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Old 09-26-2008, 12:44 AM   #1
THE eXchanger
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Default THE eXchanger's THREAD - iNSiDER iNFO without THE HiDDEN HAND

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The eXchanger's Thread -2008 The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings

A copy from the ethers...
back by popular request


anyway---we are all here to make things happen

i can NOT make things happen...
on 1000's OF threads,
so, since, i am most closely aligned with ST.Clair,

(this is where, i believe, it should be parked)

if ST.Clair, has trouble with this

(we will move it)

otherwise, i will NEED to leave and go elsewhere

i can NOT be everywhere, but, i can be here

9/18/2008 -- 9/9/10

it time, for all of us, to truly awaken,
and, in the process
create both,
the altering, and, the shifting
that is required

many will have ears, and, will not hear
many will have eyes, and, they will not see
and, yet, it is possible,
to will them both into action

sure there is runway ahead,
we either use it,
or, lose it,
we can NOT allow that to happen

On the topic of 10/14/2008
here is what we have to say:

We are all far too wise,
and, we are all far too smart,
all one has to do, is listen,
to these low vibrational calls, to know,
that this is NOT how an ascended master,
speaks to anyone,
still these people,
are NOT low lives,
these are awakened people,
trying to do their tasks,
to the best of their abilities,
and, they do good work

oft times, they do strike others with arrows,
that cause, these people, to go on a trip,
to eXplore, to search, for something,
that is of a higher vibration,
something, that can truly bend an ear,
or, catch an eye

and, in doing so,
they do move forward, and, do it faster ...

celebrate all, who are creating an awakening
for eventually, they too, will hear,
the higher words, that are being spoken,
and, realiSe, they come from men/and, from women,
who are perhaps NOT that much different,
than you, or "i"
both are very necessary,
if we ever want to combine forces/and, power
and, become a real "us"

we are in times,
were we must learn,
how it is, to listen, and, to talk
how it is, to take in, and, put out
how it is, to gather, and,
to create a force/or, a power,
that has NOT been on this earth
for a very long time

we are all, the parts of it

The Parts of The eXchange,
coming back again,
to re_gather, to re_group,
to help one another, to re_member...
that old magic of Avalon,
and, that old magic of Camelot,

it is already here, in this NOW !!!

You will NOT have to sit long to ponder it,
or, to discern it, if it that time,
for you to touch into that magic,
you will feel it,
create a spark,
that will shock you,
to the very core of your "Original Spark",
(original spark-a word given to me in 1966)
it is your right, it is probably why you are here,
for, those of us, who did live in Avalon,
we have never truly forgotten,
for, it is road, that is buried deeply inside each of us,
it is the one, we need to get back on ...

for, those of us,
who can still remember the magic of Camelot
it is time, for us,
to share it all, with all the others

for, NEVER before, in the history of this world,
has there ever been a time, like this one ...
if you keep holding your tongue,
surely it will die a death ...

2008--it is
The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings,
in this wheel, we are all, the spokes,
maybe, it is time,
more of us "spoke up"
(pardon the pun)

Brightest blessings of energy, light 'n love to all

the eXchanger


Last edited by Karen; 09-10-2009 at 01:43 AM. Reason: OP request
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Old 09-26-2008, 12:46 AM   #2
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: The eXchanger's Thread -2008 The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings


09-18-2008, 03:45 PM #2
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Re: The eXchanger's Thread -2008 The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings

Hi again Susan

You are here

glad you found your home -
a radiant zone in the making

coming backto the source
swimming on up the stream

me i donnu where i fit in

too grounded for the
e n l i g h t e n e d
o n e s

and too enlightened
for the ground crew

just kidding

here we do all sorts of funny things -
economy astrology time travel seeing

the young Sir in Nepal and I write and ponder scenarios -
where we integrate seers time travelers we feel have merit

usually we stay out of dark subjects even if they loom large
and if we have to address them we transmute them to light

but we dont buy into new age either
we drew concise Plutonic boundaries
around my Capricornian Saturnian zone

we try not to accept nor to reject
unless... we dont believe nor debunk
we dont disbelief either, we try know

kind of like Putin, we learn from the masters
the kid in Nepal has to start his career
while I want to wrap mine up asap

then we want to work with the clients
and get more gold for the development
so we can create these sanctuaries -
with their own new economies etc.

that is kind of the game plan here
other than that we adapt flexibly

interesting faces are showing up

still want to get my waterworld craft
the one with solar and wind power
the fastest one on the seven seas

well hey Susan..

i am glad you are here.
me i am kind of done,
presented everything,
astro - short mid long term

sources and resources
Q & A is done also so far
Zynox took on gold & silver

i took some flak about Palinksi
for stating the obvious, so what?

made some friends in Libra planets
some of them are very chatty & flirty
hope they know they are looking into

The Obsidian Mirror
what they see when they look at my work
is themselves....

Glad you resurfaced again here....

so what are your plans?

e X c h a n g e !!

M StC.

Last edited by StClair; 09-18-2008 at 03:52 PM.
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Old 09-26-2008, 12:47 AM   #3
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: The eXchanger's Thread -2008 The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings

09-18-2008, 04:34 PM #3
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Re: The eXchanger's Thread -
2008 The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings

Originally Posted by StClair
Hi again Susan
You are here
glad you found your home -
a radiant zone in the making
coming backto the source
swimming on up the stream
Glad you resurfaced again here....
so what are your plans?
e X c h a n g e !!
M StC.

The eXchanger:

I am here,
to eXchange,
that is why,
my highest eXpression,
calls itself, the eXchanger...

it calls, your highest expression, ST. CLAIR

The SEED-dR of the light,

THE "dr"- for doing it right
one who gathers, and, tosses around
The Seeds of All that iS,
and, does it, quite eloquently, i might add

The eXchange, iS what what it iS

a moment in time, when many come to gather,
and, to create, a big feast

you are, and, i am, just as everyone else is, a part of it

for truly, you know, as, i know, that, we are all energy,
and, that, we are created of seeds,
both male seeds, and, female seeds.

In this process, it is discovering,
the true seeding of ancient knowledge,
along with the true seeding of future knowledge,
for, we know, as, we both, eXchange, and, walk between the worlds,
that it is a true balancing of both, that come together,
to create the equation of truth.

i remember, how it was, that, you happened, upon my path,
and, how it was, that, i recognised you,
and, how it was, that, you recognised me,
it is amazing what happens, when two sparks, come to meet
and, how we came to eXchange with one another
back in late 2003/or early 2004
(i will try to look up the actual date,
as, i believe it was a pivotal one)

My higher guidance, was quite insistant that i write,
and, i am glad, that i took that chance,
as, you gave me, very good, and, valuable advise,
"remember what JK would do"...
absolutely..."remember what JK would do"

You were a breath of fresh air that i needed, and,
i have never forgotten that,
you have NO real idea,
how valuable, you, and, your information,
has been to me, at the time,
it was eXactly what i needed to hear,
and, in many ways,
it slowed me down,
and, speed me up, at the same time,
and, allowed me to re_evaulate everything,
there is magic,
to be mined,
in good eXchanges

we are here,
all of us,
to pick up these "the seeds of light"
for they are a true gift,
an awakening to the world,
for the gift of their presence,
in the present,
in this NOW, it iS pivotal

yes, we will have fun,
on this thread

to all of those who choose...
to enter the light of this thread,
be warned, it is,
our intention,
to light up, parts of you,
that will allow you,
to become part of this web...
for, it is a grand tapestry,
here, that we are weaving,
with you, or without you,
it will come into being

for here, we will NOT embrace the dark,
instead, we will send the dark love,
to us, love is a gift, to them, love is a poison.

love is,
the highest eXpression of truth,
NEVER forget that.

Here we will start a process of eXchanging,
each to the other, in ways in which,
our hearts might beat a little faster,
where our minds might be expanded a little further,
and, where "no_thing" or "no_body"
but, the "real" light will get it in, or get it !!!

It is a wonderful time, to be alive

Plant your seeds...and, watch how your garden will grow

Will it to be, so, it will be,

It is time, to let the "real" eXchanges begin ...

it is the part of me that matters,
it is the part of you that matters,
it is the place, where we bring both back together again,
and, create an "us" -- so, all of us, can be whole again

Brightest blessings of energy, light and love to all

the eXchanger
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Old 09-26-2008, 12:48 AM   #4
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: The eXchanger's Thread -2008 The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings

---------------------------------------------------------------- 09-18-2008, 04:40 PM #4
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Re: The eXchanger's Thread -2008 The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings

NO greater power then an idea who's time has come.

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free"
(Johann Von Goethe)
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Old 09-26-2008, 12:49 AM   #5
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Default Re: The eXchanger's Thread -2008 The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings

09-18-2008, 04:45 PM #5
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Re: The eXchanger's Thread -2008 The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings


Thank You eXchanger you are truly "ONE" of a kind

Peace Love and Eternal Groovieness
Holstein Farmers Market - Canada's First Galactic Market
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Old 09-26-2008, 12:50 AM   #6
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: The eXchanger's Thread -2008 The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings

09-18-2008, 04:54 PM #6
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Re: The eXchanger's Thread -2008 The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings

Originally Posted by JesterTerrestrial
Thank You eXchanger you are truly "ONE" of a kind


The very same, good be said of you...
as, i "jest" with you, i too see, the original you,
and, it is full of things we could marvel about

We hope you share it !!!

Thank you, for your eXpression,
it is making my heart so happy,
i can hear my soul singing...how good is that !!!

many blessings back to you,

brightest blessings of energy, light 'n love
the eXchanger
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Old 09-26-2008, 12:51 AM   #7
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Default Re: The eXchanger's Thread -2008 The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings

09-18-2008, 05:18 PM #7
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The eXchanger's Thread -2008 The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings

Originally Posted by Zjenny
thank you for sharing that raven with us...
it is a bird, that comes to us,
to speak of great things...
i took a trip once, to cornwall, in 2005...
where the magic of camelot, and, the world of Avalon
existed, and, still exists there today.
Four of them, big huge magnificent ravens,
along with an eagle, arrived,
and, they shared the journey to everywhere we visited.
When i arrived at a bed and breakfast,
that had a view of The Thor...
they flew in, and, landed in 4 corners,
east, west, south, and, north, in a diamond,
and, then, the eagle, it came in, and, it landed...
that was a moment in time...
i will never forget...they spoke to us, about this time.
The altering, and, changing, and, the shifting,
into who we really are,
and, how many pieces of a grand tapestry,
would be wooven back together...
they spoke to me then, about The eXchangers,
if you are, one of them, you will know...
it is your task, to discover first, you,
and, you will find, hidden deep within that process,
"the seeds" you will reflect out,
for the inner eXpression, what lurks in your depth,
this is the 4th dimension,
where the etheric body of you,
meets, the etheric body of another,
and, in that eXchange,
you will know...
for as, you learn,
to mine the "inner_worlds"
there will be eXpressed outward,
from the totality of you,
to the "outer_worlds"
and, here, it will be the great meetings...
the "exchanging of all" that is,
and, all that might be, again.

Where the reflections & the shinings,
that will meet, and, will greet each other,
will be the true essence that shines.

All of them, are here, in this time ...
it is an unique time, one that eXists,
that is unlike any other.

It is time, to shine your light,
be who you are, and, do that authentically,
awakening them,
is NOT a task for someone else to do,
no one, can activate your essence, but YOU !!!

iF YOU ask, it will happen !!!

BE MORE...never less.

Brightest blessings of energy, light and love to all

the eXchanger

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Old 09-26-2008, 12:52 AM   #8
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: The eXchanger's Thread -2008 The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings

09-18-2008, 05:21 PM #8
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Re: The eXchanger's Thread -2008 The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings

Hi Susan
again Amen.
Love the poetry.
I cant remember my past lives but I never felt at home in this world.

Right from as long as I can remember I just could not relate to acts of non-love, not that im a Saint or sinner. I just am.
I find unconditional love very easy and thats a double edged sword.
In the past I have loved without discrimination and got taken for a ride many time but I thank those who did because they were my teachers.

The last 30 years have been spent searching for the Truth. The longest journey is from head to heart. Lol

I learnt to seperate the act from the person. I could love without condoning.

Books of Ramana Maharshi I learned a lot from. The world I tried to save did not even exist - my perception conditioned.
Ramesh Balsakar --Advaita-- Eckhart Tolle and David Hawkins teachers of Non-duality helped a lot. I am indebted to them.

I had am still learning to let go of belief systems, judgment, labeling and positionality.

People can justify anything, if the knew better they would do better. Ignorance (spiritual) is the only sin--falling short of the mark.
God forgive them for they know not what they do.
Spiritually asleep.

If everyone realized Oneness (Non -Duality) then there would be a Golden Age and the current act of the play of life would come to a happy close, and on to the next act.

Spiritual Sages dont say "do nothing" they say take right action, which is prompted by Higherself then there is no personal agenda non egoic action happens. I hope to be guided to take right action.

I am indebted to Michael StClare and the founders of this forum. They have re-awakened my dream of being part of a small comunity of radience.

My skills are few, natural energy healer probably being the main asset. Funds I have none.
Wants needs and desire along with motivation has mainly fallen away. Preferences remain.
I dont have to be right anymore-- what a blessing that is.

For me the goal of enlightenment (if it can be called a goal, Lord remove my ignorance) is the priority in my life.

I have found spiritual lessons to be the most practical thing.
Everyone wants peace and in the main my mind is silent I am therfore at peace, I dont really mind what happens to me but I do have concern for others.
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Old 09-26-2008, 12:53 AM   #9
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Default Re: The eXchanger's Thread -2008 The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings

09-18-2008, 05:26 PM #9
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Re: The eXchanger's Thread -2008 The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings

---------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to All

----------------------------------------------------------------Last edited by greybeard; 09-18-2008 at 05:29 PM.
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Old 09-26-2008, 12:54 AM   #10
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: The eXchanger's Thread -2008 The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings

09-18-2008, 05:54 PM #10
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Re: The eXchanger's Thread -2008 The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings


Hi Exhanger, Zjenny & Greybeard,

One huge smiley for you all:

Almost nothing is personal

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Old 09-26-2008, 12:55 AM   #11
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: The eXchanger's Thread -2008 The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings

09-18-2008, 05:57 PM #11
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Re: The eXchanger's Thread -2008 The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings

Sorry, This was for you as well JesterTerrestial & Michael!
Almost nothing is personal

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Old 09-26-2008, 12:56 AM   #12
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Default Re: The eXchanger's Thread -2008 The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings

09-18-2008, 05:59 PM #12
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Re: The eXchanger's Thread -2008 The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings


Hi susan...ur words brought tears of love
and smiles to me...
unconditional love to u, and every one of you...

we are all we are


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Old 09-26-2008, 12:57 AM   #13
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Default Re: The eXchanger's Thread -2008 The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings

09-18-2008, 06:02 PM #13
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Re: The eXchanger's Thread -
2008 The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings


Thank you...Greybeard

Ask to remember them, in your dreams...
you will be amazed, at what happens.

Both the Saint, and the Sinner,
assist us, to learn lessons,
the goal, is to actually be NEITHER of THEM

I know, the goal, is to be, one with YOU, first,
and, then, everything else, falls into place.

unconditional love--does NOT work in 3D
it does, work, however, in 4D, and, above that,
to weld it, in 3D,
you will struggle with the double edged sword,
that it iS.

love with all that you are,
it is the only thing,
that does NOT know an equal,
NOR, an opposite,
it just is, what it is, LOVE

to be taken, for a ride, is to be given a lesson

ironically, many get taken for rides, over, and, over again

and, then, they realise, the key, or the level,
that they have willingly given to another,
the same standing, as, they are, and,
have earned the right to themselves,
does NOT yet, belong to another
who has NOT earned that KEY

PEOPLE will disappoint you -
if you expect that they will be as you are

eXchange with them -- just to see
(give and receive-is a 2 way street)

Truth is, as, love is,
it does NOT know any equal,
NOR, does it know an opposite,
it is, what it is,
the TRUTH (that is why we mine for it)

The longest journey is NOT,
as you think from head to heart
from an intellectual centre, it might be
but, from an emotional centre
it would be a journey, that would never begin.

The real truth, is within us,
there are many centres,
and, also many hearts...
it is more, like spokes of a wheel,
all component parts, must be engaged,
in order, for the wheel, to be a wheel,
and, do its job
(some where else, i posted about
1+9+1 -- but, it got buried, in the dirt)
i shall mine for it later

Learning to separate,
my good old friend, does NOT create wholeness...
and, as long, as we mine,
that way, we will be controlled & separated...
connect the dots/and, the bars that are within.

The worlds of avalon/or camelot...
shamballa/agartha, or heaven does eXist, and,
can eXist, within you...in this NOW

perception is,
what you perceive to be truth

nothing more, nothing less

it is a judgement,
of conditions only you see, sense and feel

Duality, it is the lessons...
if you skip that, then, you miss the real trip,
and, will journey endlessly,
going no-where, slow or fast,
it will NOT matter

Weigh and, measure, all the eXchanges

the good, sort themselves,
from the bad, rather quickly

Beliefs, are NOT truths...
just because you believe something,
does NOT automatically award it,
The Medal of Truth

There is a reason,
that once there was 13 signs to astrology,
and, when it was discovered,
that man/woman, and, many men/women
where mining the stars, for answers,
they altered it, and, changed it, to only 12
also, there is one, that appears here,
the star constellation of libra, the scales,
to remind you to balance equations.

eXchange iS all there is,
how you energetically flow things throw it,
is what it is, that alters, and, that changes
the results of your choices...these, i call,
"The Consquences"...
it is simply a matter of this,
do you love them ???
and, if NOT,
you alter, and, you change the choices
that went into their making.

People can DO, whatever they want,
this is what free-will, is all about,
provided you let them --
you are the gatekeeper of your choices

if you are "good" at "eXchanging",
The Consquences, they will be wonderful.

Forgive everyone,
including you, and,
release everyone, but YOU,
embrace that, which holds your shining,
the container, that holds your "original spark"
and, develop it, as much, as possible,
and, then, you will be like truth, and, like love.

There is much, that goes on,
consciously, and, unconsciously,
the dream-time,
it is an important time,
many are waking up there, right now !!!
(and, they do it every night)

The greatest lie, that was ever told to you,
was related to ego...and, to oneness,
if you are NOT full in yourself,
how, do you eXpect to bring fullness,
to anyone else ???

We are already, in this "Golden Age"
it is happening, in the midst, of duality...
there is NO life, that ever comes to an end,
again, a belief that is NOT a truth,
your "original spark", it is ageless, and, timeless,
but, it does have a recorder on it ...
every act, every deed, good-or bad, are recorded within it,
it puts a whole new slant, on "spill your beans"
there is NO escaping,
what you do, or, what you do NOT do

Yes, there will be those,
who choose, observation.

Yes, we will sit, and, we will observe,
but, observation, is NOT really an action

Real spiritual sages, do NOT say, do NOTHING...
you are right here, they take "real" action

AHH...you must ask,
your "old wise one", this "essence" or,
"higher self" or "monad" to activate you,
otherwise, it stands,
with its hands across its chest, observing you !!!

(even it respects your free-will)

in fact, you are much like a puppet,
on its string

The essence/or, what i call "The Capstone"
holds all the secrets, every last one of them,
and, it does have the thread, of truth,
it knows eXactly what it intended for you to do,
however, very few, ever invite it in,
you must ask it ...
then, it will tell you,
NOT anyone else,
this is a process
between you, and, it,
and, free-will prevents it, from coming to your rescue,
unless of course, it is a do-or-die, type of event,
then, it might step it, but, NOT always.

invite your essence/or Capstone to join you,
and, ask/ask/ask,
for this to happen -- that is how you awaken

The dreams, and, the dreamers, they never die,
all of them, they are still live, they are all still here,
many are awake, and, awakening right now.

You Greybeard, are a healer,
you also have, a higher self, or essence,
that wishes to join you, on a trip,
forget the journey, get on the trip !!!

Money is simply one form of energy,
if you give what you got,
the very art of the eXchange,
will flow to you, the money,
if both are engaged, both will happen.

To Remain...that is a sad path

To Need...that is a miserable path

To Desire...NOW, that is a path,
where you not only get what you really need & want,
you can totally fill yourself, on that path

You need right, and, you need wrong, to formulate choices...
and, balance eXchanges.

ignorance is simply a lack of knowledge

search for seeds ...they are here, esp. in this part of avalon

make that a priority

be a good seed ...
exchange with other good seeds

be a "piece" of "peace"...

still the mind, and, sit in the silence

here you will hear "your song"

Mind, what matters most, to YOU

Act, as if what matters to another,
is the eXpression of eXchange,
you bring into all eXchanges
it is then, that eXchange is fruitful,
and, it multiples

You, Chris, energetically can eXpress yourself
into any equation, and, fit in

monitor the ones, you choose, to eXchange with
and, everything will shift for you
and, very quickly, i might add
YOU are already there
open those eyes, and, see this, for truly it is a truth

brightest blessings of energy, light 'n love

The eXchanger

Last edited by eXchanger; 09-18-2008 at 07:43 PM.
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Old 09-26-2008, 12:58 AM   #14
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: The eXchanger's Thread -2008 The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings

09-18-2008, 06:05 PM #14
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Re: The eXchanger's Thread -2008 The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings


thanks, love and respect to all.

So what eXactly is your viewpoint on this the year of the trinity of new beginnings? I was reading about 08/08/08 and some crystalline doors. It really feels like things are moving along now...ready or not.
Peace Love and Eternal Groovieness
Holstein Farmers Market - Canada's First Galactic Market
Kundalini Awakening

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Old 09-26-2008, 12:59 AM   #15
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: The eXchanger's Thread -2008 The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings

09-18-2008, 06:27 PM #15
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Re: The eXchanger's Thread -2008 The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings


Originally Posted by bananaman
Hi susan...ur words brought tears of love and smiles to me...unconditional love to u, and every one of you...we are all we are

Thank you "bananaman"
here, we can practiSe that thing called "unconditional love"...
here we are already in "The Golden Age", for we are already in Avalon...
do you think, some of them will find us ???

it's a good thing ST.CLAIR has seeds !!!

Yes, we are,
those winds of the altering, and, the changing,
all of us,
and, just like the hopi "star_blowers"
we can take those seeds,
and, put them, into the winds, so, they might travel,
all over this Blue Star Planet of Earth...
and, beyond (maybe even VENUS)

Be a "good seed"...
and, have fun with us, while we all
do the task together of "seeding"

Yes, it is a good time to be here !!!

Brightest blessings of energy, light and love
the eXchanger

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Old 09-26-2008, 01:00 AM   #16
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Default Re: The eXchanger's Thread -2008 The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings

09-18-2008, 06:43 PM #16
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Re: The eXchanger's Thread -2008 The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings


Originally Posted by JesterTerrestrial
thanks, love and respect to all.

So what eXactly is your viewpoint on this the year of the trinity of new beginnings? I was reading about 08/08/08 and some crystalline doors. It really feels like things are moving along now...ready or not.

WELL 8/8/8 WAS 8/8/2006
(i wrote things back then,
but, was NOT a brave,
who, at that time,
put much out to the world,
but, kept it in some inner circles)
i am NOW, going through a lot of it,
there are bookcases,
inside of me, that i need to empty!!!

like many of us,
we are NOT to be braves,
to sit in the distance...
there comes a time,
when wise ones, come to us,
and, tell us, if you hold your tongue,
it will die a death,
NOW, i am listening to them,
and, NOW, it is time, for me,
to start a process of spilling my beans

i will admit, that, i am NOT totally comfortable with it

in many respects,
it is much like opening your mouth,
and, putting your mind on parade

This is about all of us,
this return to agartha/avalon/or shamballa,
we will get there, i know this

i am enjoying the comments, so, thank you,
let us, all shed tears of happiness,
and, spread around the joy that is within us,
we are here, and, we are protected,
and, safe.

on a side note: i can be blunt & straight foward,
in my responses...and, NOT always,
will i fill in all the blanks for you !!!

sometimes, reading what i wrote,
2 or 3 times, can help, to get the real meaning
or, the meat of them, and, discern them,
take what works for you...and, discard the rest

i know, i am here, in this time, by choice,
just, as, all the rest of us, are here by choice

i am glad, you have choosen to eXchange with us

brightest blessings of energy, light and love
the eXchanger
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Old 09-26-2008, 01:02 AM   #17
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Default Re: The eXchanger's Thread -2008 The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings

09-18-2008, 06:48 PM #17
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Re: The eXchanger's Thread -2008 The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings


So much wisdom
So many slices of the truth
So many wondrous vibrations

LOOK at the proof!
FEEL the proof!
BE the proof!

I feel the light encoded in this tread, and I am forever, NOW, changed, enhanced in spirit, and in purpose!

Huge graditude extended to each of thee, my brothers and sisters!

Michael, your symmetry in ideas and in the shape of your post can't hide from my observation, the light encoded.

Susan, your eloquence in delivery encodes the bardic tradition of light, illumination of emotions.

See now, the many hues of the celestial spectrum, presented, herein.

As we are bathed, in GOLDEN energy, graced in the illumination of many ...


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Old 09-26-2008, 01:03 AM   #18
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Default Re: The eXchanger's Thread -2008 The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings

09-18-2008, 08:24 PM #18
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Re: The eXchanger's Thread -2008 The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings

Originally Posted by Zynox
So much wisdom
So many slices of the truth
So many wondrous vibrations

LOOK at the proof!
FEEL the proof!
BE the proof!

I feel the light encoded in this tread, and I am forever, NOW, changed, enhanced in spirit, and in purpose!

Huge graditude extended to each of thee, my brothers and sisters!

Michael, your symmetry in ideas and in the shape of your post can't hide from my observation, the light encoded.

Susan, your eloquence in delivery encodes the bardic tradition of light, illumination of emotions.

See now, the many hues of the celestial spectrum, presented, herein.

As we are bathed, in GOLDEN energy, graced in the illumination of many ...


The best part, is this,
it is like
the good, getting better, becoming the best


Zynox - you have written through many times,
and, in many places, and, in many spaces,
there is still,
the echos of your etchings of your words
so carefully placed, in picture carvings,
and, in text...it all still echos right off,
your magnificent time line...
ummm...how good it is !!!

Here we are,
all re_gathering to do the "good work"
we all originally intended to do...

with our partners,
love, and, truth,
along with JesterTerrestrial, greybeard, bananaman, matrix, Zjenny, St.CLAiR, & yourself, and, me here...
that's a 10 energy
and, that completes
the first ring of Avalon

"what they see when
they look at my work is...
themselves" ST.CLAIR

those are words spoken, from a true master

one who remembers,
the teacher who truly did touch our hearts

The immortal Friend

I sat dreaming in a room of great silence.
The early morning was still and breathless,
The great blue mountains
stood against the dark skies, cold and clear,
Round the dark log house
The black and yellow birds were welcoming the sun.

I sat on the floor, with legs crossed, meditating,
Forgetting the sunlit mountains,
The birds,
The immense silence,
And the golden sun.

I lost the feel of my body,
My limbs were motionless,
Relaxed and at peace.
A great joy of unfathomable depth filled my heart.
Eager and keen was my mind, concentrated.
Lost to the transient world,
I was full of strength.

As the Eastern breeze
That suddenly springs into being
And calms the weary world,
There in front of me
Seated cross-legged,
As the world knows Him
In His yellow robes, simple and magnificent,
Was the Teacher of Teachers.

Looking at me,
Motionless the Mighty Being sat.
I looked and bowed my head.
My body bent forward of itself.
That one look
Showed the progress of the world,
Showed the immense distance between the world
And the greatest of it's Teachers.
How little it understood,
And how much He gave.
How joyously He soared,
Escaping from birth and death,
From it's tyranny and entangling wheel.

Enlightenment attained,
He gave to the world, as the flower gives
It's scent,
The Truth.

As I looked
At the sacred feet that once trod the happy
Dust of India,
My heart poured forth its devotion,
Limitless and unfathomable,
Without restraint and without effort.

- J Krishnamurti
"The immortal friend"

yes, the immortal friend

brightest blessings of
energy, light and love to all

the eXchanger
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Old 09-26-2008, 01:04 AM   #19
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: The eXchanger's Thread -2008 The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings

09-18-2008, 09:15 PM #19
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Re: The eXchanger's Thread -2008 The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings


Hi Dear eXchanger,

yes, I dare say
Dear as I felt a connection I am aways alert on.
Finding Messengers.

Sitting in the fisheye of two circles overlapping
overseeing all there is
in peace and harmony
balancing the silver and the gold
ever perpetuating movement

flying high with the Eagle.

Love you a lot , always did.
No Time. Now.


NO greater power then an idea who's time has come.

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free"
(Johann Von Goethe)

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Old 09-26-2008, 01:05 AM   #20
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Default Re: The eXchanger's Thread -2008 The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings

09-18-2008, 09:58 PM #20
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Re: The eXchanger's Thread -2008 The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings

A lightbeing's words,
interpretively immortalized in the seeds of the OLIN ...

Available at:

Can't figure out how to embed the full scale here, and, keeping the cyber footprint minimal ...

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Old 09-26-2008, 01:06 AM   #21
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Default Re: The eXchanger's Thread -2008 The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings

09-18-2008, 10:02 PM #21
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Re: The eXchanger's Thread -2008 The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings

I tried and couldn't figure it out either.
NO greater power then an idea who's time has come.

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free"
(Johann Von Goethe)
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Old 09-26-2008, 01:07 AM   #22
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Default Re: The eXchanger's Thread -2008 The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings

09-18-2008, 10:22 PM #22
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Re: The eXchanger's Thread -2008 The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings

Originally Posted by Zynox

I feel the light encoded in this tread, and I am forever, NOW, changed, enhanced in spirit, and in purpose!

Zy, the little Leo, scampers away blushing, tail between legs ... where the humbled ... do ... tread!

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Old 09-26-2008, 01:08 AM   #23
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Default Re: The eXchanger's Thread -2008 The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings

09-18-2008, 10:29 PM #23
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Re: The eXchanger's Thread -2008 The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings

I'm interested to see
where you will go with this thread eXchanger.
When you mentioned "spilling your beans",
what beans are you refering to exactly?
I am excited to be a part of this shared experience
with all of you.

*******may WISDOM guide COMPASSION*******

>>>>>"out of MANY, we are ONE"<<<<<
Love/Light 13
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Old 09-26-2008, 01:09 AM   #24
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Default Re: The eXchanger's Thread -2008 The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings

09-18-2008, 10:36 PM #24
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Re: The eXchanger's Thread -2008 The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings

Originally Posted by eXchanger
Here we are,
all re_gathering to do the "good work"
we all originally intended to do...

And maybe this time we won't have to watch as our paradise slips under the seas AGAIN.

Love is the way.
The light.
The only.

Blessings, sister.
Turn them on.
Make haste.
Do what you must.

And we all love.


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Old 09-26-2008, 01:10 AM   #25
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Default Re: The eXchanger's Thread -2008 The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings

09-18-2008, 10:41 PM #25
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A figure on a chess board

(PHOTOGRAPH of very large QUEEN)

Hi Friends

well i am glad Susan began here what amounts to a little oasis of peace in the midst of an increasingly turbulent zone, at times it gets a bit dense in the trenches of ideas and interactions out there...

Meanwhile busy-ness has broken out around me and I am not always able to be here.

This thing i scribbled down earlier on here turns out actually to look like some sort of a chess figure, perhaps the queen ?

Happy for everyone of you who came to say hello and who may want to hang in for the long haul, all of you friends who felt guided to sign in a small message of appreciation and recognition. Many thanks...

You will soon find out that a place like this reflects the world we live in and at times we will be glad to withdraw into this sanctuary Susan created inside my "zone"...

It is like her "Reflection Lounge" in an an otherwiss VERY busy crowded airport...

Hey guys I am sorry if I commented on some current (and "future") events here at Avalon in a way that might not have resonated with ALL too well, but one of the things i almost "have to do" at times is to say things, the way I see them, whether they are received comfortably or not...

At times I am the one who has to give the "inconvenient opinion."

Not trying to say here I know it all and that what I "see" is the "truth" because of course I am also only in this "vessel" with its restrictions & shortcomings, otherwise I d be OUT THERE with the big guys, flying crafts... yet at times it feels "familiar" like I have seen the "numbers" played out in several permutations before...

I am still learning after the years how to modulate the tone...

One of the things I learned is that it is difficult (and maybe not asked for) to reach consensus for the sake of peace.

just thinking about it...

Glad we are all here...
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