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Old 03-05-2010, 10:00 PM   #51
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Default Re: Message from sananda


She won't be using the bat phone anymore...she died under strange curcumstances...

Maybe thats why George took over the contact with, so to speak...?!

Too many messengers from one source...it get too confusing!!

Hey ho we shall discern...

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Old 03-06-2010, 09:20 AM   #52
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Originally Posted by RedeZra View Post

logic lol

as a father

will you wait to come to the call of your child

til he gets your pronunciation right
Hmmm, as somone seems to like to go into Doctrine Mode right away with each Reply - I'll start with Doctrine. Now while I know the Opposite OR if needed - Supporting Scriptures could be posted in Reply to what I AM about to Post - What does that tell You about Dogma/Doctrine. At least the Ones We've been sold as a Race for a long long time. So here We go...

"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children."

- Hosea 6:6

"Hear the word of the LORD, ye children of Israel: for the LORD hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land. By swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and committing adultery, they break out, and blood toucheth blood."

- Hosea 4:1,2

So in reply with that having been stated for the People - No - In the beginning that would be fine but as He/She/It grew I would expect that He/She/It would come to know My Name because His/Her/It's Brothers and Sisters would Serve Others in helping Him/Her/It to know Me - Literally and Fully. In this I would never stop trying to impart THAT knowledge if anything.

Are We not of sufficient Age to now finally know the real Truth rather than the Allegory. Ei Yei Yei - I will not debate this with You as You seem to be either One OF Blind Faith, or One pushing that Agenda, and I will not be drawn into that old Ploy.

Please be careful of the Polarity You've projected on Myself and the Message I and others in Unity with the Father/Mother/Alpha/Omega - Alep(h(22)) are brining to the People. I worry for You in this. One only affects Themselves ultimately when They Obfuscate with Sophistry, but then I suspect You know this already. If not - Now You do. I know - The Message I and many others are now displaying for the People is dangerous to the Control Structure of Religion(s) around the World. So far - I have brought the People Facts and Names that They can check out Themselves that will lead them to more Truth than the Story that has been stolen and then sold as Allegory to the Masses for at least the past two thousand Years. Truly - What else has been offered ?

Other than what I and some others in this Thread have contributed - Blind Faith is all I see. "Don't listen to that - Just move along - All is well - The Flaming Chariot arrives @ 5:55 BTW..."

To be sure - The Christed/Cristos have never left. They have been here Day after Day in one Avatar or the Other - Month after Month - Year after Long Year nurturing Mankind to this Moment. The Father loves His Children Indeed...

As at one time - The People will know Their Origins in the Heart of the Prime Creator. This cannot be stopped and the People truly will come come to know Their Father once again...

Seeing as how Logic seems to be a Problem (LOL) let Me throw this out there as as last parting Message to You and others in this Thread. I AM done with this particular discussion after this Reply as It was never My intention to hijack this Thread (My apologies). That stated, I will withdraw after this and let the Logic of what I've posted for Them - Stand on It's own.

Lets get this straight at least. The Prime Creator (God - Yod) owns the House (Creation) - Period. All other is Co-ordinate Representation - Period. Now - Why is it that with Dogma (AMGOD BTW) - It is professed/taught that the Son - Living in the Basement - Is the One that owns the House and only through Him can the little Brother and or Sister talk to Dad ?

Originally Posted by Rocky_Shorz View Post
I'm curious if you have studied any teachings of the Essene.
Essenes, Gnostics, Zealots, Hyksos Kings, Etc. It's a very Deep Hole We're talking about here (LOL)...

With that said - I hereby withdraw from the Religiosity of this Thread and I leave "others" to Hammer Doctrine and Dogma at You in Peace. If anyone has any further questions - I can be PM'ed and will assist accordingly.

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Old 03-06-2010, 11:13 AM   #53
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Default Re: Message from sananda

[QUOTE=Mercuriel;249404]Just so this is also known.

Hi Mercuriel

Ref: Melchizedecks, since I start it I thought I better clarify

There are two types of Melchizedecks

a) Templar or Alpha-Omega Melchizedecks, who are the ones that original defected from the Law of One teachings and stepped out of aligment with Source by their own volition. This are the ones that promote the Death Star merkabah teachings that have the purpose of harnessing the energy of living beings. I have not read the Urantia book by it may be related. To this day no one has claimed ownership of the Urantia book so its origins are not know, it could have been written by anyone

b) Melchizedeck Cloister Emeral Order, from which Jesheua Melchizedeck come from and who are the holders of the Cloister Dora Teura Plates (made of selenite) which are in Inner Earth under the supervision and custody of the Priests of UR
Because this time matrix is now falling, and we are in a 200 years evacuation cycle, the MCEO has been upgraded to Adashi MCEO. They hold the teachings of the science of creation, ascension and merkaba that acretes energy naturaly without violating creation or other beings. They do not channel, publicise, recruit etc. It is up to the people to find them when they are ready

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Old 03-06-2010, 11:18 AM   #54
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Default Re: Message from sananda

Originally Posted by viking View Post
Hey, joking aside this article I found suggests a devastating quake on or around the 20th March which is the start of the Equinox as per message on this thread!!!

I've just begun listenting to Jeff Grupp of the Antimatter Radio show.
He's got some great information about just about everything we talk about here at Avalon. He reminds me a little of Freeman but a little more science based.

Well on March 1st he had as a guest Scott Stevens (weather wars).

Scott expressed a calculated prediction that there would be a very large earthquake either in Greece or Spain around the time of the Spring Equinox give or take a few days. It was a very interesting show.


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Old 03-06-2010, 11:22 AM   #55
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Originally Posted by yiolas View Post
I've just begun listenting to Jeff Grupp of the Antimatter Radio show.
He's got some great information about just about everything we talk about here at Avalon. He reminds me a little of Freeman but a little more science based.

Well on March 1st he had as a guest Scott Stevens (weather wars).

Scott expressed a calculated prediction that there would be a very large earthquake either in Greece or Spain around the time of the Spring Equinox give or take a few days. It was a very interesting show.


Hey Thanks Yiolas... Yes I heard about the Spain one, but not the Greece one... I'll have a butchers!!

You left the vi out of viking by the way... ha ha ... 'I King' sounds ok though!!!

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Old 03-06-2010, 11:45 AM   #56
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Default Re: Message from sananda

Originally Posted by yiolas View Post
I've just begun listenting to Jeff Grupp of the Antimatter Radio show.
He's got some great information about just about everything we talk about here at Avalon. He reminds me a little of Freeman but a little more science based.

Well on March 1st he had as a guest Scott Stevens (weather wars).

Scott expressed a calculated prediction that there would be a very large earthquake either in Greece or Spain around the time of the Spring Equinox give or take a few days. It was a very interesting show.


I can not give details but I think, if anything may happen it may be from the 14 to the 21 give or take few days

There are a couple of cosmic events (not astrology) that are going to happen on those days which can generate significant amounts of energy and affect the morphogenetic field of the planet

I agree that everything is being controlled but we have more power than all the machines out there, the power of Spirit and we can make a difference

Thank you for the link
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Old 03-06-2010, 12:03 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by Stardustaquarion View Post
I agree that everything is being controlled but we have more power than all the machines out there, the power of Spirit and we can make a difference

Thank you for the link
I totally agree with you Stardust and I can assure you and others that my thoughts are filled with love/joy/happiness/.... ect etc

However my concern is that we are not enough to counteract some of these events!!! We need 80-90 % STO ... at the moment we are at a measerly 25% ish ... How many of us are here waking up?...how many of them are out there asleep?

I am afraid the mass populations thought patterns are controlled by you know who, and live in a continual cycle of what is being presented to them daily...

My balance shall remain as is...


Last edited by viking; 03-06-2010 at 03:09 PM.
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Old 03-06-2010, 01:01 PM   #58
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Default Re: Message from sananda

Interesting that we are talking about Jesus and none mentionned:

Yeshu ben Pantera

That is in my opinion, his real name and history.

A healer from the panthera lineage.

More here:


Namaste, Steven
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Old 03-06-2010, 01:15 PM   #59
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Default Re: Message from sananda

Originally Posted by viking View Post

However my concern is that we are not enough to counteract some of these events!!! We need 80-90 % STO ... at the moment we are at a measerly 25% ish ... How many of us are here waking up?...how many of them are out there asleep?

I am afraid the mass populations thought patterns are controlled by you know who, and live in a continual cycle of what is being presented to then daily...

My balance shall remain as is...

Dear Viking

Asha said once than one awakened human can have the power of millions. What I have seen in the last years confirm that somehow. However I agree that we are greately outnumbered here and it is clear that the majority are happy to have catastrophic changes which is the brain programing that is comming from many places

Lets continue raising our vibration to assist the planet and other life forms which also count in this equation

To be powerless is a choice, lets chose to be empowered holding engaged detachment and being calm in the face of chaos

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Old 03-06-2010, 08:33 PM   #60
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Default Re: Message from sananda

Originally Posted by Mercuriel View Post
I will not debate this with You as You seem to be either One OF Blind Faith, or One pushing that Agenda, and I will not be drawn into that old Ploy.

Please be careful of the Polarity You've projected on Myself and the Message I and others in Unity with the Father/Mother/Alpha/Omega - Alep(h(22)) are brining to the People. I worry for You in this. One only affects Themselves ultimately when They Obfuscate with Sophistry, but then I suspect You know this already. If not - Now You do.

Maryam named her Son Yeshua

a common Hebrew name among the Hebraic people

Yeshua was transliterated to Iesous in Greek and to Iesus in Latin

and finally to Jesus in English

so there is no need for confusions about the etymology of Jesus' name

I shall not say much about the assumptions about me

neither shall I pr!ck a hole in the bubble of self-importance

Im just not that kinda guy

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Old 03-10-2010, 05:53 PM   #61
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Reply to the message ... thought I'd share...

Dear PB

Greetings to you and many blessings to you and your family for your dedication, efforts and faith in bringing about Truth for all to see on Fourwinds. Several days ago, a message from Esu Immanuel Sananda was posted on Fourwinds about the lessons of 3D being over and a soon arriving evacuation from Earth Shan. My heart shook as I read this news. I have been seeking the Truth for many years now and trying to live according to the Laws Of Creation. I know I haven't done my best at times... life has become extremely difficult here. For the past year, I have been praying daily for this madness to end for our Creator to come bring us home. Even though at times I doubt I am worthy of graduation to 5D... nonetheless, I know the Truth and am eager to go home. Is this time stated in the message for real? Are we really going home on the equinox or is this just an estimate? For years I have been watching announcement after announcement saying NESARA was going to happen by this date and it never happened. I realize there is freewill involved in NESARA and the Universe, so perhaps this isn't the best example. All I am asking is... is it true, really, in 2 weeks? Forgive me if I sound unfaithful and untrustworthy. I am just so very tired. My wife and I's health is poor both mentally and physically, we are struggling like many others to get by and I just want to go home. I ask daily for peace and comfort from our Creator and surround ourselves daily with his protective Light. Thank you for your time and consideration, Patrick. You have been such a great strength and hope to me for many years now.



Dear DE:

Thank you for your kind words for our work at Fourwinds. We honor you and your good wife for your enlightenment and your faithfulness to your mission.

Yes, I agree, it is time to go home, to return to our homes in the Stars. We are tired, and many of "Sananda's Flock" are exhausted. You ask, "Are we really going home on the (Spring) Equinox?" Because no one in our 3D world is allowed to know the future in great detail, we and many others are asking the same question. "Is the time stated in the message for real?" Is it possible that evacuation of our planet is that close? I truly do not know.

We know that freewill choices and actions have always dominated and guided the course of history on Shan, and at times drastically changed the outcome that was anticipated. We are told by Hatonn in the Phoenix Journals that Mother Earth is a sentient being and has a freewill like you and me. Hatonn says Mother Earth has the last word about when she chooses to tip on her axis and begin major cleansing in preparation for her transition into 5D.

In Sananda's message of March 3, 2010 He is saying an agreement was reached to move the schedule ahead by six months for these events to occur. So, we ask, "Is this for real?" At this time, who can know with certainty? Two thousand years ago Sananda said that "no man can know the day nor the hour of his coming to gather his flock home."

The question is "Can we know the month? Is it this month?" I do not know. It is not for us to know exact timing, for if we did, many would stop their work and sit and wait, while others would panic out of fear or be stressed because they throught they were not ready.

We are told over and over to use discernment, to read the messages and the signs of the times in which we are living, and to act in wisdom, and to be ready. I believe that inspite of any agreement with Sananda, Mother Earth still chooses the exact timing of her transition. I also believe that Sananda is telling us that Heaven's Plan is for major change to happen soon, and as soon as our Spring Equinox is possible, and to be ready.

Be in peace, my friend, and in anticipation of your rewards for a job well done. These are joyous times for Mother Earth and all of "Sananda's Flock". Know it!

In Love and Light, PB

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Old 03-10-2010, 06:14 PM   #62
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Hmmm - It seems there is a fixation with Me rather than the Message. Rather than rehash the Issue I've raised relative to My Judgement or perceived Judgement of another - With what I know - We do that to Ourselves. No need for Me to do It, but the Message I have - Will be known. I stand in Unity asking for the full Truth - No Illusions or Allegory needed.

I say this in much the same way that We would say Osama which means "Lion-Like" or Cameron which means "Bent Nose". We don't call those with that Name(s) - "Lion Like Bin Laden" or "Bent-nose". We call Them Osama or Cameron because those are Their names. That it can be symbolic of something else is not disputed - But that We call People by Their given Names is the Norm and always has been.

At any rate - I let the Logic of the above speak for Itself. Without Judgement...

I have always seen Yeshua as a Brother and will continue to do so. That said - You are all My Brothers and Sisters...
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Old 03-11-2010, 05:57 AM   #63
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"Now if My Name was Yeshua or whatever - I mean It Literally was - I'd probably Answer better when called upon if People got My Name right at least. Sorry - That resonates and It has nothing to do with Blind Faith - Just Logic..."

"Yeshua was transliterated to Iesous in Greek and to Iesus in Latin
and finally to Jesus in English"

Aaaahhhhhhh... but Yeshua does not even resemble Jesus, wow, it even sounds different (That is Logic) >>> Geee Zus... Yeh shua, get it?

Hello my name is Bill... oh, hi Jack!

This might be helpful also: Any other person named Jesus is pronounced Hay-soos because there is only ONE Geezus! LOLOL

I couldn't help myself. I needed a good chuckle, hope you had one too.
Laughing should be as easy as Logic... but hey! Y sounds like a J...
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Old 03-11-2010, 07:06 AM   #64
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Interesting that we are talking about Jesus and none mentionned:

Yeshu ben Pantera

That is in my opinion, his real name and history.

A healer from the panthera lineage. ...
I agree that my research suggest this was certainly his correct name. (Christ or Messiah was the title given by all the Jews at that time to any leader of a Jewish sect. Thus the early Church Fathers refer to the person we know as John the Baptist as "John Christ". It wasn't until the fifth century that Tertullian initiated the practice of calling only one individual "Christ".)

Does anybody also happen to be aware that the Emperor Tiberius was normally known as "Tiberius Pantera"? The link you provide in your post describes how Pantera's tomb describes him as an archer. However, it is also well known that before he died the Emperor Tiberius (who was, then, apparently Yeshua's father) insisted that his tomb should bear that humble inscription.

And there wasn't such a thing as a "panthera lienage"! In Latin, panthera means "the promiscuous", which that Emperor certainly was. The Romans often used a person's nickname as their surname. On the other hand, it seems unlikely how Jeshua could have acquired such expert practical knowledge regarding advanced healing techniques had he not studied at the mystery schools in Alexandria during his childhood, and Alexandria happened to be where Tiberius (and before him, Augustus) had his summer palace, which is also where he would have based his children.
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