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Old 03-09-2010, 04:15 PM   #1
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Default Alex Jones' Perspective

Any of us can do the reading and research and dot connecting that Alex does, if we have the motivation and the time and the ability. But he is the only person I know of who is doing these things to the degree that he is...

These videos are based on his March 8, 2010 radio program...

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Old 03-10-2010, 08:13 PM   #2
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Default Re: Alex Jones' Perspective

"March 10, 2010 — In response to the brazen effort on behalf of Republicans and neo-conservatives to hijack the Tea Party, as well as the establishments attempt to promote the Obama front Coffee Party as a fraudulent alternative, we are announcing the creation of The Real Coffee Party, an organization committed not to partisan bickering, but to the basic principles outlined in the Constitution.

"As we have constantly highlighted, the Tea Party began as an evolution of the End the Fed protests, which were founded and run by Ron Paul supporters in the latter half of 2007.

"The original principles of the Tea Party were to provide an alternative to both the Republicans and Democrats, by emphasizing the need to abolish the Federal Reserve, reduce the size of government, lower taxes, and withdraw from unnecessary and unconstitutional foreign wars.
http://www.infowars.com/realcoffeeparty/ "

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Old 03-10-2010, 08:19 PM   #3
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Default Re: Alex Jones' Perspective

"March 10, 2010 — Alex Jones Websites Under Massive And Sustained Attack
http://www.infowars.com/ "

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Old 03-11-2010, 11:13 AM   #4
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Default Re: Alex Jones' Perspective

"Perversion Is Fine, So Long As You're In A Position Of Authority

"Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

"Yet another story about a school installing surveillance cameras in bathrooms...

"...I always like to mess with them and take a picture, chuckles the man as the reporter whitewashes the alarming spectacle."

Read the Article

Alex talks about this article...

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Old 03-12-2010, 04:06 PM   #5
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Default Re: Alex Jones' Perspective

Description from a Russia Today appearance:

"RTAmerica — March 10, 2010 — Alex Jones' Web sites were assaulted in a massive, organized and sustained attack, which is still ongoing. He claims that zombie computers around the world were used to launch denial of service attacks against him. Alex also weighs in on attacks against Jesse Ventura -- is he a victim of both the CIA and the mainstream media."

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Old 03-12-2010, 04:22 PM   #6
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Default Re: Alex Jones' Perspective

Seashore: I am always wondering why Alex J. has been allowed to continue his show even this long? I have also wondered why J. Ventura was allowed to make his shows.....which surely has awakened at least some more of the people? So why the attacks now.....seems strange to me.
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Old 03-12-2010, 04:58 PM   #7
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Default Re: Alex Jones' Perspective

Originally Posted by waitinginthewings View Post
Seashore: I am always wondering why Alex J. has been allowed to continue his show even this long? I have also wondered why J. Ventura was allowed to make his shows.....which surely has awakened at least some more of the people? So why the attacks now.....seems strange to me.
Alex has always had to fend off attacks of one kind or the other. I don't see anything strange.
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Old 03-12-2010, 05:31 PM   #8
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Default Re: Alex Jones' Perspective

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
Alex has always had to fend off attacks of one kind or the other. I don't see anything strange.
I was not aware of ongoing attacks on Alex. But its strange that they have not pulled his show a long time ago, so why the severity of the attacks now? Strange also that they would allow Jesse V to make his shows, & now attack him.
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Old 03-12-2010, 05:52 PM   #9
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Default Re: Alex Jones' Perspective

Originally Posted by waitinginthewings View Post
I was not aware of ongoing attacks on Alex. But its strange that they have not pulled his show a long time ago, so why the severity of the attacks now? Strange also that they would allow Jesse V to make his shows, & now attack him.
I suspect the controllers do whatever is convenient and expedient for their game plan.
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Old 03-13-2010, 01:07 PM   #10
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Default Re: Alex Jones' Perspective

Alex is enthusiastic about Jesse Ventura's new book...

The description that goes with this video:

"March 12, 2010 — Alex welcomes back to the show former Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura. Jesse's latest book is American Conspiracies: Lies, Lies, and More Dirty Lies that the Government Tells Us, now available from the Infowars store.

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Old 03-13-2010, 02:14 PM   #11
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Default Re: Alex Jones' Perspective

Originally Posted by waitinginthewings View Post
Seashore: I am always wondering why Alex J. has been allowed to continue his show even this long? I have also wondered why J. Ventura was allowed to make his shows.....which surely has awakened at least some more of the people? So why the attacks now.....seems strange to me.
I often have wondered the same thing. I think it is a case where it started as a small fire that the ptb were not too worried about, that grew to a large bush fire that if they send in the water bombers will create too much attention. I think they think the best defense is to make conspiracy theorists look like fools.

People that believe their government is looking out for them will remember this...

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Old 03-20-2010, 06:51 PM   #12
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Default Re: Alex Jones' Perspective

"March 19, 2010 — Alex is live for the first two hours of the broadcast. He will talk about the unconstitutional effort by Congress and Obama to force through health care using 'deem and pass' without a vote by the Senate."

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Old 03-21-2010, 03:10 AM   #13
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Default Re: Alex Jones' Perspective

I have chosen not to go to Avalon 2...and I have also chosen to bring my forum posting (on any forum) to an almost complete stop. I may, however, start listening to Alex again. I stopped listening for many months, because I didn't want to program myself with anger. But I would like to stay somewhat current regarding current events and the Patriot Movement. I'm more of a Country Club United Nations Constitutionalist...but I have a soft spot for Alex and the people he interviews. I view Alex with a lot of respect and admiration...yet I am also wary of what could happen with the Patriot Movement if things started spiralling out of control toward the NWO, rioting, martial law, etc. I'm a rather fearful person, at this point. I think I'm going to be a close observer of the United Nations, the City of London, Vatican City, and Washington DC...from a Constitutionalist Perspective. I remain committed to the United States of the Solar System...even though I'm probably the only one in the Solar System who has this point of view! It will probably become a reality in a couple of hundred years...post New World Order. Things may have to get a lot worse before they get better. I'm not sure that people wish to be Responsibly Free at this point...and I'm certainly not going to force the issue. Good Luck to Everyone!

Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom
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Old 03-21-2010, 11:42 AM   #14
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Default Re: Alex Jones' Perspective

Originally Posted by orthodoxymoron View Post
I have chosen not to go to Avalon 2...and I have also chosen to bring my forum posting (on any forum) to an almost complete stop. I may, however, start listening to Alex again. I stopped listening for many months, because I didn't want to program myself with anger. But I would like to stay somewhat current regarding current events and the Patriot Movement. I'm more of a Country Club United Nations Constitutionalist...but I have a soft spot for Alex and the people he interviews. I view Alex with a lot of respect and admiration...yet I am also wary of what could happen with the Patriot Movement if things started spiralling out of control toward the NWO, rioting, martial law, etc. I'm a rather fearful person, at this point. I think I'm going to be a close observer of the United Nations, the City of London, Vatican City, and Washington DC...from a Constitutionalist Perspective. I remain committed to the United States of the Solar System...even though I'm probably the only one in the Solar System who has this point of view! It will probably become a reality in a couple of hundred years...post New World Order. Things may have to get a lot worse before they get better. I'm not sure that people wish to be Responsibly Free at this point...and I'm certainly not going to force the issue. Good Luck to Everyone!

Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom

Thank you for this thoughtful, heartfelt, response.

I think Alex is passionate. I've never heard him say anything that would incite violence. He has something to be angry about. In my opinion, it's the brain-dead, apathetic, American populace that should be criticized - not him.

Yes, surely sometime in the future, we will take our place in the stars...

I will not be joining Avalon 2 either. Good luck to you, as well.
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Old 03-22-2010, 07:59 AM   #15
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Default Re: Alex Jones' Perspective

Originally Posted by orthodoxymoron View Post
I have chosen not to go to Avalon 2...and I have also chosen to bring my forum posting (on any forum) to an almost complete stop. I may, however, start listening to Alex again. I stopped listening for many months, because I didn't want to program myself with anger.
"No need to stop and check out every train wreck," a friend of mine once quipped.

Still, i like to check in on Info Wars every so often to get my blood boiling.

Orthodoxymoron, I'm going to miss reading your posts. You also have one of the cooler names.

People that believe their government is looking out for them will remember this...
Does this include his own his own conspiracy theory? Hoping..

I will not be joining Avalon 2 either. Good luck to you, as well.
Hardly knew ye, Seashore. Who am I going to bicker with only to find out we basically agree on everything..?

Last edited by 3optic; 03-22-2010 at 08:05 AM.
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Old 03-22-2010, 11:07 AM   #16
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Default Re: Alex Jones' Perspective

Originally Posted by 3optic View Post
Who am I going to bicker with
I hate bickering.

Love exploration, sharing, discussion, and being part of a solution.
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Old 03-22-2010, 04:44 PM   #17
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Default Re: Alex Jones' Perspective

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
I hate bickering.

Love exploration, sharing, discussion, and being part of a solution.
Yes dear.
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Old 03-24-2010, 03:39 AM   #18
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Default Re: Alex Jones' Perspective

<<<<---raising hand to answer why he thinks Alex and Jesse can continue to attack and/or question authority....
Because.....They both come across as being on the "fringe" of reality.
The more they expose,the more they are rediculed. And Challanged.
Makes them look almost silly. Its like MSM is "amused" by their allegations.
"OHHHHH,Here comes Jesse again..Hi Jesse on the "View", What pretel,have you discover'd for us THIS week? Snicker"
It seems like a very intentional discredit campaign. The more Alex shouts,the more he loses credibity. The more "camera" Jesse gets,the less people listen to his points and messages.(FYI..Until there is better conclusive evidence about 911..Middle America is sick about the conspiracy...It hurts them too much.
PROVE IT or don't bring it up again)
Actually, Alex has done his own disservice with too many false predictions.
He does have valid points though. Just a little "over the top" sensationlism.
And I'm not talking about the loud voice. EVERY Story is the most important.
Weakens the topic and Alex's point even if valid.
I'll be interested to see if they pick up Jesses show a second season. I think the PTB are done with him. What's he going to do for an encore?
I could be wrong.
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Old 03-24-2010, 04:37 AM   #19
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Default Re: Alex Jones' Perspective

FYI... It's stories like this..that I give Alex credit for... There's actually quite a bit more to the story that I followed. Sheriffs reports..Neighbors that HATED Hunter that was of "concern" of Hunters. (Saudi's that we're friends of the Busheses)http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles...psonwarned.htm
I never said "shoot" the messenger. I said Alex has/is on the fringe of many topics. Better to discredit his work then even have to address it.

"The LOON"
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Old 03-24-2010, 06:37 AM   #20
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Default Re: Alex Jones' Perspective

Apparently the NWO/PTB haven't had enough of Jesse Ventura. Nor have many others.

"Conspiracy Theory" has been picked up for a second season.

New episodes will begin production in June.

Jesse Ventura announced it last week.
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Old 03-24-2010, 10:46 AM   #21
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Default Re: Alex Jones' Perspective

What's going on in Greece matters here because they're dealing with the same criminals we are...

The description for these videos:

"March 23, 2010 - Athens based journalist Helen Skopis asks Alex Jones for his views on the Greek debt crisis. Alex Jones explains why Greece is the first nation in Europe which is 'designed' to fall. .... why Greece cannot expect any positive solutions to come out of the upcoming EU summit meeting... why IMF participation would be destructive for the Greek people .... the deeper role of Goldman Sachs in Greece .... how big government profiteers in Europe .... why on the one hand Greece is urged to cut its public spending while simultaneously being pressured to buy military hardware from its EU counterparts... what role the one hundred plus point IMF plan play in the Greek crisis ... What else can the Greek people expect to face in the near future and what can they do to ward off further economic turmoil."

Part 1 of 2

Part 2 of 2
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Old 03-24-2010, 04:01 PM   #22
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Default Re: Alex Jones' Perspective

Thanks Hip.... I stand corrected. Do you think Alex and Jesse are good for the cause? Or detrimental? Even thought Jesses and Alex can be annoying, I think overall,their good for the cause. Thoughts?
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Old 03-24-2010, 04:02 PM   #23
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