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Old 09-18-2008, 12:09 AM   #26
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Default Re: The Greater Sacramento Area, CA

Thank you so much for sharing what happened at the meeting and important self-preperation. I believe we are all flowing so closely with each other; especially now.

Count me in for the next meeting.

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Old 09-18-2008, 04:47 PM   #27
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Default Re: The Greater Sacramento Area, CA


Arkan posted this quote on a thread that is casting great concern. Out of all of the posts, this one rang in my heart loudly and I wanted to share it with all of you...

Originally Posted by Arkan

"There is a river flowing very fast. It is so swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel that they are being torn apart and will suffer greatly. Know that the river has a destination. The Elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river. And I say, see who is in there with you and Celebrate! At this time in history we are to take nothing personally, least of all ourselves. For the moment we do our spiritual growth comes to a halt. The time of the Lone Wolf is over. Gather your Self's together. Banish the word Struggle from your attitude and vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in Celebration!"

Hopi Elders
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Old 09-18-2008, 07:23 PM   #28
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Default Re: The Greater Sacramento Area, CA

Thank You for sharing that truthseekersearching.

I am in a position at work where I can keep a real good eye on current events everyday. I listen to the (Dr. Deagle) & (Alex Jones) radio shows every day as well. I feel like it is necessary to break it all down and do a little review of what is to come, or at least what the controllers of this planet have in plan for us. I expect that you all should already be aware of most of this.

So very soon we will experience:

- Full economic collapse, first the U.S. then the rest of the world

- World War 3, which could lead to a nuclear war

- The release of the H5N1 Bird Flu - Bio Weapon - on the worlds population (Part of the population reduction plan)

- The Vaccination for the H5N1 Bird Flu, also a Bio Weapon to reduce population (It is very important to stay away from ANY Vaccination's at this time.)

- A possible False Flag 9/11 type attack on American soil.

- Possible major natural disasters

- and of course the enforcement of the Martial Law and the NWO.

I just want to make it very clear:

It is very important at this point to accept that some or all of these things will happen and some at the same time if not close together. We should not fear them or deny them. When these things events happen we should be the calm, strong and loving candle of light that will not burn out no matter what. This can only be done if we stick together during these events.

The majority of the population will remain asleep until they are directly effected by any of these events. As soon as they loose their jobs and cannot pay the bills or escape to their TV's or even eat food, then that is when it will become real to them, and that is when the panic sets in. IMHO, part of our responsibility should be too help people out during this time and too keep them calm answer their questions and concerns and offer solutions.

We need to start thinking about what I call the nuts & bolts stuff. Plan routes for meeting places, get emergency supplies together, safe places to stay or hide - locally, start thinking about the best way to build new communities, collect seeds to grow crops, gather planes for free energy devices and gather medical supplies books & information.

Of course we should always be concentrating on our Spiritual Healing, Meditation and raising our vibrational level.

I will post more soon.
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Old 09-19-2008, 02:28 AM   #29
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Default Re: The Greater Sacramento Area, CA

how about weekend meetings so folks that are a bit further can attend..

san jose here
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Old 09-19-2008, 03:30 AM   #30
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Default Re: The Greater Sacramento Area, CA

Hello my friends, you all should check out the radio show that Kerry and Bill were on today. The link can be found in the avalon discussion forum. It is a must hear. They talk about an electro magnetic shock from the sun.

WarriorSoul, I will suggest this at the next meeting.

Last edited by Jonah; 09-19-2008 at 07:36 PM.
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Old 09-19-2008, 08:44 PM   #31
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Default Re: The Greater Sacramento Area, CA

Thank You for willing to make the extra effort warriorsoul!

We would love to have you. I have sent you a private message.

Anyone one from the Bay Area is defiantly welcome to join us.
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Old 09-20-2008, 06:44 AM   #32
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Default Re: The Greater Sacramento Area, CA

Thank you for the information housegroove. There really are a lot of scenarios playing out, simultaneously. I had the rare opportunity of having some time to surf some forums outside of Avalon, recently and wow there is a lot happening out there.

On that note, I bid you all a good night with much Love and Peace.


Welcome warriorsoul

Thank you for the information about Bill and Kerry's radio interview, vorians revenge. It was very enlightening.
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Old 09-20-2008, 07:50 AM   #33
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Default Re: The Greater Sacramento Area, CA

OK I just figured out there is a page 2 on this thread...

Greetings truthseeker! I look forward to meeting you on Monday.

Warrior Soul and Bay Area Ground Crew: we'll discuss weekend meetings, might need a location change.

Marshall Masters' current interview at www.yowusa.com is about Hopi prophecy.

My struck chord this week: Henry Deacon's quote:

"stranger in a strange land.. but knowing that we are all intimately connected [ no matter how far (3-space) ]

Closer than your life's vein.... throughout all space and time, we are


quite a lonely feeling - being here - in some ways... a desire to touch others and to share what cannot be told through common media or voice ...

If you are reading this,
You will see a World beyond all description.. one beyond potential dreams or the cries from your heart...

Have patience"

Focus your intent! Make time to connect with source and focus! We have the power to change the future.

ciao for now, kim
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Old 09-20-2008, 01:20 PM   #34
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You are not alone at all Kim. We are always connected. Always focused.
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Old 09-20-2008, 11:55 PM   #35
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Default Re: The Greater Sacramento Area, CA

I encourage all of you here to read the posts by Richard T, in the "What was jesus then" thread, in the spirituality section. Very enlightened I now feel toward many things I didn't expect to find when starting this thread.
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Old 09-27-2008, 06:37 PM   #36
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Default Re: The Greater Sacramento Area, CA

Hello Ground Crew,

I am sorry for the late notice. This week raced by.

Vorian's Revenge and I agree that it would be good for us to meet at least one more time before the 10/6 meeting. There is so much to work through and learn.

If you are interested in joining the meeting, we will be holding it on Sunday (tomorrow) at 11am. Please send me a private message I will respond with all of the details for the meeting.

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Old 09-28-2008, 03:59 AM   #37
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Default Re: The Greater Sacramento Area, CA


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Old 09-28-2008, 04:26 PM   #38
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Default Re: The Greater Sacramento Area, CA

Of coarse. All are encouraged to join. In any area. If it's not going on in your area. Then we will show you how to feel safe. Or you can just join us. Either way, there is nothing to fear. Only you can discover this. It cannot be given to you from someone else. Listen to your self. Seek all information. Then believe none of it. Question everything.

Light to you all
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Old 09-29-2008, 01:16 AM   #39
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Default Re: The Greater Sacramento Area, HAS IT TOGETHER I LIBE IN TRACY BUT I NEED A RIDE

Could somebody help me out?
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Old 10-01-2008, 12:11 AM   #40
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Default Re: The Greater Sacramento Area, CA

Listen up my friends!

I feel that we are all at a very important and critical moment in time. I feel like we need to take this moment as an opportunity to join together and others world wide at Project Avalon and create positive energy.

I am going to strongly suggest that we all focus our intent for a positive future, starting now!

Realize what is going on and what is at stake here. Realize that our controllers have just as much of an opportunity to create a future as we do. Do we want their future or do we want to decide our own future, our own destiny?

Picture a positive future that you want and focus on it as your intent. Then post it in this thread or in an email: http://projectavalon.net/forum/showthread.php?t=3782

Please join me in doing this, we can do this!
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Old 10-01-2008, 12:14 AM   #41
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Default Re: The Greater Sacramento Area, CA

Here is my Intent:

I focus ALL of my intent for the very corrupt and flawed financial system to fall.

After the fall I see the power slipping completely from our controllers hands and back into the hands of the people.

I see the masses waking up.

I see them asking questions and wanting to know what happened.

I see us educating them.

Then I see us all come together and heal each other and the earth.

Then I see us ascending and creating a new paradise.

Last edited by housegroove23; 10-01-2008 at 12:20 AM.
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Old 10-01-2008, 05:45 AM   #42
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Default Re: The Greater Sacramento Area, CA

Thank you for sharing your insight and concern for our future, housegroove.

My intent is to understand who I am; my purpose in this realm; to identify my mistakes and learn from them; and finally, if I am worthy, to return to where I truly came from.

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Old 10-01-2008, 06:14 AM   #43
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Default Re: The Greater Sacramento Area, CA

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Old 10-01-2008, 05:48 PM   #44
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Default Re: The Greater Sacramento Area, CA

Fully aware of this. What would you suggest? Know way to know when this might happen. Shouldn't we consolidate our resources first? Then discuss migration.
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Old 10-02-2008, 09:15 PM   #45
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Default Re: The Greater Sacramento Area, CA


I've been focusing my intent several times a day since Monday! May the hearts of the controllers be touched by love so that they disregard their plans of control and destruction and look to healing their being back to wholeness for direct connect with creator in consciousness! I'm also going to steal housegroove's wonderful wording for the intent: Then I see us all come together and heal each other and the earth. Then I see us ascending and creating a new paradise.

I've also still been moving some really painful emotional baggage for spiritual healing.

OK today I am PLANTING SEEDS for a winter crop. I am planting spinach and kale. I am setting out beer traps for all those snails that defy my gardening efforts! If I don't plant today, there won't be enough time for the warmth outside to germinate the seeds and get the plants going before it gets too dark and cold. Also, by planting now, when the days get longer in January, I'll have a nice and ready little patch of locally grown greens. I consider this practice as well as practical (and enjoyable). I would recommend starting to practice horticulture because experience seems to be the best teacher to me in growing things.

I was wondering if anyone knows about independent/portable solar panels? I saw one at Real Goods a while back but now it isn't listed. I thought a portable one would be a great option for powering existing appliances with the flexibility of sharing it with groundcrew members. It might be more affordable if we pitch in but...which leads to the next issue...

Plans. I'm doing limited preparations at my house. I also am formulating several different plans for different scenarios. This is where it gets complicated. How are we to rely on each other at this point? Anything could happen. My immediate responsibility is to my children. BUT what next? Do we come here to my home? How do we transport materials if we move into marshall law if we want to relocate? What are the criteria for other locations? If something happens to me (I'll cave fast under torture!) what is the next step for my family and my fellow groundcrew members?

Communication. If we loose internet and phones what do we do? Meet somewhere at a given time to reconnect like the 2 and 4 thursday at the fork in the road? I know so little about Hamm radios, but then everyone would have to have them. Any thoughts?

ciao for now

Last edited by kymbirly; 10-02-2008 at 09:25 PM.
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Old 10-02-2008, 09:21 PM   #46
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Default Re: The Greater Sacramento Area, CA

Hi Fastarr!

We're all pretty local to Sacramento

Vorian's Revenge has read a lot more in project avalon...
Hey Vorian's Revenge! Any other people from the far north end of the Valley? in your readings through project avalon?

You might want to post a thread for Northern CA valley or something and see if you find anyone. That's how I found the Sac area because housegroove has posted a thread for the area.
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Old 10-02-2008, 09:24 PM   #47
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Default Re: The Greater Sacramento Area, CA

Hi neighbors,

I live within the flood zone, spending most of my time in a different thread: Miriam Delicado Interview, Your Views

Thought I, along with other members, would bring some sense to the latest hype.

I will check back to this thread often.

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Old 10-02-2008, 09:49 PM   #48
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Default Re: The Greater Sacramento Area, CA

Originally Posted by housegroove23 View Post
Thank You for sharing that truthseekersearching.

I am in a position at work where I can keep a real good eye on current events everyday. I listen to the (Dr. Deagle) & (Alex Jones) radio shows every day as well. I feel like it is necessary to break it all down and do a little review of what is to come, or at least what the controllers of this planet have in plan for us. I expect that you all should already be aware of most of this.

So very soon we will experience:

- Full economic collapse, first the U.S. then the rest of the world

- World War 3, which could lead to a nuclear war

- The release of the H5N1 Bird Flu - Bio Weapon - on the worlds population (Part of the population reduction plan)

- The Vaccination for the H5N1 Bird Flu, also a Bio Weapon to reduce population (It is very important to stay away from ANY Vaccination's at this time.)

- A possible False Flag 9/11 type attack on American soil.

- Possible major natural disasters

- and of course the enforcement of the Martial Law and the NWO.

I just want to make it very clear:

It is very important at this point to accept that some or all of these things will happen and some at the same time if not close together. We should not fear them or deny them. When these things events happen we should be the calm, strong and loving candle of light that will not burn out no matter what. This can only be done if we stick together during these events.

The majority of the population will remain asleep until they are directly effected by any of these events. As soon as they loose their jobs and cannot pay the bills or escape to their TV's or even eat food, then that is when it will become real to them, and that is when the panic sets in. IMHO, part of our responsibility should be too help people out during this time and too keep them calm answer their questions and concerns and offer solutions.

We need to start thinking about what I call the nuts & bolts stuff. Plan routes for meeting places, get emergency supplies together, safe places to stay or hide - locally, start thinking about the best way to build new communities, collect seeds to grow crops, gather planes for free energy devices and gather medical supplies books & information.

Of course we should always be concentrating on our Spiritual Healing, Meditation and raising our vibrational level.

I will post more soon.
Right on neighbor! I'll append past/present examples to your list.

So very soon we will experience:

- Full economic collapse, first the U.S. then the rest of the world burst of the housing bubble, credit bubble, derivative bubble, etc.

- World War 3, which could lead to a nuclear war heavy build up of navy fleets in the persian gulf & black sea

- The release of the H5N1 Bird Flu - Bio Weapon - on the worlds population (Part of the population reduction plan) sars, aids, anthrax

- The Vaccination for the H5N1 Bird Flu, also a Bio Weapon to reduce population (It is very important to stay away from ANY Vaccination's at this time.) the breakout of aids in sf after the gov't hepatitis vaccination program for gays in sf; floride in drinking water (the prozac effect), autism-related mercury in vaccines (brain damage)

- A possible False Flag 9/11 type attack on American soil. 9/11 and okc bombing

- Possible major natural disasters including the seemingly natural disasters/earthquakes in china/japan, induced by haarp and particle weapons (i.e. alien technology/back-engineered)

- and of course the enforcement of the Martial Law and the NWO. patriot act and the north american union implementation

Last edited by feeler; 10-03-2008 at 01:41 AM.
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Old 10-02-2008, 10:02 PM   #49
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Default Re: The Greater Sacramento Area, CA


Thank you for the invitation.
I am a greater Sacramento member, and a member of the PER ground crew. Nice to see the forum for our area. Let's chat and see where we go from here.

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Old 10-03-2008, 12:12 AM   #50
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Default Re: The Greater Sacramento Area, CA

Thank You Feeler and welcome, great input there.

Welcome ladylight, im glad to see you here.

Welcome fastarr, don_giovanni69 & I have not forgotten about you warriorsoul.

For you new comers, I ask for you to stick around and have patients. I am currently stuck in the MATRIX, working 12 hours a day. I am here and watching but I don't have enough time to always post. After this week I should be able to focus more on the important things that we desperately need to focus on.

In the mean time anybody and everybody is free to post any thoughts, ideas, plans, meeting places.

Lots to go over and lots to say but I have to go now. I will try and post more later.
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