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Old 11-03-2008, 10:03 PM   #1
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Default Thinking on your own

I have seen several posts in the past month plus referring directly to Avalon, what direction it is going, positions toward and opinions from the mods, why people are leaving...

As one had said earlier I believe, "All is not well at Avalon." And that is indeed true, however, one must remember that this is indeed an aspect in relation to every part of reality.

What I am sort of referring to is the notion of mob pyschology. Think of Stephen King's latest flick "The Mist" is a good example of what I am talking about. Most people have discussed misinformation/disinformation on Avalon. However, if the majority choose to believe a piece of misinformation, specifically within the realms of Avalon, it no longer is misinformation, but becomes truth. This behavior is very hazardous and I cannot express the implications of such a notion. This forum is equally as good as bad for ones mentally with the mind.

I just posted this piece last night in the thread 2 misconceptions and there is some underlying pyschology that is very disturbing to me which I'm not going to get into.

I really want people to read what I am sharing with you, as its of central importance to your understanding of reality.

Why these universal truths are SO IMPORTANT is because these are what you have to work with for truth essentially. Everything else has the potential to be variable or opinionated as Plato referred to it as. This goes along with the idea of the movie "The Matrix" in that this all could be an illusion much grander than you possibly can think.

If the piece feels at all out of context, check out the other thread where I originally posted it. Thank you!


Hey Everybody! Gregor here!

Okay, so I just spent the last twenty minutes reading this, and didn't fully read everything, just don't have the time anymore. But let's have some fun here, and digest some of these 'truths'. The pyschology of the moment at hand, with the thread and all, is really interesting I must say, however, it seems people are drifting away from some important aspects of the conversation.

So let's talk about co-creation, and some of the blatant denial of this and the term god. First off, I am completely on the other side of the argument with this, as it has been stated, but many people are MISINTERPRETING this notion.

Now, if people have picked up on my persona and the way I approach things philosophically I always have my good friend Mr. Math by my side, as its a fundamental truth that can always stick by my side going into an argument. However, to engage that concept one must accept that math is nature, and nature is math. They are one in the same.

Anyone here familiar with chaos theory? In essence, any little one thing we do affects the ENTIRE system at hand. You deciding to sleep on your side over your back can change the entire course of the universe. We are a perfect mathematical system interwoven with conscienceness/thought that is interconnected on every level of reality. NOTHING IS SEPARATE. One who chooses to believe that we are indeed separate is one of the true pillars of the negative polarity that most people don't realize.

And with that notion, we are all gods. Everyone single piece of existence is a god, as we are also all one, for any change within the system affects the entire system at hand. People put forth that being a god sometimes means we can change things to the point of wishful thinking which the movie/book "The Secret" propagates which is essentially misleading. Any action or decision we make AFFECTS existence on a micro and macrocosm scale if not directly realized.

Take a look at this picture I just made:

This can explain two different concepts to how things actually work (when I say actually is because it's mathematically sound). The center point is the present moment, with to the right the future, and the left the past. We're more concerned with the future at the moment so I'll stick with that. Anyways, wishful thinking implies anything is possible to happen at the next coming moment, which is technically not right. If I am in my room, the only things that say could happen next is I stay in it, I walk out, an asteroid hits my house so on... I'm not suddenly going to appear on Saturn while chilling out with the council of elders just cause I wish it. However, if I put that thought out there that hey I wanna meet these guys, and some how figure out the dynamics to actually pull it off (as remote as it may seem!), then it could actually happen. Cause the farther you descend into the future, the more potential for things are that can happen. Just thinking of walking from one spot. In one second, I have the potential to cover 1 foot in either direction, but in two seconds, I could cover two feet, and three seconds three feet. If you take into area now (with your lovely friend Pi), that amount of area increased exponentially in which you could cover and will continue to increase exponentially to where you reach a critical mass, aka infinity.

And this notion is intrinsically related to the notion if you do one action, if may not affect that much within the current moment, but in due time the repercussions of that action will grow exponentially, and it will affect the ENTIRE SYSTEM OF EXISTENCE!!! We are all co-creators of reality.

Let's talk about this Law of One biz, as Arcora seemed to imply some separateness ideology which really is harmful (And I don't mean offense tp you Arcora, I've loved the discussion so far). We are all intrinsically related on such a mind blowing scale.

Let's look at some number and set theory now. The number line consists of all numbers, ie infinity, 1, 2, 3, 4... Now let's say each individual or soul is an irrational number, such as the square root of 2, as there are also an infinite amount of irrational numbers. Well, an irrational number is a number you can not sum of with say a fraction or integer. It goes on forever (after the decimal point) for that number is another infinity within itself. Life is a fractal, and we each are an infinity within another infinity within another infinity.

To elaborate on these infinities, let's talk about it relation to the thought process. A closed minded individual, or say the ego, can be represented as the set [-x, x] where x could represent one's life experience or entire perspective of reality, with say both polarities on each end. An open minded individual, or say the true higher soul, can be represented as (-∞, ∞). This implies to be open minded one must take on the ideology that anything is possible.

I'll conclude this piece by laying out what I feel as that I have uncovered as the universal truths of reality which support this rational. A universal truth is in what the name implies. I have spoken of this before on Avalon. THESE TRUTHS CAN BE FOUND WITH IN ONESELF WITHOUT ANY OUTSIDE SOURCES OR INFLUENCES. You can be thrown in a jail cell from birth a discover these concepts on your own with brick walls around you and nothing more (even though it may be really really hard as personal experience is a major catalyst for this).

The first truth is mathematics and logic. This one can easily be proven to yourself. No matter what reality you are in, one plus one equals two. Phi is still 1.618, Pi is 3.141, and zero is the absence of or balance with a system.

The second truth is thought and conscienceness. This is one that people tend to usually have to prove on their own accord. Quantum theory and mainly aspects of science, including biology, can make a fair sense out of this. Many people shoot down Descartes, "I think, therefore I am," which i think is absolutely universal. The reason it gets shot down is that it implies a separateness of each other, but applying notion of fractals with infinities within infinities, we are indeed unique but still interrelated as one.

The third truth is beauty and love. This is the appreciation and understanding of the divine structure of the universe. It is the bridge between the first and second truth. This truth is what we have been discussing here at the moment. I plan on giving a presentation to go into this more in depth. The structure of the universe is defined by mathematics. The face you stare at in the mirror reflects phi in its proportions, and when those are in balance, people are considered more beautiful than those who are disproportionate (on a subliminal level). Music follows specific patterns of frequencies, and when the body dances to that, movements of phi are incorporated along with the laws of physics to allow those actions, along with calories being burned involving chemical breakdown of compounds. All in all, the moment is brought to you my mathematics. Even the stock market and the evolution of language in a society follow these patterns such as phi. This is where your thought interprets the moment, and sees the beauty within it.

Up until last week, I considered there only to be three of these universal truths. But it was through personal experience, actually it was just like Socrates talking with his student, were they arrived at a new philosophical concept. That was my Halloween night and it was indeed beautiful let me tell you. However, I do not think there are anymore as I will explain [as they are technically unnecessary], and as this is only a few days old, bare with me on explaining it as some might consider this more opinionated. It's really still in the works but to me its the most important of them all.

The fourth truth is that of the infinite learning of knowledge. [If] the reason of life is to learn and grow; to understand all that is, however, because knowledge is infinite, one will spend an eternity learning, thus propagating the cyclical cycle of life forever.

And with this the fourth truth encompasses the first three truths, and in turn dictates that every aspect of reality as mundane and insignificant as it may seem is just as important as the other piece of the puzzle, and that in all reality, all of this, every little piece of it to the last grain, is TRUTH.

My friends, welcome to truth.
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Old 11-04-2008, 12:36 AM   #2
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Thinking on your own

Hi Greg and thanks for the post. Critical thinking is one of the most precious gifts that one may possess. Misinformation\disinformation or for that matter anything can become someone's reality if they firmly believe such to be. So I have to agree with you, this is mainly why we are in the mess we are in.

Can we think for a minute that even religion has had it's place in nurturing and continuing to nurture some even now as I post, is it not plausible that given time we all choose our own pathways, live our own creation or demise based on these decisions that we have all made for ourselves and others.

My reality check and one I have seen for years this is my own so it's ok to shoot it down.
The environment and nature we live in is due to our own choices and decisions as we have all contributed to it's demise or we can all contribute to it's survival. We can continue to allow further decay or do our own little part to enhance it's survival. Starts with self. How much communication\correspondence has one done to alter the effects? How much has one sacrificed to do without the wants? How does one feel about resources? If the USA and the world turned from warmongering\strife and focused more on clean-up and preserving what could be accomplished?

The economy I have very little to say on due to the fact I am not materialistic, but I will say if I had a choice between helping a neighbor survive or a corporate entity I will choose the neighbor. However I do not like slave labor nor do I like contributing to it's enhancement.

On Politics I have always been an independent voter researching their track record. We have had very little say in matters for a very long time, yet it is still important to exercise this tool lest it be taken away. Corrupt I agree but doing nothing does not hold a promising future for when true change may come from the masses.

Control is a very harsh one for me simply put I do not believe anyone has the right to control another.

Spirituality will come in a person's life, it may take time. Some teens I know are pretty good sources of spiritual growth\truth. See below you may not agree with any and you may on some points. After all it is your call.

Here's some links, with all information I take what I need. I strongly have to agree that every event provides the opportunity for spiritual growth.
Every event provides an opportunity for spiritual growth

By Walter Last

In order to become more whole and healed on all levels of our being we need to improve ourselves on all of these levels. Complete healing is not possible by working on just one level. As an example, assume that you are badly overweight. Mustering a lot of willpower you start a diet and are quite successful in losing a sizeable amount of weight. The problem is that after some months it slowly creeps back up again and after a year your weight is again where it started.

Eventually you come across some emotional release workshops and find that these, together with a sensible diet, are more effective to lose weight and keep it off. Nevertheless, you may find it difficult to keep your emotions under control because you still continue to react in undesirable ways. Now you discover that you are influenced by various negative beliefs that make life difficult for you.

You realize that you need an appropriate belief system in order to manage your emotions in an appropriate way. You start looking for a philosophy of life that helps you to become and remain healthy, happy and fit. This is where the spiritual dimension comes in. You will find that the more you adopt spiritual principles in your life, the more life will become an adventure or a pleasure rather than a struggle.

More than any other level, our emotions determine how we feel about ourselves and life in general. Our emotions are not only a result of our social interactions, but also of so-called higher and lower levels of energy and consciousness. On the lower level we have the influences of nutrition, exercise and other lifestyle factors, while from the higher level there is a strong effect from our belief system.

To give an example we may look at the perception of death. If someone believes that after death he is likely to end up in something like hell as described in some religions, he may inwardly panic at the thought of impending death. Even for an atheist the thought of total annihilation may be frightening. On the other hand someone who believes that life after death is more pleasant than that on earth may look forward to the time of death with eager anticipation. The fact of death remains the same for all but our emotional response to it is conditioned by our belief.

Most of us have developed our belief systems haphazardly from our parents, school and social contacts as well as books and mass media. These beliefs are often irrational and detrimental for us.

In order to heal our emotions, as well as all other levels of our being it is essential to adopt a suitable philosophy of life to guide us in this quest. I call this a spiritual philosophy. The various religions appear to have different spiritual philosophies. These differences are most pronounced at the mental level of dogmas and doctrines, while they tend to disappear at the level of the highest ideals of each religion.

In all major religions some followers have aimed for these highest ideals. They are the mystics who left us in their writings a spiritual philosophy that transcends and unites all religions.


The concept of spirituality obviously means different things to different people. In this book it means deliberately manifesting or aspiring to manifest a higher and purer consciousness. We do this by consciously developing the attributes of true spirituality such as compassion, discernment, faith, high ideals, harmony, joy, inner knowledge, intuition, kindness, openness, patience, self-responsibility, serenity, tolerance, wisdom and a gentle love for All That Is.

Being spiritual is not the same as being religious, which involves following the creed of a proclaimed religion. Someone may be spiritual without being religious and vice versa. Those who are religious become spiritual by following the highest ideals of their religion, while those without a religion follow their own highest ideals and their higher guidance. On the higher levels of consciousness true religion and spirituality merge.

In Christian terms, for instance, we are advised to 'seek first the kingdom of heaven' and all else will be given onto us. In spiritual terms this means to seek first and follow our higher guidance to manifest the signs of true spirituality. Then we can expect health and happiness to result as a natural by-product.

Spiritual development should not be confused with psychic development. Psychic abilities are no measure of spirituality. However, psychic abilities will develop on their own and in a natural way during spiritual awakening according to the need for their use. While neither good nor bad in themselves, psychic abilities without spirituality are like nuclear power without morality; both can lead to disaster.

Neither is spiritual development a quest for altered states of consciousness, though these may occur as natural by-products of deep relaxation and meditation. They can be useful and may provide us with insights as well as beautiful and uplifting inner experiences. However, our main task is at the level of our normal consciousness, and such inner experiences at elevated levels need to be transformed into improved daily living habits.

We become more spiritual by living according to our highest ideals, and by consciously improving our attitudes and feelings. Every moment in our day-to-day interactions provides an opportunity to become more spiritual. We are aided in this endeavor by asking for help from the highest guiding part of our consciousness, which we may call the Higher Self or in Christian terms the Holy Spirit.
More at above link or here http://www.health-science-spirit.com...dimension.html

Science and spirituality for those who wish to delve into this concept.


A Technical Outline of a Spiritual Philosophy of Science

by Walter Last

One of our most fundamental mental challenges is to reconcile our scientific understanding of the world with our spiritual experiences and beliefs. There must be a unity at a higher level of reality, despite the outer appearances to the contrary. What are matter, energy, spirit, consciousness, and time? In the following I have outlined my answers to these questions.

The endeavors of conventional science focus only on material and technological aspects of our lives, and largely ignore other areas of vital interest to many of us, such as natural therapies, psychic phenomena, UFO’s, subtle energies and free energy generation, the multitude of anomalies and unexplained phenomena, as well as the whole area of spirituality and consciousness. A main reason for this is the absence of a plausible theory linking science and consciousness that makes these subjects understandable in scientific terms.

Present physics theories of everything are only concerned with physics, based on the mechanistic belief that biology and consciousness are just appendices of physics. What if it is the other way around? The following theory will show that physics can be much better understood as a product of consciousness. Equally with additional dimensions: mathematical constructs assume a great number of additional dimensions without the slightest indication what an additional dimension might actually look like.

I suggest that physics should start investigating paranormal or supernatural phenomena. Then it would soon find out what a real additional dimension is. Therefore, any so-called theory of everything that does not include consciousness and the paranormal is incomplete as well as seriously flawed.

However, such a unified theory of everything is possible by assuming that we are immersed in an additional dimension in a very direct and noticeable way. Furthermore, this will also allow a logical and unified understanding of many aspects of science, such as quantum physics, that are presently unintelligible except mathematically. With this, we have the foundation of a New Physics and a New Science. This will allow science to move from focusing on the material universe to a spiritual science investigating the totality of our existence. This article explores mainly the spiritual aspects of a unified theory of everything, for a discussion of scientific and especially physical and cosmological aspects see ENERGY AND MATTER IN FIVE DIMENSIONS.

SPACE-DENSITY - The additional dimension

An additional dimension is all around us but we do not notice it because we either do not know what to look for, or we have not developed the necessary sensory ability. On the other hand, there are also many who can perceive it. They may see that all living beings are not only surrounded by a dense energy field, but that this field also interpenetrates the whole body and they may even see streams of energy flowing through different parts of the body, such as along acupuncture meridians. This energy is commonly called etheric or aetheric energy.

A less dense field of many colors can also be seen to extend beyond the etheric field and interpenetrate the etheric field as well as the physical body. This is called an astral field or in humans the emotional body. Of even lesser density and interpenetrating the denser fields is the mental field and a few gifted psychics can see several more interpenetrating fields of lesser and lesser density. All of these fields of different density appear in the same space at the same time.

This makes absolutely no sense with our current scientific understanding and, therefore, the existence of such energy fields is ignored or denied by our official science. This is of fundamental importance for our philosophy of life, for our understanding of what life is all about, what happens at birth and after death, and the whole field of religion and spirituality.

However, we can easily understand that different fields can exist and be seen in the same space at the same time by assuming that these fields are separated from each other in an additional dimension according to the density of their intrinsic substance. With this, we have the additional dimension of space-density. Therefore, material objects, etheric fields, emotions and thoughts are each in a different plane or level of space-density even if they are in the same four-dimensional space-time. According to esoteric teachings space-densities are arranged in octaves, or even octaves within octaves.

This means that our physical world coexists in the same space-time with a world composed of etheric substance, and both coexist with worlds made of emotional and mental fields. Even different etheric worlds may exist in a range of different space-densities without interfering with each other. For this reason etheric energy (as used in healing), emotions and thoughts can all be transmitted through house walls and over long distances from one person to another.

So far physics only knows of electromagnetic waves that can be transmitted in this way, but thoughts and healing energies are not electromagnetic. Therefore conventional science denies the existence of these different forms of energy, even though parapsychologists and those who use them in their healing and psychic activities know that they exist and that the official scientific explanation is wrong.

In physical and mathematical theories and esoteric teachings many more dimensions may be assumed to exist. However, commonly these are just different levels within the dimension of space-density. For instance, an octave of different levels is commonly described as eight different dimensions, the etheric level and the astral level being counted as two different dimensions, while in reality they are just two different levels within the dimension of space-density.
More at above link or here http://www.health-science-spirit.com/science.html

Energy and matter for those who wish to delve into this concept.


A Holistic Theory of Science

by Walter Last


A five-dimensional vortex-field Theory of Everything is presented, which allows a logical interpretation of a wide range of key aspects of particle physics and astrophysics derived from a simple set of assumptions. This is demonstrated with a detailed interpretation of sunspot activity.

Conclusions, which in time may be tested to verify this model, include predictions about the existence and nature of multiple magnetic fields on Jupiter and Saturn; alternative explanations of magnetism, of the earth’s magnetic field and of gravitation; an alternative or additional source of energy production within stars, galactic centers and quasars based on matter-antimatter reactions, and generally an equal amount of matter and antimatter in our galaxy and probably within each star and solar system.

Mainstream physics focuses on mathematical interpretations but does not provide an intelligible unified theory of the nature of matter and energy. To remedy this, various ether (or aether) and vortex theories have been proposed from time to time. Expanding on these, the following 'Pulson Theory' will show that we can gain a full understanding of the nature of energy and matter within the framework of a five-dimensional space-time.


The most basic energy phenomenon underlying matter is postulated to be a vortex. Accordingly, the quantum field consists of vortices. The quantum field stores energy as vortex energy. These vortices oscillate at very high frequencies between a centripetal and a centrifugal form as illustrated in Fig. 1. Because of their intrinsically pulsating nature we may call them 'pulsons'. They may correspond to some aspects of string theories.

During its centripetal manifestation phase a pulson condenses the field consisting of even smaller pulsons or 'micro-pulsons’, and with this creates a 'high pressure field` or short 'HP field` within the quantum field. Conversely, the centrifugal vortex creates a 'low pressure or 'LP field’. However, Fig 1 is a two-dimensional abstraction of a multi-dimensional process. In 3-D we may see an inflow at one end and an outflow at the other end of a pulson vortex in the form of a tube.

Obvious examples of such vortex flows can be seen in the high and low pressure areas of our atmosphere. In an atmospheric high we see a spiral inflow of air at the top and an outflow at the bottom, and vice versa with low-pressure areas. However, the causes of these highs and lows are postulated to be not physical but rather higher-dimensional vortices, and pressures are opposite at the higher-dimensional level to those at the physical level. For instance the lower the air pressure falls in an atmospheric low, most extreme in a tornado, the stronger is the higher-dimensional energy compacted, and this leads to bizarre phenomena inside tornadoes that cannot be understood with conventional physics. .

Pulson vortices are funnel-shaped, similar to a tornado, and compress the field more strongly at the small openings as compared to their wide ends. An attraction exists between two unlike pulson fields that is strongest at their small openings. This causes vortices to meet and attach to each other in the form of an hourglass. In this position suitable pulsons attract each other with their unlike or oppositely charged fields, and repulse each other with their like or same-directional spins.

Such 'twin-pulsons’ may rapidly form and disintegrate as the virtual particles of the quantum field. The lifetime of a virtual particle depends on the manifestation-demanifestation frequency of its two pulsons. The frequencies of pulsons that meet by chance will not be identical, and in the demanifested state that causes them to separate and the virtual particle disappears.

However, under certain conditions, such as those involving energy changes within an atom, matching pairs of pulsons come into being, which then remain together as photons. The electrical properties of photons are derived from their oscillating HP and LP fields while magnetic properties are related to the characteristics - spin and type - of their vortices. Therefore, in a wider sense we may say the two parts of a photon are held together in a balance between their electric attractions and their magnetic repulsions. Basically a photon is a twin-pulson manifesting as a string, tube or cable.

In a strongly polarized field, both photon vortices may be separated and their fields stabilized in the manifested condition as electron and positron. Conversely, when an electron and a positron meet, their fields neutralize each other while their vortices combine to form a twin-pulson or photon.
More at above link or here http://www.health-science-spirit.com/energy.html

And more on his philosophy http://www.health-science-spirit.com/mybasic.html.

In closing this post I have to say take what you want from this post, discard it now or later that is your right as a human. Remember that what you resonate with today may not be tomorrow. PS I know you are young but many young\older more wiser person(s) prefer not to be labeled a female dog.

Love & Peace to you
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Old 11-08-2008, 05:17 PM   #3
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Default Re: Thinking on your own

I am so 'bumping' this thread as I feel more people should read it, and mostly likely didn't it. Also, a note on the 4th unviersal truth which it is not. Upon further analysis, I realized it is a law, not a truth, and there is a difference. There really is only three universal truths, while the laws may have a larger foundatation. So the 4th truth I am instead calling the Law of Natural Progression.
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Old 11-08-2008, 06:17 PM   #4
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Default Re: Thinking on your own

Giving this a chance to be read by more people
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