 10:52 PM.
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Old 07-13-2009, 11:23 PM   #25
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Default Re: God, Jesus, Satan, Lucifer, Etc.

Originally Posted by orthodoxymoron View Post
Please don't ignore this thread. This is not just a bunch of mumbo-jumbo. Is this subject too hard to think about? Is it perceived as being irrelevant? Or...is it just plain boring? Again...I would just like to hear various opinions and insights.
okay, I will read your first post. I will sincerely respond. You have requested feedback so many times that I'll read it. Perhaps it is the length of your post which makes it daunting...
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