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Old 03-08-2010, 05:25 PM   #1
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Default Desire Is The Root of Nothing - A Fresh Look at Law of Attraction

"Desire is the root of nothing - it is what you are told and take-in about desire that forms roots that grow into such experiences." - MyShadow

A simple way of looking at this concept - I gave this some thought since noticing the bipolar views between the law of attraction and eastern philosophies.

I think the Law of Attraction is such a powerful delusion, which comes from the ache of wanting our desires to be satisfied within our control and with "help" from cosmic forces. It's so interesting how this very thing keeps surfacing in our social-anthropology, the "ways" and the "helpers" just get updated to fit in within our subscribed method of social networking and what we are willing to place our faith/beliefs in.

Have you ever listened to the Esther Hicks - Abraham material? It does have some insights to how one may be wired - how to broaden one's focus - from a less narrow viewpoints. I think in this respect it is very helpful to many. Yet the point that your desire fuels the attraction creating a vortex and the universe yields? Well an interesting way of painting this concept on a canvas in ways that many can grasp - I think it can be a root of much delusion that inevitably one comes out of with a huge leap from the lesson - use discernment when it comes to where to place one's faith/beliefs.

Not picking on the LOA or the Hicks, but these things as I said above come in cycles.

Just another opinion that I'm expressing here - everyone's is respected from my viewpoint.

What do others think?

And more interesting, What do you think the "next" thing will be?
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Old 03-08-2010, 08:42 PM   #2
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What do you think the "next" thing will be?
there are as many answers as there are individuals.

What do others think?
My input is but a single drop added to an ocean...but here it is:
I buy the eastern 'take'...that desire is the root of dis-harmony, however, complete liberation from desire is, for all intents and purposes, idealistic and perhaps unattainable in 'real life'.

these things as I said above come in cycles.
There are as many cycles as there are individuals as well.

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Old 03-08-2010, 11:56 PM   #3
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Well, I remember many yrs ago, "praying" for patience....
lo and behold... all kinds of chit happened for me to practice ! (gut chuckles)

I HAVE experienced serendipity, synchronicity aLOT... so something can be attuned to... ever met the parking fairy? Oh what fun it is to ride.....

Desire has your attention and attention leads to Relief hopefully, however that transpires....

I'm feeling frisky, hey, it's raining!!! yay!!!!
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Old 03-09-2010, 12:42 AM   #4
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As far as I'm aware, the LOA ideas historically came from some nineteenth century thinkers involved in founding Christian Science. And that can be traced further back, perhaps, to neo-Platonism (which strongly influenced most or all of Christian dogma).

It seems to me that the LOA is a universal principle, if it's stated in a form such as: "Whatever you give out, the Universe will make sure you get plenty more." If we think of the Universe as God (which is, roughly speaking, correct), it's like God is saying: "Because I love you, and because you've shown that that's what you really want, I'm going to be like an indulgent parent and not deny your getting even more of the same. Whatever your actions prove you want." The only trouble is, most of our thoughts and desires are sub-conscious, or unconscious. People talk of the LOA only taking into account how they shape their conscious thoughts. Just because your conscious thoughts say: "I deserve a billion dollars tomorrow," that doesn't mean your sub-conscious isn't screaming back: "Nonsense. You haven't done anything that deserves that big a reward." And the sub-conscious thoughts are much stronger, and therefore God will manifest them rather than the conscious cheques.

Mind you, we are all more valuable than society tells most of us we are. But we need to get in touch with that worth at a deeper level. It usually takes a lot more than conscious affirmations to do that.
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Old 03-09-2010, 01:40 AM   #5
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Default Re: Desire Is The Root of Nothing - A Fresh Look at Law of Attraction

Originally Posted by Moxie View Post
Well, I remember many yrs ago, "praying" for patience....
lo and behold... all kinds of chit happened for me to practice ! (gut chuckles)
just refocus then by asking for a banana split or Disneyland tickets
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Old 03-09-2010, 01:51 AM   #6
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Default Re: Desire Is The Root of Nothing - A Fresh Look at Law of Attraction

Originally Posted by TraineeHuman View Post
The only trouble is, most of our thoughts and desires are sub-conscious, or unconscious. People talk of the LOA only taking into account how they shape their conscious thoughts. Just because your conscious thoughts say: "I deserve a billion dollars tomorrow," that doesn't mean your sub-conscious isn't screaming back: "Nonsense. You haven't done anything that deserves that big a reward." And the sub-conscious thoughts are much stronger, and therefore God will manifest them rather than the conscious cheques.
Yeah, this is interesting analysis. I find it hard to accept that the Universe and/or God is listening and responding to each and every 6 billion souls on this planet and any other billion sentient beings elsewhere (possibly more billions). Which completely deflates half of the equation in this LOA thinking. Back to the Christian "faith" which provides the comforting blanket that the psyche needs to cope with being here. I know for many that's a pretty radical statement to evaluate - since we are so primed in the human condition that something above us is caring/helping/guiding/serving.

Also I totally agree, the subconscious I feel is operating in a whole other basis of sentience - and it's the limitation of the consciousness that keeps us "on the runway" ready for takeoff but cannot - so to speak.
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Old 03-09-2010, 02:07 AM   #7
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"The amount of time it takes you to get from where you are to where you want to be, is only the amount of time it takes you to change the vibration within you. Instant manifestation could be yours if you could instantly change the vibration."
--- Abraham

Excerpted from the workshop in San Diego, CA on Saturday, August 23rd, 2003

And then there is this idea about "VIBRATION" that Esther and many others talk about. It's like they dipped their toes into Quantum physics enough to grab a few "sexy" things that help to paint the canvas, but in reality it's just a pretty picture to comfort you when facing circumstances that you feel you didn't choose or did choose erroneously.

I imagine people that follow this go to inordinate lengths of "trying" to will or change their "vibration" only to find out - they truly cannot, since there is nothing to change - only to pull themselves out of this delusion and accept reality.

OK - I'm on a roll with this one - again not to ding the Hicks or others - it's just I feel these delusions are just more blocks, or bigger blocks, in helping one's outlook.
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Old 03-09-2010, 02:38 AM   #8
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Default Re: Desire Is The Root of Nothing - A Fresh Look at Law of Attraction


wants and wishes

endless and unsatisfied

contentment is the greatest wealth

best bet is to give to get

Ask God

point is we probably dont need it

if we have to ask for it

but Ask anyway
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Old 03-09-2010, 02:55 AM   #9
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Cool topic, thanks for starting.

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Old 03-09-2010, 03:00 AM   #10
Frank Samuel
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Talking Re: Desire Is The Root of Nothing - A Fresh Look at Law of Attraction

This for me is the simplest way to explain why we are interconnected. Mothers and fathers are connected to their children for life, children are connected to their parents even after life. Now imagine living a billion years and repeating this cycle in many worlds , dimensions, ect.. We are all connected no matter how much we try to deny it. I know that I am connected to my grand parents who past away 30 years ago, my father who passed away 12 years ago. Is funny how even do physically they are not present you still feel their energy life force even if they are a zillion miles away. Some say this is delusional thinking once you die that is it, the worms eat you and goodbye. I respect your thinking is all a matter of how you view your reality or how you view your delusional state either way many incredible things have happen in my life which defy my 3 dimensional interpretation of reality, but who knows maybe we are all just dreaming attach to a generator like the movie Matrix. In that case this is a very niece dream I am having, please don't wake me up in this lifetime.
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Old 03-09-2010, 05:02 AM   #11
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Lightbulb Re: Desire Is The Root of Nothing - A Fresh Look at Law of Attraction

I have learned in a heartbreaking way that > just visualizing and affirming ones desires is not enough. Having a grateful and loving attitude helps, but to tap into the divine energy flow that allows all manifestations on this plane, requires one to transcend the ego. Simply~ accept your place within this divine flow and let go (renounce) your worldly desires.

Now this is key~ remember you agreed to your role before you descended upon this earth. Understand the coherence and effectiveness of ones thinking, is crucial to any real life success here. By noting this ~you will allow yourself to create, manifest and receive everything that will truly bring you happiness and abundence during this human life experience.

Now thats not so hard~ is it

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Old 03-09-2010, 05:03 AM   #12
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Default Re: Desire Is The Root of Nothing - A Fresh Look at Law of Attraction

Originally Posted by Frank Samuel View Post
Some say this is delusional thinking once you die that is it, the worms eat you and goodbye. I respect your thinking is all a matter of how you view your reality or how you view your delusional state either way many incredible things have happen in my life which defy my 3 dimensional interpretation of reality, but who knows maybe we are all just dreaming attach to a generator like the movie Matrix. In that case this is a very niece dream I am having, please don't wake me up in this lifetime.
Excellent point. And I feel the word "delusion" cannot be spoken without triggering judgment, yet I don't intend it in that way. I think most of us operate much of our lives in a dreamstate or adopt delusions to buffer and comfort us from coping with the complexities of the experiences of this world.

So it's perfectly normal to hold these, it's just a rather interesting observation, isn't it? Imagine you were a being from another place and observed our human race and said - Wow, look at their reality system is so complex and they feel so vulnerable within it amongst their own kind - nearly all of them stay in this dreamstate or delusion in order for them to handle it.

I think it's often very misunderstood that our conscious evolution is advanced when it is actually embryonic - we are so early on the path of what we are becoming - breaking beyond this - which buffers the rate of our evolution. Maybe that is a benefit - who really knows? But sometimes I catch a glimpse of how much time we spend jumping from one delusion to the next - instead of being clear minded - we just want the comfort or safe harbor of delusions to cope with this reality.
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Old 03-09-2010, 05:22 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by giovonni View Post

Now this is key~ remember you agreed to your role before you descended upon this earth.
For me, I don't believe this. Someone must have written a best seller self-help metaphysical book and wrote about this idea about a pre-conceived life contract with players and one's starring role. I hear this repeated all the time with such reverence. This leading idea is very comforting to answer the burning question, "why am I here". A difficult question to wrestle within our conscious limitations - and such a 3D hollywood delusion to give us comfort.

Within nature we are clearly beings that feel experiences are linked to "intentionality". Meaning we always equate what happens and "why" to something greater than us. We live in a hierarchical evolutionary system, by nature we are always yielding to something - that's based on our past experiences within the system.

I feel that I do play a role in my social and human network, sort of like a colony of ants - we do our best when we contribute and help support the system. As far as the delusion of pre-conceiving and playing a grand role - well perhaps a conscious play of the ego to comfort our psyche.
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Old 03-09-2010, 06:07 AM   #14
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Many parents can relate to this one, my one year wakes up about 5:00 am every morning whether my desire is to continue sleeping I have to give up my desire to take care of the needs of my children.5:00 am till about 10:00 pm every day come rain or shine my desire is just to have enough energy, patience and love to take care of my children. My time to study ,experiment or simply relax is after they go to sleep and even then my personal time is limited. At 52 years old I will die taking care of my children or grandchildren in one way or another, I figure is not a bad way to go. My only desire is to have the time to serve, love and embrace those that surround my life.
For me attraction and desire are two things which I cherish because in a mature state of mind or heart it has turn into a selfless act of love .
My void is fill by the love that is in my heart for everything that surrounds me.
As the old saying goes be careful what you wish for, so all my personal wishes have come true. My wishes for this world for peace and love I wonder if they hold the same level of responsibility as my dedication to my children.
It is my desire to have peace and love in this world , the consequences of my desire will mean I will be held responsible in one way or another in making my wish a reality. Every time I go out the door there's people in need, ouch there goes that word desire bound by attraction bound by responsibility.
Oh heck yeah I will help you in whatever way I can, I don't know any better.
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Old 03-09-2010, 07:29 AM   #15
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"remember you agreed to your role before you descended upon this earth."
"For me, I don't believe this."

I don't "buy" that either. That schmeel is just another way to make us accept responsibility for something we have no memory of having caused..... IF and/or WHEN I ever come into recognition/memory of having said "yes" to this Station of Life... I will retract that statement.

Until then, I'm mad as hell when I even allow myself to "go there" into the depth of the quagmire that IS this worlds woes! (mind you I don't go the full depth, it's far too painful, I've not touched the full depth, can't go there for survival)

I will NOT take responsibility for something I have no recollection of having caused..but I will take responsibility and DO take responsibility for what I have caused since I was conscious in this life Now.... that alone is almost more than I can bear...because I have gone to depth of That!

Desire for change is automatic just being alive... how can anyone dismiss the shame of what goes down in this world??? Yes there is beauty but the atrocities far outweigh any rest we might find indulgence... and what a shame it is.

On a lighter note... all is a hologram right?<<< would someone please explain how that is justification, like it's a puff of smoke to be done with< it's all Not real anyway type thing...... okay that's not a lighter note is it? but it could be... to dismiss everything you might encounter as transient thought form stuff, as tho it doesn't matter....(except for nerve endings or mental torment... lol, dang that's a hard one huh?)

I'm off to ponder more. There is something important I was going to say and forgot .. so, I'll pipe in again when it comes back to me.
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Old 03-09-2010, 07:34 AM   #16
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Oh chit I remember what I was going to say... that has to do with holograms...

If "reality" is a hologram, that means that we are a replication of an original right?
A hologram is a duplicate ad infintim correct?
That means that God is really phucked up if God is the original archetype...
lawdy me, it's sleepy time, beddy by, cuddle duds time!

tomorrow then! LOLOL... laugh okay???? it really is funny over tragic, that's what I prefer.... deep sigh.
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Old 03-09-2010, 08:06 AM   #17
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I like what your adding to the word "desire" to put it ever so bluntly.

From my personal experiences, I know there's something in the "sea of energy" that is like what the call the law of attraction. In the very recent past during my backpacking adventures I had some things happen to me (i.e. meeting someone) that it was like someone or something set it all up for me. Heck, Maybe i had been thinking/desiring it all along in my subconscious.

From a three dimensional perspective: I think we're beginning to tap into understanding/awareness that human words can't encompass.

Hopefully the telepathy starts to kick in on a grand scale, if it hasn't already. *Ahem* law of attraction
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Old 03-09-2010, 04:19 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Moxie View Post
If "reality" is a hologram, that means that we are a replication of an original right?
A hologram is a duplicate ad infintim correct?
That means that God is really phucked up if God is the original archetype...
Now there is a "best seller" title if I've ever seen one All kidding aside, I never thought of it that way - what a valid point to look at!

Whether it's hologram theory, chaos theory, quantum theory, string theory, intelligent design theory, religion, metaphysics, or even random synchronicity - it all inevitable leads many onto the subject of God, because a definitive solution/answer cannot be validated - so God is the default variable that gets plugged into the equation. Back to our human roots of "intentionality" - we are just wired that way in this system - yielding to something bigger, grander, more intelligent than us.

Isn't it interesting that we humans happen to be at the top of the system? Meaning we feel that we are the final predominant and controlling organism in this system. So like the gazelle looks up and see's the lion above it (perhaps it's God) we look around - nothing here that comes close to us - so we look up to the cosmos and yield to that or we invent imaginary beings/Gods to yield to. Maybe that is just part of the creation/evolution process here. The more we yield, the more we will adapt and morph ourselves into the next bigger thing over time.
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Old 03-09-2010, 04:45 PM   #19
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Seems that we have the power to attract.
In fact Dr Hawkins writes in the book "Power vs Force" that we are born with a personal attractor vibration.
We have a potential within that energy to materialize whatever is within the potential of that energy field to supply.
As our personal vibration rises through our spiritual intention then we materialize faster and bring things of better quality into our life. We are accessing a different attractor field.
its a bit like a radio receiver, we might just be able to tune into one station where the sound quality,reception is poor. As we move to another location we might find a better reception a stronger signal etc.
We grow spiritual we are moving to be a better receiver.

As we progress spiritually there is a realization that desire can produce results that are not necessarily beneficial.
Great saying "That which brings you pleasure brings you pain"
Took me time to get my head round that one.
So I get a new car I lavish love on it, polish it etc
Some one runs into it trashing it, How do I feel? Wild angry etc.
Well actually I have a choice, it depends how much I am attached to it and how much I desired in the first place.
If I am not attached to it I enjoy it when its in my life, if it goes thats life.
Another will come along and replace it.

Eventually there is no desire to manifest and what is actually needed arrives unasked for.

The Abraham teachings are helpful up to a point but then they limit as while they give you confidence they can also make you a " me first person, I have rights I have boundaries" thats no way to run a relationship.

Great relationships are ones where there is alignment, both have the same goal, the happiness of the other. the joy from seeing the other happy.

I would rather be happy than right.

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Old 03-09-2010, 04:57 PM   #20
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Speaking from many experiences…If you think it, then believe it, you will experience it. If focus is not on a comforting end result then you may encounter obstacles that you’re not ready for…hence the saying “be careful what you wish for”.

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Old 03-09-2010, 05:55 PM   #21
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Hey blackbeard, Chris my friend

Nice one you sum it up well, each desire has consequences. The key as you said is attachment or detachment for example money, we need money in this society now I can hold on to it or use it to serve others. You should see my jeans there are full of holes yet I am happy buying things for others I guess I don't care how I look so much as I care how I treat those around me. Is funny how people sometimes look at me as if I was a homeless person yet I don't mind for those that are homeless in my neighborhood love to see me and I them. Our vibrational field can attract and shape our world as you said it is a radio signal that when is amplified can indeed be powerful so even if you don't believe in such things it works both on a positive constructive or a negative destructive level. Keep yourself in check and be very aware of the thoughts you are manifesting because is easy to become a victim of our own ego.

Blessings to all..
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Old 03-09-2010, 06:32 PM   #22
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Default Re: Desire Is The Root of Nothing - A Fresh Look at Law of Attraction

Originally Posted by Frank Samuel View Post
Hey blackbeard, Chris my friend

You should see my jeans there are full of holes.
Hi Holy one I knew you were on the path but!!!!

Keep radiating Love my friend. You do it well.

Last edited by Jonah; 03-09-2010 at 06:41 PM.
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Old 03-09-2010, 08:32 PM   #23
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Lightbulb Re: Desire Is The Root of Nothing - A Fresh Look at Law of Attraction

Life is not a hollywood delusion, but it is an illusion, and well~ ant's they behave in a more civil way towards each other> compared too humanbeings! As far as contracts are concern > yours is cancelled > this time around. its all about lessons> not punishments.

Back to school
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Old 03-10-2010, 05:15 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by giovonni View Post
Life is not a hollywood delusion, but it is an illusion, and well~ ant's they behave in a more civil way towards each other> compared too humanbeings! As far as contracts are concern > yours is cancelled > this time around. its all about lessons> not punishments.
Please accept my apology - did not intend to infer that I am "right". I post this stuff cause I think it helps to offer and discuss all viewpoints. Adds to the menu of choices - so to speak

I used to think life was an illusion - but now I've realized real peace comes when one has the courage to step out and accept reality for what it is - in all it's insane imperfections, chaos, disorder and loveliness.

In my viewpoint the affect of "school" is because life is mostly experiential - not because we are being put thru or chose to work on "lessons".

Just another way of looking at it.
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Old 03-10-2010, 05:20 PM   #25
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Default Re: Desire Is The Root of Nothing - A Fresh Look at Law of Attraction

Originally Posted by greybeard View Post
The Abraham teachings are helpful up to a point but then they limit as while they give you confidence they can also make you a " me first person, I have rights I have boundaries" thats no way to run a relationship.

Great relationships are ones where there is alignment, both have the same goal, the happiness of the other. the joy from seeing the other happy.

I would rather be happy than right.

Nice Chris, I feel the same.

As far as Dawkins, I've yet to read any of his stuff - for some reason I'm more interested in the conversations beyond the atheist/agnostic challenges to other belief systems. I guess that approach sell books (blasephemy! ), but I'll check his out.
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