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Old 01-20-2010, 09:33 PM   #1
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Default The Cure For Cancer


I am not giving medical advice, nor am I advising anyone against getting conventional treatment, but I am sharing information to other sovereign human beings and leaving it up to them to make up their own minds on the information presented below. I accept no liability for anyone’s life or what they choose to do with it. Were all grownups here, and frankly I don’t feel as though this disclaimer is necessary, we are not children. But in this world, sadly, such disclaimers are necessary as it is illegal for me to share this information otherwise, lest someone actually cure themselves.

The Cure for Cancer.

Hemp oil has been proven to cure cancer time and time again. When confronted with the evidence the media would rather focus on the fact that "hemp" (marijuana) is illegal to grow and therefore its legal status warrants more publicity than the fact that it cures a terminal illness.

Knowledge is power. Empower yourself and your loved ones with this highly important information.

Every day approximately 1,500 people die from cancer every day in the United States alone, over half a million. Why is this continuing to happen? The "Run from the Cure" documentary answers this question perfectly. 90% of the multibillion dollar cancer industry is derived from the treatment of cancer, and just like the oil tycoons would swiftly swipe off the scene any kind of technology that would bring their empire to its knees, so too do those at the top of the cancer industry feel about anything that would threaten the numbers and statistics of their empires. Businesses are fundamentally created in order to turn a profit, and while there is a profit being made there will be a vested interest which will do everything possible to reinforce that stream of income. People will do anything for money it seems these days. Another question you might like to ask yourself is why aren’t celebrities who many might naively deem as being "important people" being informed about such things that can cure cancer? Well that’s simple. In the eyes of business tycoons these people are certainly not important enough to threaten their empires, and furthermore their very demise will reinforce the public’s opinion that such things as cancer cures seem utterly preposterous, otherwise why would our rich and famous succumb to such a disease? The rich and famous are just like us, trapped in a web of corruption fuelled by the eager dominion of a few men in nice suits. These are the very same men who have been committing acts of genocide in our name in order to gain very substantially from the massive profit margins that are involved in the manufacturing and selling of arms and munitions. It does not take much imagination to soon see that the people who have all the money run this world, simply because everything has a price. The media establishments, the pharmaceutical industries, the justice departments, all create massive revenue and only the very elite may ever have any hope of owning them, and thus, like any business these people will strive to make these enterprises more profitable, and unfortunately for us, we are a much more profitable enterprise when we are physically, mentally and spiritually sick. Think about that for a moment, how can a world ever be fair when it is run by those who will do anything for a profit?
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Old 01-21-2010, 05:11 AM   #2
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Default Re: The Cure For Cancer

Thank you for the links Jack. I watched them all and it was very informative. It does make one wonder what in the heck is going on in the world. I think we all need to scream at the top of our lungs about the supression in natural medicine.

Again, this goes back to the PTB masterminds and their awful social programming. I truely feel that if enough of us just stop participating in their BS and lies that this darkness will leave us. But thats the problem right there, who the h3ll is gonna give up their TV, big house, nice cars and all the other **** the PTB has programed them into thinking they need???

I envision a grass roots movement, where all of us move out of the citys and start living off the land and grow an entirely new community ON OUR OWN, cutting the PTB and the darkness off at the balls. Think about it, without their money machine and our participation in it, they have NOTHING. It is but a dream I have....maybe one day we will all make it come true.

Good post Jack!!!
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Old 01-21-2010, 05:47 AM   #3
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Default Re: The Cure For Cancer

Namaste. I had posted this in another thread.......

Canadian Hero Rick Simpson also has a cure for cancer using 1 gram of cannabis oil a day for 60 days. This man has had a violation of rights. Been discredited and criminalized. This post might even be worthy or its own thread.

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Old 01-21-2010, 05:39 PM   #4
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Default Re: The Cure For Cancer

CLEVELAND -- A Cleveland State University professor accidentally stumbled upon a potential breakthrough in fighting cancer.

Dr. Michael Kalafatis was working on an experiment in the Cleveland State Chemistry Department involving blood coagulation when he discovered something totally unrelated.

The substance he was experimenting with killed cancer cells without damaging outside tissue. Cleveland Clinic researchers also tested his drug and found the same results, as did the National Institutes of Health, when they tested it on nearly 60 different cancer lines.

Now Dr. Kalafatis is trying to get funding to continue his research. While it looks promising in the lab, it may be several years, before it's ever tested on humans.


He has a very interesting patent app.

His faculty profile:
__________________________________________________ ___

My worry:
"So long Dr. Kalafatis, we hardly knew ye." But the medical profession is about treatment, not cure.

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Old 02-08-2010, 05:21 AM   #5
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Default Re: The Cure For Cancer

Medical Marijuana is legal in California so wouldn't that make the oil legal also? All you would need to do is get a prescription from a doctor and you could make it yourself.
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Old 02-08-2010, 10:09 AM   #6
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Default Re: The Cure For Cancer

Has anybody heard of the Cuban product called " ESCOZUL " ?
There seem to be a lot of information on the net .

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Old 02-16-2010, 03:40 PM   #7
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Default Re: The Cure For Cancer

There is also a product called phoenix tears which is 3 pounds of cannabis condensed into a small amount of oil and it has been proven to heal.
Dr. Edward Group the founder of Global Healing center has ground breaking products that he has a 70% success rate with.

The cure is not to get it and a mostly Raw food diet, with good exercise and meditation brings your vibration up above the frequency were cancer cannot live.
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Old 02-27-2010, 06:17 AM   #8
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Default Re: The Cure For Cancer

I am the cure for cancer and for any other diseases that I consciously or unconsciously allow being any part of my eternal unlimited being. Because I am my whole reality and nothing happens without my permission. That's just one way to not only possibly help you understand but to defend yourself from any diseases. You shouldn't look at any disease as an attack on you because it's PART of YOU.

Kinda like your being in a very serious argument with a loved one. After such event you may soon decide to take that loved one back into your life as a "loved one" or not. To thank a disease for being part of your life experience is a start. To embrace it all as a needed experience in your life is another part of the whole reforming process, where you help reform that life... the life of the disease into a non-disease, or another kind of life or energy form. Next is your asking then allowing the disease to move on to another stage of life path education. In this case it's the stage of the disease either dying then passing through your body in some natural way. Or the disease, some or all of it, once again becomes less of a disease or more of a healthy operating part of your body. So long as it all no longer affects your health in major ways and where your life is back to it's normal ways.

Much more involved here, such as regular optimum meditations and visualizations. So if your going to do that you should definitely do some research and do regular deep meditations as well.

BTW if you don't believe in what I believe that's wonderful! If you do believe in what I believe then that's wonderful as well. Just glad to be here with open minds and hearts.

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Old 02-27-2010, 07:19 AM   #9
Humble Janitor
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Default Re: The Cure For Cancer

My way of thinking about cancer and health problems is undergoing a shift. It goes like this: Why do we need all of this medicine to treat something that is likely very preventable?

If people were willing to explore a diet of raw fruits and veggies and other healthful foods, everyday, they would not have to worry about cancer. This doesn't apply to where it's hereditary but my god, it certainly is preventable otherwise!

Why the hell are we doing this to ourselves? Why do we need the big hospitals and all of this stuff? I don't think we really do.

As for hemp oil, I wish it were more common to find around here. I had the fortune of trying foods derived from the hemp seed with positive results (cereal and hemp butter mainly). They have some of the essential fatty acids that you need so might as well add them anyway, right?

Instead, you see people stuffing their faces everyday with the very same garbage that is going to destroy their bodies over time.
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Old 02-28-2010, 02:23 PM   #10
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Default Re: The Cure For Cancer

Originally Posted by Humble Janitor View Post

As for hemp oil, I wish it were more common to find around here.

Hi Humble, Im sure the supermarkets have hemp oil, in the uk anyhow. Tesco does a 500ml for about 5-6 £'s, its called Good Oil and its in the oil's section of the store... It seems quite expensive but then again its probly worth it...

Thanks Jack for posting this info..

Oh it says on the bottle its very rich in omega 3, 6, and 9, which I asume is a good thing.. And it tastes a little nutty which is nice... I try to keep it from getting to hot just add a bit in a couple of dishes near the end...
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Old 02-28-2010, 03:15 PM   #11
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Default Re: The Cure For Cancer

Originally Posted by chelmostef View Post
Hi Humble, Im sure the supermarkets have hemp oil, in the uk anyhow. Tesco does a 500ml for about 5-6 £'s, its called Good Oil and its in the oil's section of the store... It seems quite expensive but then again its probly worth it...

Thanks Jack for posting this info..

Oh it says on the bottle its very rich in omega 3, 6, and 9, which I asume is a good thing.. And it tastes a little nutty which is nice... I try to keep it from getting to hot just add a bit in a couple of dishes near the end...

I might be wrong here but I think I've read it is not the same the oil made from the seeds than the oil made from the leaves. The latter has THC that is the key to cure the cancer (according to the sources I've checked). Unfortunately the only legal oil is made from seeds.
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Old 03-04-2010, 04:17 AM   #12
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Default Re: The Cure For Cancer

Originally Posted by Clarityofawareness View Post
I am the cure for cancer and for any other diseases that I consciously or unconsciously allow being any part of my eternal unlimited being. Because I am my whole reality and nothing happens without my permission. That's just one way to not only possibly help you understand but to defend yourself from any diseases. You shouldn't look at any disease as an attack on you because it's PART of YOU.

Kinda like your being in a very serious argument with a loved one. After such event you may soon decide to take that loved one back into your life as a "loved one" or not. To thank a disease for being part of your life experience is a start. To embrace it all as a needed experience in your life is another part of the whole reforming process, where you help reform that life... the life of the disease into a non-disease, or another kind of life or energy form. Next is your asking then allowing the disease to move on to another stage of life path education. In this case it's the stage of the disease either dying then passing through your body in some natural way. Or the disease, some or all of it, once again becomes less of a disease or more of a healthy operating part of your body. So long as it all no longer affects your health in major ways and where your life is back to it's normal ways.

Much more involved here, such as regular optimum meditations and visualizations. So if your going to do that you should definitely do some research and do regular deep meditations as well.

BTW if you don't believe in what I believe that's wonderful! If you do believe in what I believe then that's wonderful as well. Just glad to be here with open minds and hearts.

Ever read the book Star Signs by Linda Goodman? She talks about changing a persons diet to become a fruitarian, raising our vibrations and essentially reducing the aging process to nothing and that humans can remove all DIS-EASE from their lives and basically live forever. I got really excited about her concepts and I wrote her a letter. Imagine my surprise when the reply I got back told me that she was deceased.

These things are easy to say. Also easy to say that the last person who died from Cancer just didn't have their vibrations high enough and needed to learn something from the disease. I guess the human race has been learning something about death since the inception of our species and we still haven't gotten the message.
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Old 03-04-2010, 04:17 AM   #13
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Default Re: The Cure For Cancer

Originally Posted by Wood View Post
I might be wrong here but I think I've read it is not the same the oil made from the seeds than the oil made from the leaves. The latter has THC that is the key to cure the cancer (according to the sources I've checked). Unfortunately the only legal oil is made from seeds.
The THC content of hemp is at it's highest a possible 1%, which is why it's not illegal. Leaves or not I don't think you'll have much THC in the oil.
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Old 03-04-2010, 04:18 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by MargueriteBee View Post
Medical Marijuana is legal in California so wouldn't that make the oil legal also? All you would need to do is get a prescription from a doctor and you could make it yourself.
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Old 03-11-2010, 04:27 PM   #15
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Default Re: The Cure For Cancer

Originally Posted by Humble Janitor View Post
My way of thinking about cancer and health problems is undergoing a shift. It goes like this: Why do we need all of this medicine to treat something that is likely very preventable?

If people were willing to explore a diet of raw fruits and veggies and other healthful foods, everyday, they would not have to worry about cancer. This doesn't apply to where it's hereditary but my god, it certainly is preventable otherwise!

Why the hell are we doing this to ourselves? Why do we need the big hospitals and all of this stuff? I don't think we really do.

As for hemp oil, I wish it were more common to find around here. I had the fortune of trying foods derived from the hemp seed with positive results (cereal and hemp butter mainly). They have some of the essential fatty acids that you need so might as well add them anyway, right?

Instead, you see people stuffing their faces everyday with the very same garbage that is going to destroy their bodies over time.
To have the gene that makes cancer hereditary does not mean you WILL contract cancer. The gene must be expressed through poor health habits. With good habits it will not express itself as cancer. Also, see Dr. Bruce Lipton's work on how thought and intention heavily influence our DNA and cellular development. We can overcome bad genes, yes.

We buy hemp seed oil from online. iherb.com has it, as do many other sites. We feed it to our dogs as well. Good source of essential fatty acids if nothing else.
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Old 03-11-2010, 06:18 PM   #16
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Default Re: The Cure For Cancer

Originally Posted by Seafury View Post
The THC content of hemp is at it's highest a possible 1%, which is why it's not illegal. Leaves or not I don't think you'll have much THC in the oil.
I am not sure how different hemp and marihuana are. I have in mind they are related but differ on the amount of THC. What I've read is THC is the key to kill cancerous cells, and thus I think the oil should come from marihuana leaves. And that is not legal at the moment.
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Old 03-26-2010, 02:45 AM   #17
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Default Re: The Cure For Cancer

Originally Posted by Wood View Post
I am not sure how different hemp and marihuana are. I have in mind they are related but differ on the amount of THC. What I've read is THC is the key to kill cancerous cells, and thus I think the oil should come from marihuana leaves. And that is not legal at the moment.
From what I know...hemp is the by product of marjuana...as
in hemp products of a durable nature like rope...the fiberous
part. I heard that when it is woven into fabric like clothing
or shoes...the product will last many years longer than say

Its the resin glands on the flowers that contains the THC
...they have till recently claimed that 23-27 percentile
was considered the more potent...but like I said that was
till lately...

I just read where they have a new strain with a .....
53.7 percent THC content... three year old proven gentics...
this stuff is guaranteed to knock ya back on the couch....
long lasting effects....great for later phase cancer patients....
and other malodies...

The guys who gentically engineered this are now saying....
they soon will be selling out to big pharma.....

This bud should never get into the big pharma's hands....

If I had the money...I'd buy up all their seed stock

This plant had to be very powerful for TPTB...
to make it illegal....for us...
but if they get control of it...
they will sell it back to you for a hefty price.....

Viva La Revolution

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Old 03-26-2010, 04:48 PM   #18
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Default Re: The Cure For Cancer

I forgot to say...when I wrote the above post...
that I now look at cancer as a fungi....
we could rid it with the proper diet....
but most people don't want to believe
that they are what they eat.....
it's also about attitude.....
and looking outside the box for a better

I have been listening lately to Doug Kaufmann
who talks about Beta Glucan as a means
to kill the fungi and thus the cancer....
sounds promising to me....still researching it
myself....I know there is a better way out
there as opposed to the standard AMA way...

I have a few (too many) people around me who have
cancer...in various stages....
they all believe in the AMA...and I try as I
might to sow seeds of alternatives....I feel
it falls on deaf ears and or they look at you
as though you sprouted horns....especially
when I start talking about diet....

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