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Old 02-04-2010, 05:46 AM   #76
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Default Re: Personal attacks (conducted on this forum)

When it comes to the topics descussed here we have to understand what truth is, "Truth" is a Beleaf of one person that the majority believes in, it was a proven beleaf 1000 years ago that the earth was flat, its was a Proven beleaf that the earth was the center of the solor system. I think we know better now? So with topic on here we have to asume that to that person it is truth, what they say because they believe it is.

Just because something has been proven to be so at the time don't make it a lie, Now I know there are people out there that will get on forums like this and Lie, and just run people down so the truth will not get out. weather you agree with it or not Uless your are there an see the truth with your own eyes, or can weed out, the out right liars.

Understand one thing Proof is not always something that is needed if you believe. God is a perfect example of this. There is no Proof that he ever existed, yet People believe in him. In what ever form your beleaf manafests him in.

that is why even if I do not think something rings true I do not discredit it because who knows 3 years down the road it might be proven to be true. Sorry its late and I have to stay up at work under the stars. Need to stay awake Sooo I added my 2cent worth lol Peace all
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Old 02-15-2010, 12:29 PM   #77
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Default Re: Personal attacks (conducted on this forum)

I wish I could see the original post so I could check this out, it must have been a real direct attack and pretty heavy to draw this ire.

As a bit of an intuitive, you can make bit to be what you want, I get many introspections, however I specifically try not to use it in anything in regards to me because my own feelings and perceptions are suspect, and might skew things. I use the law of three and ask others who have such abilities because I am too close to the situation.

There are a few holy grails on this board, and I respect that these people have a good heart, are spending their own money, and that they have the best of intent, however I leave much of what they have on the table because there is lots of showmanship, and very little beef, aka, personal experience at least in their process or behind the scenes.

Since day one I have taken great care, involved others around me on video, shown actual clips and my process, and opened up my life to a degree, and that is what I would like to see from many of the individuals who PC make the holy grails.

Now that PC has attracted many intuitives operating on levels that the original PC members might not be aware of, these holy grails might be attacked or outed in certain respects, and the follower here who are not doing the spiritual work to open their heart center to determine these things on their own are influenced greatly by a one sided debate.

It has been stated a number of times as to the psychic abilities of the PC team in determining the most valid people to interview or those who were not worthy, and in one video Bill said "an I thought, he thinks he is important doesn't he", and we know nothing of this person. This was an intuitive feeling by Bill that might not have been fair to that person.

However there is no evidence that any of the team has any higher than average intuitive insight, and it appears they do not wish to listen or take consensus from others who might, because they are on their own clock, and that is their right, they are paying the shot, it is their experience, and we get to tag along.

However in reality if they were intutitive they would have know the subscription model would never get the job done. They would have know the moment of meeting St. Claire he had his own agenda and was actually in service to self. I could go on, but I called a number of shots here, and I knew there were a number of other intuitives who agreed with me, but we were shut out by people who are not in contact with ET's, or higher vibrational energies, a process which took years for me.

And I will make one more prediction. About 8 months ago PC was derailed, and taken off track, this will come to light. They are being manipulated through fear, and the partnership is keeping Bill from progressing forward. I respect Kerry, however the speed of growth is disparate, and Bill will need to leave the team, this is not due to any worth of each individual because I have a real soft spot for Kerry and she has literally already changed the world with a megre inheritance and accomplished more than I ever did in my life of value.

However is evident to me, there are other forces at work here, and they will harvest a certain bounty because through that energy it is getting into a great movement that has now been shut down, and they might see it yet.

There are three individuals who are most likely telling the truth, are to be commended for their service to their country and I empathize with on a personal level for the horrors they suffered, but they have nothing to offer this awakening.

Duncan O'Finegan, David Corso, Dan Burish, Aaron McCollum

There is energies who are attached to these people, and using them, as well as Kerry, and unless they rise above all fearful thought and step ourside all fear, everyone on this board might end up on the ascended earth where these people exist.

However being a free will Universe, that is your right, I plan to go to a planet where these people are not there, well I would like Kerry to be there but I think she might like the vibration of the other planet, jury is still out on that one.
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Old 03-01-2010, 07:50 PM   #78
Kerry Cassidy
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Hi all,

For those who are not aware, Project Avalon was taken off-line for the past few hours due to a dispute between Bill Ryan and myself in regard to the removal (closing) of the Thuban thread. I closed down the Forum to prevent further destruction of this thread and to ascertain from Bill, why it had been closed. I later learned that he had not actually closed it himself but wrote a message advising the Mod team that it should be closed. As a result it was closed. I have not seen this message. I advised Bill that I temporarily shut down the forum for a few hours and wanted to discuss this and other things that he has been doing that are in violation of copyright law as well as slander of a certain individual. I wanted to prevent any further violations of this nature, due to the fact that his actions threaten me, my status as a youtube director, Project Avalon and Project Camelot as his actions leave us open for lawsuits.

For some reason Bill chooses to ignore this and continues to make disparaging remarks about Jack Burns who accompanied me recently on my trip to Europe and in the U.S. conducting Camelot interviews. Bill was of course invited to come along declined as he wished to remain in Switzerland and did not want to go along with me or with Jack. As I mentioned on Camelot, my plan is for Jack Burns to work with me via my new site Project Camelot Productions to create Camelot conferences worldwide, once an investor has been found.

It will be of special interest to all that Bob Dean has embraced Jack Burns as a brother and we spent many wonderful hours chatting about many subjects while in Laughlin. Bob and Jack share a background in the military. I will be releasing an upcoming interview with Bob in which he substantiates further witness testimony from several of our whistle blowers.

It is important that people recognize that with over a million visitors a month and a pending TV show in the works Project Camelot is vulnerable to become a target of the PTB (powers-that-be) at any time. It is with this in mind that all must realize that using a very famous song such as the Beatles IMAGINE on a Camelot video would be unacceptable... without first obtaining the copyright license. This is common knowledge in Hollywood as well as in media circles worldwide.

I have now relinquished control of the projectavalon.net domain name. I wish to state here that I do not agree with the editorial stance of this forum and do not agree with the removal of the Thuban thread. This site is now completely under Bill Ryan's control.

I am working to establish an overall portal page where links to all our respective sites will be including a link to Project Camelot.

Best wishes,

..."if you build it they will come"
Field of Dreams
..."if you build it they will come"
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Old 03-01-2010, 08:20 PM   #79
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Default Re: Personal attacks (conducted on this forum)

Kerry, would you be good enough to address some of what Bill said earlier today on the chat forum?

Bill mentioned that ‘...John (Jack) Burns works for Ausrallian intelligence and that he wanted to sack all the volunteers, move Camelot to a central office in Australia, have only paid staff and have him as the co-coordinator.’

Bill also states that he has audio recording that proves 100% that Burns is an agent but that you refuse to listen!!

I’m also baffled as to why you would shut down the forum because of internal dispute. The members seem to have been caught in the cross fire here and it’s not a very comfortable place to be in. It feels like we’re being forced to take sides which like children from a divorce situation is heart breaking. We do appreciate both of you and everything you’ve done.

Many thanks.
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Old 03-01-2010, 09:05 PM   #80
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Default Re: Personal attacks (conducted on this forum)

agreeing with gita's concerns totally (above)


It will be of special interest to all that Bob Dean has embraced Jack Burns as a brother and we spent many wonderful hours chatting about many subjects while in Laughlin. Bob and Jack share a background in the military. I will be releasing an upcoming interview with Bob in which he substantiates further witness testimony from several of our whistle blowers.
with respect, but bob dean hasn't come up with a ground breaking new informatin exept confirming what henry deacon had already presented - with a lot more grace and less ego...i mean, knowing that he (b dean) decided to spill the beans because the higher ups consistently hindred HIS own career advancement at the time, doesn't make him very trustworthy in my book..and that's in his own words as posted on PC.

best wishes l.


Last edited by lightblue; 03-01-2010 at 09:45 PM.
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Old 03-01-2010, 09:21 PM   #81
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Default Re: Personal attacks (conducted on this forum)

Ive only been a member for a short time, fan of PC since last yr.

Its sad to see this spilling into the public domain.

Both you (kerry) and Bill have created quite a wonderful resource for like minded ppl. I had the impression this creation was run by mature, level headed individuals, However when the creators have spats in full public view it really puts this view into question. For PC to function as it is intended, credibility is pretty much the only currency you can deal with in these realms.

Its sad to see both of your working relationships deteriorate and quite possibly your personal ones too. Positive thoughts go out to both you and Bill and I hope you can get back to bein the team that inspires so many.
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Old 03-01-2010, 10:04 PM   #82
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Default Re: Personal attacks (conducted on this forum)

Originally Posted by Truthseeker512 View Post
Ive only been a member for a short time, fan of PC since last yr.

Its sad to see this spilling into the public domain.

Both you (kerry) and Bill have created quite a wonderful resource for like minded ppl. I had the impression this creation was run by mature, level headed individuals, However when the creators have spats in full public view it really puts this view into question. For PC to function as it is intended, credibility is pretty much the only currency you can deal with in these realms.

Its sad to see both of your working relationships deteriorate and quite possibly your personal ones too. Positive thoughts go out to both you and Bill and I hope you can get back to bein the team that inspires so many.
Yes and Amen!! Decisions made in anger are most always a big mistake.
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Old 03-16-2010, 04:11 PM   #83
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Default Re: Personal attacks

To me, whistleblowers are people too. I'm not about to hold them on a pedestal and neither should anyone else. It doesn't mean that they should be attacked en masse like any other people. But, when people disagree, they should be able to express those disagreements in a civil manner.
I've been lurking here for some time, and listening to PC for a very long time and I totally agree with this above. I do however become concerned with people who intentionally try to deceive others. I think anyone can agree that it's hard not to be frustrated with folks like that. Still anger doesn't do much positive.
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Old 03-16-2010, 04:17 PM   #84
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Default Re: Project Avalon

It is important that people recognize that with over a million visitors a month and a pending TV show in the works Project Camelot is vulnerable to become a target of the PTB (powers-that-be) at any time.
Hi Kerry, thanks for your candor. Regarding your statement above. As you probably know it seems the powers-that-be usually try first to corrupt a good organization and turn it into a tool, once that proves ineffective then they may distroy it completely.
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Old 03-16-2010, 06:32 PM   #85
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Default Re: Personal attacks

Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
WOWZER!! Can I safely throw my 2 cents worth in here? I see some pretty close to threat material in this thread, and thats not on. What the hell is it coming to when someone cannot place their opinion of any individual so called insider whistleblower without being shot at by obvious supporters of that insider. It not cricket!!. I too have grave misgivings about Dan Burisch, maybe one or two others, GONNA TAKE A POP AT ME? I'm up for it

I agree...any individual can express thenselves ...moderator or not you cannot go around shouting you mouth off...here in the U.K . we give everone the chance to have an opinion , it is called freedom ...it is not cricket ..it is not rugger
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Old 03-16-2010, 06:38 PM   #86
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Default Re: Personal attacks (conducted on this forum)

Originally Posted by gita View Post
Kerry, would you be good enough to address some of what Bill said earlier today on the chat forum?

Bill mentioned that ‘...John (Jack) Burns works for Ausrallian intelligence and that he wanted to sack all the volunteers, move Camelot to a central office in Australia, have only paid staff and have him as the co-coordinator.’

Bill also states that he has audio recording that proves 100% that Burns is an agent but that you refuse to listen!!

I’m also baffled as to why you would shut down the forum because of internal dispute. The members seem to have been caught in the cross fire here and it’s not a very comfortable place to be in. It feels like we’re being forced to take sides which like children from a divorce situation is heart breaking. We do appreciate both of you and everything you’ve done.

Many thanks.
Thanks Gita ...totally agree.............you are dealing with adults here not kindergarten
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