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Old 12-01-2009, 12:59 PM   #1
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Default "Len Horowitz, a Dark Doctor in Disguise, Remains a Vatican Shill"

I have relied in the past on Dr Len Horowitz as a good source of information. But it did bother me when I found out that he allowed himself to be knighted by the Hospitallers, since it is one of those pesky secret societies that control the world.

Now I have discovered an article by investigative journalist Greg Szymanski, JD which worries me more, because of the experience Dr Ott had, and because of the arrogant and beside-the-point response from Dr Horowitz to criticism of accepting a knighthood from a secret society:

Mar 17, 2009

Len Horowitz, a dark doctor in disguise, remains a Vatican Shill

Nothing changes in the Fantasy Camp called ‘Jesuitland’ as Horowitz remains a Papal Knight but claims no allegiance to the Pope. How can this be, ask readers?

Readers have asked to reprint an Arctic Beacon story from Jan. 17, 2007, exposing consumer advocate Len Horowitz as a Vatican shill since he was knighted into the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM) aka Sovereign Orthodox Order of the Knights Hospitaller of St. John of Jerusalem.

Horowitz has never rescinded his knighthood, indicating there truly is a “Jesuit fox in the patriot henhouse.”

The article is reprinted below, but first pay close attention to the words of A. True Ott about an encounter he had with the “good doctor.”

Ott should be believed since the fruits of his work shows that he follows the authority and words of Jesus Christ, as referenced on numerous interviews on the Investigative Journal radio show.

When made aware of the knighting of Horowitz, Ott, a PhD, had this to say from his Utah home:

“This is VERY interesting.

“Shortly after “Lenny” (Horowitz) visited me in Cedar City, reviewed my production line, and was a “live” guest on my radio show, I was raided by the FDA and DOPL, arrested, charged with a 1st degree felony and had machines and inventory confiscated. I lost over $100,000, not to mention the many thousands in attorney fees to protect myself!

“I tried calling Lenny to see if he would help with my case in any way, and he refused my calls and NEVER bothered to return them – even though he promised me that he would “help my business in any way”.

“I began to wonder if he wasn’t a wolf in sheep’s clothing – and was involved in the “natural health” arena primarily to identify and remove potential threats to the Medical Mafia.

“My suspicions are now confirmed. The AMA’s Px Drug agenda is directed by the Knights of Malta through the Vatican!”

When confronted with criticism, Horowitz said in 2007:

“When my critics accomplish half of what I have done for our Creator on behalf of humanity,” Dr. Horowitz said, “then we should take them seriously. Until then, consumers beware.”

Someone should remind the dark doctor to follow God’s authority in the Bible and not follow Vatican tradition and authority since salvation through Jesus Christ comes from grace and repentance of sin not from earthly works. Simply, this is another clear indication that Horowitz is a Jesuit shill. Here is a reprint of the Jan. 17, 2007, article about Horowitz in case you missed it:

The Arctic Beacon
Dr. Horowitz Admits He Was “Knighted” By Knights Hospitaller

The consumer health activist issues official statement, claiming no allegiance to Pope. A number of patriots still disagree, saying Knights Hospitaller and Knights of Malta are one in the same, having same intent and purpose
17 Jan 2007

By Greg Szymanski, JD

Consumer health activist Dr. Len Horowitz admitted he was “knighted” by the Sovereign Orthodox Order of the Knights Hospitaller of St. John of Jerusalem, but said he has done nothing to compromise his stance as a “true patriot.”

In a phone conversation Horowitz told the Arctic Beacon he was been unjustly persecuted by “certain patriots” who claim he has sold out to Vatican interests instead of being a true patriot and advocate of the people.

Although Horowitz admitted to being knighted for meritorious service in the health industry, he said the Hospitallers are not the same as the Knights of Malta.

However, several a group of patriots disagree, saying the Hospitallers and the two groups are essentially “tied at the hip and one in the same.

Further, the Hospitaller official web site and a Wikipedia explanation seem to agree with Horowitz’s critics.

Here is the Wikipedia explanation in part. For a complete explanation go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knights_Hos… ...

In a statement released on behalf of Horowitz by Jackie Lindenbach of the his Tetrahedron Publishing Group, it said in part:

Responding to allegations that his work has been corrupted by secret societies and the papacy, Dr. Horowitz chides, “That’s fine, anyone questioning my integrity and contributions to humanity should just go get vaccinated.”

The full statement issued by Horowitz reads as follows:

Horowitz Knighting Irks Some Alleged “Patriots”

Hilo, HI—The meritorious knighting of consumer health activist Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz by the Sovereign Orthodox Order of the Knights Hospitaller of St. John of Jerusalem has some American patriots questioning the internationally respected humanitarian’s allegiances.

The honor of knighthood was granted to Dr. Horowitz for his quarter century of humanitarian service to public health, consumer education, AIDS research, and natural healing advocacy. The ceremony required his vow that he would continue this work and his chivalry.

Questions came when a frivolous and false article was issued by Dave Gordon, a self-proclaimed American patriot, and immediately distributed over the Internet by Canadian talk show host Greg Szymanski. Neither contacted Dr. Horowitz for comment prior to issuing the article condemning a different order of the Knights of Malta, and its Papal connection.

Responding to allegations that his work has been corrupted by secret societies and the papacy, Dr. Horowitz chides, “That’s fine, anyone questioning my integrity and contributions to humanity should just go
get vaccinated.”

Gordon’s defamation insinuated Horowitz’s knighting was issued by the pope, and that the Knights of Malta presented the award. The real facts were available on www.drlenhorowitz.com, the doctor’s official
website, since November, 2006. Gordon neglected these, and falsely claimed Horowitz was “unavailable for comment.”

“For the mentally-handicapped desiring reassurance, my meritorious knighting by the Knights Hospitaller stems from my work exposing petrochemical/pharmaceutical industrialists that conduct genocide in the name of ‘public health,’ and under the guise of ‘national security.’ Knights like me are being increasingly recognized by this organization with support from leaders within the World Organization for Natural Medicine and the wholistic health care movement at large.”

It is easy to discern a person’s integrity, Dr. Horowitz, suggests, “Ye shall know them by the fruit of their labor.”

Mr. Gordon, said to be a Christian and American patriot, seems to have dispensed with this wisdom of discernment, and attacks Horowitz whose works and educational initiatives have saved thousands of children’s lives, and spared hundreds of thousands of families from the atrocities of vaccine injuries.

Besides this, Horowitz is currently advancing a global “Concert for the Living Waters” that may help fulfill the prophesy of a peaceful planet heralded in Revelation 14:1-3 (See: www.liveh2o.org). In recent weeks he freely posted his 16th book, LOVE the Real Da Vinci CODE, at www.drlenhorowitz.com, to help preserve the right for religious families to secure vaccination and TB skin testing exemptions.

“Holy-spirit-filled sovereigns are under bodily attack, along withConstitutional freedoms and civil rights, yet where are those professing to be ‘Christian’ and ‘patriotic?’” Dr. Horowitz questions.

Horowitz is best known for his meticulously documented research that concludes AIDS sourced from tainted vaccinations and a biologicalweapons contractor controlled by Anglo-American industrialists.

Gordon’s attack challenged Horowitz’s AIDS research writing the doctor had some vested interest in furthering secret society deception.

Horowitz’s controversial thesis has been freely visited since 1998 at http://www.3saints.com/stjjduties.html “Thus, these very Knights whom Horowitz wonderfully exposes in his masterpiece Emerging Viruses, he has now joined. I wonder if he knows that AIDS virus creator Dr. Robert C. Gallo is also a Knight and was awarded the “Sword of Ignatius Loyola” by the Order’s St. Louis University in 1988?”

In the conversation with the Arctic Beacon, Horowitz said he would appear on Greg Szymanski’s radio show, The Investigative Journal, only if the initial article about his knighthood was removed.

Enclosed in his official statement released, he said would grant interviews with other journalists but would not budge on his caveat issued to The Investigative Journal, adding:

“Now that you have this (statement). Kindly remove the slanderous article from your website to expunge this distraction and waste of everyone’s time. If you cannot grant me this simple request and respect my wishes, I cannot accept your offer to do the radio show. I would prefer to discuss more relevant and beneficial subjects.”

In response Szymanski stated:

“I stand by the story and perhaps now that Mr. Horowitz is enlightened to the truth about his organization he has joined, he would publicly rescind his knighthood. If he did that, I would then consider having him on the
radio show.” ...

For more informative articles, go to www.arcticbeacon.com


For what it may be worth, Len Horowitz also believes himself to be descended from King Solomon; that he is "royalty," as his mother pointed out to him. I read this in one of his books.
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Old 12-01-2009, 02:48 PM   #2
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Default Re: "Len Horowitz, a Dark Doctor in Disguise, Remains a Vatican Shill"

Wow this is a shocker!

I don't know who/what to believe anymore.

I have decided to believe ONLY in what I experience personally in my own life, what I create and what I choose.

This way I am not involved in other people's karmic experiences. It is my own perceptions, choices and thoughts that make up my unique experience of MY life.

Thanks for posting seashore
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Old 12-01-2009, 03:16 PM   #3
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Default Re: "Len Horowitz, a Dark Doctor in Disguise, Remains a Vatican Shill"

Originally Posted by TruthWillSetUFree View Post
Wow this is a shocker!

I don't know who/what to believe anymore.

I have decided to believe ONLY in what I experience personally in my own life, what I create and what I choose.

This way I am not involved in other people's karmic experiences. It is my own perceptions, choices and thoughts that make up my unique experience of MY life.

Thanks for posting seashore
You're welcome.

I have been thinking alot about this lately, too.

I guess what we need to do is take it all in, and then test it big time!!
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Old 12-01-2009, 03:46 PM   #4
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Default Re: "Len Horowitz, a Dark Doctor in Disguise, Remains a Vatican Shill"

I am shocked to see this posted here.

Last night I listened to an old interview of Len Horowitz on The Veritas Show afterwards I went to his site

I have mixed feelings about Len but I do know that TPTB have their own little "plants" out here to start trouble to get other people from not starting their own.

For instance......The Truthers are all backers of theirs. They can't be trusted and thats a fact !

I wont put my trust in him any longer. I am sticking to my intuitions from last night as this article cinched it for me
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Old 12-01-2009, 04:03 PM   #5
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Default Re: "Len Horowitz, a Dark Doctor in Disguise, Remains a Vatican Shill"

Originally Posted by mntruthseeker View Post
For instance......The Truthers are all backers of theirs.
You're talking about 9-11 truthers?

Tell me more...
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Old 12-01-2009, 04:27 PM   #6
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Default Re: "Len Horowitz, a Dark Doctor in Disguise, Remains a Vatican Shill"

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
You're talking about 9-11 truthers?

Tell me more...

According to Judy Woods PH.D who is bringing another case regarding the 9/11 says the Truthers are trying to sway people to accuse the government of using bombs to bring down the towers when in all actuallity it was brought down by EMF (HARP) She has another lawsuit going in NY and if my mind is correct it will be against the contractors. You see if someone goes to trial on a LIE then you can't charge them again. Double Jeopardy, so the Truthers are the liers and they are plants

Here is what Mel has written before her interview

Millions of people don't doubt that the 9/11 stories communicated to us to date are not true. Did you know that there is missing rubble from the towers? Did you know that it is impossible for the towers to fall at essentially the speed of gravity? Did you know that there was a level three (3) hurricane right off of the coast of N.Y. [Erin] at the time of 911 that left right after the towers demise that was not reported to us? Did you know that all sorts of unaccountable/unexplainable issues with cars, fire engines, and others motor vehicles that had nothing to do with the towers happened? Is it possible for steel beams to vanish into powder or ?? Dr. Wood provides answers to these and many more questions.
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Old 12-01-2009, 04:56 PM   #7
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Default Re: "Len Horowitz, a Dark Doctor in Disguise, Remains a Vatican Shill"

Originally Posted by mntruthseeker View Post
According to Judy Woods PH.D who is bringing another case regarding the 9/11 says the Truthers are trying to sway people to accuse the government of using bombs to bring down the towers when in all actuallity it was brought down by EMF (HARP) She has another lawsuit going in NY and if my mind is correct it will be against the contractors. You see if someone goes to trial on a LIE then you can't charge them again. Double Jeopardy, so the Truthers are the liers and they are plants

Here is what Mel has written before her interview

Millions of people don't doubt that the 9/11 stories communicated to us to date are not true. Did you know that there is missing rubble from the towers? Did you know that it is impossible for the towers to fall at essentially the speed of gravity? Did you know that there was a level three (3) hurricane right off of the coast of N.Y. [Erin] at the time of 911 that left right after the towers demise that was not reported to us? Did you know that all sorts of unaccountable/unexplainable issues with cars, fire engines, and others motor vehicles that had nothing to do with the towers happened? Is it possible for steel beams to vanish into powder or ?? Dr. Wood provides answers to these and many more questions.
At first I thought I recognized that name Judy Woods, PhD but, no, I see this is someone else:

This is very interesting.

9-11 truth is important because the "war on terror" and the Patriot Act taking away our freedoms are based on it.

Here is a new thread for us to post anything else we have on establishing 9-11 truth and what we the people should be doing to support the truth movement:

"Where Are We on 9-11 Truth?"

Thanks for the info.
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Old 12-01-2009, 07:15 PM   #8
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Default Re: "Len Horowitz, a Dark Doctor in Disguise, Remains a Vatican Shill"


I'm very disappointed, lately ... you know Alex Jones, etc

We supposed to trust no one, just we trust God and ourselves. There is so much "noise" out there, that even is not suggested to listen what has to say, one or another.

I think "their" strategy was to bring us so many conradictory informations, so mind boggeling hypothesis, mixed with parts from truth, that the overa mix is confusing us. We do not have even the basis to understand what is happening. We have no point of support for the lever, to move the world...

I think they managed the total confusion. So many lies, so many disinfo... I will listen to no one and I will give credence to no one! I will try to use my heart to know what might be truth and what not! My mind is not useful anymore. So God help us!
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Old 12-01-2009, 08:03 PM   #9
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Default Re: "Len Horowitz, a Dark Doctor in Disguise, Remains a Vatican Shill"

Originally Posted by artvision View Post

I'm very disappointed, lately ... you know Alex Jones, etc

We supposed to trust no one, just we trust God and ourselves. There is so much "noise" out there, that even is not suggested to listen what has to say, one or another.

I think "their" strategy was to bring us so many conradictory informations, so mind boggeling hypothesis, mixed with parts from truth, that the overa mix is confusing us. We do not have even the basis to understand what is happening. We have no point of support for the lever, to move the world...

I think they managed the total confusion. So many lies, so many disinfo... I will listen to no one and I will give credence to no one! I will try to use my heart to know what might be truth and what not! My mind is not useful anymore. So God help us!
I think I know how you feel, artvision!

What to do?

I'm thinking we still have to listen to the leaders. And watch the videos. And read the articles. And read the books. How else are we going to get information? We can't pick it out of thin air...

But hopefully, together, we're getting smarter and smarter discerning fact from fiction. Connecting the dots at the grassroots level. Evaluating the information together rather than accepting it just because it comes from a non-mainstream media source.

We need lots of this:

And for the truth.
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Old 12-01-2009, 08:11 PM   #10
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Default Re: "Len Horowitz, a Dark Doctor in Disguise, Remains a Vatican Shill"

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
I think I know how you feel, artvision!

What to do?

I'm thinking we still have to listen to the leaders. And watch the videos. And read the articles. And read the books. How else are we going to get information? We can't pick it out of thin air...

But hopefully, together, we're getting smarter and smarter discerning fact from fiction. Connecting the dots at the grassroots level. Evaluating the information together rather than accepting it just because it comes from a non-mainstream media source.

We need lots of this:

And for the truth.
Thanks Seashore!

We must to not lower our guard and trying to decode their "signals". Let's use some more
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Old 12-01-2009, 08:46 PM   #11
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: "Len Horowitz, a Dark Doctor in Disguise, Remains a Vatican Shill"

maybe with his 'knight-hood' he was able to get into places
where the 'normal' ones, can NOT go

perhaps that is why, he knows so much !!!

something, perhaps to ponder
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Old 12-01-2009, 09:10 PM   #12
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Default Re: "Len Horowitz, a Dark Doctor in Disguise, Remains a Vatican Shill"

Originally Posted by eXchanger View Post
maybe with his 'knight-hood' he was able to get into places
where the 'normal' ones, can NOT go

perhaps that is why, he knows so much !!!

something, perhaps to ponder
Yes, I thought of that myself but then I look at how much freedom he has and how well his two daughters are doing in their own business. Not that it's a crime but I have to ask, How did that happen to someone who is supposely fighting TPTB's.

I know some very hard working people that are threatened constantly and would not even consider any ties with the Jesuits. Does anybody know any others that are doing this well ?
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Old 12-01-2009, 09:50 PM   #13
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Default Re: "Len Horowitz, a Dark Doctor in Disguise, Remains a Vatican Shill"

From the article:

“Shortly after “Lenny” (Horowitz) visited me in Cedar City, reviewed my production line, and was a “live” guest on my radio show, I was raided by the FDA and DOPL, arrested, charged with a 1st degree felony and had machines and inventory confiscated. I lost over $100,000, not to mention the many thousands in attorney fees to protect myself!

“I tried calling Lenny to see if he would help with my case in any way, and he refused my calls and NEVER bothered to return them – even though he promised me that he would “help my business in any way”.


I don't think the timing of the raid is a coincidence.

And why would Dr Horowitz not return Dr Ott's phone calls?
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Old 01-06-2010, 01:50 AM   #14
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Default Re: "Len Horowitz, a Dark Doctor in Disguise, Remains a Vatican Shill"

I have studied a LOT of Len Horowitz's stuff and if anyone wants to know what i think, Len Horowitz is the real deal, 100%. Wasn't Dr Ott the same guy who tried discrediting Jane Burgermeister? (Now, i know very little about Dr Ott, but what is happening here guys is purposeful disinfo to throw you off guard. Please learn to use discernment and your own intuition.)
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Old 01-06-2010, 02:01 AM   #15
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Default Re: "Len Horowitz, a Dark Doctor in Disguise, Remains a Vatican Shill"

Originally Posted by Barron View Post
Wasn't Dr Ott the same guy who tried discrediting Jane Burgermeister?(Now, i know very little about Dr Ott...
Time is precious.

I am not going to spend any more of mine on the JB issue.
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Old 01-06-2010, 02:34 AM   #16
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Default Re: "Len Horowitz, a Dark Doctor in Disguise, Remains a Vatican Shill"

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
Time is precious.

I am not going to spend any more of mine on the JB issue.
I am not trying to deflect the issue/question here at all but was merely using logic. To spell it out even clearer.....if Dr Ott was the same man falsely discrediting Jane Burgermeister then could it also not stand to reason that he might also just be falsely discrediting Dr Leonard Horowitz as well? And possibly for the same reasons?

Dr Leonard Horowitz's great sites can be found at: http://www.tetrahedron.org/ and http://www.fluscam.com/HOME.html
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Old 01-06-2010, 03:04 AM   #17
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Default Re: "Len Horowitz, a Dark Doctor in Disguise, Remains a Vatican Shill"

I do not believe that we all have or anyone for that matter can have a 100 % understanding of the truth therefore what we or anybody else has is bits and pieces. I use and listen to what resonates the rest I discard. We should not be putting our trust on any human or entities for that matter . I do know that the solfeggio frequencies work , for me that has value. Remember one thing when you are in the public eye is very easy to be criticized and discredit. It is a very effective technique and the modus operanti for the ptb. Just listen to CNN where you will get fed half truths and right out lies.
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Old 01-06-2010, 03:36 AM   #18
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Default Re: "Len Horowitz, a Dark Doctor in Disguise, Remains a Vatican Shill"

Ive never heard of anyone actually turning down a knighthood Mary.

I don't think I would either, you have more ability to effect positive change and steer policy in the right direction from within one of these groups.

Dr John Ray, for example.. was a Knight Of Malta even though he was a lightworker and 100% devoted to healing humanity and easing physical and mental suffering, was also awarded the Pax Mundi 'world peace' award.

You can't always judge someone on their associations.

Praise Len for his good deeds.
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