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Old 02-22-2010, 10:46 PM   #1
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Default I want you!


where are the great thinkers hiding?

has money and greed consumed all those who dare to dream?

a world where many choose to follow the beat of the same drum.

where are all the great leaders?

challenging our thoughts to provoke a higher knowledge?

all I see are role MODELS

showing us how, why and what to think…

as long as it LOOKS good,

as long as it FEELS good,

then it MUST be good.

self absorbed, self consumed

robots just asking to be controlled.

target audience even directly marketed under the guise of “self”

brilliant for them,

sad for those who subscribe.

this race is infested with those who, by choice,
have let themselves become content

while at the same time technology has evolved into race all of it’s own,

and those who’ve succumbed to contentment

have submissively handed over control to the machines.

we’ve become a product of a product.

the laziness and lack of free thinking

that is now built into our dna,

enables the powerful to herd us like sheep.

unfortunately, most of the powers that are in control

got there through money, greed and shameful acts in the name of self promotion

not for unselfishly promoting the greater good of mankind.

gandhi was far out numbered by the likes of stalin, hitler, mao, saddam, even bush.

they are a breed all their own,

on a dark mission to keep the light of love away


hurry on kids and get that tattooed on u somewhere.

new world order is the new black.

it’ll be a staple in all of our lives,

unless you start thinking for yourself.


does not really exist!

fear not and believe in yourself.

your only limited by your own perceptions.

why let the everyday krap of living prevent you from living a dream?

you think you are not capable?

we’re generally a doubting, disbelieving breed.

most of us were raised that way.

we have to make up whatever thoughts we can to keep us from

doing the work of our dreams.

If you allow fear or insecurity to dominate your perception,

then you could end up undermining your own potential.

conquer that fear of the unknown.

jump into a new life!

do not give life to what does not exist, its senseless.

why let resistance, fears, misperceptions

and basic disbelief in yourself dictate who you are?

if it’s because you feel you can’t make a difference,

well then you’re wrong,
your making a difference whether you realize it or not.

why not make it a positive one?


unite through love.

we may not all share the same religion

or political views.

our personal preferences will all differ.

we don’t need to have the same color skin
 or dress alike.

we are all our own unique blueprint,

that’s what makes us all special.

but we are also, however distantly, all connected.

this world is evolving into a state of despair.

if you desire a better quality of life,

YOU must make the difference.

it is the responsibility we ALL share.

it is up to us, as a whole.

have you forgotten that you make your own choices?

you do have say in your own destiny,

even if your stuck in the most undesirable set of circumstances.

love is the foundation of unity and also of happiness.

tug on your string in Tokyo

and you can feel it in NYC.


who can you trust with your love?

start with yourself.

If you’re a survivor of child abuse or come from a dysfunctional family,

you may still be waiting for a parent to give you the love and

acceptance you never got as a child.

but the kind of love you need

isn’t going to come from a parent who abused you

or who looked the other way while you were being abused.

but, it can come from yourself.

it can be hard to give it to yourself at first

after all, if you didn’t receive love as a child,

or if some of that love was torn away from you by violence,

self-hate may have built up inside you.

but you have the courage and strength to love yourself,

if you’ve survived this long.
and you do deserve it!

don’t let all the hurt and betrayal imposed on you
 be passed on.

again, a choice that YOU make.

love is the greatest gift you can give yourself and others.


don’t ever become content with all that you know

always strive to know more,

in doing so allows you the opportunity for a greater understanding.

know the difference between lesser knowledge and higher knowledge.

out of scientific knowledge and progress in technology,

the entire world is gripped with fear, anxiety, in a state of acute anxiety neurosis,

a state of uncertainty about the future and insecurity in the present.

that means that due to this knowledge and its utilization,

humanity has become sick.

humanity is ill, suffering from the maladies of fear,

uncertainty and insecurity.

if over emphasis is laid upon the lesser knowledge,

it leads to knowledge about things and ignorance about oneself,

ignorance about life and the laws that prevail in the universe,

the laws that govern life.

whereas, if the emphasis is laid upon the higher knowledge,

that higher knowledge liberates one from ignorance,

liberates one from all that is narrow, limited, that which separates.

It makes one divine by granting the knowledge that bestows
the vision of the universal oneness of all life.

being able to recite every bone in the body or

quoting someone else’s great thought

doesn’t constitute a higher knowledge.

those who know only the lesser knowledge,

are very advanced in knowledge, but they lack wisdom.

they know about everything else, but they do not know about themselves.

therefore they fall a prey to egoism, to selfishness, to megalomania.

they fall a prey to small goals dictated by the selfish view of things.

they do not see divinity in humanity.

they do not know about the law of love that prevails

for the happiness and benefit of all mankind.

they only see in a narrow way; their vision is fragmented;

their experience is not universal.

never underestimate the power of thought.


it starts with YOU!
open your mind

be the best you can be

dare to dream

live life

give love

have compassion

stop violence

spread the knowledge

share your wealth

think for yourself

make a positive impact on those around you

spend less time complaining

and more time finding a solution

promote the greater good of mankind.

why not CHOOSE to do this

before your chance to choose is gone!

** disclaimer **

this is just an opinion and has been an attempt to inspire - NO purchase necessary!
do what ever you want with it - NO copyright laws apply!
most importantly - have a GREAT day!

~ love rules ~
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Old 02-22-2010, 10:49 PM   #2
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Default Re: I want you!

Nice, you came up with this, illuminate?

Love and light,

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Old 02-22-2010, 10:52 PM   #3
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Default Re: I want you!

Terrific post illuminate... I have asked these same questions throughout most of my life.

Where are all the people of passion?

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Old 02-22-2010, 10:54 PM   #4
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Default Re: I want you!

Thank you Illuminate for your passionate Light and great Love for all
Keep shining. You are inspiring us

Love Always
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Old 02-22-2010, 10:58 PM   #5
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Default Re: I want you!

*stands back and APPLAUDS illuminate*......that is a fab post
i love this bit


it starts with YOU!
open your mind

be the best you can be

dare to dream

live life

give love

have compassion

stop violence

spread the knowledge

share your wealth

think for yourself

make a positive impact on those around you

spend less time complaining

and more time finding a solution

promote the greater good of mankind.

why not CHOOSE to do this

before your chance to choose is gone!''

i know this song has been played loads on avalon....but
m x
better than a thousand hollow words is one word that brings peace

the way is not in the sky, the way is in the heart

forum guidlines

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Old 02-22-2010, 11:10 PM   #6
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Default Re: I want you!

Well, I think a lot of the people talked about in your post are here in this forum and other like minded forums around the world.

It takes a lot to stand up, even to one's family and espouse your beliefs and not be swayed by criticism.

At the moment I am encumbered by circumstance to put my dream into action but my dream is to build a self sustainable place up in the mountains where people can come and decide for themselves whether they want to live there or not, to have a choice.

This place would have like minded souls who care about each other, help each other, are there when someone needs help or understanding.

A light in the distance up ahead that grows outward and upward with love and compassion.
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Old 02-23-2010, 03:59 PM   #7
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Default Re: I want you!

^ ^

I CHALLENGE each of you to go out and create a miracle today
I DARE you to make just one dream come true!
come on, I double DARE you...
if you do it
I will give each of you
in fake money!

are YOU up to the CHALLENGE?
can YOU do it?

* void where prohibited

~ as the shoe says... just do it ~
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Old 02-23-2010, 04:16 PM   #8
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Default Re: I want you!

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Old 02-23-2010, 04:27 PM   #9
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Default Re: I want you!

Great post! I love them

We are the leaders we are waiting for
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Old 02-23-2010, 04:50 PM   #10
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Default Re: I want you!

Originally Posted by Stardustaquarion View Post
We are the leaders we are waiting for
this is EXACTLY my point!

Stardust, YOU ROCK!
you get DOUBLE the fake prize money

aroundthetable YOU ROCK too, obviously!
THX for providing the excellent tune!

~ U R ~
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Old 02-24-2010, 01:52 AM   #11
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Default Re: I want you!

found this a few weeks ago- it's briliant!

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Old 02-24-2010, 02:36 AM   #12
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Default Re: I want you!

Originally Posted by ellie View Post
my dream is to build a self sustainable place up in the mountains where people can come and decide for themselves whether they want to live there or not, to have a choice.
Ellie - I edited the quote this way on purpose - see its better without the reasons why it isnt happening yet. All those other words are encumberance.

You focus your attention on this dream and it the wheels of the universe will turn toward it I promise.

It is important that you don't encumber your focus with thoughts about what is actually going on, nor frustration about why - this will greatly speed the process because it leaves the universe with greater degrees of freedom in which to ensure the outcome you are creating.

I say this to you specifically because you are quite an amazing person. The love and the light you both attract and dispense will ensure you get what you want and the full support of all those that care to lend a hand.

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Old 02-24-2010, 08:15 AM   #13
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Default Re: I want you!

Originally Posted by ellie View Post
This place would have like minded souls who care about each other, help each other, are there when someone needs help or understanding.

A light in the distance up ahead that grows outward and upward with love and compassion.
Ellie may your dream come through
Keep us informed as you go along .
Blessings to your undertaking.

Love from me
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Old 02-24-2010, 06:24 PM   #14
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Default Re: I want you!

wow, brilliant is right, xbusymom!
totally... you know what I mean... um... yeah, totally... lol
(check out the video above from xbusymom if you haven't already, good one!)

this is a shout out to all the rest of the super heroes on avalon...
do any of you want to speak up and share your super power
with the rest of us??

it's SO inspiring to hear the triumphs of others!!!
come on... share with us... I DARE you!

~ you're super ~
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Old 02-24-2010, 06:31 PM   #15
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Default Re: I want you!

Originally Posted by illuminate View Post

this is a shout out to all the rest of the super heroes on avalon...
do any of you want to speak up and share your super power
with the rest of us??

it's SO inspiring to hear the triumphs of others!!!
come on... share with us... I DARE you!

~ you're super ~

I have never backed away from a dare.. lol.

I am a healer, and a teacher. I have "super-powers" that manifest physically in this world. So do you!

Much time I spend regaining our abilities, and showing others how to as well. The only truth you need, is your own.. I have saved my own life, and light.. That makes me a Hero.

All I want as "reward" is for all of you to realize that you can do all these things too...

As it's been said: "Everything I can do on this earth, so shall you."

Above rule, and below the crown. Your unwanted king.

This thread is beautiful.. thanks to all.

In light, of love
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Old 02-24-2010, 06:44 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Shaynard View Post
I have never backed away from a dare.. lol.

I am a healer, and a teacher. I have "super-powers" that manifest physically in this world. So do you!

Much time I spend regaining our abilities, and showing others how to as well. The only truth you need, is your own.. I have saved my own life, and light.. That makes me a Hero.

All I want as "reward" is for all of you to realize that you can do all these things too...

As it's been said: "Everything I can do on this earth, so shall you."

Above rule, and below the crown. Your unwanted king.

This thread is beautiful.. thanks to all.

In light, of love

*stands back and APPLAUDS Shaynard*

then bows and kneels and salutes
then embraces for a very long time, Thank You!

wow, now that's what I'm talking about...
you can go directly to GO and collect ALL THE FAKE MONEY

I'm being blessed with the message of
today, all over avalon... we all are, look around!

~ one love ~
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Old 02-24-2010, 07:33 PM   #17
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Default Re: I want you!

Originally Posted by illuminate View Post


your only limited by your own perceptions.

How true!

do not give life
to what does not exist, its senseless.

why let resistance, fears, misperceptions

and basic disbelief in yourself dictate who you are?

fantastic !


unite through love.

Dyslexics of the World Untie !!


who can you trust with your love?

start with yourself.

love is the greatest gift you can give yourself and others.

Love, Love Love.. it's the new money... can I have my million dollar's worth, please Illuminatey ?

never underestimate the power of thought.



it starts with YOU!
open your mind

be the best you can be

dare to dream

live life

give love

have compassion

stop violence

spread the knowledge

share your wealth

think for yourself

make a positive impact on those around you

spend less time complaining

and more time finding a solution

promote the greater good of mankind.

why not CHOOSE to do this

before your chance to choose is gone!

What a brilliant Mantra, Illuminate.. Love is pouring out of you like a waterfall...and we all of us benefit. If I win the million dollars of fake money off you... the first thing I'm going to do is "Give it Away, Give it Away, Give it Away, Give it Away Now"

~ love rules ~
Thanks for a brilliant and Illuminating post...love the new haircut by the way

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Old 02-24-2010, 07:53 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Kulapops View Post
love the new haircut by the way
aw thanks, didn't think anyone would notice

BTW - you too get to advance directly to GO and join
Shaynard in sharing all the free fake money!

have loads of fun giving-it away-now!

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Old 02-24-2010, 07:59 PM   #19
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Excellent... Where should we give the money away first kulapops? hehe

I look forward to pretend healing the worlds financial problems with you.

In light, of love
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Old 02-24-2010, 08:05 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Shaynard View Post
pretend healing the worlds financial problems with you.

I call it "make believe"

most excellent!

~ you're amazing ~
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Old 02-24-2010, 08:07 PM   #21
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Yes, make believe is much better wording.

Create- believe.

with love in us
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Old 02-24-2010, 08:25 PM   #22
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Default Re: I want you!

Thanks for the win Illuminate ! You're soooo generous !

Originally Posted by Shaynard View Post
Excellent... Where should we give the money away first kulapops? hehe

I look forward to pretend healing the worlds financial problems with you.

In light, of love
I vote we go to the nearest casino.. and put it ALL on red.. the colour of Love...

We're sure to win.. cos love is endless.. then we can give even MORE away !


As to what to do with it then.. I've no idea... I'll start sounding like Miss World... when asked what she would do if she wins the competition...

"...well... ending world hunger would be nice... and I think there should be more cats.. because they're so cute... and ... start a Trust..so that anyone found talking about doom and gloom has to go and stand on a naughty step until.. they think of something nice to say about someone. (including themselves) "
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Old 02-25-2010, 10:59 AM   #23
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Default Re: I want you!

From the shadows they shall come,
where Sun is in the sacred heart,
naked and strong, lonely in love.
Despair they won, and still going on,
one eye is sad, the other is bad.
Nobody knows them, nobody will know
who the kids are, and why exactly them,
but they will know what is to be known
and what is to be down and how to be done.
They choose the rose with the biggest thorn,
from the pain of the soul they are born.
Look at them with a crying eye,
still joy for them, even they will die,
high in the bluest sky,
for you to say they are I.
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Old 02-25-2010, 03:19 PM   #24
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Default Re: I want you!

Thank You Oliver, your poem really speaks to me!
it is interesting because this rant from my heart called
"I WANT YOU" was written for the children of the world.

I'm also reminded of this poem by Alice Vedral Rivera...

"Children of Tomorrow"

From you - our future
From you - we borrow
You are the children
Of all our sorrow

Children of tomorrow
In the aftermath of today
What will you do?
What will you say?

Children of tomorrow
Ours in every way
What are your horrors?
What price will you pay?

Children of tomorrow
Living with our legacy
Can you survive?
Can you stay free?

From you - our future
From you - we borrow
You are the children
Of all our sorrow

~ love is ~
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Old 02-25-2010, 03:28 PM   #25
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Default Re: I want you!

Illuminate, it is amazing for me how this beautiful poem brings me the same feelings I had when got the impulse to wrote what I wrote.
Beautiful poem! With much pain, but still more hope.
Now, I am completely interested about the author.

And, thank YOU for initiating this noble thread.


Originally Posted by illuminate View Post
Thank You Oliver, your poem really speaks to me!
it is interesting because this rant from my heart called
"I WANT YOU" was written for the children of the world.

I'm also reminded of this poem by Alice Vedral Rivera...

"Children of Tomorrow"

From you - our future
From you - we borrow
You are the children
Of all our sorrow

Children of tomorrow
In the aftermath of today
What will you do?
What will you say?

Children of tomorrow
Ours in every way
What are your horrors?
What price will you pay?

Children of tomorrow
Living with our legacy
Can you survive?
Can you stay free?

From you - our future
From you - we borrow
You are the children
Of all our sorrow

~ love is ~
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