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What Does It Mean ? What does this all mean for the Ground Crew ?

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Old 09-07-2008, 12:56 AM   #26
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Default Re: The next six weeks

It doesn't matter who's elected. The decission on who would be our next president was made long ago. The game plan won't change. "They" own all the politicians. Even Obama. He wouldn't be where he is if they didn't. My money is on the "no/suspended election" scenerio. King George.
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Old 09-07-2008, 01:47 AM   #27
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Default Re: The next six weeks

Cosmic is right !
They were only looking for some good DRAMA with Palin,,
To keep you glued to your seat for a few more weeks..
AS bad as things seem to be,, seems interesting to live in such a time.
Things are coming to a head now..
I have been trying to tie the Bible into this,, I still have my Faith..
It's just really hard to GRASP the BIG picture in this...
It's hard to live without that hope.. I had..
Now it's onto a NEW Hope..
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Old 09-07-2008, 02:24 AM   #28
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Default Re: The next six weeks

firehorse and to all... live in nyc...very concerned about the borders being closed once marshall law goes into effect if the scenerio (s) occurs. then you must wonder w over 800 "civilian detention centers" in operation, who are they going to send there? and if the internet and grid goes down, how do you communicate? personally, i'd like to be out of the country..but w/ no financial resources..eecks!! glad to know there are other people awakened!...my friends all think i'm crazy w this info.
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Old 09-07-2008, 02:26 AM   #29
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Default Re: The next six weeks

Hi everyone!

I've not finished reading all the threads yet.

Thank you Bill, Kerry and the Avalon Team for this site and the opportunity to communicate with others.

I can't say that I am locked on the event probabilities and/or possibilities for the next 6 weeks. Time is fluid as are the possibilities we face.

There is much to be said about creating a future. From an individual level to a global level. I am grateful to find others with that intention as a focal point using communication as a bridge.

Peace and Joy

Sally Anne
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Old 09-07-2008, 03:15 AM   #30
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Default Re: The next six weeks

[QUOTE=Bill Ryan;412]

In our summary above we omitted to also mention that oil industry whistleblower Lindsey Williams, talking with Jeff Rense on 22 July, stated that he had learned from an insider source - and (strangely!) had been authorized to release publicly - that an event would occur shortly before the US election that would guarantee McCain to be President. He did not know what that was. Aspects of Williams' testimony raised questions, but we state this for the further record.


Here is one probability.


"The only significant area of disagreement between our premise, regarding wide-spread deceit by NASA -- and, Dr. Wickramasinghe’s separate and courageous indictment of NASA's deliberate withholding of the most amazing evidence of current "life on Mars" -- is that the good doctor still clings to the “honest but stupid” model of NASA’s (otherwise, to him) "inexplicable behavior."

While, we know that NASA is operating -- as it has been for fifty years -- on a carefully calculated, “timed release aspirin,” national security model -- dictated (in part) by the paranoid excuses framed by "the Brookings Report."

Augmented -- this unique year -- by Karl Rove's converging campaign calculations ....

So as to bring maximum political advantage, regarding this extraordinary new Reality, to ... John McCain."
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Old 09-07-2008, 09:43 AM   #31
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Default Re: The next six weeks

Frogger, good point. This election is biggest debacle in the history of our country. They have to distract the masses with this mess so they won't see the Truth. The United States of America is bankrupt. Now they've not only got us divided down party lines but they're throwing the race card into the mix. The way I see the Palin choice is they're asking those Hillary democrats "which would you rather have, the first African America president or the first female white v-president". So, she's the governor of Alaska, big deal. I could be the governor of Alaska. It wouldn't be too hard to manage all four people that live in the entire state. She kills moose, is a former high school basketball star and wait...a beauty queen. What a well rounded individual. Palin's church had "Pray Away the Gay" day yesterday. What is that about. Once you "wake up" you wonder how you could have lived in that world. I call it like I see it and Palin is part of the master plan and a very dangerous person. If there is an election and Obama looses it will be "Katy bar the doors". There's going to be lots of people that ain't gonna be too happy. The event that I think could propel McCain into blanco house is a false flag followed by "hey, look who we found...none other than Usama bin Laden". Great work guys. We can see ants from outer space but it's taken seven years to find this clown.

I just read the post from Kranos and I agree this is in the running for "the big event" for McCain's shoe in. They will announce life on Mars and it will be soon. On May 13, 2008 I put out a wager for any takers that life would be announced within six months. If you read the propoganda on FOX they are priming us for this announcement. I mean, you have the pope's astronomer (why does the pope have an astronomer?) saying it's ok to love you alien brothers and sisters. He even went as far as saying they could be without "original sin". That's big. Why does the pope feel it's necessary to let his flock of 1.3 billion know it's OK to accept the aliens as family. Very strange.

I agree that we create our own reality. The reality we're staring in the face was created by you and me. We've allowed this to happen and we're the only ones that can change it. Nothing is set in stone. Things could change and we could move in another direction. The ones that have awakened have a huge responsibility to communicate to others what's really going on. I think this will become easier once things start happening that you've been talking about for months, even years. My whole family thinks I've lost my mind. I've promised them that at no time will I ever say "I told you so". People will start waking up but it will be a sledge hammer to the head that finally does it. Then they'll be asking you "what do we do?". Being the ones that are mentally and spiritually prepared will put us in a position to do great things for mankind and hopefully change this destructive path we're on. peace. jn
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Old 09-07-2008, 11:25 AM   #32
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Default Re: The next six weeks

Whether it is in the next six weeks, next year or next decade. The way the system works will cause a money meltdown. This means your 100 dollar bills will be worth as much as toiletpaper. Empty stores, and no electrical power are ahead of us. To survive that without running into chaos is possible if you prepare well.

Being aware (awake) of the fact this system cant last, inspires but also worries me. Free housing free food free energy its all there. As long as we dont truely understand the slavery we're born in is created by the moneymakers things will go on as they plan. And i dont like their plans!

To put things in perspective ill phrase Mahatma Ghandi, he said;

"I think it would be a good idea" on the question "What do you think of Western Civilization?"
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Old 09-07-2008, 03:09 PM   #33
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Default Re: The next six weeks

We must understand the true gravity here,
America's controllers Will never, ever,relinquish control without launching every ICBM in an all out all or nothing bid to keep control.
They would rather risk it all than go quietly into the night.
They are desperate ,and like any other wild animal when cornered will strike out.
America has been bankrupt for years ,In fact we can trace it back to the Vietnam war ,that knocked them off the gold backing of the USD.
and sent them on a binge of borrowing .
But in the last few years they have been getting very desperate as the Borrowing is being terminated by their sources. they have relied on blackmail,extortion and drug sales for many years . this is all coming apart at the same time.
Because of opec countries turning to oil sales in Euros.and are making the deals with Russia India china this threatens to leave America with a control vacum
this is the true reasons for Iraq war,Threats to Iran ,Venezuela and Russia.
I know many people who know this but fail to grasp that it is really going to hit the fan soon. They shrug it off as only a possibility .
I tell you now that this is going to go down the way the controllers want it to ,or they will retreat to their under ground bases that is equipped for 30 years of living or more and simply press the button.
We are no more than dirt under their nails to them.
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Old 09-07-2008, 05:04 PM   #34
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Default Re: The next six weeks

Originally Posted by imaculate View Post
We must understand the true gravity here,
America's controllers Will never, ever,relinquish control without launching every ICBM in an all out all or nothing bid to keep control.
They would rather risk it all than go quietly into the night.
They are desperate ,and like any other wild animal when cornered will strike out.
America has been bankrupt for years ,In fact we can trace it back to the Vietnam war ,that knocked them off the gold backing of the USD.
and sent them on a binge of borrowing .
But in the last few years they have been getting very desperate as the Borrowing is being terminated by their sources. they have relied on blackmail,extortion and drug sales for many years . this is all coming apart at the same time.
Because of opec countries turning to oil sales in Euros.and are making the deals with Russia India china this threatens to leave America with a control vacum
this is the true reasons for Iraq war,Threats to Iran ,Venezuela and Russia.
I know many people who know this but fail to grasp that it is really going to hit the fan soon. They shrug it off as only a possibility .
I tell you now that this is going to go down the way the controllers want it to ,or they will retreat to their under ground bases that is equipped for 30 years of living or more and simply press the button.
We are no more than dirt under their nails to them.

We know where these bases are now - thanks to the internet - however deep they are it matters not! Seal them up forever. Innocent people work there - who can't all be exterminated, they can be released from their duties, and thereafter seal the maniacs in and throw away the key!
Get rid of Blackwater, Haliburton et al and we should be free....
Think positive!!!
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Old 09-07-2008, 05:48 PM   #35
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Default Re: The next six weeks

It seems that it would be wise to consider the source of the data that is being "intuitively" analyzed.

All information currently available is suspect. It is being "released" to produce the reactions being felt by the majority.

Given that, it is best to review and discard large amounts of the data.

That does not mean that the information isn't necessarily valid.

Globally speaking, the vast majority are bankrupt. When the combined "designated" wealth is controlled by a central cadre, the remaining masses are, for all intents and purposes, bankrupt.

It is important to remember that "currency" is simply an exchange medium. It has no inherent value other than its assigned rate. This "assignment" can be changed. Market "trends" are proof of this.

When faced with this, it is advantageous to recognize and understand that the banks, energy distributors, food vendors, etc. are not the keys to the cadre's wealth. Control is.

One doesn't control others if the control isn't handed to them. Armed or psychological subjugation isn't a guaranteed continuity. History has proven that repeatedly.

I believe that this site and forum are pivotal in recognizing and understand this key point.

Peace and Joy

Sally Anne
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Old 09-07-2008, 06:58 PM   #36
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Default Re: The next six weeks

Hi all,
New here and I like what I see so far. I would like to comment on what has been discussed regarding the "upcoming events". One only has to look back to hurricane Katrina to get glimpse of what will happen when ordinary human needs are not met. It did not take too long for human beings to revert to animalistic behavior when they were denied these needs. This is not a negative view, only a realistic one.
Most of the U.S. population is armed to the teeth with registered and un-registered weapons and a good portion would not go quietly to forced labor or prison camps. In fact, we would probably see something along the lines of the short lived T.V. series Jericho.
One needs to remain aware and realistic if events unfold as predicted by so many. I am not LDS but I admire their views towards preparedness. If things get very bad, no amount of peace and love will keep us alive. Many will simply shoot us for our meager food and water stockpiles.
I admire the "networking" approach advocated here and look forward to being a part of this community. Much thanks to Kerry and Bill for their foresight. Be safe and have common sense.
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Old 09-08-2008, 02:29 AM   #37
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Default Re: The next six weeks

We sure don't want to be fooled by the "world management team's" election drama for television and other media from the controlled propaganda ministry. Obama and Biden have already signed on to the "global war on terrorism" bandwagon. So, they have made it clear which side they are on. And, one thing is for certain... we are not on that side!

Here's an interesting fact - Iranians are Aryan. They are NOT Arabs. Thus, the powers in control are playing an elaborate game with us all. The Illuminati powerbase is also Aryan. But, certain elements of the U.S. administration are doing their level best to start a nuclear war with Iran.

As a number of people have been saying on the Project Camelot interviews - the lie is different at every layer! That's the way compartmentalization works. I believe the objective is to keep the population under control in whatever manner is necessary. Thus we have stories of population reduction, concentration camps, terrorism, virus outbreaks, nuclear war, etc., etc.

Don't believe the lies... believe in yourself!

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Old 09-08-2008, 03:59 AM   #38
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Dr. Ron Paul is my Congressman and yes, he is a real patriot. It's sad that he didn't get the nomination, but of course, we all know why...he's not on the "team" and hasn't been bought and paid for. Sadly, if he looked like Romney and spoke like Palin, we'd probably have a chance at his being elected. The sheeple vote because of 'soundbites' and because someone seems smart and nice. We are getting just what we have allowed to happen.
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Old 09-08-2008, 04:12 AM   #39
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much gratitude for this new community. thank you Kerry and Bill for creating it.

as i read thru the posts here, i am struck with the awareness of unity in knowingness. it is a strong action which creates much inertia and strengthens the global mind with this vibration.

eye salute you all!

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Old 09-08-2008, 05:22 AM   #40
Eli in MI
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Default Re: The next six weeks

I *strongly* disagree with this thread's general negativity towards Barack Obama.

This man is risking his life every day to try to help make this country better.

Any person, especially a black man in a country with a history like ours, who continues to campaign very publicly every single day in the face of thousands of death threats deserves our respect and trust. I visualize his safety with gratitude every day. There is hope.

The choice in this election, assuming it comes as planned, is clear:

You either want things to change, or you want them to stay the same.

Last edited by Eli in MI; 09-08-2008 at 05:28 AM.
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Old 09-08-2008, 05:23 AM   #41
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Thank you Project Camelot for all the work you have done in searching for truth and sharing it with us! I send as many contacts as I can to your site so that they, too, can be enlightened as to what may be happening.

It is not hard to see that there is widespread corruption at all levels of government. It is not hard to see that an economic disaster awaits us. It is not hard to see that natural and un-natural disasters are happening. I truly cannot understand the “anything for money and power” when it means the destruction of earth and humanity, even for those striving for “money and power”, unless they are not human and not effected by what happens to us and earth? What could possibly be their motive for destroying everything to have nothing? And yet, here we are. Waiting to see where our destiny lies. I think there is hidden technology, far more advanced than what we are fed. Could the visitation on Oct 14th be a false flag? Sure it could, holograms are possible even at our level of technology, so why not more advanced and believable at theirs? We are forced participants in a game with unknown rules, unknown players, and unknown objectives. We have lost whatever knowledge/truth we had when we came into being. Our “free will” has also diminished. When the truth is not known about our choices, how can we possibly exercise “free will” in choosing? I do believe that an intervention of sorts is needed, not to fight the battle for us, but to at least level the playing field – allow the “truth” to be known, no matter the consequence to those who have lived by their own truth, for the truth should set them free as well. So I ask, why is it so hard for the “aliens/higher spirits” or the ‘Creator’ to just lay out the truth as is to all, not to just a few who may or may not be believable? How will we know for sure it’s the truth? Allow the veil to be removed so we “remember”. Perhaps then, by removing the chains that have imprisoned our soul, we can once again exercise “free will” and choose to evolve.
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Old 09-08-2008, 05:49 AM   #42
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Hi, love and peace I am sitting here trying not to be depresed,but my heart is heavy. I pray to all that is holy,whoever thy are, to not let it be nukes.I have had more than a few major miricals in my life so I know there is some one there and they care about us. My personal thought on things is that it is too late for major preparing just grab food and water and try not to atract atenting,thats my plan,unless someone near me has already got the big stuff gathered and thinks I can help them in some way and would accept a loving gental mellow soul into their community who is a nurse and can garden and can food. Ihave only been awake for a few short mos. I beleve there is anough room in the human heart to love every one , but not all deserve it.peace to all
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Old 09-08-2008, 05:58 AM   #43
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I do believe Obama has a secret agenda due to his upbringing. He by instinctive emotional connection will side with the victims of the present administration. Yes you have to play the game in order to get ahead in the political game of cut throats but even when Obama is not 100% of african american origin is treated by the white republican extremist as if he was just
another black man with no,(brain), experience. Mccain turns my stomach using his war record of astrocities to promote himself. It is a sheer miracle the vietcong let him live after he bomb many of their villages. 22 yrs. of astrocities, wow what a hero !!! Stay positive, as a soldier is hard to watch
the hipocritical war mongels . However like Ghandi and Mandela I will turn the other cheek and pray for them and hope to God they do not win. I'll take the lesser of the two evils even do I know they both need a lot of spritual guidance and education.
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Old 09-08-2008, 06:39 AM   #44
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I am a 24 year old college drop out, who lives in Corpus Christi, TX. After waking up to the realities of our times, it seemed pointless to pursue any career in modern America, and everyone thinks I am completely crazy. I know that my location is very dangerous being on the coast, yet I have really nowhere else to go. If anyone knows where a young, intelligent single male can go to live in harmony with Mother Earth, please give me any advice. Thanks to everyone for being so positive, and heart-centered... I have been waiting my whole life for people to treat each other this way. Even in the midst of trying times, I am grateful to witness humanity come together in such a compassionate way. In our darkest hour, I reject the vision of hopelessness and consciously choose the faith that these events lead us to our highest possible good! Peace, Love, and Hairgrease!!!
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Old 09-08-2008, 07:57 AM   #45
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Default Re: The next six weeks

Barack Obama can't fix this. John McCain can't fix this. If there's going to be change it has to come from THE PEOPLE. Change will come when enough Americans get fed up with our current situation and demand it. Right now everyone has drawn lines in their parties sand. That's exactly what they want. They have to keep us divided. We do not have a two party system. It's an illusion to make us believe we're making the decision. Anyone who thinks that their vote counts and that the people will be electing the next president needs to do a little more research. I would say that it doesn't matter who casts the votes only who counts them but I doubt they're even seriously counted.

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Old 09-08-2008, 08:19 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by CosmicFever View Post
Barack Obama can't fix this. John McCain can't fix this. If there's going to be change it has to come from THE PEOPLE. Change will come when enough Americans get fed up with our current situation and demand it. Right now everyone has drawn lines in their parties sand. That's exactly what they want. They have to keep us divided. We do not have a two party system. It's an illusion to make us believe we're making the decision. Anyone who thinks that their vote counts and that the people will be electing the next president needs to do a little more research. I would say that it doesn't matter who casts the votes only who counts them but I doubt they're even seriously counted.

There has been a lot of news about vote-rigging, easily manipulated electronic voting systems - so I doubt anyone will get a fair chance to vote however they wish! Look how Bush got in!
It's a sad state of affairs. Two sides of the same coin really.
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Old 09-08-2008, 08:43 AM   #47
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Originally Posted by DoctorWho View Post
I'm torn about Ron Paul and Barrack Obama. Many people say Obama has the positive forces on his side and looking over him, and is not controlled by the negative forces like The Illuminati and Bilderbergs. Based on seeing both Democratic and Republican conventions, I think Obama's speech was more powerful than McCain's (which McCain tried to echo Obama's but didn't do as well in my view). And with Ron Paul wanting to completely get rid of the Federal Reserve and the IRS, and reformatting the way government works, I'd vote for him. If both Barrack and Ron ran together under the same ticket, this country would have a heart attack. So I'm back and forth.
Bill "the Doctor"
My friend, you need research Obama if you think he has "Positive forces" on his side. He is a 33rd Degree freemason, a member of the CFR and his backed by the same people that are backing the rest of them! Obama was only put in there too destroy Hillary. The election is nothing but a PR show to make you believe that there is actually democracy at work! I think McCain will win. He is just the latest figurehead and will follow the Wolfowitz doctrine. Obama is an Illuminati puppet as well, not to be trusted so is McCain. Ron Paul has no chance of winning this time around and he said he wont run anyway. And as a Republican he would run with 'Democrat' Obama even if this wasn't all a big lie.

But Ron Paul is teaching young people about the constitution which is sending the shivers up the spine of the Illuminati!

And Avid, yes they did turn on the electronic vote machine and it cast all the votes, with a McCain win. Check it out on Youtube

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Old 09-08-2008, 09:23 AM   #48
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Default Re: The next six weeks

Breakfast at Owls Nest Camp, Bohemian Grove, July 23, 1967

Breakfast at Owls Nest Camp, Bohemian Grove, July 23, 1967. Around the table, left to right: Preston Hotchkis, California Governor Ronald W. Reagan, Harvey Hancock (standing), Vice President Richard M. Nixon, Glenn Seaborg, Jack Sparks, (unidentified individual), (unidentified individual), and Edwin Pauley. Courtesy of Edward W. Carter (deceased).

Our presidents have always been hand picked long before they run, there are no battles, no struggle that is not a show or melody which plucks the lute strings of the American heart.

I am sure TPTB are fully aware and active on the time line situation, they are the ones who created many of the problems in the first place. I doubt there is much they haven't left to chance. The only variable they cannot control nor predict is what the people will do. Whether it be this president, that one, or even good ole' George again, it wont change the agenda from their perspective IMHO.

Edit: Spelling
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Old 09-08-2008, 07:44 PM   #49
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I received the following channeling from the Andromedan Collective Consciousness while asking them for guidance on the next six weeks:


We are honor to be of service

The next six weeks will bring to Earth many crossing timeliness from which earth inhabitants will have to choose

Being prepared to catter for the physical body may be wise, but even wiser will be to be prepared emotionally to overcome fear once and for all

Every human being is a creator at a level never seen in this galaxy, all that is needed for an uplifting outcome is that humans recognize their own potential

Fear will be the factor that will stop you and fear will be the generator of the caos you want to avoid

Nobody does anything to you that you have not created or accepted in your reality, even illnesses are born out of the contraction generated by fear

Focus on feeling peace

Focus on feeling love

Focus on feeling abundant

Don't repress your fear, acknowledge it and embrace it with the same love you embrace your joy, as if it was your own child

This way you will transit the bridge that leads you to the unfoldement of the 5fh dimension effortlessly

With regards to the alien visitation that is being advertised...ask yourself what do you want to see...and whether you want a "saviour" that will enslave you again or whether you are ready to be your own saviour, your own god and your own creator

The course of human history is in your thoughts and emotions, choose wisely and focus your energy in what you want, not on what you fear.

Fear is only ignorance, Fear=low vibration, it makes you suceptible to manipulation and control

Love is all that is, unconditional love=highest vibration, it conects you with the universal mind=the eye of god that knows it all

In the 5ft dimenssion there is no right or wrong...

It is all a matter of perspective and vibration

Keep your vibration high by feeling unconditional love and use whatever you have at hand to enhance that vibration. Do what brings you joy

Your invincible shield is unconditional love.

We send all of you our love and watch with interest the theatre of your transition.


Love and light
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Old 09-08-2008, 07:57 PM   #50
Occum's Butter Knife
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Default Re: The next six weeks

I feel there will be a crisis with the credit markets.
The government fiscal year begins October 1st.
If the governments credit standing in the world is called into question, or there is a delay in debt payments it would create a short term crisis that would effect all parts of the economny. We would likely see a crash in the long term bonds and stocks (October does have some history of stock crashes).

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