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Old 01-05-2010, 09:12 PM   #1
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Default Open StarGate In Gulf Of Aden

January 4, 2010

There has been heightened activity around Sanaa in Yemen. Militias from NATO, EU, Russia, China, Japan, US, all running around with not much to do. There are hundreds of Warships in the Gulf Of Aden right now.

They are surrounding an open StarGate in the Sea. Seven miles deep within the sea below the Aden Stargate is an awakening sentient consciousness creation with extraordinary capacity to assist in bringing peace to the world.

The Secret Scientists are monitoring these anomalies and they report to Military Leaders there is nothing that can stop them. All Planets in our Solar System and our Sun are showing transformational changes in composition and magnetics. All ‘Ancient-and-New Grids’ are activating and will shortly demonstrate an unbelievable power by generating a 5D Crystalline and Electromagnetic shield/Firmament around the Planet and a horizontal force field that will make aggressive use of weapons impossible.

With the Blue Moon Activation the Earth Grid has powered up the StarGate with FORCE energy.

The energy has been building since December 31st. This second full moon in December was just the Cosmic boost which was needed to surge the Crystalline Earth Grid and Activate the Diamond Tetrahedrons inside Earth and open the StarGate as it had been open in ancient history.

This Grid Activation is controlled by Ashtar from the Galactic Federation. On His Command ALL WEAPONS will Cease Firepower. We will launch the shuttles from our Mother Ships and we will bring the Servicemen and Servicewomen from all countries around the world home to their families.

The escalation you see in Yemen is the final outcry from those who have been in charge of making war a very long time. They can see the MotherShips exiting the StarGate en Masse. They are aware that when the StarGate reaches its peak power that their weapons will no longer work.

At that moment we will HAVE to announce Disclosure to explain why the soldiers are no longer fighting. Today US Secretary of State, Hillary, said Yemen is a threat Regionally and Globally. She left out Cosmically. This Statement is her final. There will be no more warring she can conjure once the StarGate fully opens.

The Soldiers all around the World will be effected in that instant. They will look at their weapons in disgust, not understanding. They will look up at their buddies and at those they are firing at and notice no one’s weapon is firing. They will radio their Commanders and it will happen in that instant, all over the World.

The StarGate Aden off Yemen’s Coast, IS THE FORCE which will deactivate all guns and weapons around the World. There will be a simultaneous World Peace. The Galactic Federation Ships will then move in to bring the Soldiers back to their Home Land, back to their families. Everyone will see these Ships and Decloakings will be underway.

Source: Welcomethelight.com
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Old 01-05-2010, 09:24 PM   #2
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Default Re: Open StarGate In Gulf Of Aden

Gulf of Aden axial magnetic anomaly and the Curie temperature isotherm
D. Tamsett & R. W. Girdler
(School of Physics, The University, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU, UK)

The main features of magnetic anomalies over ocean ridges have been explained1 as a corollary of seafloor spreading and geomagnetic reversals. Oceanic crust is formed in a narrow region, becoming magnetized in the direction of the Earth's magnetic field as its temperature falls through the Curie point of the magnetic minerals present. The Gulf of Aden was one of the first places where reversely magnetized sea floor was recognized2. The seafloor spreading direction and latitude are such that the anomaly due to normal magnetization is negative and slightly skewed. Positive anomalies were also observed suggesting the presence of reverse magnetization. A short wavelength magnetic anomaly which frequently occurs superimposed on the axial magnetic anomaly in the Gulf of Aden is now described. Various interpretations are considered; the preferred involves a dramatic shallowing of the Curie temperature isotherm close to the seafloor spreading centre. The interpretation has implications for models of the generation of oceanic lithosphere and for locating possible geothermal areas in rifted region.

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Old 01-05-2010, 10:01 PM   #3
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Am I dreaming or is this some kind of joke ?

Actually I have a friend that is very much involved with ETs and I sent her a copy of this to check the source

This would be truly a dream come true if it were for real.

I have a date of the 18th in my mind for some reason of something big happening.
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Old 01-05-2010, 10:11 PM   #4
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Mmmmm bring it on...

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Old 01-05-2010, 10:12 PM   #5
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Default Re: Open StarGate In Gulf Of Aden

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Old 01-05-2010, 10:15 PM   #6
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Default Re: Open StarGate In Gulf Of Aden

IMO. Whatever the talk was last January of something going down is what's going down - or attempting to with NAU 'crisis', selective internet cords cut, disorders with plane 'terrorists' from Guantanamo (Cheney said the prisoners should be killed, remember, now there is an upcoming trial, a most convenient way to shush that and torture testimony, evidence) and so on.

Boss, da plane, da plane. I.e. Roadmap 'Project for the New American Century'
WIKI link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project...erican_Century

Yemen, Iran. Most people in Yemen are stoned on khat.
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Old 01-05-2010, 10:24 PM   #7
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Default Re: Open StarGate In Gulf Of Aden

Originally Posted by TRANCOSO View Post
January 4, 2010

There has been heightened activity around Sanaa in Yemen. Militias from NATO, EU, Russia, China, Japan, US, all running around with not much to do. There are hundreds of Warships in the Gulf Of Aden right now.

They are surrounding an open StarGate in the Sea. Seven miles deep within the sea below the Aden Stargate is an awakening sentient consciousness creation with extraordinary capacity to assist in bringing peace to the world.

The Secret Scientists are monitoring these anomalies and they report to Military Leaders there is nothing that can stop them. All Planets in our Solar System and our Sun are showing transformational changes in composition and magnetics. All ‘Ancient-and-New Grids’ are activating and will shortly demonstrate an unbelievable power by generating a 5D Crystalline and Electromagnetic shield/Firmament around the Planet and a horizontal force field that will make aggressive use of weapons impossible.

With the Blue Moon Activation the Earth Grid has powered up the StarGate with FORCE energy.

The energy has been building since December 31st. This second full moon in December was just the Cosmic boost which was needed to surge the Crystalline Earth Grid and Activate the Diamond Tetrahedrons inside Earth and open the StarGate as it had been open in ancient history.

This Grid Activation is controlled by Ashtar from the Galactic Federation. On His Command ALL WEAPONS will Cease Firepower. We will launch the shuttles from our Mother Ships and we will bring the Servicemen and Servicewomen from all countries around the world home to their families.

The escalation you see in Yemen is the final outcry from those who have been in charge of making war a very long time. They can see the MotherShips exiting the StarGate en Masse. They are aware that when the StarGate reaches its peak power that their weapons will no longer work.

At that moment we will HAVE to announce Disclosure to explain why the soldiers are no longer fighting. Today US Secretary of State, Hillary, said Yemen is a threat Regionally and Globally. She left out Cosmically. This Statement is her final. There will be no more warring she can conjure once the StarGate fully opens.

The Soldiers all around the World will be effected in that instant. They will look at their weapons in disgust, not understanding. They will look up at their buddies and at those they are firing at and notice no one’s weapon is firing. They will radio their Commanders and it will happen in that instant, all over the World.

The StarGate Aden off Yemen’s Coast, IS THE FORCE which will deactivate all guns and weapons around the World. There will be a simultaneous World Peace. The Galactic Federation Ships will then move in to bring the Soldiers back to their Home Land, back to their families. Everyone will see these Ships and Decloakings will be underway.

Source: Welcomethelight.com
Another source:


Today we received some more info on the Gulf of Aden StarGate Activities over the last 7 days, from the King of Egypt.

Spirals/Superstrings of energy have been emerging through StarGate Aden for the last 7 days. They are coming from 30,000 light years away in ‘Delta Quadrant’. The world’s Naval vessels are still surrounding that ‘anomoly’, and can do nothing and do not want you to know the magnitude of this phenomena or what it portends, which is your upliftment and their departure, unless they open their hearts to receive the love frequencies and allow them in. Nothing can withstand the ‘excitement’ of these energies and not be either upshifted or vaporized.

Members of the Great White Brotherhood and Sisterhood are now on the earth: St Germain, Dwal Kuhl, Maitreya, etc.

Today, on Thom Hartmann’s Air America Radio show, Daniel Pinchback, author of 2012, The Return of Quetzalcoatl spoke of Star Gate Aden; the return of the masters; the merger of the timelines; Ascension and much more.


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Old 01-05-2010, 10:36 PM   #8
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Default Re: Open StarGate In Gulf Of Aden

I have a date of the 18th in my mind for some reason of something big happening.

Do you follow this thread, mntruthseeker?
The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban by abraxasinas
He's telling about some big 'Draconian' revelations, to be made at the 18th.
Yemen, Iran. Most people in Yemen are stoned on khat.

I'll bet they're gonna use the 'War On Drugs' & the 'War On Terrorism' excuse, to invade Yemen.
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Old 01-05-2010, 10:37 PM   #9
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Old 01-05-2010, 10:46 PM   #10
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Default Re: Open StarGate In Gulf Of Aden

Listen to this message from Kos of the GFL......I wonder if the story got started here.

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Old 01-05-2010, 10:48 PM   #11
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That's the same report from Feb 09 isn't it?

The GFL are sorta like a galactic political party on the campaign trail, they make promises they don't plan on keeping

Last edited by Aztar; 01-05-2010 at 11:00 PM.
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Old 01-05-2010, 11:06 PM   #12
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Default Re: Open StarGate In Gulf Of Aden

OOPS!!! Had I known this was a Galactic Federation of Lies source, I would have thought twice before posting it.
On the other hand, what's wrong with a little galactic entertainment by our GFL friends.
One thing I know for sure; they're on something much stronger than khat!
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Old 01-05-2010, 11:09 PM   #13
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Default Re: Open StarGate In Gulf Of Aden

Ok this story seems to have something to it.

Crossing the Red Sea is the Biblical account of the crossing of the Red Sea by Moses and the Israelites in their flight from the pursuing Egyptian army and is a part of the Exodus narrative on their journey out of Egypt, found in the Book of Exodus, chapters 13:17 to 15:21.

Last edited by micjer; 01-13-2010 at 05:11 AM.
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Old 01-05-2010, 11:10 PM   #14
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Default Re: Open StarGate In Gulf Of Aden

Originally Posted by TRANCOSO View Post
OOPS!!! Had I known this was a Galactic Federation of Lies source, I would have thought twice before posting it.
On the other hand, what's wrong with a little galactic entertainment by our GFL friends.
One thing I know for sure; they're on something much stronger than khat!
It's one big smorgasbord of truth and lies. We just have to learn to pick what is good for us to eat
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Old 01-05-2010, 11:18 PM   #15
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Default Re: Open StarGate In Gulf Of Aden


This article was written in 1966 about anomolies in the Red Sea.

So this is nothing new.
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Old 01-05-2010, 11:27 PM   #16
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Default Re: Open StarGate In Gulf Of Aden

micjer, your post about the Red Sea gave me goosebumps. That is supposed to signify realization of truth. Hmmmm. Great thread, guys, thanks, Transcoso! LB
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Old 01-05-2010, 11:33 PM   #17
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Default Re: Open StarGate In Gulf Of Aden

Originally Posted by lindabaker View Post
micjer, your post about the Red Sea gave me goosebumps. That is supposed to signify realization of truth. Hmmmm. Great thread, guys, thanks, Transcoso! LB
I got those too when it hit me Linda.

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Old 01-05-2010, 11:36 PM   #18
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I tried to read the postings of The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban by abraxasinas but I got frustrated with the technical aspect.

Anyhow, I did go back and seen it broke down quite well, to where I could follow by Stardustaquarion............Thank you very much for that

I am reading Voyager II so I could follow what he was saying pretty well

Now, I understand and have to agree it is either blue Beam or the real thing, it matters not.

The time has come and in my heart what happens will happen .

I want to believe in the Galatic Federation as IMO they are suppose to be for world peace and neutral in all of us. It matters only that the Earth is saved from Nuclear bombing.
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Old 01-05-2010, 11:59 PM   #19
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Default Re: Open StarGate In Gulf Of Aden


This topic is mentioned in this message here...and is completely unverified by me. Posted as is.

Galactic Federation Of Light KOS January 04 2010

There has been heightened activity around Sanaa in Yemen. Militias from NATO, EU, Russia, China, Japan, US, all running around with not much to do. There are hundreds of Warships in the Gulf Of Aden right now.

They are surrounding an open StarGate in the Sea. Seven miles deep within the sea below the Aden Stargate is an awakening sentient consciousness creation with extraordinary capacity to assist in bringing peace to the world.

The Secret Scientists are monitoring these anomalies and they report to Military Leaders there is nothing that can stop them. All Planets in our Solar System and our Sun are showing transformational changes in composition and magnetics. All 'Ancient-and-New Grids' are activating and will shortly demonstrate an unbelievable power by generating a 5D Crystalline and Electromagnetic shield/Firmament around the Planet and a horizontal force field that will make aggressive use of weapons impossible.

With the Blue Moon Activation the Earth Grid has powered up the StarGate with FORCE energy.
The energy has been building since December 31st. This second full moon in December was just the Cosmic boost which was needed to surge the Crystalline Earth Grid and Activate the Diamond Tetrahedrons inside Earth and open the StarGate as it had been open in ancient history.

This Grid Activation is controlled by Ashtar from the Galactic Federation. On His Command ALL WEAPONS will Cease Firepower. We will launch the shuttles from our Mother Ships and we will bring the Servicemen and Servicewomen from all countries around the world home to their families.

The escalation you see in Yemen is the final outcry from those who have been in charge of making war a very long time. They can see the MotherShips exiting the StarGate en Masse. They are aware that when the StarGate reaches its peak power that their weapons will no longer work.
At that moment we will HAVE to announce Disclosure to explain why the soldiers are no longer fighting. Today US Secretary of State, Hillary, said Yemen is a threat Regionally and Globally. She left out Cosmically. This Statement is her final. There will be no more warring she can conjure once the StarGate fully opens.

The Soldiers all around the World will be effected in that instant. They will look at their weapons in disgust, not understanding. They will look up at their buddies and at those they are firing at and notice no one's weapon is firing. They will radio their Commanders and it will happen in that instant, all over the World.

The StarGate Aden off Yemen's Coast, IS THE FORCE which will deactivate all guns and weapons around the World. There will be a simultaneous World Peace. The Galactic Federation Ships will then move in to bring the Soldiers back to their Home Land, back to their families. Everyone will see these Ships and Decloakings will be underway.
Envision Peace.
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Old 01-06-2010, 12:06 AM   #20
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Default Re: Open StarGate In Gulf Of Aden

Originally Posted by JesterTerrestrial View Post

This topic is mentioned in this message here...and is completely unverified by me. Posted as is.

Galactic Federation Of Light KOS January 04 2010

Tks Jester...I did post this vid above....but was unable to embed it the way you have. This message was this month Jan 04, so its not an old one as was suggested here by Aztar.
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Old 01-06-2010, 01:47 AM   #21
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Default Re: Open StarGate In Gulf Of Aden

Originally Posted by micjer View Post
Ok this story seems to have something to it.

Does everyone know where the Gulf of Aden is? It is really part of the Red Sea. Does everyone remember a story in the bible about the Red Sea?

Does Moses ring a bell?


Now what if this story was actually a story of the Israelites entering a stargate and escaping? Would make sense would it not?
I have speculated that our hypothetical exodus from the Pleiades, Aldebaran, and Sirius...to Earth via Battlestar Moon (and/or a stargate?)...has Garden of Eden (Gulf of Aden?) and Biblical Exodus (Hyksosdus?) parallels. Was Ra killed in the pursuit (War in Heaven?)? Who knows? Lucifer/Hathor? Remember the cave drawings in the 'Stargate' movie? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsPMt...eature=related


Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 01-06-2010 at 02:37 AM.
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Old 01-06-2010, 02:13 AM   #22
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Default Re: Open StarGate In Gulf Of Aden

Here is some more. FYI. Not drawing any conclusions personally just as reference.



Then the question was: What would they be focusing? Today Mother Sekhmet answered that and added more.

She said that I was correct as to the purpose of the pyramidal craft. Today, those pyramidal craft generated crystalline mirror images of themselves that are a 5D focus to receive activation commands and codes from the Great Central Sun. Those codes and commands will then send that information through the denser lens' craft and down into the base of the StarGate. As that occurs the portal to the Agartha Network of Inner Earth cities will be opened and the Agarthians will come up and into our dimension.

So, they will be coming to us instead of our going to them. That will completely blow the coverup of their presence within the earth and also of coverup of the Ashtar Command's presence here.

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Old 01-06-2010, 02:32 AM   #23
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Default Re: Open StarGate In Gulf Of Aden

Originally Posted by Initiate View Post
Here is some more. FYI. Not drawing any conclusions personally just as reference.

the posts were done in Jan 2009.
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Old 01-06-2010, 02:39 AM   #24
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When we talk of higher dimensions date and time in this one become subjective. What has no meaning at the time of message delivery may have meaning at another time. Are all the other factors in context atm? Pyramids floating in the sky, Pirate hunt down, etc. etc.?
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Old 01-06-2010, 04:43 AM   #25
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Default Re: Open StarGate In Gulf Of Aden

Originally Posted by Initiate View Post
Here is the reference to the expanding earth theory if you haven't seen it.

Very convincing video.

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