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Old 11-26-2009, 10:57 PM   #1
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Post The colonna family

Colonna family

The Colonna family was a powerful noble family in medieval and Renaissance Rome, supplying one Pope and many other leaders. Their family is notable for their bitter feud with the Orsini family over influence in Rome until it was stopped by Papal Bull in 1511; in 1571 the Chiefs of both families married the nieces of Pope Sixtus V.

Oddone Colonna ended the Western Schism as Pope Martin V.

According to tradition, the Colonna are a branch of the Counts of Tusculum — by Peter (1099-1151) son of Gregory III, called Peter "de Columpna" from his property, the Columna Castle, in Colonna, Alban Hills.

The first cardinal from the family was appointed in 1206 when Giovanni Colonna di Carbognano was made Cardinal Deacon of SS. Cosma e Damiano[1].

In 1297, Cardinal Jacopo disinherited his brothers Ottone, Matteo, and Landolfo of their lands. The latter three appealed to Pope Boniface VIII, who ordered Jacopo to return the land, and furthermore hand over the family's strongholds of Colonna, Palestrina, and other towns to the Papacy. Jacopo refused; in May, Boniface removed him from the College of Cardinals and excommunicated him and his followers for four generations. The Colonna family (aside from the three brothers allied with the Pope) declared that Boniface had been elected illegally after the unprecedented abdication of Pope Celestine V three years previously. The dispute lead to open warfare, and in September Boniface appointed Landolfo to the command of his army, to put down the revolt of Landolfo's own relatives. This he did, and by the end of 1298 Colonna, Palestrina, and other towns had been captured and razed to the ground. The family's lands were distributed among Landolfo and his loyal brothers; the rest of the family fled Italy.

In the 1300s, the family sponsored the decoration of the Church of San Giovanni, most notably the floor mosaics.

In 1728, the family added the name Barberini to its family name when Giulio Cesare Colonna di Sciarra married Cornelia Barberini, daughter of the last male Barberini to hold the name, Taddeo Barberini.

The Colonna family have been Prince Assistants to the Papal Throne since 1710, though their papal princely title only dates from 1854.

The family residence in Rome, the Palazzo Colonna, is open to the public.

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Old 11-26-2009, 10:58 PM   #2
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Post Re: The colonna family

The Colonna Family

Clemente Domenico Rospigliosi and Giustina Borrowmeo were the ancesters of Guilio Cesare Rospigliosi (1781=1859), fourth Prince Rospigliosi and Duke of Zagarolo, who married Margherita (b. 1786), daughter of flippo Colonna (1760-1818) and his wife Princess Caterina (1762-1823), daughter of Luigi Vittorio of the House of Savoy-Carignano. The Savoy-Carignano family gave Italy its four kings in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Caterina was the sister of Leopolda, wife of Giovanni Andrea Doria-Pamfili-Landi. This branch of the Colonna family also used the name Gioeni to distinguish it from other branches. Filippo Colonna (1760-1818) was the great-grandson of another Flippo Colonna (1667-1714) whose wife was Olimpia Pamfili, great-grandnieve of Pope Innocent X. This latter Filippo's daughter Agnese (d. 1780) had married Prince Camillo Borghese. The same Filippo's grandfather Marcantonio Colonna (D 1659) had married the heiress Isabella Gioeni, daughter of Lorenzo Prince of Castiglione. Their great-great-great-great-grandson Filippo (1760-1818) has no sons, but on of his daughters, Margherita (1786-1864), assumed the surname Colonna-Gioeni in order to permit her to inherit the Gioeni wealth. Giulio Cesare Rospigliosi and Margherita Colonna-Gioeni had two sons, Clemente and Francesco-Cesare. From the eldest Clemente is descended the family of Rospigliosi-Colonna-Gioeni and from the second Francesco, the branch of Prince Pallavicini Rospigliosi. BOth branches are still in existance. Clemente Rospigliosi-Colonna-Gioeni (1823-97), Duke of Zagarolo, Prince of Castiglione, a title inherited from his mother, was the father of Prince Guiseppe (1848-1913), who begot Geronimo, Prince Rospigliosi-Colonna-Gioeni, born in 1907. Prince Guiseppe's brother Camillo (b. 1850), who served as commander of the papal guard, was the father of a son Giulio (b. 1907). Since there are male cousins, the future of the Rospiglios-Gioeni dynasty sems to be assured. Giulio Cesare Rospigliosi and Margherita's second son, Francesco-Cesare (1828-87), assumed the name Rospigliosi-Pallavicini, being descended from Giovan Battista Rospigliosi (1646-1722) and the heiress MARIA-CAMILLA-PALLAVICINI. She bought to the House of Rospigliosi the principality of Gallicano. Francesco-Cesare's son Uberto (b. 1858) Prince Rospigliosi-Pallavicini, Prince of Gallicano, married Carolina Boncompagni-Ludovisi (1834-1910). They had four children, the youngest of whom as a son, Giulio-Cesare (1871-1941). Prince of Gallicano and marchese of Colonna. To insure that the Rospigliosi-Pallavicini branch (now listed as Pallavicini in Libre d'Ore) would continue, Giulio-Cesare adopted Guglielmo, who took the name Pallavicini in 1987. Guglielmo was the son of Armando, son of Pierre de Bernis, Marchese of Courtavel. Adoption was yet another way of assuring that a noble italian papal family's name would survive. It permitted the continuation of the Rospigliosi-Pallavicini family.
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Old 11-26-2009, 11:08 PM   #3
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Post Re: The colonna family




September 26th 2008 - 51 Mins

Tony Blair's conversion to Catholism
Groomed puppets of the Maltese Knights
Maltese Cliveden Set control
Jesuit control of the Cecil family
Traitorous Rowan Williams
Common Purpose destruction of the Constitution
Catholic overt influence
Inquisitional FBI raid on Tony Alamo Ministries
Temporal Coadjutor Jeff Rense disinfo
Gordon Brown's treason
The phony bank crisis "credit crunch"
Black Pope Masonic Gang signaling
N.W.O Subliminals in New York based Wrestling












What became the ultra-reactionary family of Este-Welf, rose to a dominant position in the European feudal oligarchy during the Eleventh Century, and has been in the forefront of the leading reactionary, pro-chivalric, pro-feudalist movements of Europe and the Americas ever since. The British monarchy of the Welf dynasty, typified what Venice created, during the Sixteenth Century, as the northern, nominally Protestant branch of the Este-Welf family. What the same Sixteenth-Century Venice dominated, simultaneously, as the southern, nominally Catholic branch of the same family, is typified, during recent decades by the Este family's Principessa Pallavicini, a feudal figure who, in such matters, greatly outranks Britain's relatively picaresque currently reigning royal frump. The wars between the Welf League and Frederick II, which caused the mid-Fourteenth Century "New Dark Age," typify the purely evil role performed consistently, throughout Europe, by Venice and the Welf faction, from the Eleventh through the Nineteenth Centuries. Miguel Cervantes' Don Quixote is a relevant insight into the role of this enemy, neo-feudalist tradition in bringing about the self-induced economic and cultural collapse of Spain over the course of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries.
Remember how it was the Pallavicini family who controlled the Cecil family.

Principessa Maria Camilla Pallavicini

In 1968 Maria Camilla married Armando Diaz della Vittoria, nephew of General Diaz,
and two sons, Sigieri and Moroello, were born of this marriage.

Sigieri Diaz della Vittoria Pallavicini
Maria Camilla Pallavicini
Moroello Diaz della Vittoria Pallavicini

Last edited by 14april2000; 03-28-2010 at 05:03 PM.
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Old 11-27-2009, 02:58 AM   #4
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: The colonna family

check out this list
of royals, who became catholics

Line of Succession to the British Throne

This succession list contains only the descendants of King George V. A more complete list can be seen at:

More information about the succession can be seen at The Official Website of the British Monarchy at:

1. HRH The Prince Charles, The Prince of Wales (1948), eldest son of HM Queen Elizabeth II
2. HRH Prince William of Wales (1982), elder son of HRH The Prince Charles, The Prince of Wales
3. HRH Prince Henry of Wales (1984), younger son of HRH The Prince Charles, The Prince of Wales
4. HRH The Prince Andrew, The Duke of York (1960), second son of HM Queen Elizabeth II
5. HRH Princess Beatrice of York (1988), elder daughter of HRH The Prince Andrew, The Duke of York
6. HRH Princess Eugenie of York (1990), younger daughter of HRH The Prince Andrew, The Duke of York
7. HRH The Prince Edward, The Earl of Wessex (1964), youngest son of HM Queen Elizabeth II
8. James Windsor, Viscount Severn (2007), son of HRH The Prince Edward, The Earl of Wessex
9. Lady Louise Windsor (2003), daughter of HRH The Prince Edward, The Earl of Wessex
10. HRH The Princess Anne, The Princess Royal (1950), only daughter of HM Queen Elizabeth II
11. Peter Phillips (1977), son of HRH The Princess Anne, The Princess Royal
12. Zara Phillips (1981), daughter of HRH The Princess Anne, The Princess Royal
13. David Armstrong-Jones, Viscount Linley (1961), son of HRH The Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon
14. The Honorable Charles Armstrong-Jones (1999), son of David Armstrong-Jones, Viscount Linley
15. The Honorable Margarita Armstrong-Jones (2002), daughter of David Armstrong-Jones, Viscount Linley
16. Lady Sarah Chatto (1964), daughter of HRH The Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon
17. Samuel Chatto (1996), son of Lady Sarah Chatto
18. Arthur Chatto (1999), son of Lady Sarah Chatto
19. HRH Prince Richard, The Duke of Gloucester (1944), son of HRH The Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester, 3rd son of HM King George V
20. Alexander Windsor, Earl of Ulster (1974), son of HRH Prince Richard, Duke of Gloucester
21. Xan Windsor, Lord Culloden (2007), son of Alexander Windsor, Earl of Ulster
22. Lady Davina Lewis (1977), daughter of HRH Prince Richard, Duke of Gloucester
23. Lady Rose Gilman (1980), daughter of HRH Prince Richard, Duke of Gloucester
24. HRH Prince Edward, The Duke of Kent (1935), son of HRH The Prince George, Duke of Kent, fourth son of HM King George V

--- George Windsor, Earl of St. Andrews (1962), son of HRH Prince Edward, The Duke of Kent - excluded himself from the succession by marrying a Roman Catholic
--- Edward Windsor, Baron Downpatrick (1988), son of George Windsor, Earl of St. Andrews - excluded himself from the succession by becoming a Roman Catholic
--- Lady Marina-Charlotte Windsor (1992), daughter of George Windsor, Earl of St. Andrews - excluded herself from the succession by becoming a Roman Catholic

25. Lady Amelia Windsor (1995), daughter of George Windsor, Earl of St Andrews

--- Lord Nicholas Windsor (1970), son of HRH Prince Edward, The Duke of Kent - excluded himself from the succession by becoming a Roman Catholic
--- Albert Windsor (2007), son of Lord Nicholas Windsor – lost his place in the succession when he was baptized a Roman Catholic

26. Lady Helen Taylor (1964), daughter of HRH Prince Edward, The Duke of Kent
27. Columbus Taylor (1994), son of Lady Helen Taylor
28. Cassius Taylor (1996), son of Lady Helen Taylor
29. Eloise Taylor (2003), daughter of Lady Helen Taylor
30. Estella Taylor (2004), daughter of Lady Helen Taylor

--- HRH Prince Michael of Kent (1942), son of HRH The Prince George, The Duke of Kent - excluded himself from the succession by marrying a Roman Catholic

31. Lord Frederick Windsor (1979), son of HRH Prince Michael of Kent
32. Lady Gabriella Windsor (1981), daughter of HRH of Prince Michael of Kent
33. HRH Princess Alexandra, The Honourable Lady Ogilvy (1936), daughter of HRH The Prince George, Duke of Kent
34. James Ogilvy (1964), son of HRH Princess Alexandra
35. Alexander Ogilvy (1996), son of James Ogilvy
36. Flora Ogilvy (1994), daughter of James Ogilvy
37. Marina Ogilvy (1966), daughter of HRH Princess Alexandra
38. Christian Mowatt (1993), son of Marina Ogilvy
39. Zenouska Mowatt (1990), daughter of Marina Ogilvy
40. George Lascelles, 7th Earl of Harewood (1923), elder son of HRH The Princess Mary, The Princess Royal, only daughter of HM King George V
41. David Lascelles, Viscount Lascelles (1950), son of George Lascelles, 7th Earl of Harewood
42. The Honorable Alexander Lascelles (1980), son of David Lascelles
43. The Honorable Edward Lascelles (1982), son of David Lascelles
44. The Honorable James Lascelles (1953), son of George Lascelles, 7th Earl of Harewood
45. Rowan Lascelles (1977), son of James Lascelles
46. Tewa Lascelles (1985), son of James Lascelles
47. Sophie Lascelles (1973), daughter of James Lascelles
48. The Honorable Jeremy Lascelles (1955), son of George Lascelles, 7th Earl of Harewood
49. Thomas Lascelles (1982), son of Jeremy Lascelles
50. Ellen Lascelles (1984), daughter of Jeremy Lascelles
51. Amy Lascelles (1986), daughter of Jeremy Lascelles
52. Tallulah Lascelles (2005), daughter of Jeremy Lascelles
53. Henry Lascelles (1953), son of The Honorable Gerald Lascelles (younger son of HRH The Princess Mary, The Princess Royal)
54. Maximilian Lascelles (1991), son of Henry Lascelles
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Old 11-27-2009, 04:03 AM   #5
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Default Re: The colonna family

Good info and post. No doubt you are also aware of this website: (?)
http://www.vaticanassassins.org/ by Eric Phelps?
Or here: www.realjewnews.com

Thought provoking stuff.
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Old 11-27-2009, 04:49 AM   #6
Humble Janitor
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Default Re: The colonna family

I always thought the royal families were full of brainless inbreds.

All their fancy names cannot obscure how genetically poor they really are.
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Old 11-27-2009, 07:32 AM   #7
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Default Re: The colonna family

Yes i`m aware of the vaticanassassins the website it`s one my favorites.

Last edited by 14april2000; 12-02-2009 at 01:09 PM.
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Old 11-27-2009, 12:10 PM   #8
Ravens and Doves
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Default Re: The colonna family...(sigh) There goes the neigborhood

Originally Posted by Barron View Post
Good info and post. No doubt you are also aware of this website: (?)
http://www.vaticanassassins.org/ by Eric Phelps?
Or here: www.realjewnews.com

Thought provoking stuff.

Your'e not kidding! I just got home and saw the name "Colonna" and was jotlted back. That name is disarmingly familiar to me as many years ago I house mated with a Colonna and heard about his family, but thought he was joking or something. I was the blood donor/errand boy in his vampy little house in North Hollywood. One day a BBC film crew showed up at the door... they were doing a show about the freakiest families and individuals in the in the world. Mr. Colonna hide away, but there was enough of us there to provide an interview and a blood ceremony with... (ahem... gulp).

After one sells thier dignity, or soul, for a nickle, their are some memories one can't run far enough away from. Mr. Colonna was a good, harmless person. He looks... um... well, he had a role in a very successful horror/comedy film and let's just say that the makeup artist didn't have to do much work on him... he was a natural, walking special effect. Children would run and hide...

He had a deformity... (in-breeding?)

I have kennel papers, too, and kind of historical family dysfunction (facism, German and Spanish style) that has been the cause of much pain to this day. Leslie and I have not spent "Thanksgiving" with our families today. I can't take the verbal abuse anymore for not being perfect and sucessful. Just found out how my grandfather died (railroad builder for the Kiaser around the turn of the last century)... he whent out, in view of the city he named (Sunland - now a district of LA), put a gun to his head and went to a place where he will never have to hear aristocratic banshee screaming from his wife (she rode in processions at Whilhelm II's side as a child... he had a thing for her long, wavey, beautiful cooper colored hair... the whole scene really "went to her head," one could say... and stayed there) again.

On my mother's side... yikes! I found the wackiest kennel paper one could imagine. Thanks to a can of worms my aunt Beatr... (can't get my hands to type it) opened up, my father, on my mother's behalf, had to go to Texas and officially give a little slice of the state to the USA, "From the Court of King Ferdinan the great (blah... blah... blah...), Baron De la Rosa (my great, great, graet grandfather) in the year 17 (something... blah... blah... blah) grant this land to the People of the United States (more pompus blah)

Twenty more pages and two bloody centuries after the fact: DONE (already for Christ's sake!). It was just a patch of weeds that slipped through the cracks and was still Spian in the 1950s and I suppose.... I got to stop my rant. I love Texas... never been there, but I sense a good spirit there. Austin rocks and it's a state whose red blooded PEOPLE have a deep respect for liberty and personal freedom. It's the (deadly), arrogant, blah blah blah virus that my family was one of the many host carriiers for and I still get it from both sides.

People wonder why Leslie (former Golden Dawn) and I still bond and hang out together after so many years. We both supposed to have been "killed" for just wanting to be ourselves... for being odd-ball, misfit kids who just wanted to run away with the circus.

We spent Thanksgiving at a little North Hollywood church function for the homeless hosted by the multi-belief (or non-beliefs) Many Paths good people. If you haven't heard the Jake Simpson interview, please do. One of my very first merories as a small child was looking at a Masonic emblem of some kind that had the rising sun on it. It haunted me my entire life... but there was a double vibe... one being stern and not something you'd want to mess with... the other was life-giving and... I'd like to go further with this on another thread, later.


I'd like to thank Jake Simpson, Kerry and Bill and all Project Avalonites and all "whtie hats" who are now in service. You are REAL PEOPLE and know that those of us who just want to go about our lives as non-political civilians, but have had a peek at what is unfolding, are not a threat to national security. Some day, perhaps very soon, some of us will be giving back in civilian service, born of gartitude for your protection of THE PEOPLE'S Constitution and all our FREEDOM'S as peaceful, non-combatants and the sitisfaction of a day's work well done and/or a mission accomplished.

As the son of two WW vets (a WAVE and an Army Air Corps Lt.) and the nephew of one the designers of magnificent Blackbird (Lockheed "sunkworks" at
Burbank and western Nevada's spookyland) and a project that may remain forever classifed, I'll always support and believe in having a standing, defensive military. But no rational mind can belive in the provocation of war.

I can and will march, but trigger pulling is not my thing. At my age with my poor eye sight, I'd be a "frindly fire" hazzard! But I believe we should all be protectors and respectors of those who never want to march agian, also. On that note, I'd like to post a classic from the 60's.... Phil Ochs, you know the tune.

And dedicated to reasonable disclosure of the wonders that protect from a higher vantige point and whose mission is life creation for positive advancement of the greater universal conscieness (and those who are burdened with having to serve in perhaps a little too much silence... NSA's Presurve Destiny may need more wiggle room... and finally, my pop's CaP Squadron 5, who long ago, witnessed a strange "Battle of Los Angeles" and could only look up and say, perhaps, "...er ...a ...what is THAT!? Foo Fighters!?" Oh, well... ya can't win 'em all) I post words from a 70s UK band, the Neutrons:

Live your lie

Or bring the Garden down from the sky

To give it's light to the glow-worm

It's warmth to the childeren who long ago thought

The World was dead

They're just childeren

Let them live

Let them live

Relax and enjoy the "sightings." (I don't know what these are, but anomalies have become so common in the south-west that "debunking" this clip by saying that "the woman's reaction when she says 'gorgeous' doesn't fit with somebody seeing a UFO" does not hold water. People are not freaking out anymore and "gorgeous" is not an unreasonable racation.

Come on, alphabet soup folks, give up a little... it's ok, we can handle it.

I saw the Topanga Canyon and Hollywood Hills early 90s UFO friggin' TRAFFIC JAMS! It seemed like they were lining up day AND night EVERY DAY just to show off there amazing craft. It got to point were people would EXPECT to see something unexplainable and nobody got hurt (that I know of) and society didn't collapse.... "terrorists" didn't pop out of air planes to grab the caft and take it home with them.... there was no anarchry in the streets and some of us actually had FUN, dang it!

Love makes the moon go 'round,


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Old 12-02-2009, 01:14 PM   #9
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Default Re: The colonna family...(sigh) There goes the neigborhood


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Old 12-28-2009, 09:20 AM   #10
Ravens and Doves
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Default Re: The colonna family...(sigh) There goes the neigborhood

Originally Posted by Ravens and Doves View Post

Leslie and I have not spent "Thanksgiving" with our families today. I can't take the verbal abuse anymore for not being perfect and sucessful. Just found out how my grandfather died (railroad builder for the Kiaser around the turn of the last century)... he whent out, in view of the city he named (Sunland - now a district of LA), put a gun to his head and went to a place where he will never have to hear aristocratic banshee screaming from his wife (she rode in processions at Whilhelm II's side as a child... he had a thing for her long, wavey, beautiful cooper colored hair... the whole scene really "went to her head," one could say... and stayed there) again.

On my mother's side... yikes! I found the wackiest kennel paper one could imagine. Thanks to a can of worms my aunt Beatr... (can't get my hands to type it)

People wonder why Leslie (former Golden Dawn) and I still bond and hang out together after so many years. We both supposed to have been "killed" for just wanting to be ourselves... for being odd-ball, misfit kids who just wanted to run away with the circus.

We spent Thanksgiving at a little North Hollywood church function for the homeless hosted by the multi-belief (or non-beliefs) Many Paths good people. If you haven't heard the Jordan Maxwell interview, please do. One of my very first merories as a small child was looking at a Masonic emblem of some kind that had the rising sun on it. It haunted me my entire life... but there was a double vibe... one being stern and not something you'd want to mess with... the other was life-giving and... I'd like to go further with this on another thread, later.


I'd like to thank Jordan Maxwell, Kerry and Bill and all Project Avalonites and all "whtie hats" who are now in service. You are REAL PEOPLE and know that those of us who just want to go about our lives as non-political civilians, but have had a peek at what is unfolding, are not a threat to national security. Some day, perhaps very soon, some of us will be giving back in civilian service, born of gartitude for your protection of THE PEOPLE'S Constitution and all our FREEDOM'S as peaceful, non-combatants and the sitisfaction of a day's work well done and/or a mission accomplished.

As the son of two WW vets (a WAVE and an Army Air Corps Lt.) and the nephew of one the designers of magnificent Blackbird (Lockheed "sunkworks" at
Burbank and western Nevada's spookyland) and a project that may remain forever classifed, I'll always support and believe in having a standing, defensive military. But no rational mind can belive in the provocation of war.

And dedicated to reasonable disclosure of the wonders that protect from a higher vantige point and whose mission is life creation for positive advancement of the greater universal conscieness (and those who are BURDENED with having to serve in perhaps a little TOO MUCH SILENCE... NSA's Presurve Destiny may need more wiggle room... and finally, my pop's CaP Squadron 5, who long ago, witnessed a strange "Battle of Los Angeles" and could only look up and say, perhaps, "...er ...a ...what is THAT!? Foo Fighters!?" Oh, well... ya can't win 'em all) I post words from a 70s UK band, the Neutrons:

Live your lie

Or bring the Garden down from the sky

To give it's light to the glow-worm

It's warmth to the childeren who long ago thought

The World was dead

They're just childeren

Let them live

Let them LIVE

Come on, alphabet soup folks, give up a little... it's ok, we can handle it at this point ;-)

I saw the Topanga Canyon and Hollywood Hills early 90s UFO friggin' TRAFFIC JAMS! It seemed like they were lining up day AND night EVERY DAY just to show off there amazing craft. It got to point were people would EXPECT to see something unexplainable and nobody got hurt (that I know of) and society didn't collapse.... "terrorists" didn't pop out of air planes to grab the caft and take it home with them.... there was no anarchry in the streets and some of us actually had FUN, dang it!

Love makes the moon go 'round,


YouTube- UFO Santa Monica July 2009!!!

Now, although nothing I posted about a Mr. Colonna was a lie, I would like to formally and publicly state my apologies to the GOOD Italian family who came to the rescue with funds... no strings attached, for rent and food and only rent and food. If funds were squndered by poor choices and blind impulses, it was I who was a party to it, NOT the Colonnas.

Regarding my own "Adams Family from Outer Space," on facebook I'm gradually posting photos (all unclassified, but please, I beg that they be given the same respect as I now give the Colonna's and ALL family last names, even those that were changed at Ellise Island as to not sound so "stricken-goobel-ish."

That said and done. Leslie and I will toast all the good family last names on New Years Eve at Club Moon (blank) (can't say the rest... e me off forum for dirctions).

Unconditional Love to All!

Paul Per-sticken (temp. lobe short curcit 12/3/09) gooble (temporary dis-leck zia.... goble-dee-GOOBLISH spelling and grammer).... you got the picture. Thanks, folks, for reading this.
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Old 12-28-2009, 09:45 AM   #11
Ravens and Doves
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Default Re: The colonna family / Re-posting with important correction

Originally Posted by Ravens and Doves View Post
Now, although nothing I posted about a Mr. Colonna was a lie, I would like to formally and publicly state my apologies to the GOOD Italian family who came to the rescue with funds... no strings attached, for rent and food and only rent and food. If funds were squndered by poor choices and blind impulses, it was I who was a party to it, NOT the Colonnas.

That said and done. Leslie and I will toast all the good family last names on New Years Eve at Club Moon (blank) (can't say the rest... e me off forum for dirctions).

Unconditional Love to All!

Paul Per-sticken (temp. lobe short curcit 12/3/09) gooble (temporary dis-leck zia.... gobble-dee-GOOBLISH spelling and grammer).... you got the picture. Thanks, folks, for reading this.

P. S.

Dear Avalonites,

I just want to re-stress my deep apolologies to the Colonnas and point out that it was JORDAN MAXWELL, not the also wonderful Jake Simpson that I meant to post about last month.
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