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Old 03-25-2010, 02:22 PM   #51
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Default Re: usa-john tate/ron paul - urgent

This is a curious article???

Almost a quarter of Republicans think Obama 'may be the Antichrist' as 14 states sue over healthcare reforms

24th March 2010

Americans who suggest Barack Obama should rot in hell are apparently deadly serious.

Nearly a quarter of Republicans believe the Democrat president 'may be the Antichrist', according to a survey.

An even greater number compared him to Hitler.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worl...#ixzz0jCLJlHwJ

Health care plan has hearty list of taxes

By Star-Ledger Wire Services
March 25, 2010

The new health care reform law is chock-full of new taxes and tax increases that will affect many individuals and businesses, but it will be years before most of these hikes take a bite out of your -- or your company’s -- wallet. The law also has tax breaks to help both individuals and small businesses pay for insurance.

Figuring out exactly what the new law’s impact will be on your finances will be tricky, not only because many of the effective dates are delayed, but also because the law signed by President Obama will most likely change very soon: After passing the Senate bill on March 21, the House also approved a package of modifications that the Senate plans to pass before the end of the month.

Take a look at what’s coming down the road, starting with provisions that take effect first:

bull; A new 10 percent excise tax on indoor tanning services that takes effect for services provided after June 30, 2010.

Continues: http://www.campaignforliberty.com/wire.php?view=11173

I also posted this today in response to shybastid on the Bob Chapman thread.

Ken Pittman vs. Barney Frank on HEALTH CARE BILL 3/23/2010

VIDEO Part 1 of 3:

Last edited by peaceandlove; 03-25-2010 at 02:56 PM.
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Old 03-25-2010, 05:59 PM   #52
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Default Re: usa-john tate/ron paul - urgent

Threats to members of Congress.

The militia movement.

Bring Your Guns To Washington Rally! April 19, 2010

From: MoxNewsDotCom | March 24, 2010

Rachel Maddow Reports

VIDEO (8:41): http://www.youtube.com/user/MoxNewsD...10/pNHZNYoy5tk
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Old 03-26-2010, 09:26 AM   #53
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Default Re: usa-john tate/ron paul - urgent

Ron Paul: Executive Orders are Unconstitutional; We Need a Private Option in Healthcare

From: RonPaul2008dotcom | March 25, 2010

Executive orders are unconstitutional and it's a shame the American people put up with them. We need tort reform and a private option in healthcare for people who don't want to be forced into the system by government.

VIDEO (5:52): http://www.youtube.com/user/RonPaul2.../1/KK6cJ83blP4
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Old 03-26-2010, 09:39 AM   #54
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Default Re: usa-john tate/ron paul - urgent

Republicans send health care bill back to House for another vote


Senate Republicans have suceeded in forcing Democrats to send the health reform reconciliation bill back to the House for another vote, after Senate parliamentarian Alan Frumin ruled early Thursday morning that two minor provisions violated the chamber's rules and couldn’t be included in the final bill.

Democrats believe the provisions — technical changes to language about Pell Grants for low-income students – are so minor that they don’t threaten to derail the reconciliation package, which includes a series of fixes to the reform bill that has already been signed into law by President Barack Obama.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories...#ixzz0jH1Ujhsh

SOURCE: http://www.campaignforliberty.com/wire.php?view=11177

Governor McDonnell Signs Virginia Healthcare Freedom Act Legislation

Posted by dljholt on 03/25/10

Governor Bob McDonnell signs the Virginia Healthcare Freedom Act in a mid-afternoon ceremony in Richmond, VA. He was joined at the bill signing by Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, Senators Steve Martin, Fred Quayle, and Jill Vogel and Delegate Bob Marshall. Virginia Secretary of Health and Human Resources Dr. Bill Hazel also participated in the event. The signing ceremony was held in the Governor's Cabinet conference room in the Patrick Henry Building on Capitol Square.

VIDEO (11:05): http://www.campaignforliberty.com/blog.php?view=33951
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Old 03-26-2010, 05:35 PM   #55
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Default Re: usa-john tate/ron paul - urgent

15 New Taxes The Democrats Just Foisted On The American People

The bill is littered with tax increases in order to fund the expansion of health coverage for Americans, and the Reconciliation Act, now in the Senate, has similar increases.

EASY READ of the TAXES: http://www.businessinsider.com/healt...#ixzz0jIydidSO
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Old 03-26-2010, 09:25 PM   #56
Baron Cross
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Default Re: usa-john tate/ron paul - urgent

This Bill is full of new tax hikes that really nobody can afford, if I'm wrong please correct me with a gentle manner , all taxes are going up and all insurance are going way up, my way of thinking is this is a bail out for the insurance companies, because everybody would have to get insurance and the insurance companies can charge upto 9% of your total income max question is how do they know how much you make , unless they get a copy from the IRS or demand you give them a copy sounds like a socialist to me and the people that can't afford to buy or dont need to will be tax with 2.5% excise tax, and businesses with 8% tax for not providing insurance to employees, there goes the small businesses, they tax you 2.5% and the FED still don't provide you with any insurance, the only way the gov will provide you with insurance if your 4 degree below the poverty line WOW even the people on poverty can't use that money for insurance so what is the money for then? they charging new taxes on everything like new equipment sold for hospitals, charging insurance companies 40% tax if they charge above certain amount, plastic surgeries so on and so on. And this will bring down the stock market for sure they are saying might be taxing 3.8% above what you usually pay taxes on investments/income I'm not sure on this one, but i know for sure I'll be paying extra 1.5% percent more for this bill even if I have insurance, which will kick in for 2011 tax time and the max FED tax bracket will revert to 40%, I might end up paying 45% FED taxes and Californians will end up paying upto 56.6% ouch with State Taxes, if these passes the way it is we might end up with a mass revolt for sure....what do you guys think?

Last edited by Baron Cross; 03-26-2010 at 09:33 PM.
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Old 03-26-2010, 09:36 PM   #57
Baron Cross
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Default Re: usa-john tate/ron paul - urgent

So either the insurance companies will get you or the FED will . If the FED will charge us for this Health Care Reform they could atleast make it reasonable like 2% and you get insurance coverage for everyone that pays (US and Immigrants) and US citizen.

Last edited by Baron Cross; 03-26-2010 at 09:44 PM.
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Old 03-27-2010, 12:31 AM   #58
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Default Re: usa-john tate/ron paul - urgent

Originally Posted by Baron Cross View Post
This Bill is full of new tax hikes that really nobody can afford, I might end up paying 45% FED taxes and Californians will end up paying upto 56.6% ouch with State Taxes, if these passes the way it is we might end up with a mass revolt for sure....what do you guys think?
Blessings Baron Cross,

You got it!

This article was posted at Campaign for Liberty about a month ago and it's relevant to what you stated above.


Time to Limit Government's Take of Our Incomes

Posted by Doug Bandow on 02/27/10

Six of ten Americans want to limit government's take of their incomes to half. That's way too much, but at least it's a start.

According to Rassmussen Reports:

Most Americans favor a law that would limit the amount of taxes paid to state, local and federal governments so that no one would pay more than 50% of their total income in taxes.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 61% of adults nationwide favor such a limit. Nineteen percent (19%) are opposed, and another 19% are not sure.

A majority of all age groups under 65 favor a 50% tax ceiling. Among senior citizens, 41% favor that limit, 20% are opposed, and 39% are not sure.
Any limit would be better than nothing. Now it's just the interest groups against the taxpayers, attempting to mulct as much of our incomes as possible. Cap the looters' take, and then they have to start fighting each other.

Moreover, most Americans oppose new taxes because they realize that any new revenue is far more likely to be wasted on new special interest programs than in cutting the deficit. Another Rasmussen poll is illuminating:

Continues: http://www.campaignforliberty.com/blog.php?view=33033

Another relevant Campaign for Liberty article.

Will America Break Up?

Posted by Orville Brettman on 03/26/10

By Jeffrey T. Kuhner

President Obama is splintering America. The passage of Obamacare was a historic victory for liberal governance. Yet, its true cost may be that it triggers the eventual breakup of the country.

Mr. Obama has achieved what his liberal predecessors - Franklin D. Roosevelt, Lyndon B. Johnson, Bill Clinton - could only dream of: nationalized health care. Obamacare signifies the government take-over of one-sixth of the U.S. economy. It has dealt a mortal blow to traditional America. We are now a European-style socialist welfare state. The inevitable permanent tax hikes, massive public bureaucracy and liberal ruling elites will stifle competition and initiative.


"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not," warned Thomas Jefferson.

Jefferson was right: Redistributionist welfare policies are undermining our democracy. The resentments in America are growing. Tea Partiers believe that their government no longer represents their interests or values. The heartland is becoming dangerously alienated from the political class, whom it feels has betrayed them.

Obamacare may be the last straw. It strips away fundamental economic liberties, empowering the federal government to de facto nationalize everyone's body by controlling our health. Americans are compelled - upon pain of penalty and eventual imprisonment - to purchase insurance.
Continues: http://www.campaignforliberty.com/blog.php?view=34025

See how states could be divided according to Igor Panarin. Chart in this thread

Russian Scholar Says U.S. Will Collapse Next Year

POSTED by: Antaletriangle 3/5/2009

MOSCOW — If you're inclined to believe Igor Panarin, and the Kremlin wouldn't mind if you did, then President Barack Obama will order martial law this year, (Obama Care??? back door martial law as I see it.),the U.S. will split into six rump-states before 2011, and Russia and China will become the backbones of a new world order.

Panarin might be easy to ignore but for the fact that he is a dean at the Foreign Ministry's school for future diplomats and a regular on Russia's state-guided TV channels. And his predictions fit into the anti-American story line of the Kremlin leadership.

"There is a high probability that the collapse of the United States will occur by 2010," Panarin told dozens of students, professors and diplomats Tuesday at the Diplomatic Academy — a lecture the ministry pointedly invited The Associated Press and other foreign media to attend.

Continues at PA thread link: http://www.projectavalon.net/forum/s...t=states+split

Last edited by peaceandlove; 03-27-2010 at 12:38 AM.
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Old 04-01-2010, 11:26 PM   #59
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Default Re: usa-john tate/ron paul - URGENT HEALTH CARE BILL

Judge Napolitano on the Constitutionality (or lack thereof) of ObamaCare

Newsmax recently sat down for an interview with Judge Andrew Napolitano. Check out their accompanying article here: Napolitano: Supreme Court to Strike Down Obamacare http://newsmax.com/Headline/Andrew-N...3/26/id/354008

VIDEO (12:04): Judge Napolitano on the Constitutionality (or lack thereof) of ObamaCare
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