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Old 01-20-2010, 04:55 PM   #1
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Default Steven Greer's statement about UFOs not flying.

In the movie "Fastwalkers" Steven Greer makes the statement that UFOs are neither unidentified or flying.

I understand (although I may not fully agree) why he is saying they are "identified" however I cannot for the life of me figure out what he means by "not flying".

Anything that travels through the air (and by extension 'space') is "flying" in the dictionary and common usage of the term. While there are different modes of flight, like powered, non-powered, and ballistic any object traveling through space is "in flight" regardless of the means of propulsion.

Anyone have any additional information that might shed some light on what Greer actually meant by the statement that UFOs do not "fly"?
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Old 01-20-2010, 05:48 PM   #2
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Default Re: Steven Greer's statement about UFOs not flying.

Wow, 33 views so far and no one will hazard a guess?
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Old 01-20-2010, 06:10 PM   #3
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Default Re: Steven Greer's statement about UFOs not flying.

Dimensional Travel or Time Travel perhaps...which he might not define as "flying'? I really don't know. I have huge problems with all of the time traveling and dimensional stuff. Damned if I know.

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Old 01-20-2010, 06:20 PM   #4
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Default Re: Steven Greer's statement about UFOs not flying.

i've heard/read somewhere (cant remember where) that some UFOs dont move in a conventional sense because they move space/time around themselves. as in, they stand still and everything else moves around them. dont ask me exactly how though. something to do with phasing i think.
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Old 01-20-2010, 06:24 PM   #5
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Default Re: Steven Greer's statement about UFOs not flying.

I think he is alluding to anti gravity. Flying has something to do with wings and aerodynamic lift, anti gravity not. I'm just guessing.

Have a nice day,
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Old 01-20-2010, 07:17 PM   #6
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Default Re: Steven Greer's statement about UFOs not flying.

Think of it this way:

UFO's using gravity fields are moving "downhill" towards a point of gravity generated by their technology. So, technically, whatever direction they are moving is downhill for them, relatively speaking. I am referencing the testimony of Bob Lazar.

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Old 01-20-2010, 07:23 PM   #7
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Default Re: Steven Greer's statement about UFOs not flying.

Originally Posted by derpif View Post
I think he is alluding to anti gravity. Flying has something to do with wings and aerodynamic lift, anti gravity not. I'm just guessing.
Have a nice day,
That would be aerodynamic flight. That is just one type of flight. There are numerous types. Ballistic flight is one example. There is powered and non-powered flight. Balloons are said to "fly" in the common use of the word. Flying is simply the act of traveling through the air (or space) regardless of the means of propulsion. This is certainly always been the definition of the word as used in Unidentified Flying Object. Which by its Unidentified nature cannot presume to make any assumptions about the nature of its propulsion only its behavior, that is to say Flying as opposed to Submerged as in Unidentified Submerged Object (USO).

Given Greer's command of the language I honestly don't think he meant to say "they are not engaged in aerodynamic flight" when he said "and they are not flying". If I'm wrong so be it. I've come to think he meant something else.

I think he has stated before that be believes UFOs are in two categories. Fake nuts and bolts craft complete with robotic aliens made by human beings and the real ones he is in contact with, which he seems to regard as living beings on some higher plane of consciousness. (someone correct me if that isn't so) I think Greer means to say he believes UFOs only appear to be flying, that they are projections into our consciousness of something outside of the 3D framework we experience as reality ...or something of that nature.

Short of someone coming up with a quote from one of his books or talks I don't know how to really get to what he actually meant by that strange (even for him) statement.
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Old 01-20-2010, 07:24 PM   #8
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Default Re: Steven Greer's statement about UFOs not flying.

Originally Posted by Spiralmind View Post
Think of it this way:

UFO's using gravity fields are moving "downhill" towards a point of gravity generated by their technology. So, technically, whatever direction they are moving is downhill for them, relatively speaking. I am referencing the testimony of Bob Lazar.

Flight is using the evironment around you to propel you with in that space... I think that Greer is eluding to the fact that the visitors are simply some where else then they are here, not flight just trasitioning from one space/time to another.
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Old 01-20-2010, 07:33 PM   #9
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Default Re: Steven Greer's statement about UFOs not flying.

Originally Posted by Spiralmind View Post
Think of it this way:

UFO's using gravity fields are moving "downhill" towards a point of gravity generated by their technology. So, technically, whatever direction they are moving is downhill for them, relatively speaking. I am referencing the testimony of Bob Lazar.

Excellent quote.

I guess you could say that UFOs may not fly aerodynamically. However, due to the fact that the use of the gravity fields (in your example) are intended to produce movement through the air or space they are by definition causing the object to "fly".

A projection of some sort may appear to fly but would not technically be flying. (scratches head)

It just seems to me to be a bizarre thing for anyone to say without some explanation which I'm sure wound up on the editor's floor because certainly the interviewer would asked, "What do you mean by that?"
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Old 01-20-2010, 07:43 PM   #10
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Default Re: Steven Greer's statement about UFOs not flying.

Originally Posted by samncheese View Post
Flight is using the evironment around you to propel you with in that space... I think that Greer is eluding to the fact that the visitors are simply some where else then they are here, not flight just trasitioning from one space/time to another.
I could accept that that is an explanation of what he meant. I don't think there is enough evidence to believe that to be true though. I mean ... it sounds good.

UFOs have been photographed showing they have moved or "flown" from point A to point B leaving a visible trail as in the Hessdalen phenomena. There is plenty of radar, eyewitness, and photographic evidence of unidentified objects traveling through the atmosphere and space in a contiguous motion.

I don't know ... it beats me. I appreciate everyone's response. I'd like to see a reference where Greer expands on the statement if anyone happens to know of any.
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Old 01-21-2010, 09:52 AM   #11
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Default Re: Steven Greer's statement about UFOs not flying.

Hi trainedobserver,

Dr. Steven Greer over the years has changed his tack in the Ufology field. Remember his famous press briefing where inumerous people were saying that they knew Alien life existed and that NASA was air brushing stuff from their photos and the like?

Since that era Greer has changed his tack (as have others like John Leer) and now beleives that ET can only be seen in a spiritual state, which in theory throws all of his old work under the bus, so's to speak.

It could well be that he meant to say, 'Alien craft' are not unidentified and do not fly. The very nature of a UFO is the fact that it is UNIDENTIFIED. If he said "UFO" it could be a poor choice of words on his side.

However, just by making that statement he is excluding all video footage of 'UFOs' suggesting that they are wrong, which in my mind, is a very bold thing to do.

Best regards,


Originally Posted by trainedobserver View Post
In the movie "Fastwalkers" Steven Greer makes the statement that UFOs are neither unidentified or flying.

I understand (although I may not fully agree) why he is saying they are "identified" however I cannot for the life of me figure out what he means by "not flying".

Anything that travels through the air (and by extension 'space') is "flying" in the dictionary and common usage of the term. While there are different modes of flight, like powered, non-powered, and ballistic any object traveling through space is "in flight" regardless of the means of propulsion.

Anyone have any additional information that might shed some light on what Greer actually meant by the statement that UFOs do not "fly"?
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Old 01-21-2010, 11:05 AM   #12
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Default Re: Steven Greer's statement about UFOs not flying.

'However, just by making that statement he is excluding all video footage of 'UFOs' suggesting that they are wrong, which in my mind, is a very bold thing to do.' - steve

"Bold indeed and labour lost
Then farewell heat and welcome frost"

Little shakespeare for the morning.

I always get the impression that steven doesnt believe what he is saying, or he is not saying what he really believes, as in lying by ommission. Which is a fair enough assumption for any speaker on this subject. His beseeching on the subject of diplomacy went straight to my gut as fear on his behalf. Just a personal observation. I dont think that he will succeed because if the 2001 testimony didnt even make a storm in a teacup then I dont know what would, I also dont believe that the testimony of 10's of respectable observers from the army, military etc on the proof of life outside of Earth could have been overshadowed by 9/11. It simply couldnt have been. I mean there are thousands of descent scientists all over the world being paid to search for just that. They alone could have resurfaced the story at any point and havent. It was either purposefully doomed to failure or I dont know human beings, because if people thought there was evidence they would certainly be interested.

About the flying or not, it seems to me they just appear and would have more in common with ghosts than aeroplanes. You are just never getting anywhere in this universe before you would die in a metal ship. Its ludicrious, you would have to be able to move intstantly or quickly through time or somehow inhabit time.

Ok I drink a lot of coffee

greetings everyone
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Old 01-21-2010, 02:55 PM   #13
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Default Re: Steven Greer's statement about UFOs not flying.

Originally Posted by Steve_A View Post
Since that era Greer has changed his tack (as have others like John Leer) and now beleives that ET can only be seen in a spiritual state, which in theory throws all of his old work under the bus, so's to speak.
I think this might be part of the answer. I have read a couple of accounts of people who claim to have paid to go on one of Greer's UFO encounters and it seems you have to be in the right state of "consciousness" to see much of anything, if you see what I'm getting at.

I have often wondered if Greer wasn't somehow 'gotten to' and is being manipulated either consciously or unconsciously by some sort of disinformation campaign. Certainly all the 'woo-woo' hasn't helped to further the serious acceptance of Ufology.

Greer's insistence in the existence of only benevolent aliens ignores the fact that any sufficiency advanced civilization could invade, occupy, pacify, and complete any program they choose without the immediate awareness of the invaded party. Also, it follows that an advanced civilization would seek its ends through non-violent, covert, or through means we simply don't have the facility to comprehend. Greer seems to believe he has ascended to some level in the evolution of his consciousness where he can't be lied to by his alien friends. I think that is a foolish and possibly fatal mistake to make.
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Old 01-21-2010, 03:28 PM   #14
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Default Re: Steven Greer's statement about UFOs not flying.

I agree Steve A, Harper, and trainedobserver. We should be very open and inquisitive regarding all of the various claims, theories, experiences, and observations...but we should also be very cautious and very discerning. All of this could be the best thing that ever happened to the Human Race...or it could be the worst nightmare imaginable...and indeed could be the end of us all...if we're not careful.


Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 01-21-2010 at 04:26 PM.
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Old 01-21-2010, 10:29 PM   #15
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Default Re: Steven Greer's statement about UFOs not flying.

i have no idea why mr greer would make such an open ended statement.

the ufo craft i was unfortunate to have encounters with was certainly transversing in our airspace and "flying" regardless that it apparantly used an extremely advanced high tech propulsion system,.and it was most definately in this dimension.im not a big fan of the multi dimensional theorys ,ive not seen
anything to persuade me this is the case..

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